REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES
                                    STANDING COMMITTEE ON
                                  PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT

                                        JUNE 19, 1997

               A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of  Vancouver was held
          on Thursday, June 19, 1997,  at approximately 12:05 p.m. in the  Council
          Chamber, Third  Floor, City  Hall, following the  Standing Committee  on
          Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the

               PRESENT:            Mayor Philip Owen
                                   Councillor Don Bellamy
                                   Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                                   Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                                   Councillor Alan Herbert
                                   Councillor Daniel Lee 
                                   Councillor Don Lee 
                                   Councillor Gordon Price
                                   Councillor George Puil 
                                   Councillor Sam Sullivan

               ABSENT:             Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of Absence)

               CITY MANAGER'S
               OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager

               CLERK TO THE
               COUNCIL:            Allisen Croft


          MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy.
          SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
               THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
          Owen in the Chair.
                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                      COMMITTEE REPORTS

          Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
          June 19, 1997

               Council  considered  the   recommendations  of  the  Committee   as
          contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

               Cl. 1:    Significant Rezoning Application
               Cl. 2:    Theatre Row Liquor Licensing Policy

          Significant Rezoning Application
          (Clause 1)

          MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
               THAT the  recommendation of the Committee, as contained in Clause 1
          of the attached report, be approved.

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

         Theatre Row Liquor Licensing Policy
          (Clause 2)

          MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
               THAT  the  recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause
          2 of the attached report, be approved.

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          MOVED Cllr. Puil (in amendment),
               THAT references to  Block 700  of Granville Street  be struck  from
          Recommendations A and B of the Policy Report.

                                                  - LOST

          (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Herbert, Daniel Lee
          Don Lee, Price, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)

                                       POLICY REPORTS

          1.   Proposed Text Amendments to the Downtown Official   File: 2610/2601
               Development Plan and the HA-3 District Schedule:
               Implementation of the Downtown Liquor Licensing Strategy
               March 24, 1997

          MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
               THAT the Director of Land Use and Development be instructed to make
          application to:
               (a)  amend  the  Downtown Official  Development  Plan  generally in
                    accordance with Appendix A, to no longer  permit Dwelling Uses
                    in the 800 and  900 Blocks of Granville Street  (Theatre Row),
                    except  that  existing  Rooming  Houses will  continue  to  be
                    permitted; and

               (b)  amend  the  HA-3 District  Schedule  (Yaletown Historic  Area)
                    generally  in accordance with  Appendix A, in  order to delete
                    Cabaret as a permitted use;

               FURTHER  THAT  the  Director  of Legal  Services  be  instructed to
          prepare the necessary by-laws;

               AND  FURTHER  THAT the  application and  by-laws  be referred  to a
          Public Hearing.

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


          MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
               THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


          MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
          SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
               THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                              Council adjourned at 12:10 p.m.

                                    *   *    *    *    *

                                      REPORT TO COUNCIL

                                STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                                 ON PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT

                                        JUNE 19, 1997

               A  Regular  Meeting  of  the  Standing  Committee on  Planning  and
          Environment  was held on Thursday,  June 19, 1997  at approximately 9:30
          a.m. in the Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

               PRESENT:            Councillor Jennifer Clarke, Chair
                                   Mayor Philip Owen
                                   Councillor Don Bellamy
                                   Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario 
                                   Councillor Alan Herbert
                                   Councillor Daniel Lee
                                   Councillor Don Lee
                                   Councillor Gordon Price
                                   Councillor George Puil 
                                   Councillor Sam Sullivan

               ABSENT:             Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of Absence)

               CITY MANAGER'S
               OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager

               CLERK TO THE
               COMMITTEE:          Allisen Croft


          1.   Significant Rezoning Application                         File: 5301

               The Committee  had before it an application  dated May 16, 1997 (on
          file), prepared by the Planning Department, to develop the vacant, half-
          block  site  at  4470  West  8th  Avenue  ("Sasamat  Gardens")  with  28
          townhouses  (duplexes and triplexes)  and 24 seniors-oriented apartments
          in  two  buildings.   One or  both apartment  buildings would  be rental
          property.    Phil Mondor, Rezoning Planner, reviewed the application and
          responded to  questions concerning this application  by Home Investments
          Ltd. to rezone the site from RS-1 to CD-1, Comprehensive Development By-
          law.   Issues relate  to the  proposed T-lane at  mid-block on  West 8th
          Avenue; siting of the apartment building at the eastern end of the site;
          and the lack of community support.  Concerns  were registered in respect
          of  process,  precedent, density,  character  and  form of  development,
          traffic and property values.

               The  following motion  by  Mayor Owen  was put  and  carried.   The
          Committee, therefore,


               THAT  the  Planning  Department  presentation  on  the  significant
               rezoning  application for  4470  West 8th  Avenue  be received  for

                                                 - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          2.   Theatre Row Liquor Licensing Policy                      File: 2610

               The Committee  had before it a Policy Report dated May 28, 1997 (on
          file), in which  the Director  of Central Area  Planning, Chief  License
          Inspector and Chief  of Police,  in consultation with  the Directors  of
          Legal Services  and Social Planning  and General Manager  of Engineering
          Services, recommended licensing  and land  use policies  and proposed  a
          policing strategy  to replace the  existing moratorium  on new  licensed
          establishments in  Downtown South.    It was  recommended that  up to  a
          combined  total of 1,000 additional Class A (hotel pub or lounge), Class
          C  (cabaret),  and Class  D (neighbourhood  pub)  seats be  permitted on
          Theatre Row,  and  that "Neighbourhood  Public House"  and "Cabaret"  be
          deleted  as  permitted uses  in  the 1000  to 1300  Blocks  of Granville
          Street.   No  new Class A  or Class  C seats  would be permitted  in the
          residential areas of Downtown South.

               Nathan  Edelson, Planner, noted that Granville  Street is the heart
          of many initiatives in the area and an important gateway to the downtown
          peninsula.  Often, it is the first street viewed by tourists and is seen
          everyday by many  commuters by transit and car, as  well as by thousands
          of people who live within walking distance.  The Liquor Licensing Policy
          for  Theatre Row  proposes  to  balance  many different  concerns  while
          attracting investment to the area, protecting the historic nature of the
          street, adding to its vitality and making it a safe place for people  of
          all  ages and  income groups.   Liquor  is but  one aspect  of Granville
          Street,  which also  offers  a rich  selection of  cultural attractions,
          entertainment and  shopping and dining areas.   Mr. Edelson reviewed the
          Policy Report and responded to questions.

               The  following  speakers  supported the  proposed  Liquor Licensing
          Policy for Theatre  Row and  urged Council's approval  and direction  to
          staff  to proceed in an  expeditious manner.   Further, it was requested
          that Council  give immediate consideration to  applications received for
          65-seat Class 'D' Neighbourhood Pub Licenses in the 900 Block Granville.

                    Philip Boname, Urbanics Consultants
                    Blaine Culling, Granville Entertainment
                    Dennis  Coates, on behalf  of groups  proposing entertainment-
                    related  developments at 900  and 952 Granville  St. (brief on
                    Kevin Copping, Vogue Theatre
                    Scott Morrison  and Richard  Jaffray,  Cactus Club  Restaurant
                    (briefs on file)
                    Adrian Tuck, Resident & Business Owners  Representative
                    Arnold Silver, Investor
                    Charles Wertman, Property Manager

               A compendium  of  key points  made by  the aforementioned  speakers

              Council  should do  everything it  can to  expedite approval  of at
               least the three  Class 'D'  Licenses for the  900 Block  Granville.
               The  City is losing ground  in maintaining the  balance between the
               growing  population   and  the   supply  of  eating   and  drinking
               establishments in the area.

              Introduction of the Class 'D'  License in the 900 Block would  do a
               great  deal  to  re-energize  the  area.    The  Downtown Vancouver
               Business Association  recently  adopted a  resolution  calling  for
               immediate approval of the three applications for neighbourhood pubs
               in the 900 Block, in the context of endeavouring to assist the City
               with revitalizing the downtown area.

             The  3-month moratorium  extended to five  years -  why is  there a
               moratorium  on business?  Timing is  extremely important as capital
               is very  mobile, and  another five  months can  be  a trying  time.
               Investors' costs  are multiplying  month after  month; and, if  the
               City lets  it lie too  long, the energy  and impetus that  is there
               will be lost.

              If the  process could  be moved  forward, the rewards  to the  City
               would be enormous:

               The  City is looking  at $3  to $6  million in  development monies,
               which will  change the face of Granville  Street; create 150 to 300
               new jobs, bring in more tax money, change traffic patterns, improve
               safety, and add credibility and energy to the downtown area.

              The anticipated operators of projects at 900 and 952 Granville have
               spent substantial  monies holding these properties for at least two
               years in anticipation that the moratorium would be removed in 1995.
               If the licenses are approved in September, facilities probably will
               not open in 1998, and some  investors must decide whether or not to
               go  forward   with  the   projects.  Granting  of   two  or   three
               neighbourhood pub licenses  in the  900 Block would  be a  symbolic
               gesture on the  part of the Council, and send  the right message to
               investors.  These applications meet all the criteria and  would not
               create policing problems.

              The future is exciting, but the City must act now.  It is important
               to  retain the  historic  character  of  the  street  and  have  an
               environment where  theatre patrons and others  can enjoy themselves
               and feel  safe.   Also, granting the neighbourhood pub licenses now
               will  help developers  feel more  committed to  moving  forward and
               encourage    refurbishing   of  the   existing  properties;   e.g.,
               restoration of the neon signage at the Vogue Theatre.

              Vacant  properties detract  from the  appearance and safety  of the
               street.   The City should  give developers the  opportunity to make
               something  of Granville Street and  bring people downtown.   If the
               street becomes vibrant, it also becomes safe.

               The following  speakers expressed  support for the  proposed Liquor
          Licensing  Policy,  while registering concern over the impact of further
          delays  in developing the street and the potentially negative effects on
          area cabarets:
                    Vance Campbell, The Roxy
                    Roger Gibson, B.C. Cabaret Owner s Association (brief on file)
                    Nick Karasiotis, Graceland
                    Dave Kershaw and Derek Pink, Stone Temple Cabaret

               A  precis  of the  points  raised  by the  aforementioned  speakers

              A  number  of  potential  applicants  have  been  waiting  for  the
               moratorium to end. Council is urged to take immediate action with a
               view to maintaining investors' interest in the area.

              Some  owners  have spent  considerable  money  to upgrade  existing
               cabarets on Granville, or  are considering re-locating to Granville
               from  Downtown  South.   There  are  concerns  over  the number  of
               additional drinking  seats proposed in the  Liquor Licensing Policy
               and  that it would create benefits  for operations in the 700 Block
               which would not extend to the 1000 Block.  The Industry has already
               added 1,500 seats to  the Granville Mall, which exceeds  the number
               recommended in the report,   and the proposed 3 a.m. closing should
               include everyone; otherwise, operations in the 700 Block would have
               a competitive advantage. 

             Cabarets  of 200-seat  capacity are  not viable,  due to  the space
               required  and the limited operating hours.   Further, the Commodore
               will soon be back in operation with approximately 1,000 seats.  All
               cabaret  seats will  be striving  to cater  to the  same clientele,
               causing fierce competition and possible discount wars.

              Once a Cabaret license is in place, it is difficult  to control the
               type and style  of operation.   In the  past, certain  restrictions
               were  placed  on  some  operations  which  turned  out  to  be  not

               Sam  Campbell, a  resident of  Granville Street  and member  of the
          Downtown  South  Residents'  Association,  also  encouraged  Council  to
          proceed expeditiously  with implementing  the proposed  Liquor Licensing
          Policy  for   Theatre   Row.     He   underscored  the   importance   of
          Recommendation  E -  Sections (2)  and (6)  -- to  people who  live, are
          unemployed, and would like to work,  in the downtown area.  He supported
          the proposed 3 a.m. closing on the basis it would discourage last-minute
          'blitz'  drinking  at bar  closing time  and  make policing  easier, and
          questioned the  need to provide  parking at licensed  establishments for
          people who are going out to drink.

               The Committee was sympathetic to the sensitive timing issue brought
          forward   by  speakers  and   amenable  to  referring   the  two  formal
          applications for  Class D  licenses  to the  Vancouver Liquor  Licensing
          Commission for consideration at  its July meeting. One Committee  member
          expressed major doubt concerning  inclusion of  the 700  Block Granville
          (between  Robson and Georgia Streets), which  is the site for a proposed
          hotel  development, on  the basis  this is  not the  type of  block that
          should  include cabarets. Some concern was registered over the viability
          of  200-seat  cabarets,  as proposed  in  the  Policy Report;  and   the
          requirement for both private security and public safety was underscored,
          if  Granville Street is to  be successfully revitalized.   The Committee
          commended  the authors  of  the  Policy Report  on the  results of their

               The following motion by the Mayor were put and carried.  Therefore,
          the Committee


               A.   THAT  the  700, 800,  and 900  Blocks  of Granville  Street be
                    designated as the Theatre  Row Entertainment District and that
                    the Director  of Central  Area Planning, in  consultation with
                    the Director  of Legal Services, report  back with appropriate
                    amendments  to  the Downtown  Official  Development  Plan, and
                    other  relevant by-laws  and policy  documents to  encourage a
                    variety of entertainment uses and activities.

               B.   THAT allowance be made in-principle for a combined total of up
                    to 1,000 Class A (Hotel Pub or Lounge), Class C (Cabaret)  and
                    Class D  (Neighbourhood Pub) liquor licensed  seats on Theatre
                    Row,  consistent with  the Theatre  Row Policing  Strategy and
                    generally distributed as follows:

                    1.   700 Block  of Granville - 2 cabarets,  or 1 cabaret and 2
                         neighbourhood pubs, or  1 cabaret and 1 hotel  pub and/or
                         lounge and 1 neighbourhood pub.

                    2.   800 Block of Granville - 2 neighbourhood pubs, or 1 hotel
                         pub and/or  lounge and  a neighbourhood pub,  or possible
                         consideration of  a cabaret on the west side of Granville
                         and 1 neighbourhood pub.

                    3.   900  Block of Granville - 2  cabarets and 2 neighbourhood
                         pubs, or  1  cabaret  and  3  neighbourhood  pubs,  or  1

                        cabaret, 2 neighbourhood pubs and one hotel pub/lounge.

               C.   THAT  the following  process be  initiated to  determine which
                    liquor license applications can  be considered for approval on
                    Theatre Row:

                    1.   An advertisement be placed in the Vancouver Sun, Province
                         and Georgia Straight newspapers indicating that potential
                         applicants have 30 days to submit expressions of interest
                         for locating Class A,  C, or D licensed seats  on Theatre
                         Row  with no more than 200 seats per building, unless the
                         applicant  clearly  demonstrates  that  more   seats  are
                         required for  the financial viability of  a project which
                         will provide significant public benefits.

                    2.   After  the 30  day  expression of  interest period  staff
                         review all initial proposals received and recommend which
                         Council  should  endorse  now,  which   should  be  given
                         additional  time  to prepare  complete  applications, and
                         which  should be refused.   At least 400  seats should be
                         reserved  to encourage  relocations from  the residential
                         area of Downtown South.

                    3.   After the initial proposals are processed, until December
                         1998, applications for Class A (except small lounges with
                         up to  125 seats  in new  or renovated  hotels), C  and D
                         seats which  do not  result in  either the  relocation of
                         existing seats  out of the residential  areas of Downtown
                         South  or the development of  a new hotel,  should not be

                    4.   Staff, including Police,  Licensing, Social Planning, and
                         Central Area Planning, as well as the  LCLB, will monitor
                         the impacts of licensed establishments on Theatre Row and
                         elsewhere in  Downtown South and report  back by December
                         1998 on  the effectiveness  of the approved  measures for
                         dealing  with  problem  licensed  premises,  and  whether
                         further policy changes are required.

               D.   THAT all applications  for new  licensed seats in  the 700  to
                    1300  Blocks of  Granville Street,  including Theatre  Row, be
                    referred  to   the  Chief   of  Police,  General   Manager  of
                    Engineering Services, Chief License Inspector and Director  of
                    Central  Area Planning  to  ensure that  on  an ongoing  basis
                    licensed establishments:

                    1.   meet the location requirements  of the Policing  Strategy
                         [see recommendation B];
                    2.   provide a business plan demonstrating financial viability
                         and  sound  management  experience  related  to  a liquor
                         licensed establishment;
                    3.   minimize noise and line-up impacts;
                    4.   install non-breakable glass for ground floor storefronts;
                         and, if chosen, retractable non-solid grilles;
                    5.   provide active streetfront daytime retail or  services on
                         Granville for the interest and enjoyment of pedestrians;
                    6.   operate video cameras to provide surveillance of adjacent
                         sidewalks and lanes;
                    7.   provide adequate lighting in the lanes;
                    8.   provide only  servicing and emergency access  to and from
                         the lanes; and
                    9.   work with  staff, local merchants and  property owners to
                         improve the cleanliness and reduce the amount of graffiti
                         and litter on the street, lanes and adjacent properties.

               E.   THAT  applications for Class 'A', 'C', or 'D' seats on Theatre

                   Row that meet the  requirements outlined in Recommendation 'D'
                    above be evaluated according to the following criteria:

                    1.   reducing the number of  licensed seats in the residential
                         areas of Downtown South;

                    2.   contributing to the retention  or provision of low-income

                    3.   helping preserve a heritage building;

                    4.   resulting in the development  of a new building, designed
                         to enhance Theatre Row's historic character;

                    5.   adding  to  the  variety  of  entertainment opportunities
                         needed to ensure the success and vitality of Theatre  Row
                         as an entertainment district;

                    6.   creating employment and  training opportunities for  low-
                         income residents of the downtown;

                    7.   providing other significant public benefit; and

                    8.   maximizing  distance from  other  class 'A',  'C' or  'D'
                         licensed establishments.

               F.   THAT  the following  incentives  be offered,  if requested  by
                    applicants,  to  help  attract applications  to  Theatre  Row,
                    especially those which would  relocate existing seats from the
                    residential areas of Downtown South: 

                    1.   using the response to  a neighbourhood notification as an
                         alternative  to formal  polling  in  order  to  determine
                         public support;

                    2.   relaxing the distancing requirement to permit one or more
                         neighbourhood pubs;

                    3.   allowing pay-in-lieu parking;

                    4.   minimizing  the number  of  people exiting  out onto  the
                         street at the same  time, on a trial basis,  by extending
                         the  closing time  of  cabarets  to  3:00 a.m.,  with  no
                         alcoholic beverages sold after 2:00 a.m.; and 

                    5.   considering other proposals which  result in a net public
                         benefit for the community.

               G.   THAT  Council not endorse any  applications in the Theatre Row
                    Entertainment District for new Class 'A', 'C', or 'D' licensed
                    establishments, or for extensions of hours of operation and/or
                    expansion   of  seating   capacity   for   existing   licensed
                    establishments, until the  Directors of Central Area  Planning
                    and Legal  Services, in  consultation with the  Liquor Control
                    and Licensing Branch and the Chief License Inspector and Chief
                    of Police,  report back on  the legal implications,  costs and
                    fees for  issuing  such establishments  temporary  development
                    permits,   subject  to   performance  standards   to  minimize
                    neighbourhood impacts;

                    FURTHER THAT the report  on temporary development permits come
                    forward  at the  same time  as  the report  from staff  on new
                    liquor license proposals for  Theatre Row. [see Recommendation

               H.   THAT  the  Director  of  Planning, in  consultation  with  the

                   Director of Legal Services,  report back on amendments  to the
                    Downtown Official Development Plan  to help establish the 1100
                    to  1300 Blocks of Granville  Street as a  local shopping area
                    for  the  surrounding   residential  community  and  to   help
                    establish the 1000  Block of Granville Street  as a transition
                    area with some entertainment and some local shopping by:

                    1.   deleting  neighbourhood pubs  and  cabarets as  permitted

                    2.   limiting the number of Class A (pub plus lounge) seats to
                         a maximum of 125 endorsed for each new hotel;

                    3.   deleting  Class  2  restaurants (which  require  food  be
                         served  with alcoholic  beverages,  and can  provide live
                         entertainment and dancing) as a permitted use on the 1100
                         to 1300 Blocks of Granville Street; and

                    4.   permitting  Class  2 restaurants  on  the  1000 Block  of
                         Granville Street.

               I.   THAT staff continue  to work with Theatre Row business people,
                    Barwatch and other groups in  the area to revitalize Granville
                    Street,  monitor  the balance  of  entertainment and  shopping
                    requirements  of  the community,  and  report  back if  policy
                    changes are needed, including the possible need for additional
                    services for low-income residents.

               J.   THAT  Council  give   favourable  consideration  to  endorsing
                    applications for extensions of hours of operation or increased
                    seating   capacities   in  existing   licensed  establishments
                    throughout the City, subject to neighbourhood consultation and
                    legal  agreements  that  deal with  neighbourhood  impacts and
                    secure the affordability and upgrading of  low-income housing,
                    or which provide other significant public benefits.

               K.   THAT staff continue to work with the LCLB to better coordinate
                    enforcement efforts concerning  problem premises and  to share
                    information related to applications for liquor licenses.

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

               The  following motion  by  Councillor Price  was  put and  carried.
          Therefore, the Committee


               L.   THAT the Chief of Police, in consultation with the Director of
                    Finance and the General  Manager of Community Services, report
                    back on the timing, costs,  sources of revenue and  mechanisms
                    for collection  required for the policing needed  to deal with
                    the impacts of licensed establishments in this area. 

                                                  - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

               The  following motion by the Mayor was put and carried.  Therefore,
          the Committee


               M.   THAT the  two formal applications received for 65-seat Class D
                    (Neighbourhood  Pub) Licenses  in the  900 Block  Granville be
                    referred  to the  Vancouver  Liquor Licensing  Commission  for
                    consideration at its July 1997 Meeting.

              The  following motion was put by Councillor Puil (in amendment) and

               THAT references to  Block 700  of Granville Street  be struck  from
               Recommendations A and B of the Policy Report.

                                                  - LOST

                    (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Herbert, Daniel Lee,
                       Don Lee, Price, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)

                            The Committee adjourned at 12:05 p.m.

                                      *   *   *   *   *