ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: June 10, 1997 Dept.File No. CC File: 1801-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: Award of Contract No. 9708, for the Supply and Installation of Distribution Watermain RECOMMENDATION A. THAT Contract No. 9708 for the supply and installation ofdistribution watermain be awarded to the low bidder meeting the contract requirements, Pedre Contractors Ltd., for a total tender price of $757,642.13; with the source of funds to be account code 17/36/1004/999. B. THAT the bid bonds of the unsuccessful tenderers be returned. C. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, be authorized to enter into a construction services contract with Pedre Contractors Ltd., for Contract No. 9708, for the Supply and Installation of Distribution Watermain. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C. COUNCIL POLICY Construction contracts over $200,000 are to be awarded by Council. Contracts are to be awarded on the basis of best value for fee. PURPOSE This report recommends that the contract for the construction and related work of the distribution watermain at 48th Ave. from Main to Fraser, 50th Ave. from Ontario to Main, 18th Ave. from Oak to Laurel, 18th from Windsor to Glen and 17th Ave. from Glen to Inverness be awarded to the low bidder, Pedre Contracting Ltd. BACKGROUND The 1997 Waterworks Capital Budget provides $8.3 Million funding for distribution watermain replacement. This work was chosen to be contracted due to additional commitments by City forces to construct the Dedicated Fire Protection System, approximately 25% more work than usual. The watermains have reached the end of their service lives, and their proper operation is essential to provide a continuous supply of water for both domestic consumption and fire protection. DISCUSSION In anticipation of the above award, advanced designs and contract documents were prepared by Engineering Services staff. Bids have now been received for a construction contract that will see the replacement of 9 City blocks of watermain. The work will be administered under a lump sum/unit price type, construction services contract. As requested, the contractors have submitted unit prices and lump sums, which will be used to calculate interim progress payments. The final cost of the contract will vary slightly as a result of variances from the estimated quantities of work, or from extra work, but it is anticipated this variation will be small. Three contract bidders submitted tender packages, including bonding requirements. A summary of the bids received is as follows: Contractor Bid Price Pedre Contractors Ltd. $757,642.13 Ponte Bros Contracting Ltd. $763,601.00 B. Cusano Contracting Inc. $959,300.00 Therefore, the tender submitted by Pedre Contractors Ltd. is the low bidder and meets all the contract requirements, including bonding and completion date. Pedre Contractors is well qualified to complete this work, having demonstrated experience with watermain installation on a number of similar projects in a satisfactory and timely manner. FUNDING AND COST The low bid for Contract No. 9708 is within the preliminary engineer's estimate of $903,000. Funding for this contract is available in account No. 17/36/1004/999, "Distribution Watermain Replacement" * * * * *