Date: June 12, 1997
                                           C.C. File No. 2401

   To:       Vancouver City Council

   From:     Director of Cultural Affairs, in consultation with
             the Directors of Finance and Facility Development

   Subject:  1997 Public Art Allocations from 1997/99 Capital Plan


        A.   THAT Council approve $75,000 for the 1997 Community Public Art
             Program with specific projects to be reported back, and source
             of funds to be the Public Art Unallocated Budget.

        B.   THAT Council approve grants up to a total of $10,000 for art
             fabrication materials for the community centre associations
             listed in Appendix "A", with funds to be released on authority
             of the Director of Cultural Affairs, and source of funds to be
             the Public Art Unallocated Budget.*

        C.   THAT Council approve $16,000 for Greenway Ridgeway art works
             to complete the current Ridgeway Pilot project, with the
             source of funds to be the Pubic Art Unallocated Budget.

        D.   THAT Council approve up to $16,000 for 1997 Public Art Program
             expenses as described in this report, with the source of funds
             to be the Public Art Unallocated Budget.  
        E.   THAT Council approve up to $30,000 for "Working Landscape", 
             with the source of funds to be $15,000 from the Public Art
             Unallocated Budget and $15,000 from the Public Art General

        F.   THAT Council authorize the Director of Finance to issue
             tax receipts for donations received by the City for
             "Working Landscape".

        * These allocations would be grants requiring eight          
   affirmative votes of Council 


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS A through F.


   On May 8, 1997, City Council approved $150,000 for public art project in
   1997 as part of the 1997-99 Capital Plan. 

   City Council has funded Community Public Art each year since 1994, and
   provided funds for artists in residence for the first time in 1996.

   City Council may authorize the issuance of tax receipts for donations to
   civic capital projects.


   This report recommends a total of $147,000 in public art allocations. A
   later report will give a general update on Public Art Program activity
   and recommend other projects for Council consideration. 


   The Public Art Program provides for the development of public art at
   civic capital works, in major new private developments, and (through
   Community Public Art) in residential neighbourhoods.  Specific
   allocations to civic public art projects, including the Community Public
   Art Program, are periodically recommended by staff and the Public Art
   Committee for Council authorization.



   Council has approved a community public art program every year since
   1994.  The program encourages collaborations by artists and communities
   on projects which address neighbourhood needs or aspirations. 
   Twenty-seven projects have been funded to date, and several hundred
   people, mainly children and families, have participated.  The quality of
   applications and projects has increased each year, and public enthusiasm
   for community-based art continues to grow.  

   In 1995 and again in 1996, Vancouver Foundation gave $25,000 to
   community public art from the Foundation's community development fund. 
   Consistent with the Foundation's development role, this funding was for
   two years only, and is no longer available.  We are grateful for the
   Foundation's contribution to the development of the program.  

   This year, in keeping with the reduced funds available, we recommend an
   allocation of $75,000, or $15,000 less in Civic funds than in 1996.  To
   maximize the funds available for projects, Cultural Affairs staff will
   provide the program administration provided in previous years by
   contract personnel, at a cost of $13,000.  


   In 1996, City Council provided grants totalling $10,000 to five
   community centre associations for art project materials.  These funds
   contributed materially to the quality of the projects.  This year, six
   associations--Douglas Park, Kerrisdale, Killarney, Marpole, Strathcona,
   and West Point Grey--are sponsoring artist projects.  We recommend that
   Council approve grants totalling $10,000 again this year, with
   individual allocations of up to $2,000 per sponsor to be released on the
   authority of the Director of Cultural Affairs, following a detailed
   review process.   Projects and sponsors are listed in Appendix "A".

   Greenway Ridgeway Pilot Project

   City Council provided $130,000 in 1996 for public art along the
   Ridgeway.  These funds were allocated to art works being made for 16
   sites. Fourteen art works were selected for the tops of signal poles at
   arterials which cross the Ridgeway.  Greenways staff have identified
   four additional poles--two at Cambie and two at Victoria Drive--which
   would complete the current Ridgeway construction phase.  If Council
   approves the funds, four more art works would, on the selection panel's
   recommendation, be commissioned from artists already providing works for
   poles at other sites along the Ridgeway.  The Public Art Committee
   supports this recommendation.


   Council approved Daniel Laskarin's "Working Landscape" for 901 W.
   Hastings in June, 1996. The selectional panel recommended it following a
   public process and display of five short-list proposals at Library
   Square.  A $100,000 budget was provided by the private sector.

   "Working Landscape" consists of four turntables of differing diameter,
   three of which rotate at differing rates.  These represent the work week
   (40 hours), the work day (8 hours) and the lunch break (1 hour).  The
   original budget did not provide for the fourth turntable (the coffee
   break, which would rotate every 20 minutes) to be mechanized.  

   The selection panel unanimously recommended the work as approved by
   Council (i.e., with three mechanized and one fixed turntable).  But it
   also recommended that the City fund the mechanization of the fourth
   turntable.  Staff advised Council last June that it would report back on
   that cost. The Public Art Committee, fearing the provision of extra
   funds would set a precedent, did not support the request, and staff did
   not present one to Council.

   Soon after construction began, the artist realized the budget would not
   cover the cost of the project as first approved.  Staff from Cultural
   Affairs and Facilities Development reviewed the project budget with the
   artist, and also reviewed the selection and tendering process to find
   where the budget errors occurred, and determine an accurate project

   Despite staff and selection panel review of project costs before
   commission, the project was found to be insufficient in four areas. 
   Incomplete tendering quotations, increased material costs, the added
   cost of City safety stipulations, and the omission of GST combined to
   raise the cost significantly. 

   Present Status 

   The four turntables have been constructed and installation has begun. 
   Meanwhile, entirely on his own initiative, the artist has begun to
   fund-raise for completion of the artwork and has to date raised
   commitments of $20,000, subject to the City providing tax receipts for
   donations.  We recommend that Council authorize the Director of Finance
   to issue tax receipts for this project.

   Project Implications: Completing "Working Landscape"

   To complete the work as originally approved--with three mechanized and
   one fixed turntable--the City quantity surveyor estimates an additional
   $50,000 is required (Appendix "B"). To complete the project as
   recommended by the selection panel (with the fourth turntable
   mechanized) a further $30,000 is required (Appendix "C"). 
   The Public Art Committee and staff continue to support this work in its
   original form.  We recommend that Council approve up to an additional
   $30,000 (source of funds is $15,000 in City funds from the Public Art
   Unallocated Budget, and $15,000 from the Public Art Reserve. 

   The artist also wishes to fundraise the amount needed to mechanize the
   fourth turntable.  Staff and the Public Art Committee support this plan,
   and recommend in addition to issuing a tax receipt for the $20,000 in
   commitments referenced above, that the City issue tax receipts for
   subsequent donations to this project.  All additional donated funds will
   be budgeted by the City to activate the fourth turntable or provide
   additional planting material.

   Public Art Program Implications: 
   Amendments to the Public Art Process

   Changes have been made to reduce the likelihood that similar
   under-budgeting will occur in future. The public art process has been
   amended as per Appendix E.


   Expenses specific to the operation of the public art program are
   incurred every year.  These cover the cost of advertising project and
   artist opportunities; of advising artists, developers and others on new
   developments in public art; of providing liaison via public meetings
   held annually at SFU Downtown; and to the production of brochures,
   pamphlets, signage and displays used in conjunction with other City
   Programs, such as City Plan. A budget estimate of 1997 costs appears as
   Appendix "D".


   If Council approves the $131,000 expenditures proposed above, the 1997
   Public Art Unallocated Budget Remaining will be as follows:

   1997 Capital Plan Allocation                      150,000
   1996 Unallocated Carried Forward                   90,000
   Public Art Reserve                                 15,000

   Proposed Expenditures:        75,000
                                 30,000              147,000
   1997 Balance Remaining:                           108,000

   Council  is asked  to  note  that  approval  of  these  expenditures  is
   recommended now, to enable the projects to proceed.  A later report will
   provide  a more comprehensive update on Program activity and present the
   balance of 1997 allocations for Council consideration.


   Tight budgets,  small fees for models,  and the artist's  desire to make
   the  best possible art work can lead  to overly optimistic estimates and
   insufficient budget projections.   Members of  the Public Art  Committee
   have worked  closely  with staff  to  amend the  public art  process  as
   outlined  above.     The Committee  recommends  these measures  to  City
   Council,  and indeed,  supports  all recommendations  contained in  this

                                 *  *  *  *  *