JULY 8, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

   Date: June 10, 1997
   Dept. File No. 3153
   CC File No. 5757/5753

   TO:       Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services
             Director of Community Planning

   SUBJECT:  Ridgeway Greenway - Proposed Street Closures


        The General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of
        Community Planning submit this report for INFORMATION.


   On July 18, 1995, Council approved the Vancouver Greenways Plan,
   including the selection of the portion of the Ridgeway Greenway on 37th
   Avenue between Granville and Knight Streets as the City Greenway pilot

   On June 27, 1996, Council approved the construction of the Ridgeway
   Greenway pilot project.


   The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the additional public
   comments staff obtained regarding the four Ridgeway Greenway street
   closures after temporary closures were installed to assess changes in
   local traffic patterns.  This report also informs Council that
   construction to make these closures permanent will begin this summer.


   The design of the Ridgeway Greenway included an extensive public process
   which took place over an eight month period.  In general, the level of
   public participation and support for this pilot project was high.  The
   Angus Reid Group was hired to conduct a telephone survey to determine
   local neighbourhood support for the proposed traffic improvements,
   especially the proposed street closures. Their survey showed that
   overall support for the Greenway among the sample population between
   33rd and 41st Avenues, and between Granville and Knight Streets was 85%. 
   The street closures proposed in the design received the following levels
   of support:

       Half-block street closure on Ontario south of 37th Avenue - not
        supported (replaced with a traffic circle and corner bulges);
       Street closure on 37th Avenue at Mountain View Cemetery, west of
        Fraser Street - 71% support and 20% opposition from sample of
        residents between Main and Fraser Streets (temporary closure
        installed February 26, 1997); 
       Half-block street closure on 37th Avenue east of Fraser Street -
        71% support and 15% opposition from sample of residents between
        Main and Fraser Streets, and 84% support and 6% opposition from
        sample of residents between Fraser and Knight Streets (temporary
        closure installed February 26, 1997);
       Half-block street closure on 37th Avenue east of Ross Street - 81%
        support and 9% opposition from sample of residents between Fraser
        and Knight Streets (temporary closure installed March 25, 1997);
       Half-block street closure on 37th Avenue between Culloden and
        Inverness Streets - 78% support and 9% opposition from sample of
        residents between Fraser and Knight Streets (temporary closure
        installed March 25, 1997).

   On June 27, 1996, Council approved the design of the Ridgeway pilot
   project for construction.


   In order to assess changes in local traffic patterns and allow
   additional comments from impacted neighbours, temporary closures were
   installed on 37th Avenue west and east of Fraser Street on February 26,
   1997, and on 37th Avenue east of Ross Street and west of Culloden Street
   on March 25, 1997.  Each temporary closure included information signage
   to explain the proposal and invite public input.  To date, a total of 35
   phone calls and two letters (copies included in Appendix A) have been
   received by staff, with calling rates substantially dropping off in the
   past month.  

   The comments received are summarized below:

       Street closure on 37th Avenue at Mountain View Cemetery, west of
        Fraser Street - A total of 19 phone calls were received:  11
        opposed to this closure, six in support, and two neutral callers
        specifically expressing concerns about the shortcutting occurring
        through the cemetery between 33rd and 37th Avenues as a result of
        this closure.  

       Half-block street closure on 37th Avenue east of Fraser Street - A
        total of six phone calls and one letter of support (Appendix A)
        were received.  Three of these calls were in support, two opposed,
        and one expressed the need to address the problem of additional
        traffic down their back lane as a result of this closure. 
       Half-block street closures on 37th Avenue east of Ross Street, and
        west of Culloden Street - A total of 10 calls were received:  six
        in support, and four asking for further information and expressing
        concerns about additional traffic in their lanes resulting from the
       One letter supporting all the closures (Appendix A) was also

   Based upon these additional public comments, combined with the extensive
   public process and Angus Reid survey, these four closures will now be
   made permanent with some modifications to the original designs to
   address the concerns expressed by local residents.  The overall benefit
   to the neighbourhoods in terms of adding green space, building
   communities through neighbourhood projects, and traffic calming
   outweighs the opposition resulting from automobile travel becoming
   slightly less convenient for some residents.

   The design for the closure west of Culloden Street was altered to
   address concerns expressed by the adjoining property owner with regard
   to the bench locations and lost parking.  The street closure through the
   cemetery has been changed, with the support of cemetery staff, to
   prevent traffic from shortcutting through the cemetery.  In addition,
   staff have met with the cemetery consultants and revised the design for
   this closure so that it offers enough flexibility to be integrated with
   any future cemetery plans.  The lanes next to the other three closures
   are being monitored where local residents have expressed concerns about
   shortcutting traffic.  Traffic counts to date (approximately four months
   after the initial installation of the temporary closures) indicate that
   there is no shortcutting problem in these lanes.  However, staff will
   continue to monitor the situation after completion of the permanent


   Building the four street closures as part of the Ridgeway will further
   this project's objectives in encouraging walking and cycling, providing
   more greenery and decreasing reliance on storm sewers.


   The four street closures will create more appealing landscapes for local
   residents and city greenway users, provide safe places for children to
   play, and create local community gathering places.  In addition, they
   will enhance the Ridgeway Bikeway and eliminate traffic shortcutting
   along 37th Avenue.  


   The funding required to construct these street closures was approved by
   Council in June, 1996.  Therefore, no additional funding is required at
   this time.  However, detailed designs have been revised to reduce
   overall costs.  


   Construction of the four street closures along 37th Avenue is scheduled
   to begin this summer.


   Based upon the results of the Angus Reid survey and the additional
   public comments received, construction of the four street closures
   should proceed with some minor modifications to the original designs.

                               *   *   *   *   *