ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: June 5, 1997 File No: 1076W51 CC File No: 2605 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: City Building Inspector SUBJECT: Extension of Combined Development and Building Permit Nos. DB401168 (for construction) and DB401169 (for demolition) 1076 West 51st Avenue (to be changed to 1088 West 51st Avenue) RECOMMENDATION THAT City Council approve an extension of Combined Development and Building Permit Nos. DB401168 and DB401169 until November 28, 1997. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Article of the Building By-law prohibits the City Building Inspector from granting more than one extension to a Building Permit. Any further extensions can only be approved by City Council. DISCUSSION The above permits are for the demolition of the existing one family dwelling and the construction of a new one family dwelling and a detached garage having vehicular access from the lane. The permits were previously extended twice and expired on May 28, 1997, however, because the request for extension was submitted prior to expiry, I am prepared to process this request. It should be noted that there has been no change to the zoning for the property (RS-1). The Planning Department has no objection to the extension. * * * * *