Date:  June 19, 1997
                                                Dept. File No.: HB
                                                C.C. File:  5305

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Community Planning

   SUBJECT:  Possible Withholding Action for 4396 Locarno Crescent - West
             Point Grey Interim Zoning Review Study Area


        A.   THAT Council instruct staff to process the Development Permit
             Application for the proposed alterations at 4396 Locarno
             Crescent in the normal manner.

        Alternatively, the following is submitted for CONSIDERATION:

        B.   THAT in accordance with Council's instruction of April 22,
             1997, to refer portions of West Point Grey to Public Hearing,
             Council withhold for 30 days in accordance with the provisions
             of Section 570(1) of the Vancouver Charter, the Development
             Permit for the proposed addition at 4396 Locarno Crescent,
             expiring July 2, 1997, and for a further 60-day period,
             expiring August 31, 1997, for a total of 90 days from the date
             of submission, pursuant to Section 570(2)of the Vancouver


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A.
        If Council does not support A, B is submitted for CONSIDERATION.


   On April 22, 1997, Council referred Dunbar RS-1, a portion of West Point
   Grey, and a portion of West Southlands to Public Hearing to consider
   rezoning from RS-1 to RS-5 and referred a portion of Dunbar RS-1S and
   Douglas Park to Public Hearing to consider rezoning from RS-1S to RS-5S,
   and referred a portion of West Southlands to Public Hearing to consider
   rezoning from RS-1 to RS-6. Council also instructed the Director of
   Community Planning to report development applications for possible
   withholding action pursuant to Section 570 of the Vancouver Charter.


   The purpose of this report is to report for possible withholding of a
   development application received on June 3, 1997.


   On May 9, 1996, Council approved an Interim Zoning Review for RS-1 and
   RS-1S areas.  On April 22, 1997, Council referred rezoning for the
   following areas to Public Hearing: Dunbar RS-1, a portion of West Point
   Grey, and a portion of West Southlands to consider rezoning from RS-1 to
   RS-5; a portion of Dunbar RS-1S and Douglas Park to consider rezoning
   from RS-1S to RS-5S; and, a portion of West Southlands to consider
   rezoning from RS-1 to RS-6. Following meetings held on May 29, 1997, and
   June 3, 1997, the Public Hearing will reconvene on July 8, 1997. The
   Public Hearing for West Point Grey has been scheduled for July 28, 1997.

   At the time of referral, Council also instructed staff to report any
   development applications to Council for possible withholding action
   pursuant to Section 570 of the Vancouver Charter. This section enables
   Council to withhold permits for 30 days for assessment and, following a
   subsequent report, a further 60 days pending conclusion of the proposed

   The purpose of withholding action is to prevent development applications
   which are at variance or in conflict with a proposed zoning from being
   processed until the proposed zoning has been considered at a Public
   Hearing. However, because the proposed zoning has not been adopted by
   Council, the application must also conform with the existing zoning in
   order to be approved.

   In the event Council withholds issuance of a permit and the rezoning is
   ultimately refused, or approved to the extent that the permit withheld
   would comply, the City is liable for damages suffered by the owner.


   On June 3, 1997, staff received an application to construct a renovation
   and addition in the West Point Grey RS-1 area at 4396 Locarno Crescent.
   The site survey is dated May 21, 1997. The application involves interior
   and exterior alterations to add a second floor dormer and roof top
   garden with access stairs.

   1.   RS-1 Conformity

   The existing house does not conform to the front yard, rear yard,
   building depth, and overall floor area regulations of the RS-1 District
   Schedule as is common with many older houses. The proposed renovation
   would further bring the house into non-conformity with the secondary
   envelope and above-grade floor area regulations [a reduction of 33 m2
   (355 sq.ft.) would be required to meet the floor area regulation].

   The Director of Planning would consider relaxing the front yard, rear
   yard and building depth regulations as existing non-conforming. It is
   also within the discretion of the Director of Planning to relax the
   secondary envelope to accommodate the roof deck. In considering this
   relaxation, staff would typically notify neighbours because of the
   possible impact of the proposed roof deck on privacy and views in this
   view-sensitive area.

   The applicant intends to apply to the Board of Variance for a relaxation
   of the permitted above-grade floor area. The applicant is seeking to
   exclude the floor area equivalent to that of the existing parking space
   within the principal building. This would effectively reduce the
   above-grade floor area to meet the current RS-1 maximum. Staff support
   the application to the Board of Variance given the constraints of the
   site. Secondary access to the lot is from Trimble Street and there is a
   steep embankment at the rear of the site which would make alternate
   locations for parking difficult.

   2.   RS-5 Conformity

   With respect to the RS-5 zoning, applicants have the option of
   submitting their design for a new house or renovation/addition for a
   discretionary design review in return for a floor area bonus or
   designing a renovation/addition outright (i.e., no design review) at the
   same above-grade floor area as RS-1. The proposed above-grade floor area
   is in excess of the RS-5 outright floor area maximum [0.20 FSR plus 130
   m2 (1,400 sq.ft.)]. As well, the application is greater than the RS-5
   conditional floor area [0.24 FSR plus 130 m2 (1,400 sq.ft.). The
   applicant did not submit the information necessary for a design review
   analysis, and therefore, the application has been assessed as an
   outright application.

   The existing house also does not conform to the front yard, side yard,
   rear yard and building depth regulations of the RS-5 District Schedule.
   As under the RS-1 District Schedule, the Director of Planning would
   consider relaxing the front yard, side yard, rear yard, and building
   depth as existing non-conforming. In addition, the proposed alterations
   do not conform to the outright above-grade floor area [a reduction of 33
   m2 (355 sq.ft.) would be required to meet the floor area regulation].
   The floor area relaxation necessary under RS-5 would be considered under
   the Board of Variance application.

   Whether the development application is approvable or not depends largely
   on the decision made by the Board of Variance. If the Board of Variance
   grants the floor area relaxation, then the application would meet the
   floor area requirements for an outright RS-5 application and would not
   be subject to design review. The Director of Planning may then consider
   the required yard and building depth relaxations. The relaxation for the
   secondary envelope under RS-1 would depend on input received from
   notifying the neighbours.

   However, if the Board of Variance does not grant the relaxation, the
   development application will be refused.

   3.   Other Considerations

   In addition to the specifics of the development application, the timing
   of the Public Hearing process for the West Point Grey area needs to be
   considered. The Public Hearing is scheduled for July 28, 1997. If
   Council does not make a decision at that time and should Council have
   decided to withhold this application, it will be necessary to release
   the application as the 90-day withholding will expire on August 31,
   1997, prior to any possible subsequent Public Hearing date for West
   Point Grey.

   The results of a recent survey conducted jointly by the Planning
   Department and the North West Point Grey Residents Association are also
   important to note. The results indicate that the portion of West Point
   Grey north of 4th Avenue between Blanca Street and Discovery Street
   (where the subject site is located) would prefer to retain the current
   RS-1 zoning given that the RS-5 zoning allows pitched roofs to be 1.5 m
   (5 ft.) higher than under RS-1 which may impact views in this
   view-sensitive area. The survey had a response rate of 47% with 88% of
   respondents favouring retention of the RS-1 zoning.

   Based on the fact that if the Board of Variance does not allow the floor
   area relaxation, the application will be refused, the difficulties of
   the timing of the Public Hearing process, and the recent survey results
   staff recommend processing the Development Application under the RS-1
   zone in the normal manner.


   Staff conclude that Council should instruct staff to process the
   Development Application for the proposed alternations at 4396 Locarno
   Crescent in the normal manner as outlined under Recommendation item A.
   Withholding would be initiated if Council chooses Consideration item B.

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