TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC

                                 JUNE 3, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Tuesday, June 3, 1997, at approximately 12:40 p.m., in Committee Room
   No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on
   Transportation and Traffic meeting, to consider the recommendations of
   the Committee.

        PRESENT:       Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                       Councillor Alan Herbert
                       Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                       Councillor Daniel Lee
                       Councillor Don Lee
                       Councillor Gordon Price
                       Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:        Mayor Philip Owen (Civic Business)
                       Councillor Don Bellamy 
                       Councillor Jennifer Clarke (Civic Business)
                       Councillor George Puil (Leave of Absence)

        OFFICE:        Ken Dobell, City Manager
                       Dave Rudberg, General Manager of 
                         Engineering Services

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:       Denise Salmon


   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
   Deputy Mayor Chiavario in the chair.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of Standing Committee on 
   Transportation and Traffic
   June 3, 1997

        Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
   contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl.1:     North Shore False Creek Bus Route
        Cl. 2:    West End Transit Service
        Cl. 3:    BC Transit Fare Plan Options

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses
   1 and 3 of this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 2
   of this report be approved.

                                           - CARRIED

                (Councillor Price opposed to Recommendation B.)


   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                      The Council adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *

                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                         ON TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC

                                 JUNE 3, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on
   Transportation and Traffic was held on Tuesday, June 3, 1997, at
   approximately 9:30 a.m., in the No. 1 Committee Room, Third Floor, City

        PRESENT:            Councillor Gordon Price, Chair
                            Mayor Philip Owen (Items 1 and
                              portion of 2)
                            Councillor Don Bellamy (Items 1 and 2)
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                              (Civic Business)
                            Councillor George Puil (Leave of Absence)

        OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager
                            Dave Rudberg, General Manager of
                              Engineering Services

        CLERK TO THE
        COMMITTEE:          Denise Salmon


        The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
   meetings of April 22 and May 6, 1997, were adopted.


   1.   North Shore False Creek Bus Routes                File: 8205/5554-1

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated May 14,
   1997, (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended approval of proposed North Shore False Creek bus routes,
   including bus stops, which BC Transit will implement on June 30, 1997.

        Wayne Pledger, Strategic Transit and Transportation Engineer,
   reviewed the main points of the report with the Committee.

        In response to questions from Council, Mr. Pledger advised:

       width of sidewalk and level of pedestrian activity would determine
        location of bus shelters and litter containers
       buses on the proposed routes would be wheelchair accessible
       Seaboard Advertising pays the City a rental fee of $50 for each bus
        shelter per month
       False Creek ferry companies could be contacted in regard to
        building linkages between bus stops adjacent the foot of Seymour,
        Plaza of Nations, foot of Davie and Science World and ferry docks
       colour coding of bus routes circulating within the downtown
        peninsula would require discussions with BC Transit
       although all downtown areas cannot be served by one route,
        connections to both the Enterprise Centre and International Village
        need to be considered by either modifying or adding to proposed
       bus schedules are not routinely posted in all bus shelters
       noise complaints, similar to those received from Beatty Street
        residents, are not anticipated as no layovers or stopping of busses
        are planned

        Nathan Davidowicz, speaker, advised of the following:

       as a requirement of the Concord Pacific rezoning it was agreed
        Concord would pay for the area's bus shelters; however all
        conditions of the rezoning are not yet implemented
       larger shelters would be appropriate considering this area's high
       passenger confusion and reduced ridership will result from
        duplication of the bus No. 
        22 (both Knight/Macdonald and Yaletown/16th service) and the
        one-way loop provided on the No. 1 route

        BC Transit representatives Jim Prokop, Manager of Service Review
   and Development,  and Bill Lambert, Director of Customer Support, noted:

       the new bus route for Yaletown will now be numbered "2", not "22"
       BC Transit will approach the VRTC this month to request larger
        information tubes at bus stops, with expanded distribution
       the report to the VRTC re information tubes will be available to
        the public one week prior to the meeting; Transit representatives
        were requested to ensure Council receives a copy of the report
        prior to the VRTC meeting
       frequency of the one-way bus service must be  balanced against
        route structure; high ridership would provide justification for
        future expansion
       the North Shore False Creek bus routes form part of a staged
        implementation plan, that will be up for review in 1998

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        .    THAT the North Shore False Creek bus routes and bus stops
             illustrated in Appendices A, B and C of the Administrative
             Report dated May 14, 1997, be approved.

        B.   THAT bus stop improvements including shelters, litter
             receptacles, and landing area changes be introduced where

        C.   THAT the $6,300 required to pay for new litter receptacles at
             the new stops be obtained from Contingency Reserve.

        D.   THAT the Sanitation Operating Budget be increased by $13,500
             annually for the emptying of the litter receptacles.

        E.   THAT Council request the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission
             to ensure information tubes are added on the new North Shore
             False Creek bus stops, 
             and related extended routes as part of the implementation

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   West End Transit Service

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated May 20,
   1997 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended approval of BC Transit's implementation of a revised West
   End transit service on September 1, 1997.

        Wayne Pledger, Strategic Transit and Transportation Engineer,
   reviewed the main points of the report with the Committee, with note on
   the advantages of separating West End service from the Main and Fraser
   routes.  He also advised internal trips within the West End come to a
   halt as buses layover at the Denman and Davie terminus; Engineering
   Services have requested BC Transit consider a new terminus adjacent the
   downtown library, in the Entertainment District, to provide a seamless,
   circuitous, downtown peninsula route.

        The following points were discussed:

       the West End Loop was originally envisaged as an additional route,
        not part of an existing route
       those people destined for the West End riding a No. 3 Main, No. 8
        Fraser, or No. 19 Kingsway would be required to transfer downtown
        to reach the West End
       the Howe and Hornby intersection is the major cause of delays for
        West End buses (Engineering staff indicated a report back is
        underway on this intersection)
       the proposed new No. 5 Robson/Downtown and No. 6 Davie/Waterfront
        would use trolley buses
       a simple Figure 8 loop operating in both directions could serve the
        library, downtown destinations and population as well as access
        SkyTrain at both Granville and Stadium stations, although the
        Waterfront Station would not be serviced (Engineering staff advised
        surveys indicate SkyTrain, not the Library, is the public's number
        one destination)
       a map to indicate transfer points on each route entering the
        downtown, to highlight potential for rider confusion, would be
       concern with the intended route changes planned for service outside
        of the downtown peninsula (Engineering staff advised a report back
        on other affected routes would be available in late June or July,
        once decision is reached on the West End routes)

        Nathan Davidowicz, speaker, advised:

       more meeting times and a choice of days are necessary to allow all
        to comment on the proposed transit changes
       in addition to the two transit changes before Council this day,
        thirteen more are planned by Transit for September 1st; by
        approving the two routes Council commits Transit to go forward with
        the other changes
       the proposed frequency of service is that which existed in the
       on the need for deferral of the report to allow for report back on
        the full City-wide impacts of the proposed West End route changes

        Ian Fisher, Transport 2000 BC, (brief filed) advised:

       the proposed changes are a welcome step toward improved service
        from Downtown to the West End, with the use of trolley buses
        appreciated and essential for livability of West End residents;
        although he expressed concerns with the proposed routing
       transit delays on Robson between Howe and Hornby need to be
       BC Transit's original plan for two overlayed Figure 8 routes
        travelling from the north on Davie, along Granville to Waterfront
        Station, then east on Cordova  and south on Cambie to join original
        route was favoured;  this route would require no new trolley
        structure; Granville and Robson is an amenable transfer point
       any delays on either of the new proposed West End services would
        impact the  other
       the current terminus at Davie and Denman provides West Enders with
        schedule reliability
       BC Transit should provide a consolidated downtown peninsula
        schedule for all its services

        Brian Williamson, West End resident and transit rider, advised:

       this is an opportunity to reinforce the last 15 years work to make
        the downtown peninsula non-auto oriented
       Transit's original Figure 8 Loop would provide service on Robson in
        addition to linking the east and west portions of the peninsula,
        with consideration given to Ian Fisher's Waterfront connection
       Transit's new route proposals will confuse transit riders
       if riders remained on the original Figure 8 Loop bus, with an
        extension to Waterfront Station, only an extra 6 or 7 minutes on
        the bus would be required to arrive at SkyTrain Station
       a report on number of West End residents transferring to SeaBus as
        opposed to Library users would be useful
       on the need for a financial analysis from BC Transit on an
        appropriate cash fare for the West End Loop

                                   * * * * *
    The Mayor left the meeting on Civic Business during discussion of this
   item, prior to vote on the recommendations.
                                   * * * * *

        BC Transit representatives Jim Prokop, Manager of Service Review
   and Development, and Bill Lambert, Director of Customer Support, noted:

       Transit's original Figure 8 Loop was modified to address public
        input which identified SkyTrain, not the Library as the public's
        main destination point
       Transit has not yet considered late night operation of the Robson
       no plan is anticipated to reintroduce the trolley service into the
        Chilco Loop, due to difficulties with wiring under the overpass,
        and significant costs involved
       any delay or change to proposed new service would result in at
        least a 3 month delay on the route

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and lost.

        THAT this matter be deferred pending report back on proposals
        including  the Figure 8 Loop, and adding or relocating termini
        adjacent the Vancouver Public Library, in addition to other changes
        proposed in the Administrative Report dated May 20, 1997.

                                           - LOST

                (Cllrs. Bellamy, Herbert, Daniel Lee, Don Lee,
                           Price, Sullivan opposed.)

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT the proposed new #5 Robson/Downtown and #6 Davie/
             Waterfront transit routes, as illustrated in Appendix C of the
             Administrative Report dated May 20, 1997, be approved.

        B.   THAT BC Transit be requested to investigate as a high priority
             the potential for adding a layby for the West End transit
             services from Denman and Davie Streets to the eastern
             Entertainment District in order to provide a continuous
             transit connection between the Davie, Denman and Robson Street
             commercial/residential neighbourhoods, as illustrated in
             Appendix E of the Administrative Report dated May 20, 1997.

        C.   THAT staff report back on new bus stops, shelters, litter
             containers, landing improvements and other details of route
             implementation as necessary.

        D.   THAT staff be requested to report back on the Figure 8 Loop as
             originally proposed by BC Transit, NightOwl Service, and the
             addition or relocation of termini adjacent the Vancouver
             Public Library - Main Branch, as well as  any additional
             changes set out in the May 20th Administrative Report.

             FURTHER THAT secondary impacts to the transit system be
             included in the above noted report back, including information
             on destination studies with particular reference to SkyTrain.
                                                - CARRIED
                (Councillor Price opposed to Recommendation B.)

   3.   BC Transit Fare Plan Options

                                 *  *  *  *  *
   (Councillor Bellamy declared conflict of interest due to his appointment
   to the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission, and left the meeting.)
                                 *  *  *  *  *

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated May 27,
   1997, (on file) in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   noted BC Transit staff are reviewing the fare structure of the transit
   system as directed by the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission.  The
   report informed Council of the public process and options.

        Rob Hodgins, Strategic Transportation Planning, Engineering
   Services, provided Council with a breakdown of  BC Transit's three
   proposed fare options and discussed the salient points of the report. 
   He then introduced Peach Akerheilm, Manager, Corporate Planning and
   Market Development, BC Transit.

        In response to questions from Council, Ms. Akerheilm advised:

       Option B removes the present mid-day fare discount, which would
        result in an increase to $6.00 for the day pass; however the pass
        will allow travel prior to 9:30 a.m.
       The downtown Loonie Loop forms part of BC Transit's 5-year plan;
        the VRTC will discuss implementation strategy further in the fall 
       At present technology is not available to BC Transit that would 
        allow riders to pay per stop, rather than per zone
       As one-zone riders provide 60% of Transit's  revenue, dramatically
        reducing one-zone fares to encourage ridership is not an option
       The Ministry of Social Services provides, at minimum cost, a yearly
        pass to qualified low income users

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT Council support implementing zone fares all day while
             holding the existing pricing (Option "B" as contained in the
             Administrative Report dated May 27, 1997) as an interim step
             in attaining the 35 percent cost recovery target through

        B.   THAT the VRTC consider, in the future, increasing peak period
             fares relative to the off-peak fares to encourage off-peak
             ridership and to more closely mirror the actual cost of
             providing peak period service.

        C.   THAT staff be requested to report back in the fall on the fare
             aspect of the "Loonie Loop".

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                      The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *