Date:  May 8, 1997
                                           Dept. File No. 000 036
                                           CC File No.: 5753-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

   SUBJECT:  Proposed Closure of a Portion of the South Side of Crowley
             Drive, East of Gaston Street


        THAT Council close, stop-up and convey to the abutting owner all
        that portion of the south side of Crowley Drive, east of Gaston
        Street, as shown in the heavy outline on the plan attached as
        Appendix A, subject to the following conditions:

        1)   The conveyance to occur for a nominal fee of $10.00 plus
             G.S.T. if applicable, for the 88.7 square metre (955 square
             foot) portion of Crowley Drive to be closed;

        2)   The closed road is to be subdivided with the abutting lands:

             a.   dedicating for road the 34.2 square metre (368 square
                  foot) portion of closed road, as shown in heavy outline
                  on the plan attached as Appendix B; and

             b.   conveying back to the City for a nominal $10.00 plus
                  G.S.T. if applicable the 43.4 square metre (467 square
                  foot) portion of closed road shown hatched on the plan
                  attached as Appendix B for inclusion within proposed Lot

             each to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and
             the Approving Officer.

        3)   The abutting owner to be responsible for any necessary plans,
             documents and Land Title Office fees;

        4)   Any agreements are to be to the satisfaction of the Director
             of Legal Services;

        5)   No legal right or obligation shall be created and none shall
             arise hereafter, until the documents are executed.


   The authority for closing and disposing of streets and lanes is set out
   in the Vancouver Charter.


   The purpose of this report is to seek Council authority to close
   stop-up, and convey a portion of the south side of Crowley Drive, east
   of Gaston Street.


   The subject area is within Phase III of the Collingwood Village
   Development. On August 20, 1996 during Phase II of the said development
   Subdivision Plan LMP 29644 was registered which dedicated as road the
   entire area that is the subject of this report and is shown in heavy
   outline on Appendix A.

   At the time of approval of Plan LMP 29644 it was understood that only a
   small portion of the subject area would be required by the City for road
   purposes. Without the entire subject area being dedicated as road, Plan
   LMP 29644 could not have been approved. This is due to the fact that the
   subject area would have been left as a very small non-conforming parcel
   being a Remainder of Block 1, Plan 12673. This was not supportable
   within the Subdivision By-law. The other solution available beyond
   dedication, was the consolidation of the subject area with the abutting
   Block B, Plan 16130.

   This solution was not practical due to complications from a lease on
   Block B. Therefore the developer of Collingwood Village, Greystone
   Properties Ltd. choose to dedicate the subject area, recognizing that it
   would later be necessary to seek the Council Approval sought herein.


   The majority of the subject area to be closed will, upon registration of
   the subdivision plan be re-conveyed back to the City. The 34.2 square
   metre (368 square foot) portion shown in heavy outline on Appendix B
   will be dedicated as road. The 43.4 square metre (467 square foot)
   portion of closed road shown hatched on Appendix B will be conveyed to
   the City and consolidated with abutting lands to be used as park. This
   is consistent with the overall Collingwood Village plan.

   Only an 11.1 square metre (120 square foot) portion of the subject area
   to be closed will be retained by the developer. It will be consolidated
   with abutting lands to form a development site.


   This report seeks the formal authorities required to rectify an anomaly
   created when the boundaries of the legal lots that makeup the
   Collingwood Village Development did not coincide with the boundaries for
   various phases. Finalizing this arrangement will result in the various
   portions of the subject area being in control of the appropriate
   parties, being Engineering Services, the Board of Parks and Recreation
   and the Developer. We recommend that all that portion of the south side
   of Crowley Drive, east of Gaston Street shown in heavy outline on
   Appendix A, be closed, stopped-up and conveyed to the abutting owner,
   subject to the conditions set out in this report.

                              *   *   *   *   *