Date: May 15, 1997
                                           Dept. File No. AH
                                           C.C. File: 5311-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  Strata Title Conversion: 440 Cambie Street


        THAT the application to convert the previously-occupied building at
        440 Cambie Street (Lots 39 to 42, Block 28, DL 541, Plan 210) to
        strata title ownership be approved in principle, but that pursuant
        to Section 9(1) of the Condominium Act, the Certificate of Approval
        (Form 10) shall not be issued unless the following conditions have
        been met within one year of this approval:

        (1)  Issuance of the permit under Development Application No.
             DE402046, and issuance of a compatible Building Permit,
             thereby permitting alterations to this building and its
             conversion to office use;

        (2)  Completion of all work as proposed and required under
             DE402046, and any subsequently issued Building Permit and
             related Trades permits, to the satisfaction of the City
             Building Inspector and in accordance with all approved plans
             and permits, and issuance of an Occupancy Permit, all at no
             cost to the City, in order that this building substantially
             complies with all relevant City by-laws;

        (3)  Closure (blocking off and filling in) of the existing areaways
             under the sidewalks on Cambie Street and West Pender Street,
             respectively, or such other arrangements deemed appropriate to
             deal with the areaways, at no cost to the City and to the
             satisfaction of the City Engineer; and

        (4)  Closure (filling in) of the existing service tunnel under the
             rear lane connecting the buildings at 198 West Hastings Street
             and 440 Cambie Street, or such other arrangements deemed
             appropriate to deal with the service tunnel, at no cost to the
             City, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        the foregoing.


   Council Policy is reflected in the City's Strata Title and Cooperative
   Conversion Guidelines, which outline factors that Council will consider
   when reviewing applications for converting previously-occupied buildings
   to strata title or cooperative ownership.


   Council approval is required for an application to convert the
   previously-occupied building at 440 Cambie (Lots 39 to 42, Block 28,
   D.L. 541, Plan 210) to strata title ownership.


   The site is zoned DD and is developed with a municipally designated
   heritage building, constructed in 1909-1910, and known as the "Edgett
   Building".  It is listed as Category 'B' on the Vancouver Heritage

   The location of the site is shown on Figure No. 1, below.

                                 Figure No. 1 

   Pursuant to Development Application No. DE402046, the three-storey
   building is proposed to undergo extensive interior and exterior
   alterations to provide office use throughout, including the new offices
   of the Architectural Institute of B.C., and one level of underground
   parking to serve the building.  The applicant proposes a total of 26
   strata lots.  The underground parking will be designated as "Limited
   Common Property" on the strata plan.

   Historically, this building was used by the Vancouver Province newspaper
   to house its printing presses, and more recently for clothing and
   garment manufacturing.  It has never been used as habitable


   In addition to Planning Department staff, the City Engineer and the City
   Building Inspector have reviewed this application.  Given that the
   building has never been used for residential accommodation, the Manager
   of the Housing Centre has not been asked to comment.

   The City Engineer reports that there are no dedication or servicing
   requirements for this site.  However, the City Engineer reports that
   prior to registration of the strata plan, the "areaways" existing under
   the sidewalks abutting the site, will need to be blocked off and filled
   in, in order to eliminate them from being considered part of the
   structure on the strata plan and for safety considerations.  The
   existing service tunnel under the rear lane which connects this building
   with the building at 198 West Hastings Street will also need to be
   closed (filled in) or otherwise dealt with, if it is determined that the
   servicing in the tunnel cannot be eliminated or relocated.

   The City Engineer further advises that existing cornices on two sides of
   the building extend over Cambie and Pender Streets, respectively.
   Registration of a volumetric easement to contain the encroachments will
   be required prior to the strata plan being registered in the Land Title
   Office.  The existing two-storey bridge over the rear lane, also
   connecting this building to the one at 198 West Hastings Street, will
   require registration of a additional volumetric easement and
   establishment of a party wall, along with registration of a party wall
   agreement, to separate and contain the bridge.  These requirements will
   be addressed in a subsequent report to Council from the City Engineer. 
   The City Engineer has indicated support for the volumetric easements.

   The City Building Inspector notes that once all work proposed has been
   completed in accordance with approved plans and permits, and once an
   Occupancy Permit has been issued, this building will substantially
   comply with all relevant City by-laws.

   The Director of Land Use and Development reports that in all other
   strata title conversion applications, it is required that the
   appropriate permits to allow the proposed form of development be issued,
   prior to Council granting approval in principle.  In this case, however,
   Development Application No. DE402046 has received approval in principle,
   and staff are expediting this strata title conversion application in
   accordance with Council's "Green Door for Heritage" policy, and to
   provide assurance to the applicant that strata-titling can be achieved. 
   Therefore, it is recommended that Council grants approval in principle
   to the strata title conversion prior to issuance of the Development


   Based on the foregoing, and on the applicant's compliance with the
   City's Strata Title and Cooperative Conversion guidelines, the Director
   of Land Use and Development supports this application.

                                 *  *  *  *  *