Date: May 26, 1997
                                           Dept. File No.
                                           C.C. File No. 2401-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Community Services, Social Planning

   SUBJECT:  1997 Childcare Grants Allocation - Report 1 of 3


        A.   THAT Council approve five City-wide Childcare Support Service
             grants totaling $254,000 as listed in this report.  Source of
             funds:  1997 Childcare Grants Funds, 1997 Operating Budget.

        B.   THAT Council approve one Administration of City-owned
             Childcare Facilities grant of $63,500 to the Vancouver Society
             of Children's Centers.  Source of funds:  1997 Childcare
             Grants Funds, 1997 Operating Budget.

        C.   THAT Council approve one Childcare Research, Policy
             Development and Innovations grant totaling $5,000  to assist
             Kiwassa Neighborhood House with the Hastings Park childcare
             needs assessment.  Source of funds:  1997 Childcare Grants
             Funds, 1997 Operating Budget.


        The General Manager of Community Services submits A through C for


   On March 13, 1997, Council approved the 1997 allocation of $665,895 for
   the Childcare Grants Program.

   Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes.


   The purpose of this report is to recommend approval of:

        5    City-wide Childcare Support Services grants;
        1    Administration of City-owned Childcare Facilities grant;
        1    Childcare Research, Policy Development and Innovations  

   as part of the first of three reports to Council on the 1997 Childcare
   Grants Program.


   The March 13, 1997 Childcare Grants Ceiling Report identified the
   priorities and granting process for the five childcare grant categories
   described in this report.


   1.   City-wide Childcare Support Program

        This grant category was established in 1992 to fund childcare
        support services that are integral to developing a viable,
        effective, high quality childcare system in Vancouver and unique
        childcare services which stand as city-wide models.  For 1997, the
        funding guidelines were established at $254,000.

        Five applications have been received (see Appendix I) and the
        additional information included in Appendix II.  The Childcare
        Co-ordinator reviewed these applications and engaged in in-depth
        discussions with representatives from each of the five services. 
        Applicants were asked to:

        -    highlight the key outcomes achieved during the past year;
        -    report on how they had evaluated their service during the past
        -    identify any barriers or challenges which had limited their
             ability to implement all aspects of their 1996 action plans;
        -    identify emerging and new needs of families and childcare
        -    indicate how their service goals and action plans for 1997
             would address these needs.

        Three of the five City-wide Support Service grant requests reflect
        a 1% inflationary increase and can be accommodated within the
        funding guidelines.  The application  from the Information and
        Referral Service of Westcoast requests additional support, but
        staff review of the financial information provided, indicates that
        maintaining a 1% inflationary increase will not pose a serious
        problem for the service.  The Childcare Co-ordinator is, however,
        recommending a significant increase (approximately 12%) for Child
        Care Financial and Administrative services.  This service provides
        essential bookkeeping services and board support to many of the
        parent-run childcare programs in the City.  Additional staff time
        and accounting expertise is needed to support the 25 childcare
        programs which have a gross payroll of $2.8 million.  The
        recommended grant of $63,235 is slightly less than the original
        request but it is the maximum increase possible within the overall
        funding guideline for this category.

        The five City-wide Support Service grant allocations are
        recommended for approval as follows:

                                      Request        Recommended

        - YWCA Childcare Services     $ 26,130       $ 26,130
        - Early Childhood Multicultural
            Services                  $ 42,855       $ 42,855
        - Information Daycare         $ 32,890       $ 32,890
        - Westcoast Child Care Resource
            Centre                    $ 89,700       $ 88,890
          (core admin., resource and referral)
        - Child Care Financial &
            Admin. Services           $ 64,014       $ 63,235
                                      $255,589       $254,000

   2.   Administration of City-owned Facilities Grant

        The Civic Childcare Strategy called for development of a
        single-purpose, non-profit childcare organization to manage those
        new City-owned/leased facilities in the Downtown area resulting
        from rezoning negotiations or City projects.  This grant category
        was established to fund the administrative costs of this society.
        The 1997 funding guideline is $63,500.

        In December 1994, the Vancouver Society of Children's Centers
        (VSOCC) was incorporated, and in September 1995  its first
        childcare service, the Library Square Children's Centre, was
        opened.  VSOCC is now preparing for the opening of the first City
        childcare facility being built by Concord Pacific.  Opening day is
        scheduled  for August 1998.

   VSOCC's Year 3 workplan includes:

        -    refinement of financial & administrative systems, policies &
        -    strategic & resource development planning;
        -    ongoing management of Library Square Children's Centre;
        -    collective bargaining with the BCGEU; 
        -    startup work for the Roundhouse childcare facility in False
             Creek North; 
        -    ongoing connections with the corporate and community sectors
             in the Downtown Peninsula; 
        -    participation in the Vancouver Childcare Regional Delivery
             Models Pilot Project;
        -    assessment of role in Supported Childcare
        -    exploration of additional services for parents.

   The VSOCC budget for 1997/98 includes an Executive Director s salary
   over a 12 month period - not a 10 month period as in 1996.  The VSOCC
   request fits the grant criteria, can be accommodated within the 1997
   funding guideline and is recommended. 

   3.   Childcare Research, Policy Development and Innovations Fund

        The purpose of this grant is to encourage and fund two or three new
        initiatives each year.  The Ceiling Report identified the expansion
        of new flexible childcare options as the priority area.  One
        proposal has been received.

        Kiwassa Neighborhood House has requested $10,000 to undertake a
        childcare needs assessment and option review for the workers at
        Hastings Park racetrack.  Preliminary discussions suggest that the
        grooms, flat workers, jockeys, hot walkers, and other racetrack
        support workers face serious childcare problems because of the
        unusual hours and scheduling of their work.  Their options are
        further limited because of low wages.  Concerns about the safety
        and well being of some of the children have been raised and so
        Kiwassa Neighborhood House has agreed to work with Hastings Park
        Race Track parents and the Racing Commission to explore potential
        solutions.  A grant of $5,000 is recommended at this time.  Once
        further information has been collected, a Phase II proposal may be
        submitted to Council for consideration.


   This report recommends approval of:

   -    5 City-wide Support Services grants totaling $254,000 
   -    1 Administration of City-owned Facilities grant of $63,500
   -    1 Research, Policy Development, Innovations grant totaling $5,000.

   This leaves $343,395 still remaining in the 1997 Childcare Grants budget
   for allocation to grant categories which are reported in July and/or
   November (see Appendix III).

                               *   *   *   *   *