Supports Item No. 1
   T&T Committee Agenda
   June 17, 1997


   Date: May 28, 1997
   Dept. File No. 255577
   CC File No.: 5762-2

   TO:       Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

   SUBJECT:  Wall Street Area Traffic Plan


        A.   THAT the following traffic measures be installed on a
             temporary basis: 

             1)   No left turn (3-6pm Monday-Friday) for eastbound Powell
                  to northbound Wall
             2)   3-way stop at Eton/Wall
             3)   Corner bulges, plus 3-way stop at Trinity/Wall
             4)   3-way stop at Penticton/Wall
             5)   One-way eastbound on Yale between Nanaimo and Kamloops
             6)   No right turn from southbound Nanaimo to westbound McGill
             7)   Traffic Calmed Area signs at 3 Locations.

        B.   THAT Council approve the future narrowing of Wall Street,
             adjacent to Oxford Park and that staff pursue this narrowing
             with the Park Board and adjacent developments(8).

        C.   THAT the following traffic circles and closure be installed on
             a permanent basis:

              9)  Traffic circle at Nanaimo/Wall
             10)  Traffic circle at Kaslo/Wall
             11)  Closure of Wall at McGill
             12)  Traffic circle at Slocan/Trinity
             13)  Traffic circle at Penticton/Trinity.

        D.   THAT following the trial period, area residents be surveyed,
             traffic counts be taken and the results be reported to the
             Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic to determine
             the permanent plan.

        E.   THAT the estimated cost of $51,000 for the installation be
             provided from Streets Basic Capital Unappropriated Account No.
             13/32/9801/999 - Local Area   Plans.

        F.   THAT funding of $500 per year per traffic circle, for a total
             of $2,000 per year, be added without offset to the Operating
             Budget for maintenance, reduced to $100 per year per circle
             for each circle residents agree to adopt.


   It is a long standing Policy to mitigate the impacts of traffic in local

   Council supports public participation (through surveys, meetings, and
   open houses) to encourage neighbourhood based decisions.

   It is a Council Policy to implement traffic calming measures on a trial
   basis, with follow up survey, before making the measures permanent.


   The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the implementation,
   on a trial basis, of the traffic calming plan for the Wall Street Area.


   -    As part of the 1986 Grandview-Woodland Traffic Management Plan,
        Council approved the reclassification of Wall Street from arterial
        to local status, but deferred development of a traffic calming
        plan. Council also declassified Wall as a truck route, when
        Commissioner was so classified.

   -    As part of the 1993 approval of the Port Roadway Project, Council
        approved the closure of Wall Street at McGill Street.

   -    Since 1995, area residents and staff have discussed various traffic
        measures to address concerns about traffic volumes and speed along
        Wall Street.

   -    A neighbourhood Open House was held on April 10, 1996. Over 50 area
        residents attended to express their concerns about shortcutting
        traffic and safety within their neighbourhood.

   -    From October 1996 to January 1997, staff worked with the
        neighbourhood group to review traffic patterns in the Wall Street
        area and to evaluate various traffic calming measures and prepare a
        plan with the goals of reducing commuter traffic, reducing traffic
        speed and improving safety in the neighbourhood.

   -    Open Houses were held on January 28 and 30, 1997 to gain
        neighbourhood input on specific traffic measures developed with the
        neighbourhood working group.

   -    In March 1997 a public opinion survey was distributed to residents
        and businesses in the area bounded by Wall, McGill, Nanaimo and
        Dundas Streets.  A copy of the survey is shown in Appendix A.


   The neighbourhood area is bounded by Wall, McGill, Nanaimo and Dundas
   streets. Since 1986, there have been several street improvements in the
   area such as the Cassiar Tunnel, the Second Narrows Bridge redecking,
   and the Nanaimo-McGill intersection. Residents have expressed concerns
   about commuter traffic using Wall Street to bypass the rush hour
   congestion on McGill Street and Powell/Dundas Street.

   Area residents have waited patiently for the Vancouver Port Corporation
   and the City to finalize the new Port Roadway connection at McGill,
   which will eliminate Port traffic from Renfrew Street north of McGill
   Street and close Wall Street at McGill Street.  The Port Roadway project
   is now under construction and it is appropriate to proceed now with the
   local area traffic measures.

   The recommended plan (see Figure 1, page 7) consists of:

   1.   No left turn (3-6pm Monday-Friday) for eastbound Powell to
        northbound Wall. The benefit of this measure is that shortcutting
        will be prohibited on Wall Street and speed will likely decrease. 
        An undesirable impact is that the restriction may inconvenience
        local residents as well and may cause increased local traffic on
        other streets due to altered traffic flow. A temporary installation
        is recommended and supported by the residents to allow time to
        evaluate the benefits and impacts before deciding on a permanent

   2.   3-way stop at Eton/Wall.

   3.   Corner bulges, plus 3-way stop at Trinity/Wall.

   4.   3-way stop at Penticton/Wall.

   5.   One-way eastbound on Yale between Nanaimo and Kamloops. Area
        residents felt the close proximity of the Wall/Nanaimo and
        Yale/Nanaimo intersections presented a safety hazard; the one-way
        partial closure of Yale between Nanaimo and Kamloops will help
        eliminate the conflict between westbound Yale and eastbound Wall. 

   6.   No right turn from southbound Nanaimo to westbound McGill.

   7.   Traffic Calmed Area signs at 3 locations. To advise non-local
        traffic of traffic calming measures, "Traffic Calmed Area" signs
        have been tried in the Mount Pleasant area to provide initial
        notification of traffic measures installed within the area.  The
        neighbourhood working group requested these signs be installed for
        the community at keylocations such as Wall/Powell and
        Renfrew/McGill.  It is recommended that three of these signs be
        installed at strategic locations on the border of this area for the
        six month trial period.

   8.   Narrowing of Wall Street, adjacent to Oxford Park. Residents
        recommended the narrowing of Wall Street in front of Oxford Park.
        This narrowing will not occur at this time, but will be coordinated
        with any future park improvements or adjacent developments.  Staff
        from Engineering Services will pursue the future narrowing of Wall
        Street with the Park Board as part of the consolidation of Oxford
        Park and with adjacent developments.

   9.   Traffic circle at Nanaimo/Wall.

   10.  Traffic circle at Kaslo/Wall.

   11.  Closure of Wall at McGill.  The permanent closure of Wall Street at
        McGill Street was first approved by Council in 1993 as part of the
        Port Roadway Project.  Residents recommend it be closed now to
        eliminate the westbound commuters shortcutting through Wall Street.
        The permanent closure will be coordinated with the New Port
        Overpass, currently under construction.

   12.  Traffic circle at Slocan/Trinity.

   13.  Traffic circle at Penticton/Trinity.

   The recommended traffic plan as detailed above was developed jointly by
   the area residents and Engineering staff.  The plan has received popular
   support in general throughout the public consultation process; local
   residents indicated their willingness to adopt the plan on a trial basis
   to evaluate the effectiveness. 

   The Greenways Plan identifies a greenway called the "Harbour Route"
   along Burrard Inlet connecting Portside Park to New Brighton Park.  The
   section between Victoria Drive and New Brighton Park will likely use
   Wall Street.  There are already a number of small parks located along
   both sides of Wall Street.  The traffic calming measures, once in place,
   will assist when Wall Street is developed as a greenway in the future. 
   Greenways staff have reviewed this plan for consistency.


   A total of 2420 surveys were distributed in March 1997; 433(18%) were
   returned, which is a typical return rate.  The results of the survey
   show support for all measures, and are summarized below:

                                       In       Opposed   Undecided
                                     Favour       (%)        (%)
    1)  No left turn (3-6pm         241 (56)   176 (41)     16(3)
        Monday-Friday for
        eastbound Powell to
        northbound Wall

    2)  Narrowing of Wall Street,    276(64)    137(32)     20(4)
        south of Oxford, as part
        of the Oxford Park

    3)  3-way stop at Eton/Wall      313(72)    102(24)     18(4)

    4)  Corner bulges, plus 3-way    306(71)    104(24)     23(5)
        stop at Trinity/Wall
    5)  Traffic circle at            326(75)    85(20)      22(5)

    6)  3-way stop at                310(72)    96(22)      27(6)

    7)  Traffic circle at            316(73)    85(20)      32(7)

    8)  One-way eastbound on Yale    272(63)    110(25)    51(12)
        between Nanaimo and
    9)  Closure of Wall at McGill    265(61)    136(31)     32(8)

    10  No right turn from           257(59)    137(31)    39(10)
    )   southbound Nanaimo to
        westbound McGill

    11  Traffic circle at            306(71)    79(18)     48(11)
    )   Slocan/Trinity

    12  Traffic circle at            301(70)    82(19)     50(11)
    )   Penticton / Trinity
                                       In       Opposed   Undecided
                                     Favour       (%)        (%)

    13  Traffic Calmed Area sign     330(76)    49(11)     54(13)
    )   at Renfrew / McGill

    14  Traffic Calmed Area sign     325(75)    55(13)     53(12)
    )   at Penticton /McGill

    15  Traffic Calmed Area sign     337(78)    47(11)     49(11)
    )   at Wall/Powell

   The comments from the survey indicate that many people are concerned
   about traffic speeding along Wall Street (27 responses), the road
   surface conditions (30 responses) and the need for a traffic signal at
   Powell and Wall (19 responses).  Once the concerns with traffic and
   speeds are dealt with, it will be possible to address poor street
   surface conditions through the Local Improvement Program, either through
   local residents  initiatives or possibly through City initiatives. 
   Staff will continue to monitor the operation at Powell and Wall in order
   to determine if a signal is needed at this intersection.


   The costs for the various traffic calming measures and work items are
   detailed as follows:

   Permanent traffic circles               $ 39,500
   Temporary calming measures              $  6,000
   (Including signs)
   Before and after traffic counts         $  4,000
   Distribution costs for pre and post trial
   Opinion Survey                          $  1,500

                       TOTAL               $ 51,000

   Funds for this work are available from Streets Basic Capital
   Unappropriated Account for Local Area Plans.

   The landscaping in the four traffic circles requires maintenance funding
   of a total of $2000 per year ($500 per circle).  It will be necessary to
   increase the Operating budget by $2000 annually, unless residents agree
   to adopt maintenance of the circles; in that case the total maintenance
   funding could be reduced to as low as $400 annually ($100 per circle).

   The permanent installation of the corner bulge at Trinity/Wall and the
   partial closure of Yale/Nanaimo would cost an additional $11,000 if
   these are supported after the trial period.


   Shortcutting traffic and traffic speed have long been the major issues
   for the Wall Street area residents.  The proposed traffic plan has been
   developed with the residents to address these issues and is supported by
   the majority of survey respondents for a trial period.  Following the
   six-month trial, traffic counts will be taken, another opinion survey
   will be conducted, and the results will be reported back to Council. 

                               *   *   *   *   *