SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 1 T&T COMMITTEE AGENDA JUNE 3, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date:14 May 1997 Dept. File No. 4252-10 CC File No.: 8205/5554-1 TO: Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic FROM: General Manager of Engineering Services SUBJECT: North Shore False Creek Bus Routes RECOMMENDATION A. THAT the North Shore False Creek bus routes and bus stops illustrated in Appendices A, B and C be approved. B. THAT bus stop improvements including shelters, litter receptacles, and landing area changes be introduced where required. C. THAT the $6,300 required to pay for new litter receptacles at the new stops be obtained from Contingency Reserve. D. THAT the Sanitation Operating Budget be increased by $13,500 annually for the emptying of the litter receptacles. COUNCIL POLICY - Council has established public transit as a high priority. - Council supports measures to increase transit use as a means of reducing the impacts of general vehicular traffic growth and improving regional air quality, as per the Transport 2021 initiatives and Draft Transportation Plan. - Council approves transit routes and bus stops locations on City streets. PURPOSE BC Transit will be implementing new transit services for False Creek North on June 30, 1997. This report recommends approval of the proposed routes and stops. BACKGROUND On April 8, 1997 Council approved: A. THAT the new bus service for False Creek North/Yaletown and the improvements to the #1 Beach Avenue route be approved. B. THAT the specific route proposals [illustrated in Appendices A to C and modified as noted below] be referred to a further public meeting of BC Transit (to include the attendees at the February workshop), with a report back by staff on the outcome. C. THAT BC Transit be requested to provide at least a 12 minute service frequency for the daytime Monday to Saturday False Creek North route. D. THAT BC Transit be requested to review the proposed evening, Sunday, and holiday route for False Creek North and Beach Avenue over the next year, to determine whether a more frequent or less circuitous service should be provided. E. THAT staff report back on route details, bus stop locations and, as necessary, modifications to roadways, traffic management measures, bus stop amenities (including shelters and waste receptacles) and other details of the route implementation, including funding requirements, following the public meeting. PUBLIC WORKSHOP On April 21, 1997 BC Transit hosted a public workshop at the Vancouver Public Library regarding proposed new downtown transit services. Residents comments regarding the proposed North Shore False Creek routes were generally favourable. However, there was concern that the proposed 15 minute (daytime) and 20 minute (evening/Sunday/holiday) frequencies were inadequate given the density of development in this sector and since downtown transit trips are in competition with walking trips. BC Transit indicated service levels will be monitored and adjusted as residential density and ridership levels increase. BUS STOPS The bus stops in Appendices A to C were developed in consultation with BC Transit in order to provide convenient walking distances to the new services. The terminus for the #22 False Creek service will be on northbound Hornby Street at Drake Street. Seaboard Advertising has been approached to provide bus shelters. Landing areas will be improved where appropriate. It is recommended that $6,300 to pay for litter receptacles at the new stops be funded out of Contingency Reserve, and that the Sanitation Operating Budget be increased by $13,500 annually for emptying and maintaining the receptacles. ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS Minor traffic management or intersection geometry adjustments are required at the intersections of Nelson Street with Beatty Street and Pacific Boulevard South in order to permit bus turning movements. The changes have been designed to avoid affecting the special pedestrian environment in the area. It is planned to adjust the centre line of Nelson Street at Pacific Boulevard South so that left-turning buses can miss the existing pedestrian bulge on Nelson Street. A minor modification to the traffic island at Nelson Street and Beatty Street will provide an adequate turning path for buses. PROPOSED ROUTE CHANGE There has been a modification to the evening/Sunday/holiday route considered by Council on April 8, 1997. As illustrated in Appendix C, the route will extend east on Pender Street to Columbia Street (instead of Abbott Street) and provide a connection to Chinatown and Gastown. CONCLUSION The new North Shore False Creek transit services will improve mobility for existing residents and attract more transit-oriented residents into this sector. Staff will liaise with BC Transit regarding monitoring and adjusting service levels as population and transit needs grow. In the longer term, transit service will have to be enhanced east of BC Place Stadium as development continues in this area. This could happen as early as the next three to five years. Staff will be meeting with BC Transit in order to develop route options to serve this area as well as potentially integrate the routes shown in the appendices. COMMENTS OF THE MAJOR PROJECTS STEERING COMMITTEE The Committee suggests that direct service to the Enterprise Centre and G.M. Place, and the emerging International Village development, will necessitate relocating or adding service for the area east of the Cambie Bridge. There are some who believe this service should be developed now, noting these are major public attractions. * * * * *