JULY 24, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: July 8, 1997
                                           CC File: 2055

   TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets 

   FROM:     Director of Cultural Affairs

   SUBJECT:  Grants Equal to Theatre Rent: 1997/98 Season


        A.   THAT Council approve decreases in the base level uses of the
             following organizations, to adjust for the reduction in the
             Grants Equal to Theatre Rent budget approved by Council as
             part of the 1997 Operating Budget Review process:

                  -    Ballet B.C.: 1 rehearsal 
                  -    Vancouver Opera: 1 performance
                  -    Vancouver Playhouse: 6 performances
                  -    Vancouver Symphony: 2 performances/1 rehearsal

        B.   THAT Council approve rental grants to 9 organizations, not
             exceeding base levels and totalling $553,970, for uses of the
             Civic Theatres in Fall 1997, as listed in Table 3; source of
             funds to be the 1997 Grants Equal to Theatre Rent budget.  

        C.   THAT Council approve in principle, subject to the 1998
             Operating Budget Review process, rental grants to 12
             organizations, within base levels and totalling $844,225, as
             listed in Table 3, for uses of the Civic Theatres in Spring


        D.   THAT Council approve a one-time grant of $24,305 to the
             Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company, within its base level,
             toward uses of the Playhouse Theatre in Fall 1997; source of
             funds to be Contingency Reserve.


   The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS A, B, and C, and
   submits D for CONSIDERATION.


   In 1979 and again in 1983, City Council affirmed the principle that
   Grants Equal to Theatre Rent are provided to non-profit cultural
   organizations that use the Civic Theatres regularly and have been
   assigned annual "base level uses" of the theatres by Council (as
   detailed in Appendix B).

   Council approved the current process for Grants Equal to Rent on July
   27, 1995. This provides for seasonally based grants allocated in July of
   each year for the coming Fall (Sept. 1 to Dec. 31), and Spring (Jan. 1
   to Aug. 31). Rental grant recommendations for the Spring are approved in
   principle, subject to the Operating Budget Review process for the
   applicable year.

   Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes. 


   In accordance with the process Council established in 1995, this is the
   second of two annual reports on Grants Equal to Theatre Rent. It makes
   grant recommendations for the 1997/98 season (Fall 1997 and Spring


   Budget Level

   On 13 March 1997, Council approved a Grants Equal to Theatre Rent budget
   of $1,436,620 for the calendar year 1997. On 27 May 1997, Council
   confirmed 10 rental grant uses totalling $882,650 for Spring 1997,
   leaving an unallocated balance of $553,970 in the 1997 rental grants

   Council should note that the approved 1997 Grants Equal to Rent budget
   included proportional decreases totalling $42,400 to four major rental
   grant recipients (Table 1, following), approved in principle on 13 March
   1997. In presenting the grant amounts recommended in this report, staff
   have incorporated these reductions, applying them to each organization's
   projected 1997/98 uses within base level.

   Since the decrease will affect future budgets, adjustments in the four
   organizations' base levels, approximately equal to the amount of the
   cut, are also recommended. Further adjustments in base levels that may
   be required as a result of changes in renters' theatre use patterns will
   be reviewed and reported on in 1998, which will be three years after the
   last such review.

                                    TABLE 1

                            1997 Budget    Base Level          New
                            Reduction      Reduction           Base

   Ballet BC                $ 4,800        1 rehearsal         9
   Vancouver Opera          $ 8,000        1 performance       48
   Vancouver Playhouse      $11,400        6 performances      234
   Vancouver Symphony       $18,200        2 perf./1 reh.      105

   Total                    $42,400



   For the  1997/98  season, 12  applicants  have requested  rental  grants
   totalling  $1,491,600,  as  summarized  in  Table  2,  following.  These
   requests  include 10  uses over  original base  levels, and  a Playhouse
   Theatre  Company request  for  a  $57,950  increase  in  its  Fall  1997
   allocation  (over  Fall  1996),  within  its  seasonal  base  level. The
   requested  one-time  increase  is  due  to  a  strategic  (and  probably
   permanent)  change in  the Company s  production schedule,  shifting one
   production from  the Spring to the  Fall. A more detailed  discussion of
   the  Playhouse s request  and  other applicants'  base levels  and grant
   requests for 1997/98 is provided in Appendix A.

                                    TABLE 2

                         1997/98 Grants Equal to Rent


                                                               Over Orig.
                      Fall'97  Spring'98    $ Total(Uses)      Base*

   Academy of Music     7,000    19,250     26,250 (4)             -
   Ballet B.C.         28,000    28,000     56,000 (10)            -
   Cantata Singers     15,750         0     15,750 (3)     (3,500) 1
   Coastal Jazz Soc.        0    14,000     14,000 (2)     (7,000) 1
   Frds. of Ch. Mus.    5,700    13,300     19,000 (10)    (5,700) 3
   Music in the Morn.       0     3,500      3,500 (1)             -
   Van. Bach Choir     25,900    20,300     46,200 (11)            -
   Van. Cham. Choir    21,000    10,500     31,500 (6)             -
   Van. Opera         112,000   168,000    280,000 (51)   (10,500) 2
   Van. Playhouse     190,475   174,325    364,800 (218)           -
   Van. Recital Soc.   21,300    12,700     34,000 (9)             -
   Van. Symphony      207,550   363,300    570,850 (94)            -
   Joint Ballet/VSO         0    29,750     29,750 (5)             -

   TOTAL             $634,675  $856,925 $1,491,600 (424)  ($26,700)

   *Not including base level changes presented in Recommendation A.


   As summarized in Table 3,  following, and detailed in Appendix  A, staff
   recommend  grants  amounting  to  $1,398,195  for  the  1997/98  season:
   $553,970  for the Fall, and $844,225 for  the Spring, all within the new
   recommended  base  level  uses,  and  including  the  $42,400  decreases
   detailed  in  Table 1.  Approval of  the  recommendations will  leave no
   unallocated funds in the 1997 rental grants budget.

                                    TABLE 3

                         1997/98 Grants Equal to Rent


                         Fall'97Spring'98    $ Total  (Uses) Uses*

   Academy of Music        7,000   19,250     26,250  (4)        4
   Ballet B.C.            23,200   28,000     51,200  (9)        9
   Cantata Sing.(Messiah) 12,250        0     12,250  (2)        2
   Coastal Jazz Soc.           0    7,000      7,000  (1)        1
   Frds. of Ch. Mus.       5,700    7,600     13,300  (7)        7
   Music in the Morn.          0    3,500      3,500  (1)        1
   Van. Bach Choir        25,900   20,300     46,200  (11)      11
   Van. Cham. Choir       21,000   10,500     31,500  (6)        7
   Van. Opera             93,500  168,000    261,500  (48)      48
   Van. Playhouse Co.    154,770  174,325    329,095  (200)    234
   Van. Recital Soc.      21,300   12,700     34,000  (9)       10
   Van. Symphony         189,350  363,300    552,650  (91)     105
   Joint Ballet/VSO*           0   29,750     29,750  (5)        5

   TOTAL                $553,970 $844,225 $1,398,195  (394)

   * Including base level changes in Recommendation A.

   Playhouse Theatre Company Request

   Recognizing that the Playhouse's $364,800 request for  1997/98 is within
   its seasonal base levels, and to assist with the costs of the additional
   production in the Fall, staff are recommending a $22,245 increase to the
   Company's  Fall '97  grant over  its  Fall '96  allocation. This  is the
   amount that can be accommodated within the approved 1997 Grants Equal to
   Rent budget. 

   In addition, staff are presenting for Council's consideration a one-time
   grant of $24,305  source of  funds to be  Contingency Reserve.  Approval
   would bring the Company's  total 1997/98 grant to $353,400,  within base
   levels,  and  taking  into  account the  $11,400  proportional  decrease
   indicated in Table 1. A more detailed discussion is provided in Appendix


   The  budget available  for  Fall  1997 has  not  allowed  for any  grant
   recommendations  over the base  level guidelines.  Approval of  the Fall
   1997 grant recommendations will  leave no unallocated funds in  the 1997
   Grants Equal to Rent budget. 

   Since the City's budget  operates on the calendar year,  grants approved
   for Spring 1998 will have to  be reconfirmed by Council next year, after
   the annual Cultural  Grants budget  is established, and  no grants  over
   base level have been recommended.

                                 *  *  *  *  *

   APPENDICES A AND B are on file in the City Clerk's Office