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June 17, 1997
A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, June 17, 1997, commencing at approximately 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, third floor, City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen
Councillor Don Bellamy
Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
Councillor Jennifer Clarke
Councillor Alan Herbert
Councillor Daniel Lee
Councillor Don Lee
Councillor Gordon Price
Councillor George Puil
Councillor Sam Sullivan
ABSENT: Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Leave of Absence)
OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager
CLERK: Maria Kinsella
The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with a prayer read by the City Clerk.
Council was advised there were personnel matters to be considered "In Camera" later this day.
1. Minutes of Special Council
(Show Cause Hearing)
May 26, 1997
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
2. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
June 3, 1997
MOVED by Cllr.Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
3. Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
(Planning and Environment)
May 29, 1997
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the foregoing minutes be adopted.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Don Lee,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair.
1. Proposed Traffic Plan for Files: 5751/5761
Burrard and Cypress Streets
A Special meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Committee was held on April 9, 1997 to hear speakers on a proposed traffic plan for Burrard and Cypress Streets. The meeting reconvened on May 14, 1997, and at its conclusion the matter was referred to this Regular Council meeting for a final decision.
The following materials were before Council:
(a)Administrative Report dated March 27, 1997;
(a)i Supplemental Administrative Report dated April 30, 1997;
(b)Memorandum dated June 11, 1997 from Engineering Services responding to Council's request for additional information on this issue;
(c)Report to Council - Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Transportation and Traffic dated April 9 and May 14, 1997.
The following recommendations were contained in the March 27, 1997 Administrative Report:
A.THAT Burrard Street be constructed in accordance with this report (geometric YD 632), to provide the following:
Cornwall -a northbound left-turn bay and an eastbound bicycle lane,
1st Avenue -northbound and southbound left-turn bays and bicycle lanes on Burrard from Cornwall to 1st Avenue, and a traffic signal upgrade,
2nd Avenue -southbound left-turn bay,
4th Avenue -northbound left-turn bay,
with funding of $1,625,000 for the bays, bicycle lanes, and signal changes at Cornwall, 1st, and 2nd from existing Streets Capital funds, and funding of $275,000 for the bay at 4th to be included in the 1998 Streets Basic Capital Budget.
B.THAT bicycle lanes be painted on Burrard from Cornwall to 1st Avenue (with the reduction of one southbound vehicle lane) and on the Cornwall approach to the bridge, bicycle stencils be painted on 1st Avenue to link Burrard to the Cypress Bicycle Route, and wide curb lanes for bicycles be installed where other curbs are being reconstructed.
C.THAT the pedestrian signal at 1st and Burrard be upgraded to a full signal, with the capability to upgrade further with north and southbound left-turn arrows.
D.THAT the Manager of Real Estate Services be authorized to conclude required property negotiations for report back to Council.
E.THAT the Streets Operating Budget be increased by $6,000 per year to pay for maintenance of landscaping in the medians.
F.THAT following a decision on the proposals herein, the area be resurveyed to determine the need for further measures to reduce traffic on Cypress Street, for report back to Committee.
G.THAT staff review and report back on building lines on Burrard Street from 1st Avenue to 12th Avenue to provide bicycle lanes.
The General Manager of Engineering Services also submitted the following motions for consideration:
H.THAT only the turn bays at Cornwall and 4th, and the signal upgrade at 1st proceed at this time with funding of $690,000 from existing Streets Capital funds, and the situation be monitored to determine if further changes are still needed.
I.THAT left turns be prohibited at 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
J.THAT bicycle lanes be painted on Burrard from Cornwall to 1st Avenue (with the reduction of one southbound vehicle lane) and on the Cornwall approach to the bridge, and bicycle stencils be painted on 1st Avenue to link Burrard to the Cypress Bicycle Route.
The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of a partial program indicated by C,F, H and J.
In the supplemental Administrative Report dated April 30, 1997, the General Manager of Engineering Services submitted the following resolution for consideration:
K.THAT the work on Burrard from 1st to 3rd be done with minimum (3.7m) curb-lane width, to reduce pavement width, and property and construction costs by $170,000.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, with the aid of a slide presentation, reviewed the memorandum before Council dated June 11, 1997. This memorandum responded to the following issues which were raised by Council at the conclusion of the Special Traffic and Transportation meeting:
- Left turns at 1st Avenue;
- Truck Traffic on 1st Avenue;
- Curb Lane width on Burrard Street;
- A T-intersection proposal for Burrard and Cornwall.
Responding to a question concerning the intersection preferred by the Engineering Department at Cornwall and Burrard, (Page 5 in the March 27 Administrative Report) in comparison to the T-intersection preferred by the Planning Department, Mr. Rudberg advised that the T-interesection could result in congestion as vehicles attempt to take a hard right turn at the intersection. This would back up traffic on Burrard Bridge. It is feared drivers would then seek alternative routes which could result in traffic diversion to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Avenues.
Brian Riera, Planner, advised the Planning Department supports the proposed left-turn bay at 4th Avenue but recommend no left-turn bays at 1st or 2nd Avenues due to concerns of neighbourhood shortcutting. Planning staff do support upgrading the pedestrian activated signal at 1st Avenue to a full signal. The T-intersection at Cornwall and Burrard is favored because it would reduce speed and keep the traffic on the arterial streets. Further work could still be done to improve the T-intersection design.
Responding to a question from a member of Council, Mr. Rudberg advised that should Council approve the option preferred by Engineering staff for the Cornwall and Burrard intersection, work will proceed in 1997. However, Engineering staff would continue discussions with Planning staff and the community around further modifications to improve the intersection in the future.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT staff be instructed to study further the options for the Cornwall and Burrard intersection, including a more detailed analysis of the impact of the proposal to reconstruct this interesection as a T intersection.
(Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Daniel Lee, Don Lee,
Puil and the Mayor opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT staff proceed with a northbound left-turn bay and an eastbound bicycle lane at Cornwall and Burrard.
(Councillors Herbert, Price and Sullivan opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT a northbound left-turn bay be constructed at 4th and Burrard.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT the pedestrian signal at lst and Burrard be upgraded to a full signal, with north and southbound left-turn arrows;
FURTHER THAT staff continue to consult with South False Creek residents living east of Anderson Street to ensure appropriate mitigation of any increased traffic into that neighbourhood as a result of the upgrading of the signal.
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke (in amendment),
THAT the motion be amended by deleting the words "and southbound".
- carried
(Councillor Herbert opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Puil (in amendment),
THAT the words "with left-turn bays" be added to the above motion.
(Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Clarke, Herbert, Daniel Lee,
Don Lee, Price, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)
The motion, as amended, and reading as follows, was put and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY:
THAT the pedestrian signal at lst Avenue and Burrard be upgraded to a full signal with a northbound turning arrow;
FURTHER THAT staff continue to consult with South False Creek residents living east of Anderson Street to ensure appropriate mitigation of any increased traffic into that neighbourhood as a result of the upgrading of the signal.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT funding for the bays, bicycle lane, and signal changes at Cornwall, lst and 4th Avenues be from the existing Streets Capital funds.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT Recommendation D of the General Manager of Engineering Services, contained in the Administrative Report dated March 27, 1997, be approved.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT Recommendation F of the General Manager of Engineering Services, contained in the Administrative Report, dated March 27, 1997, be approved;
FURTHER THAT staff continue to consult with Cypress Street residents in this process.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT Recommendation G of the General Manager of Engineering Services, contained in the Administrative Report dated March 27, 1997, be approved.
(Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Danel Lee, Don Lee, Puil,
Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT Consideration Item J, contained in the Administrative Report dated March 27, 1997, be approved, but with the proviso that this refers to all bicycle routes in the discussion area.
Council took no action on Recommendations B and E, or on Consideration Items H and I.
Council recognized six employees who recently retired from the City with varying lengths of service in excess of 20 years.
The Mayor presented each employee with a Certificate on behalf of the City, and thanked them for their long and faithful service.
* * * *
Council recessed at 4:00 p.m., and following an In Camera meeting in the Mayors Office, reconvened at 4:25 p.m., with the same members present.
* * * *
1. Vancouver 2020 Project File: 1186
Matthew Levinson from EXCITE Lab at Simon Fraser University provided Council with a presentation on Vancouver 2020 project. EXCITE is working with students and teachers at Vancouvers Point Grey Mini School to develop new models for learning on the Internet through highspeed network communications. Rogers Cable is also a participant in this program. Mr. Levinson provided Council with excerpts of the work completed by the Grade 11 students which is contained on the internet, and which is designed to encourage public participation in city planning issues.
On behalf of Council, Mayor Owen congratulated all those involved in the project on their efforts to date and commented on the useful, thought provoking results which have emerged from the work to date.
1. 1997 Childcare Grants Allocation - Report 1 of 3
May 26, 1997 File: 2402
In an Administrative Report dated May 26, 1997, the Director of Community Services, Social Planning, recommended the following:
A.THAT Council approve five City-wide Childcare Support Service grants totaling $254,000 as listed in this report. Source of funds: 1997 Childcare Grants Funds, 1997 Operating Budget.
B.THAT Council approve one Administration of City-owned Childcare Facilities grant of $63,500 to the Vancouver Society of Children's Centers. Source of funds: 1997 Childcare Grants Funds, 1997 Operating Budget.
C.THAT Council approve one Childcare Research, PolicyDevelopment and Innovations grant totaling $5,000 to assist Kiwassa Neighborhood House with the Hastings Park childcare needs assessment. Source of funds: 1997 Childcare Grants Funds, 1997 Operating Budget.
The General Manager of Community Services presented the foregoing for consideration.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the recommendations of the Director of Community Services, Social Planning, as contained in this report, be approved.
2. Fire Department Purchase of Second HazMat Vehicle
May 22, 1997 Files: 3651/1377
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
A.THAT Council approve the purchase and deployment of a second HazMat vehicle for Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services, at a one time cost not to exceed $100,000, to satisfy agreements with the University of British Columbia and associated facilities for hazardous materials services; source of funds to be the supplementary service contracts with these organizations that were previously approved by Council.
B.THAT the new vehicle be managed in the City's Plant Account with the balance of the Fire Services fleet and the Department provide for annual replacement cost from the service agreement recoveries.
C.THAT the additional ongoing operating costs, of the new HazMat vehicle, estimated at $25,000 be funded from the recoveries associated with the supplementary service agreements with the University of British Columbia and associated facilities.
3. Strata Title Conversion: 73 Water Street
May 27, 1997 File: 5311
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the application to convert the building at 73 Water Street (Lot 8 West Half, Block 1, D.L. OGT, Plan 168) to strata title ownership be approved in principle, but that pursuant toSection 9(1) of the Condominium Act, the Certificate of Approval (Form 10) shall not be issued unless the following condition has been met within one year of the date of this approval:
Completion of all upgrading work required by the City Building Inspector, in accordance with any approved plans and permits, and issuance of an Occupancy Permit, all at no cost to the City, in order that this previously-occupied building substantially complies with all relevant by-laws.
4. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy:
Amendment of By-law 7364
May 2, 1997 File: 1174
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
A. THAT Council amend By-law 7364 to give the Information and Privacy Co-ordinator the authority to apply discretionary exceptions to disclosures under the Act and to exercise the power of the Head to charge or to waive fees related to a request.
B.THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to bring forward the necessary by-law amendments.
5. Form of Development: 3131 East 58th Avenue
D.E. 402224 - CD-1 By-law Number 7723
Owner of Development: Governing Council of the
Salvation Army
May 30, 1997 File: 2605
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the approved form of development for this portion of the CD-1 zoned site known as 7272 Kerr Street (Southview Lodge) (3131 East 58th Avenue being the application address) be generally approved as illustrated in Development Application Number DE402224, prepared by Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams Architects and stamped "Received, City Planning Department, March 20, 1997", provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.
6. Form of Development: 7400 Oak Street
D.E. 401826 - CD-1 By-law Number 7649
Owner of Development: Haseman Estates Ltd.
May 30, 1997 File: 2607
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
THAT the approved form of development for the CD-1 zoned site known as 7400 Oak Street be generally approved as illustrated in Development Application Number DE401826, prepared by Eng Wright Bruckner Partners and stamped "Received, City Planning Department May 7, 1997", provided that the Director of Planning may approve design changes which would not adversely affect either the development character of this site or adjacent properties.
7. Award of Tender No. 41-97-03,
Supply of Front Loader Packer Refuse Trucks
June 2, 1997 File: 1805
This report was withdrawn at the request of the City Manager.
8. Award of Contract No. 9708, for the Supply and
Installation of Distribution Watermain
June 10, 1997 File: 1805
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
A.THAT Contract No. 9708 for the supply and installation of distribution watermain be awarded to the low bidder meeting the contract requirements, Pedre Contractors Ltd., for a total tender price of $757,642.13; with the source of funds to be account code 17/36/1004/999.
B.THAT the bid bonds of the unsuccessful tenderers be returned.
C.THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, be authorized to enter into a construction services contract with Pedre Contractors Ltd., for Contract No. 9708, for the Supply and Installation of Distribution Watermain.
9. Shannon Station Beautification Petition -
First and Second Step Report
June 2, 1997 File: 5802
A member of Council commented there is currently an application to develop housing on this site, and questioned the relationship between the housing application and the beautificationpetition. Concern was expressed that approval of the beautification petition could impact the Citys decision on the housing application.
Sheri Reed, Engineer, advised a development permit has been issued for the business facade and the beautification petition will not impact the housing proposal.
MOVED by Cllr. Don Lee,
A.THAT Council approve the streetscape design for the 1800 block of West 57th Avenue, as described in this report, with the proviso that this approval is in no way connected to the housing application for this site.
B.THAT the Shannon Station Petition Project be brought before a Court of Revision on June 17th, 1997.
C.THAT the Citys share of the project, $51,000, be funded from Account No. 12/31/6904/999 - Beautification and Street Trees.
D.THAT if the petition project is approved, the Director of Legal Services prepare the necessary by-law.
Underlining denotes amendment
10. Award of Tender No. 57-97-07 - Supply and Delivery
of Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections and Tops
May 20, 1997 File: 1805
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT Council accept the sole bid from Ocean Construction Supplies Limited for the supply and delivery of reinforced concrete pipe, manhole sections and tops, as, if, and when required, for a 12-month period from the date of the purchase order, at an annual estimated cost of $782,870 plus the 7% Goods and Services Tax (less any municipal rebate received) and the Provincial Sales Tax, where applicable, subject to a contract satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
11. Contract Extension - Contract No. 25-94-02
Towing Services for the City of Vancouver
May 30, 1997 File: 1805
MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
THAT Council approve the extension of the contract to Unitow Services (1978) Ltd. for towing services for the City of Vancouver, for an additional 12-month period from July 1, 1997.
12. UBC Fire Protection Engineering Program
May 14, 1997 File: 3651
A member of Council noted that Council had previously asked for a response from UBCM regarding its support for this program. As the UBCM response was not before Council, it was suggested this matter be deferred to a Standing Committee, at which time staff can advise of the UBCM response.
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT this report be referred to the June 26 meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee.
1. Release of Staff Processing the Rezoning of
940-960 Station Street (Trillium Site)
May 30, 1997 File: 5307
MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT this report be received for information.
2. CD-1 Text Amendment:
550 Burrard Street (Bentall V)
May 30, 1997 File: 5303-1
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT the application by Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership to amend CD-1 By-law No. 6884 for 550 Burrard Street (Lots C, D and E, Blk 30, DL 541, Pl. LMP7821) to add hotel and other uses, increase the floor space ratio (FSR), increase the height and reduce the parking requirement, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
i)plans received December 18, 1996;
ii)draft CD-1 By-law amendments, generally as contained inAppendix A of the Policy Report dated May 30, 1997; and
iii)the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning on behalf of Land Use and Development to approve, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated May 30, 1997.
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at Public Hearing.
MOVED by Cllr. Herbert,
THAT staff report back at the forthcoming public hearing on a mechanism which would enable Council to substitute the payment-in-lieu for parking at Bentall V for an equivalent community amenity contribution (CAC) in order that this sum be considered for direction to the proposed Downtown Streetcar Network.
3. Revised Rezoning Application for 1005 Beach Avenue
June 3, 1997 File: 5303-1
MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
THAT the application by James K.M. Cheng Architects Inc. to rezone 1005 Beach Avenue (Lot B, Block 14, D.L. 185, Plan 12302) from RM-5A Multiple Dwelling District to CD-1 Comprehensive Development District be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:
(i)draft by-law provisions generally as contained in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated June 3, 1997; and
(ii)the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning to approve the application, subject to conditions contained in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated June 3, 1997;
FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at the Public Hearing.
4. Extension of Brewery Creek Guidelines
June 3, 1997 File: 5301
MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
THAT revised guidelines for Brewery Creek be adopted as attached in Appendix A of the Policy Report dated June 3, 1997.
1. Traffic Signal - Cambie Street and 59th Avenue File: 5761
Councillor Price referred to recent correspondence received regarding the installation of a traffic signal at Cambie Street and 59th Avenue, and requested this matter be scheduled before the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic for decision.
The Mayor so directed.
2. Public Benefits Arising from Growth File: 5809
Councillor Price commented that construction is underway for a dedicated pumping system for fire protection. This initiative and others such as the Roundhouse and extension of the seawall are the positive benefits that have resulted from growth.
3. National Aboriginal Day File: 3502
Councillor Chiavario advised that June 21 is National Aboriginal Day. Events are scheduled for the Roundhouse on June 20 and all day June 21, including an early morning ceremony beginning at 4:45 a.m. at the Vancouver Museum. Councillor Chiavario advised she will be attending this function as Deputy Mayor.
* * * *
The Council adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
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