JULY 24, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: July 8, 1997
                                           File: 952 Granville St.
                                           C.C. File No.: 2615-2

   TO:       Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission

   FROM:     Chief License Inspector

   SUBJECT:  952 Granville Street - Class D Neighbourhood Pub
             Gilligan s Entertainment Inc.


        A.   THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the
             request by Gilligan's Entertainment Inc. for a 65-seat Class D
             Neighbourhood Pub, (plus a possible 20-seat patio on private
             property and subject to the patio closing at 10:00 p.m.) at
             952 Granville Street, having considered the opinion of the
             area residents and business operators as determined through
             the neighbourhood notification process;  


        B.   THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission advise the
             Liquor Control and Licensing Branch it does not endorse the
             application by Gilligan's Entertainment Inc. for a 65-seat
             Class D Neighbourhood Pub (plus a possible 20-seat patio on
             private property and subject to the patio closing at 10:00
             p.m.) at 952 Granville Street, having considered the opinion
             of residents and business operators as determined through the 
             neighbourhood  notification process.


        The General Manager of Community Services submits the choice of A
        or B for CONSIDERATION.


   On June 19, 1997, Council approved the following:

        A.   That the 700, 800 and 900 Blocks of Granville Street be
             designated as the Theatre Row Entertainment District and that
             the Director of Central Area Planning, in consultation with
             the Director of Legal Services, report back with appropriate
             amendments to the Downtown Official Development Plan, and
             other relevant bylaw and policy documents to encourage a
             variety of entertainment uses and activities.

        B.   THAT allowances be made in principle for a combined total of
             up to 1,000 Class A (Hotel Pub or Lounge), Class C (Cabaret)
             and Class D (Neighbourhood Pub) liquor licensed seats on
             Theatre Row, consistent with the Theatre Row Policing Strategy
             and generally distributed as follows:

             1.   700 Block of Granville - two cabarets, or one cabaret and
                  two neighbourhood pubs, or one cabaret and one hotel pub
                  and/or lounge and one neighbourhood pub.

             2.   800 Block of Granville - two neighbourhood pubs, or one
                  hotel pub and/or lounge and a neighbourhood pub, or
                  possible consideration of a cabaret on the west side of
                  Granville and one neighbourhood pub. 

             3.   900 Block of Granville - two cabarets and two
                  neighbourhood pubs, or one cabaret and three
                  neighbourhood pubs, or one cabaret, two neighbourhood
                  pubs and one hotel pub/lounge.

        C.   THAT the Chief License Inspector brings forward to the July
             Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission meeting applications for
             Class D Neighbourhood Pubs at 900 and 952 Granville Street.


   Gilligan's Entertainment Inc. is requesting a Council resolution
   endorsing its request for a Class D Neighbourhood Pub at 952 Granville


   In May 1992, Council established an interim liquor licensing policy that
   new licensed seats or extensions of hours not be permitted in Downtown
   South, pending a liquor license review and a report back on future
   policy for this area.  This review has been completed and was endorsed
   by Council on June 19, 1997.

   In March 1995, Gilligan's Entertainment applied for a Class D
   Neighbourhood Pub.  On June 7, 1995, the Vancouver Liquor Licensing
   Commission was advised that the applicant had withdrawn the application
   in light of the moratorium in the Downtown South area.


   This application is for a 65-seat Class D Neighbourhood Pub, with  a
   possible 20-seat patio, combined with a restaurant fronting on Granville
   Street. The proposed hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight
   seven days a week.

   The applicant has agreed to conform with the following recommendations
   of the Theatre Row Liquor Licensing Policy:

        -    minimize noise and line up impacts;

        -    install non-breakable glass for ground-floor storefronts;

        -    provide active street-front daytime retail or services for the
             interest and enjoyment of pedestrians;

        -    operate video cameras to adjacent sidewalks and lanes;

        -    provide adequate lighting in the lanes;

        -    provide only services and emergency accesses to and from the

        -    work with staff, local merchants and property owners to
             improve the cleanliness and reduce the amount of graffiti and
             litter on the street, lanes and adjacent properties;

        -    development of a new building, designed to enhance Theatre
             Row s historic character;

        -    add to the variety of entertainment opportunities needed to
             ensure the success and vitality of Theatre Row as an
             entertainment district, and work with Theatre Row business
             people, Barwatch and other groups in the area to revitalize
             Granville Street;

        -    monitor the balance of entertainment and shopping requirements
             of the community.

   The subject premises are located on the Granville Mall and are in the DD
   Downtown District (Appendix A).  The adjacent portion of the Granville
   Mall is developed with entertainment uses, such as theatres, arcades,
   retail stores and restaurants.  The closest residential accommodation is
   the Siesta Hotel, located approximately 50 feet north of the subject
   premises.  The area to the south and east is undergoing redevelopment to
   high density residential uses.

   Within the survey area are the New Continental Hotel, Brooklyn Court,
   Helmcken House and the Gresham Hotel, all subsidized residential

   Also within the survey area are three Class A Pubs (699 seats), seven
   Class A Lounges (647 seats) and  nine Class C Cabarets (2471 seats) with
   the closest liquor store located at 1120 Alberni Street.


   The Police Department has no specific concerns regarding this
   application as it appears it meets the Policing Strategy for the Theatre
   Row Entertainment District.  Recent information regarding the intended
   use of the Commodore as a 900 seat cabaret with mostly taped music will
   severely tax resources in this district. 

   The Environmental Health Division of the Health Board notes the
   possibility of noise complaints from the residences at 936 and 1006
   Granville and the top floors of 716 Smithe Street, which face Granville

   The Planning Department has reviewed this application and notes that
   this site is located in the "Downtown South" portion of the (DD)
   Downtown Zoning District.

   Any proposal for a change of use to Neighbourhood Public House would
   require the submission of a development permit application.  The review
   process for an application of this type would include an assessment of
   the expected impact on nearby residential uses.

   Further, while this type of use may be consistent with a Theatre Row
   Entertainment District, any development permit application would also be
   assessed against the City Council approved Granville Street (Downtown
   South Guidelines). 

   The Social Planning Department and Housing Centre point out that this
   pub is located across the street from the Gresham Hotel, which is a
   40-unit, single-room occupancy facility owned and operated by the City. 
   It will be important that the pub be constructed, operated and managed
   to minimize the effects of noise and closing time street activities on
   the tenants.


   This application meets the intent of the Theatre Row Entertainment
   Policy and addresses the Policing Strategy issues identified for this
   area.  Council should be aware that approving one or two Class D
   Neighbourhood Pub applications at this time may preclude some other
   applications for the 900 block of Granville Street.

                                   * * * * *

   APPENDIX A on file in City Clerk's Office