Date:  May 22, 1997
                                                C.C. File No.: 2252-1

   TO:       Standing Committee on Planning & Environment

   FROM:     Special Office for the Environment, in consultation with the
             General Managers of Engineering, Community and Corporate
             Services, and the Medical Health Officer



        A.   THAT Council approve a grant of $5,000.00 to the Sierra Club
             of Canada for their "Earth Fever Campaign"; source of funds to
             be the Environmental Grant Fund in the Solid Waste Capital


        B.   THAT Council approve a grant of $5,000.00 to the Cambie
             Corridor Consortium Society for their "Cambie/Broadway
             Corridor Inter-site Shuttle Pilot Project program; source of
             funds to be the Environmental Grant Fund in the Solid Waste
             Capital Reserve.


        The City Manager recommends approval of A and B.


   On March 27, 1990 Council approved an allocation of $250,000.00 to fund
   the Environmental Grant Program.

   On July 10, 1990 Council approved the Environmental Grant Guidelines and

   On May 10, 1996 Council approved a further allocation of $250,000.00 for
   the continuation on the Environmental Grant Program.  They also approved
   amendments to the Guidelines and Criteria requiring a detailed budget,
   financial statement and brief summary report upon completion of the
   project.  The amended Guidelines and Criteria are appended for reference
   in Appendix A.

   Approval of grants requires eight affirmative votes.


   On March 27, 1990 Council approved a number of recommendations
   concerning the City's Environmental Program.  One of those dealt with
   the creation of a $250,000.00 fund to sponsor private, non-profit,
   non-partisan, community based programs aimed at personal actions that
   restore or improve the environment.

   On May 10, 1996 Council approved the continuation of the Grant Program
   and allocated a further $250,000.00 to the fund.

   There have been nine Environmental Grant Reports considered by Council
   to date.  In total 37 requests have been reviewed with 27 funding awards
   to organizations totalling approximately $294,000.00.


   Environmental Grant Criteria No. 8 requires that applicants submit a
   brief summary report on completion of their project.  Summaries and
   update reports for the previous years recipients are attached to this
   report as Appendix B.

   1.   Strathcona Community Gardens Society:
        Environmental Systems Project, $20,000.00

   2.   Better Environmentally Sound Transportation Association:
        Bike to Work Week, $15,000.00

   3.   Oceans Blue Foundation:
        Keep Greater Vancouver Spectacular, $24,000.00


   This is the 10th Environmental Grant Report and it contains 2 grant

        Project                       Amount Requested

   Cambie Corridor Consortium         $ 5,000.00
   Sierra Club of Canada                5,000.00

   The staff Review Committee, comprising representatives of the Special
   Office for the Environment and Corporate Services has reviewed the
   submissions relative to the criteria approved by Council, and makes the
   follow recommendation:

   1.   Sierra Club of Canada                   Requested: $5,000.00
        Earth Fever Campaign                    Recommended: $5,000.00

        Sierra Club was established in the United States in 1892 and has
        over 700,000 members (approx. 3000 in Canada)

        The Sierra Club's Mission is to:

        Develop a diverse, well-trained grassroots network working to
        protect the integrity of our global ecosystems.  Five overriding
        threats:  loss of biological diversity; deterioration of our
        oceanic and atmospheric commons; the ever-growing presence of toxic
        chemicals in all living things; spiralling population growth and
        the destruction of our remaining wilderness are the focus of Sierra
        Club's mission.

        The Sierra Club of Canada currently offers programs focused on: 
        climate change, forests, biodiversity, nuclear energy, toxics,
        human health, particularly with respect to pesticides, and the
        environmental dimension of the World Trade Organization.

        The Climate Program is focusing on three major public education
        programs in 1997:  Impacts of climate change in urban centres; the
        Earth Fever Campaign; the Impacts of climate change on the North
        and a partnership with Destination Conservation, a program in 700
        schools that reduces energy consumption.

        The Sierra Club of Canada is seeking support for the urban-based
        Earth Fever Campaign from the City of Vancouver because of its
        leadership on the climate change issue.  The Sierra Club program is
        designed to support FCM 20% Club cities, like Vancouver, with
        public education aspects of their programs.

        Funding from the City of Vancouver of $5,000.00 is being sought to
        print posters for billboards and transit shelter ads.  The City
        crest and acknowledgement would be included on those
        posters/billboards used in Vancouver.  Gould Advertising, Gallop
        and Gallop, and Omni Advertising have all offered to provide Sierra
        Club access to unsold space between June and December 1997.  City
        staff will also pursue other available display options.

        In addition, funding would be allocated to posting fees that are
        required to place billboards and posters, and for expenses related
        to the coordination of placement of posters, billboards and radio
        public service announcements.

        With respect to the environmental grant guidelines, this program is
        very supportive of city policies and meets all of the grant

   2.   The Cambie Corridor Consortium     Requested      $ 5,000.00
                                           Consideration    5,000.00

        The Cambie Corridor Consortium Society (CCC) is the first
        Transportation Management Association (TMA) in Canada.  The mandate
        of the consortium is to help restore livability to the
        Broadway/Cambie corridor by reducing the number of workers
        commuting to the area in single occupant vehicles by 20%.

        The CCC has a full time transportation Management Coordinator whose
        responsibility is to encourage major employers in the
        Cambie/Broadway corridor (Cambie bridge to 33rd Avenue and Main to
        Granville Streets) to join CCC and pool their resources for trip
        reduction efforts.  Each member of the consortium is required to
        designate and train an Employee Transport Administrator (ETA) so
        they can continue the development of their individual trip
        reduction programs.

        During the past year the CCC has achieved the following; increased
        membership to twenty organizations by enrolling all the hospitals
        in Vancouver; achieved non-profit society status 10/96; established
        trained ETAs and transit kiosks in every workplace; completed
        employee surveys in almost every workplace; developed/distributed
        promotion brochures to many organizations (approx. 15,000
        pamphlets); involved the consortium members in a one year transit
        pilot project for the purchase of bus passes by payroll deductions;
        lobbied for improved transit services, paying for car insurance by
        kilometres driven, enforcing parking restrictions in the
        Broadway/Cambie Corridor, safer bike routes, and most recently
        established an inter-site shuttle bus pilot program between two
        hospital sites;

        The inter-site shuttle bus program ran for 8 months during which
        two buses operated by the Consortium (for Vancouver General
        Hospital and Health Sciences Centre) provided service between Oak
        Street and U.B.C. sites for a total of 7,267 trips and 18,000

        With the success of this program (now permanent) the CCC has been
        requested to proceed with a 4 month pilot shuttle program to link
        St. Paul's, B.C. Cancer Agency, and the B.C. Centre for Disease
        Control with Vancouver Hospital Oak and UBC sites. It would also
        link B.C. Rehab Hospitals, Women's/Children's Hospitals, Child and
        Family Research Centre, St. Vincents, Langara, Mt. St. Josephs and
        Sunny Hills Hospitals with each other, and with St. Pauls, B.C.
        Cancer Agency, B.C. Centre for Disease Control and Vancouver
        General Hospital and Health Sciences Centre.

        A pilot program was selected over attempting to obtain information
        by survey response.  The first shuttle service could start
        immediately linking the Chara Health Services sites with Pearson
        and Sunny Hill.  The second shuttle would start September 2, 1997
        linking St. Paul's and the hospitals between Oak and Cambie streets
        south of 25th Avenue.

        In addition to the shuttle service the CCC is also proposing to use
        the shuttles to provide courier service between sites (possibly
        blood and specimens).

        The Cambie Corridor Consortium is asking for a $5,000.00 grant to
        help cover the cost of setting up, operating and evaluating the
        pilot project.

        With respect to the environmental grant guidelines, this program
        tends to support City policies.  However, the staff review
        committee notes concerns with strict compliance to criteria number
        5.  The proposal appears to supplement an existing program with the
        potential that the grant money may be used to defray existing
        operating costs.


   The Staff Review Committee place before Council for consideration the
   Cambie/Broadway Corridor Program and recommend approval of the Earth
   Fever Campaign in the following amounts.

             Earth Fever Campaign          $5,000.00
             Cambie/Broadway Corridor      $5,000.00
             Inter-site Shuttle Program

                                   * * * * *