Date: July 7, 1997
                                           CC File No.: 2630

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

   SUBJECT:  Extension of Street Activities Enforcement Staff


        A.   THAT the existing (one year temporary) by-law enforcement
             position created to assist in enforcement of illegal vending,
             sidewalk cafes and other street based activities be made

        B.   THAT an additional position be created for a 6 month period
             annually to allow for enforcement coverage 7 days per week
             during the busy season, to be funded from increased revenues
             from the street activity programs. 

        C.   THAT a computer be purchased for administration of enforcement
             action and the Produce Display program at a cost of
             approximately $2,850 with funds to be recovered from the
             Produce Display and Sidewalk Cafe programs. 


   The City regulates a number of street activities and takes appropriate
   enforcement action as required.  In 1996, Council approved the
   establishment of a one year temporary enforcement position to be
   reviewed in 1997. Current council policy states that there should be no
   net increases in services or staffing without appropriate offsets.


   This report reviews the effects of increased enforcement resulting from
   the creation of the temporary staff position and recommends continuing
   this position on a regular basis.  In addition, it is recommended that a
   temporary position on a part time basis be established and a computer be
   purchased to allow for better administration and coverage during the
   busy periods.


   In recent years, social and economic factors have contributed to the
   increased use of city sidewalks for unauthorized activities such as
   illegal vending, flea markets, unlicensed produce displays and
   unauthorized commercial signs.  The high level of competition in the
   retail community results in increased incidents of merchandise and
   sandwich signs displayed on the sidewalk to increase the exposure and
   visibility of retail outlets.  In addition, anti-smoking by-laws have
   dramatically increased the instances of restaurants placing extra seats
   on the sidewalk without first obtaining approval to do so.  

   In response to increasing complaints regarding the above activities,
   Council approved a one year temporary staff position (in July, 1996) to
   enforce by-laws regarding the use of city sidewalks and instructed the
   General Manager of Engineering Services to review and report back in


   Trial Period

   The trial period to date has proven to be very successful with the
   following results:

        Illegal Vending     There has been a noticeable decrease in  some
                            areas of the Downtown.  The Downtown Vancouver
                            Business Improvement Association reports a
                            reduction from a dozen or more illegal vendors
                            on any given day in 1996 to 2 or 3 in 1997 due
                            to improved response time and more consistent
                            enforcement action.

        Complaints          Response time to complaints has improved.  Most
                            complaints can now be given same day or next
                            day service.

        Bute St.
        Flea Market         Although this site continues to require  daily
                            attention, the magnitude of the problem has
                            significantly decreased. The illegal street
                            vending at this location has been reduced to
                            approximately 10% of the original situation. 
                            During the summer of 1996  there  was a core 
                            of up to 50 vendors   gathering  at  this 

                            With constant enforcement this number has been
                            reduced to a core of 8 or 10 with no more than
                            3 or 4 vendors at any one time.  Since
                            September of 1996, staff have made
                            approximately 500 enforcement visits to this
                            site, often 2 or 3 times per day.  Any
                            reduction in the level of enforcement would
                            undoubtedly result in a return to the original

        Newspaper boxes     All unlicensed boxes have been removed from
                            Robson Street and most from Granville Mall. 
                            Staff are currently working on the remainder of
                            the Downtown.  To date, 35 boxes have been
                            removed from downtown streets.

        Sidewalk Cafes      We are seeing an increase in applications to
                            this program due to the enforcement of illegal
                            activity and the Smoke Free Indoor Air By-law.

        Produce Displays    Enforcement of Produce Displays in the
                            Chinatown area has been increased to 4 or 5
                            visits per week which has been strongly
                            supported by the Chinatown Merchants
                            Association. Merchandise displayed outside of
                            the permitted area is removed and donated to
                            the Food Bank.  

        Sandwich Board
        Signs               Since September of 1996, staff have issued 431
                            warning notices and confiscated approximately
                            70 commercial signs plus approximately 400
                            political signs.  

        Commercial Garbage
        Containers          The 1996 Council report anticipated this 
                            position would be of assistance in enforcing
                            the Container program guidelines.  This did not
                            happen due to higher priorities in other areas.
                            Staff are currently preparing a report on this
                            program which will be presented later this

   Hours of Work

   The enforcement position, which has been classified as an Engineering
   Assistant II, Paygrade 17, works a five day week including weekends and
   some evenings.  These extended hours of work have proven useful in
   enforcement of issues that often happen or increase outside of office

   Continuation of Temporary Position

   The continuation of this staff position is strongly supported by the
   Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association, the Robson Street
   Business Association, the Chinatown Merchants Association, the Vancouver
   Food Bank, the Environmental Health Dept. and the Police Dept.  Comments
   received from the public also indicate an improved service level
   (letters of support are shown in Appendix II). Therefore, it is
   recommended that this position be made regular.

   Additional Position

   Although there has been considerable improvement in our ability to
   respond to enforcement demands, there are still gaps in the service we
   are able to provide.  With only one staff person it is not possible to
   provide enforcement seven days a week and there are a number of areas
   which could be better addressed such as: collection of outstanding fees,
   removal of unlicensed news boxes and continued enforcement of illegal
   sidewalk cafes and produce displays.  While the street activity demand
   may not justify additional staff during the winter months, during the
   tourist season two (2) enforcement staff (the existing person and a six
   month temporary) could provide general enforcement, respond to
   complaints and assist the Police with confiscations seven days a week. 
   Therefore, it is recommended that an annual six month position be
   approved at a cost of approximately $17,800 with funds to be recovered
   through various street activity permit programs (a summary of revenues
   is provided in Appendix I). 


   Currently, there is no computer dedicated to the Produce Display program
   or for maintaining enforcement records, both of which require
   considerable computer resources.  The purchase of one computer to be
   shared by two staff working different hours would be an efficient use of
   resources.  The approximate cost of $2,850 would be recovered from the
   Produce Display and Sidewalk Cafe revenues which are shown in Appendix

   Personnel Implications

   These positions are subject to job evaluation by the Director of Human
   Resources. This report has been forwarded to CUPE Local 15.

   Financial Implications

   Revenues from the Sidewalk Cafe and Produce Display programs are
   increasing as predicted in the 1996 report. Combined annual  program
   revenues of approximately $323,000 more than offset the combined staff
   costs for these programs of approximately  $162,800 (details shown in
   Appendix I).  The addition of one (1) half time position at a cost of
   approximately $17,800 per year is expected to generate additional
   program revenues of $17,700 or more annually while improving public

                                 *   *   *   *

                                                                 APPENDIX I


      PROGRAM      1995       1996         1997        1997       1998   
                                          AMOUNT      AMOUNT      AMOUNT  
                                                      WITH        WITH
                                                     CURRENT   ADDITIONAL 
                                                      STAFF       STAFF

    Sidewalk     $149,800   $178,600    $185,000    $185,000   $200,000

    Produce        30,800     32,600      32,000      32,000     35,000
    Street         80,400     84,500      82,000      87,000     88,000

    TOTAL        $261,000   $295,700    $299,000    $304,000   $323,000 *

                                  STAFF COSTS


                                        $42,039     Sidewalk      1 EAIII                            $ 7,399   $ 49,400
                                R        15,175     Cafes           ´ EAI                              2,671     17,800
                                U    Vending       1 EAII                                                  
                                L        35,684        6,280     42,000

                                A    Produce       ´ EAI                                                   
                                R    Displays                             15,175        2,670     17,800   

    Enforcement   I EAII      YR.        30,351        5,342     35,700
    SUB-TOTAL                          $138,424      $24,362   $162,800 

    PROPOSED      ´ EAII    PROPOSED     16,398        1,394     17,800**

    TOTAL                              $154,822      $25,756   $180,500

   *   The increased revenue of $19,000 ($323,000 minus $304,000) will 
   **  cover the increased staff cost of $17,800.