June 25, 1997

        A regular meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was
   held on Wednesday, June 25, 1997, at 4:10 p.m. in Committee Room No. 2,
   third floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:            Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Daniel Lee

        ALSO PRESENT:       Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector
                            Inspector Dave Jones, i/c District 1, Police

        OFFICE:             Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

        CLERK:              Rae T. Wylson


        The minutes of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission regular
   meeting held May 15, 1997 were adopted as circulated.


   1.   Commodore Cabaret, 870 Granville Street
   File No:  2614-6

        The Commission had before it a memorandum dated June 17, 1997 (on
   file), in which the Chief License Inspector advised of the status of
   negotiations for operating and lease agreements for the Commodore
   Cabaret and providing a copy of an agreement signed by the building
   owner.  In addition, the Commission had before it a letter dated June
   25, 1997, in which Bert Hick of Hick & Associates advised of his
   retention by the applicant to assist with liquor licencing and
   operational issues (on file).

        Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, reviewed details of the
   signed agreement dealing specifically with ensuring the retention of the
   facility in a format similar to its past style of operation.  A
   condition of the agreement requires potential lessees to meet with the
   Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission to discuss the operation of the
   Commodore and how it might contribute to the success of Vancouver's
   entertainment district.

        In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Teichroeb
   provided the status of the Commodore's existing Class 'B' and Class 'C'
   licenses , noting, under agreement with the Province, any substantial
   changes to the layout of the facility could impact the licenses.

        Paul Vickers, potential Commodore lessee, advised the Commission of
   his ownership and involvement in the operation and management of  30
   businesses, including several night clubs, in Alberta.

        In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Vickers provided
   details concerning the following practices employed in his existing
   night club operations:

   -    management team composition;
   -    management and employee training program;
   -    door monitoring and other security practices;
   -    relationship with Police; and
   -    marketing initiatives, including drink specials and specialized

        During the ensuing question period, Mr. Vickers provided the
   following information with respect to the proposed use of the Commodore:

   -    it will remain in its original structural except for the addition
        of 25 ladies washroom stalls;
   -    a combination of live and recorded music will be utilized, namely
        live entertainment weekdays and recorded music on weekends except
        in cases where a special event has been scheduled;
   -    live entertainment will be showcase on broadcast television and
        Internet concerts; and
   -    may be used as a venue for special events including all ages shows
        and corporate functions.

        In response to a request by Police, Mr. Vickers agreed to sign a
   consent form allowing the Vancouver Police to obtain from the Alberta
   Police any files concerning Vicker's Alberta businesses. 

        In response to further questions from the Commission regarding the
   proposed entertainment program for the Commodore, Mr. Vickers noted
   special ladies nights featuring male burlesque dancers are regularly
   scheduled at several of his Alberta night clubs and may be included in
   the Commodore's program.  

        Discussion ensued regarding the difference between "strippers" and
   "burlesque dancers".  Mr. Vickers clarified and staff confirmed
   burlesque dancers are similar to strippers except they do not remove all
   clothing and expose themselves only to their briefs.

        In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Teichroeb advised
   the agreement with the owners does not prohibit ladies nights or use of
   burlesque dancers.  Further, the City would have legal difficulties in
   including a clause of this nature in the agreement.

        In response to a direct question from the Commission regarding his
   willingness to exclude male burlesque dancers from intended
   entertainment for the Commodore, Mr. Vickers advised he would not
   consent but would consider it in consultation with his lawyer.

        Shiraz Karmali, Mr. Vicker's business partner, provided the
   Commission with information concerning the management of their combined
   businesses, noting his role as Finance Manager.

        Ellie O'Day, Executive Director of the Pacific Music Industry
   Association, and organizer of a rally to keep the Commodore open, noted
   closure of the Commodore has resulted in Vancouver having to forgo many
   opportunities to host live shows featured in other North American cities
   due to lack of an appropriate venue.  The industry would welcome the
   reopening of the Commodore and the opportunity to host shows at this
   venue in future.

        A member of the Commission expressed concern with respect to the
   proposed entertainment planned for the Commodore specifically the use of
   ladies nights and male burlesque dancers, given the non-conformity of
   these uses to the Commodore's previous entertainment format and in light
   of possible negative impacts on Vancouver's entertainment district.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried, the
   Commission therefore


        THAT the presentation by Paul Vickers  regarding plans for the
        Commodore Cabaret at 870 Granville Street, be received for

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   Privatizing Liquor:  The Case for Privatization
        of Liquor in B.C. - A Fraser Institute Conference
   File No:  2611

        The Commission  had before it  a conference brochure  regarding the
   Fraser Insitute's June 25, 1997, conference titled "Privatizing  Liquor:
   The Case for Privatization of Liquor in B.C." (on file).

        The Chair and Councillor Herbert advised of their attendance at the
   conference   and  provided   comments   concerning  the   presentations,
   specifically regarding the social impacts of privatization.

        Reference was made  to comments  of a presenter  at the  conference
   that implementation  of the privatization  of liquor should  not include
   municipal or public consultation nor media involvement.

        Although  privatization has  occurred in  Alberta, speakers  at the
   conference  did not anticipate the same would  occur in B.C. in the near
   future.    It was  noted the  change  is not  imminent  but it  is being
   investigated by the Province.

        Councillors who attended the  conference did not sense any  urgency
   and did not anticipate the  need for staff to report back at  this time.
   The  City's concern  with Provincial  legislation at  this time  is with
   securing the authority to roll back hours.

        In  response  to questions  from  the  Commission regarding  Police
   concerns,  Inspector Dave Jones advised major concerns would be with the
   need for increased supervision  of additional outlets.  As  well, Police
   are concern  with illegal  importing of liquor  which sees a  portion of
   sales returned to the country of origin.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried, the
   Commission therefore


        THAT the presentation  by the Chair  and Commissioner  Herbert
        regarding  the  Fraser Institute's  Conference  on privatizing
        liquor in British Columbia, be received for information.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   Correspondence from the Attorney General
   File No:  2611

        The Commission  was advised  of a  letter dated  June 19,  1997, in
   which  the Attorney  General  thanked the  Commission  for its  feedback
   concerning Tex Enemark's report on Provincial liquor policy and advising
   the Ministry is reviewing  the recommendations contained in  the report.
   The letter also states  the report will go to cabinet in the near future
   and  that the government will consult with stakeholders and other levels
   of government prior to implementation.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried, the
   Commission therefore


        THAT the correspondence dated June 19, 1997 from  the Attorney
        General  regarding  recommendations concerning  the Province's
        liquor licensing polices, be received for information.
                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                     The Commission adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

                                 *  *  *  *  *