SPECIAL MEETING
                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                         ON TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC

                                 JUNE 24, 1997

        A Special Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on
   Transportation and Traffic was held on Tuesday, June 24, 1997, at
   approximately 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:            Councillor Gordon Price, Chair
                            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario (Leave of
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Sick Leave)
                            Councillor George Puil (Civic Business)

        OFFICE:             Dave Rudberg, General Manager of
                                 Engineering Services

        CLERK TO THE
        COMMITTEE:          Denise Salmon


   1.   Transit Service to Fraser Lands,
        Riverside and Champlain Heights South                    File: 5551

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated June 10,
   1997, (on file) in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended a transit option that meets the needs of the residents of
   Fraser Lands, Riverside and Champlain Heights South.

        Wayne Pledger, Strategic Transportation Planning Engineer, with the
   aid of overheads, provided Council with the history and background of
   area since 1985.  An overview of the report and outline of current bus
   routes, and those proposed for  the area, was also provided.

        The Chair called for speakers and the following addressed Council:

        Nathan Davidowicz
        Donalda Reid, Principal, Oppenheimer School
        James Dragan
        Alex Ma (brief filed)
        Helsa Nothof
        Jack Hill, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
        Bosco Toa (brief filed)
        Peter Horwood, Fraser Arms Riverside Residents Association
        Ken Hughes (brief filed)
        William F. Kent (brief filed) 
        Chapman Lim (brief filed)
        Sharon Larson
        Elizabeth Mabee
        Dana Putnam
        Sally Teich
        Janet Wurzbach

        Comments provided by the foregoing are noted below:

       Instead of a one-way loop along Rosemont, Kerr, and 54th, the No.
        29 Elliott bus should be routed into Champlain Mall to allow for a
        turnaround; if acceptable to Champlain Mall this would allow for
        two way service on Kerr between 54th and Rosemont, and lessen
        confusion for transit riders.  In future, this route could be
        hooked with the No. 26 to provide for continuous service and access
        to Killarney Secondary School and Community Centre, allowing for a
        more attractive route with increased ridership.  Option B is
        supported, with a 6-month review recommended.

       Support was voiced for City Plan and its goal of non-reliance on
        the automobile. A good percentage of cars creating traffic jams
        throughout Oppenheimer's  school day come from the Fraser Lands
        area; a bus route would help ease this situation, as well as assist
        those who must walk or push baby carriages up the steep grade to
        reach the school.   Service is required beyond the 9:00 a.m. and
        3:00 p.m "rush hours".

       Some Fraserview Drive residents have lived in the area since the
        proposed route was first rejected in 1985, and many new people,
        some with homes valued in excess of one million dollars are once
        again faced with the prospect of a bus route on their street.  It
        was suggested the route be diverted from Fraserview Drive utilizing
        Victoria Drive and 54th Avenue.

       Opposed to routing of bus along Fraserview Drive, with the
        following alternate route recommended:  from 54th and Victoria, via
        54th, Elliott, Muirfield, Fraserview to Nanaimo; returning via
        Nanaimo, Scarboro, Muirfield, Elliott and 54th to Victoria, down to
        S.E. Marine Drive.

       Extension of the No. 29 Elliott will impact directly on the
        Fraserview community, which already has adequate bus service.  The
        Fraser Lands residential community was built without thought for
        transit, and responsibility to provide it  should be shared equally
        by the City and developers.   Buses have difficulty with the grade
        on Nanaimo during extreme winter conditions, and the proposed
        Elliott bus extension along Fraserview Drive would be unsafe during
        such conditions.  It was also noted the majority of elementary
        school children are transported to and from school for safety
        reasons; provision of a school bus would provide a similar safe
        environment.  A shuttle bus service east on Kent, from Kerr to
        Jellicoe, Elliott to Jellicoe was also recommended. 

       Access to a bus, regardless of route chosen, is required for those
        people who attend the various activities offered by South Vancouver
        Neighbourhood House located on Victoria Drive near 49th Avenue; 
        although no specific route was favoured note was made of the
        difficulty seniors and mothers with strollers experience travelling
        up the steep grade to their destination.  It was also noted any
        route that can inject more business into Champlain Mall or Victoria
        Drive would be appreciated by merchants.

       Support for a bus route to serve the Fraser Lands which would not
        utilize Fraserview Drive but reach a number of destinations as
        follows:  commencing at Jellicoe along S.E. Marine Drive, with a
        bus stop adjacent the Skywalk, to allow for pedestrian access
        across Marine Drive from Fraser Lands west, turning at Victoria
        Drive and past the Fraserview Boys' and Girls' Club and Sir James
        Douglas School, then turning from Victoria Drive onto 54th, with
        access to the Fraserview Branch of the Vancouver Public Library,
        and a short walk to David Thompson Secondary School, along 54th
        with access to Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith Elementary, then turning
        at 54th onto Elliott, down Muirfield, past David Oppenheimer
        School, with a turnaround on the same route.

       5,900 people, housed in 1,500 residential units, now live in the
        Fraser Lands.  A successful mixed community has been created, all
        sharing reclaimed industrial lands.  However, the area still lacks
        the infrastructure to make it a true neighbourhood, and the
        business community has yet to realize the potential of the area. 
        Schools, libraries, community centres are not easily accessed, and
        sidewalks are still to be completed in some areas.  CityPlan was
        referenced, noting 20 percent of the population use transit, which
        would result in 696 new transit riders along the proposed route;
        many more than those opposed to the route.  The need to provide
        city services to the elderly, empty-nesters and non-market housing
        residents, was also highlighted.

       Support for the extension of the No. 29 route down to the Fraser
        Lands, although no specific route preferred, apart from one that
        provides direct, feasible and efficient service in transporting
        residents to other transit links in the area.  Currently residents
        must depend on the No. 100 which runs every 15 minutes during rush
        hour and each hour during the evening hours.  Many Fraser Lands
        residents must walk 2 kilometres uphill, without a sidewalk, to
        reach Champlain Mall, the closest shopping area.  Transit is needed
        now in the Fraser Lands.

       Three previous Councils have rejected extension of a bus route onto
        Fraserview Drive, and the narrow road is not suitable for such a
        route.  Car traffic will be slowed behind buses.  Loss of street
        parking will occur.  Diesel buses travelling along the steep
        winding hill on Fraserview will create excessive noise and
        pollution for the  residents of the single family neighbourhood. 
        Buses will pass 30 feet from residents' windows, and privacy in
        front yards will be lost.  The previously noted route that would
        access the three elementary schools and David Thompson was

       Residents living at the bottom of Matheson Crescent must relay
        solely on the No. 100 bus.  No transit currently serves the three
        elementary schools in the area in addition to the library, shopping
        and recreation centre.  Transit is required before 7:00 a.m. to the
        evening hours, not just the 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. school rush
        hours.  Many of those travelling to downtown Vancouver currently
        pay a two-zone fare to travel into Burnaby on the No. 100, which
        connects to SkyTrain.  Support was expressed for Options B or C,
        with note an extension of the No. 26 one block to the foot of
        Matheson would provide bus service to a number of non-profit and
        co-op housing projects in the area.

       The need for extending the existing bus service into the Fraser
        Lands was acknowledged.  However, the added air and noise pollution
        of diesel buses along Fraserview Drive would exacerbate the already
        significant problem caused by the wood and fish processing plants
        adjacent Kent Avenue.  Council was urged to reconsider the
        recommended extension of the No. 29 Elliott bus along Fraserview

       Residents of the Fraser Lands need a direct bus route, alternatives
        offered by various speakers entail additional money and effort, and
        duplication of service  to avoid a small stretch of Fraserview
        Drive.  Much of the non-market housing, most in need of transit, is
        located between Elliott, Victoria and further west.

       Parents using their automobiles to access the community centre,
        schools, etc. does not set a good example for young children;
        however at present there is no alternative transportation mode. 
        The status quo is not acceptable and a solution which provides
        residents of the Fraser Lands with bus service must be found.

       Note was made on the lack of bus service south of Marine Drive, and
        the growing number of empty nesters and elderly residents who
        reside there.  Many do not own cars.  A steep climb is required to
        reach Harrison Loop, and many elderly residents feel trapped. 
        Better access to a public transportation system is needed.

   Comments Noted During Questions to the Speakers

       Donalda Reid, Principal of Oppenheimer School, provided information
        on the catchment area for the school and noted the majority of her
        students graduate to David Thompson Secondary School.

       Extension of the No. 29 Elliott service to 54th Avenue would
        duplicate service, and increase costs.  Option B, recommended by
        Engineering staff, provides service to the most destinations, at
        the cost budgeted for by BC Transit.

       There is no appreciable difference in the ability of trolleys or
        diesels in travelling  steep inclines during winter conditions;
        however, other traffic often slows their progress.  If designated a
        bus route, Fraserview Drive would be given first priority for snow
        removal, similar to other bus routes in the City. 

       Transit staff noted the bus route supported by Fraserview Drive
        residents would add an additional 2.3 kilometres in each direction,
        and 10 minutes additional travel time for those going to SkyTrain. 
        An additional bus would be required in the cycle, increasing the
        cost to between $150-200,000 per year.  The route is circuitous,
        would not attract ridership, and is not supported by BC Transit.

       Engineering staff agreed to follow up on the status of sidewalks in
        the area.

       A suggested rerouting of the No. 29 down Victoria Drive would be a
        detriment to existing passengers who currently rely on the route,
        in addition to providing no direct service to Oppenheimer School.

       Staff was requested to consider the ramifications of retaining the
        existing No. 29 bus route to Muirfield Drive, then backtracking up
        Muirfield, (avoiding Fraserview Drive) to Elliott along 54th to
        Victoria to S.E. Marine, then proceeding as recommended in Option

       Staff noted public consultation would be required for any suggested
        routes not currently used by buses.

       Two mini routes running from Champlain Mall to Harrison Loop, and
        from the 29th Avenue Station around the Fraserview Drive triangle
        would be less direct, with increased costs, and additional buses

        The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore


        THAT decision on this matter be deferred to the Regular Council
        meeting of July 8, 1997, to allow Council members the opportunity
        to examine, first hand, route possibilities, destinations, hill
        grades, size of population and people involved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                      The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *