ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: June 30, 1997 File No. CREP079.wpd C.C. File No.: 1801 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Fire & Rescue Services Manager of Purchasing Services SUBJECT: Award of Tender No. 39-97-04, The Supply of 75' Aerial Ladder and Pumper Fire Truck RECOMMENDATION THAT Council accept the low bid meeting specifications from Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. for fourteen Smeal Fire Apparatus/Anderson Engineering SFAA 75R3Q on Spartan Gladiator MFD Chassis 75' Aerial Ladder and Pumper Fire Trucks at a total purchase price of $9,758,476 plus the Provincial Sales Tax, the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the Provincial Environmental Levy, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services. COUNCIL POLICY The policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest values based on quality, service and price. Contracts with a value over $300,000 are referred to Council. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The purchase of 14 "quints" was approved by Council in two separate reports in 1996 and 1997. On July 23, 1996, Council approved purchase of six trucks with funding provided from equipment replacement funds from prior years Operating Budgets and the balance from the Truck Plant Account. The balance of the tender represents the 1997 and 1998 replacement programs approved by Council on April 10, 1997 as part of a new equipment configuration in Fire and Rescue Services. At that time, the Director of Finance indicated some concern about the impact of the decision to fund fire truck replacement in the Plant Account and cautioned that additional funding might have to be added to the reserve in the future. At the time, projections of the cost of this new equipment were based on $630,000 per unit compared to the $696,200 per unit resulting from this tender. That additional cost will translate into additional financing from the Plant Account in excess of $1.0 million beyond our earlier projections for this purchase and up to $1.5 million for the entire fleet of quints to be purchased over the next few years. Staff will continue to monitor the cash projections in the Plant Account and will report any difficulties to Council as appropriate. DISCUSSION Tenders for the above were opened on June 25, 1997 and referred to the General Manager of Fire & Rescue Services and the Manager of Purchasing Services for report. The Provincial Sales Tax, the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the Provincial Environmental Levy, are in addition to all pricing shown in this report and in the tabulation. This tender called for prices for a maximum of fourteen 75 foot Aerial Ladder and Pumper Fire Trucks. Fourteen fire trucks are required to replace existing fire trucks that have exceeded their economic service life. Five bids were received from three suppliers. One of these suppliers also offered prepayment options. Except for the bid from Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. with the Spartan Gladiator MFD Chassis, the other bids are not recommended, as they do not meet the following specifications: Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. (with American LaFrance 134 Eagle Chassis): - the ladder mounted on the offered chassis exceeds the specified height of less than 138 inches; - the wheel base exceeds the specified 200 inches; - the front bumper is less than the specified 12- inch depth; - the front cab heater is less than the specified 50,000 BTU requirement. Fort Gary Industries Ltd.: - the wheel base exceeds the specified 200 inches; - the front bumper is less than the specified 12-inch depth; - the front cab heater is less than the specified 50,000 BTU requirement; - the aerial ladder test does not meet the specified water flow of 1,250 IGPM at 90 degrees to the side of the truck; - the inside aerial ladder rail spacings are less than the specified minimum measurements; - the forward set of outriggers are not cantilevered to the main torque box as specified; - offered 20 instead of the specified 32 collector rings on the turntable swivel; - aerial ladder does not meet Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada label requirement as specified. Simon Ladder Towers: - the engine offered produces 1450 lb. ft. instead of 1550 lb. ft. of torque as specified; - the forward set of outriggers are not cantilevered to the main torque box as specified; - the aerial ladder test does not meet the specified water flow of 1,250 IGPM at 90 degrees to the side of the truck; - offered a single joystick instead of three individual creeper control switches as specified; - offered 26 instead of the specified 32 collector rings on the turntable swivel; - aerial ladder does not meet Underwriters Laboratories of Canada label requirement as specified. The bid from Smeal Fire Apparatus with the Spartan Gladiator MFD Chassis meets specifications and is acceptable. We are, therefore, recommending acceptance of the low bid that meets specifications from Smeal Fire Apparatus for fourteen (14) Smeal Fire Apparatus/Anderson Engineering SFAA 75R3Q on Spartan Gladiator MFD Chassis 75' Aerial Ladder and Pumper Fire Trucks, at a total purchase price of $9,758,476 ($696,284 each plus $750 each for training). * * * * *