JULY 24, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: June 24, 1997
                                           CC File: 2202

   TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

   FROM:     Director of Finance 

   SUBJECT:  1997 Health Grants to AIDS Organizations


        A.   THAT, consistent with resolution of February 4, 1997, Council
             approve terminating grants to the AIDS organizations totalling
             $50,150 to cover the three month period January 1, 1997 to
             March 31, 1997, as follows:

             AIDS Vancouver                     $21,500;
             McLaren Housing Society of B.C     $ 7,750;
             B.C. Persons with AIDS Society     $20,900;

             source of funds to be the "Other" grants allocation.


        B.   THAT Council approve an extension of the terminating grants to
             the AIDS organizations totalling $50,150, representing an
             additional three months funding to the AIDS organizations to
             June 30, 1997, to be allocated as follows:

             AIDS Vancouver                     $21,500;
             McLaren Housing Society of B.C     $ 7,750;
             B.C. Persons with AIDS Society     $20,900;

             source of funds to be 1997 Contingency Reserve.


        The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of A
        as being consistent with Councils previous decision on funding
        these organizations.  Item B is submitted for Council's


   City Council, on April 15, 1996, when approving the 1996 grants to the
   three AIDS organizations, also resolved :

        THAT Council advise AIDS Vancouver, McLaren Housing Society of
        B.C., and B.C. Persons with AIDS Society that their grant program
        will be terminated at the end of 1996; and instruct staff to assist
        the three organizations to secure the necessary funding from the
        Ministry of Health and/or the Vancouver Health Board.

   City Council, on February 4, 1997, when dealing with the shortfall in
   the 1997 Operating Budget, primarily as the result of the $17.2 million
   reduction in Provincial transfer payment, affirmed the following:

        THAT the remaining City grants in the Health field totalling
        approximately $200,000 be referred to the Vancouver/Richmond Health
        Board for funding as of April 1, 1997, the day the Vancouver Health
        Board gains control over its budget, and that the Mayor sends the
        Vancouver Richmond Health Board a letter to this effect.

   Approval of grants require eight affirmative votes of Council.


   Funding to the health related service organizations is a Provincial
   Government responsibility. However, since the mid-1980's, the City has
   taken a leadership role by providing financial assistance to AIDS
   Vancouver, McLaren Housing Society of BC and Persons with AIDS Society. 
   The City grants have provided funds to support general administrative
   costs and, in the case of the McLaren Housing Society of BC, to support
   a portion of the salary of the full-time executive director position.

   On January 1, 1996, the Vancouver Health Department was transferred to
   the Vancouver Health Board (VHB).  The transfer resulted in the Board
   becoming the policy making body on health related issues. One issue
   outstanding from the transfer was the annual grants from the City to the
   three AIDS organizations, which was to be subject to further discussion
   between the City and the Vancouver Health Board.

   After City Council approved the 1996 grants to the three AIDS
   organizations, a grant request was submitted by Downtown Eastside Youth
   Activities Centre (DEYAS) for funding to support their programs. Staff
   advised DEYAS that the responsibility of funding for health related
   activities has been assumed by the Vancouver/ Richmond Health Board, and
   that such funding request should be made to the Health Board.

   In May, 1996, staff from Community Services and Corporate Services,
   acting on instruction from Council, met with representatives of the
   Health Board to pursue the on-going funding issue of the three AIDS
   organizations. Staff from the Health Board advised that the funding to
   AIDS organizations in BC remained under the control of the Provincial
   Government and had not been transferred to the Health Board.

   On February 4, 1997, Council approved a resolution which had the effect
   of terminating funding to the three AIDS organizations as of March 31,
   1997.  However, this created some concern for the organizations because
   the Health Board had not committed funding to them.  As a result,  on
   March 26, 1997, the Mayor met with the Chair of the Vancouver/ Richmond
   Health Board to clarify the funding situation. At that time, the Mayor
   offered to present for Council's consideration, a request for an
   extension of the City's funding commitment to June 30, 1997, on the
   clear understanding that the City's responsibility for funding beyond
   July 1, 1997 would be transferred to the Health Board.

   On May 8, 1997, City staff met with the Chief Executive Officer of the
   Vancouver/Richmond Health Board, and confirmed that the Ministry of
   Health will retain the funding responsibility and contractual authority
   for Vancouver's AIDS organizations until March 31, 1998, leading to the
   eventual transfer of responsibilities to the Vancouver/Richmond Health
   Board as of July 1, 1998.  This situation was confirmed by the Director
   of the Provincial AIDS Strategy on May 27, 1997.


   On February 4, 1997, Council adopted a recommendation that City funding
   for the three AIDS organization be discontinued after March 31, 1997 at
   which time it was assumed the Vancouver Health Board would take
   responsibility for ongoing funding. This report recommends that Council
   approve the following grants to fulfill that resolution:

             AIDS Vancouver                     $21,500
             McLaren Housing Society of B.C     $ 7,750
             B.C. Persons with AIDS Society     $20,900

   This report also presents for Council consideration, the provision of
   additional funding of a similar amount for the three AIDS organizations,
   representing an extension of City support until June 30, 1997.  This
   proposal is consistent with the offer of the Mayor to present to Council
   a request for an additional three months of funding to take the
   organizations until July 1, 1997.

   It is uncertain that, even with the eventual transfer of AIDS funding
   from the Ministry of Health, the Health Board will consider support for
   these organizations to be a priority.  However, as the operations of
   these organizations fall under the provincial mandate rather than the
   City's, continuation of City funding to these organizations beyond
   Council's original commitment of March 31, 1997 will only serve to take
   the pressure to fund these organizations off the Province and the Health
   Board.  In addition, it will provide no incentive for the organizations
   to seek alternative sources of ongoing funding for their operations from
   non-government sources.  Therefore, should Council be supportive of
   additional funding for the AIDS organizations, that additional funding
   should be in the form of a terminating grant.


   The 1997 "Other" grants allocation has limited funding available and
   should Council approve funding beyond the initial three months included
   in Recommendation A, that additional funding will have to be provided
   from Contingency Reserve.

                           *     *     *     *     *