(PART REPORT)

                            MAY 29 and JUNE 3, 1997

        A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Thursday, May 29, 1997, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third
   Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to
   consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law. 
   Subsequently, the meeting reconvened on June 3, 1997.

        PRESENT:            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Gordon Price

        ABSENT:             Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario (Leave of
                            Councillor George Puil (Leave of Absence)
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan (Sick Leave)

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:            Nancy Largent


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair, to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and
   Development By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   Vary Order of Agenda

        Council noted a letter dated May 26, 1997 (on file) from the West
   Point Grey Residents' Association with respect to item 3(c), requesting
   a one month delay to permit the Association time to carry out a
   supplementary survey of those portions of the community which could be
   rezoned to RS-5.  Council agreed to vary the order of agenda to deal
   with this deferral request first.

                                   *   *   *

   3.(c)     Area Rezoning: West Point Grey RS-1

   MOVED by Cllr. Price
        THAT the Public Hearing on the application to rezone the West Point
   Grey RS-1 area to RS-5 be adjourned until Wednesday, July 23, 1997.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        Accordingly, the Mayor announced that Council would reconvene to
   consider item 3(c)  at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 23, 1997, in the
   Council Chamber.

                                   *   *   *

               Items 1 (a) and 1 (b) were dealt with separately.

                                   *   *   *

   1. (a)    Area Rezoning:  West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 1

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 1

        Summary:  The proposed rezoning of West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 1
        from RS-1 to RS-5 would encourage the design of new development to
        be compatible with nearby development.

        The Director of Community Planning recommended approval.

   Staff Comments

        Bob McGilvray, Planner, commenced his remarks with a short history
   of the RS-1 and RS-1S area rezoning program intended to provide interim
   zoning for those neighbourhoods  which will be participating in the
   CityPlan visioning process.  Steps in the rezoning program, the
   available RS-6 and RS-5 options, and survey parameters were reviewed. 

        Specifically with respect to West Southlands Sub-Area 1 (Northwest
   Southlands), Mr. McGilvray noted that 61% of survey respondents who
   wished to adopt new zoning preferred RS-5.

        Mr. McGilvray also noted Mr. Cliff Cheng, a Chinese interpreter,
   was present if required by any of the delegations.

   Summary of Correspondence

        Council received no correspondence specifically related to the
   proposed rezoning of West Southlands RS-1 Sub-Area 1.  However, Council
   received 3 letters and 146 form letters generally opposed to the RS-5
   and RS-6 guidelines, and 1 letter expressing a number of concerns about
   the RS-5 guidelines.

        Council enquired whether the 146 form letters came from within the
   application area.  That information was not available.  


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the West Southlands
   Sub-area 1 application, and six speakers came forward:

        The following Southlands residents opposed the application:

             Mike McCarthy, 3700 block West 50th
             Pat Wilson, area resident
             June Binkert, 3700 block West 50th.

        The speakers opposed the application on one or more of the
   foregoing grounds:

            there are ground permeability problems in the area due to its
             sea-level location, and there is concern among residents that
             the larger houses permitted under RS-5 will exacerbate these

            the 44% response rate to the City's initial survey was too low
             to base a considerable change upon;

            larger houses which would be permitted under the proposed new
             zoning  (particularly taking into account the larger lot sizes
             in the area) should not be allowed; square footage should
             remain the same as permitted under RS-1, with height measured
             from street level (rather than the level of any fill on the

            the small and cohesive community of West Southlands should not
             be split into two separate areas by different zonings, with
             Sub-Area 1 zoned RS-5 and Sub-Area 2 zoned RS-6;

            architecture is continually evolving, and the area should not
             be locked into a single look but permitted to evolve

            a deferral until October was requested to allow residents time
             to achieve a clear understanding of the guidelines and how
             they would impact their neighbourhood, and for people to be
             sure what they want for the area.

        The following speakers expressed concerns regarding the RS-5

             Arthur Erickson, Architect
             Kingsley Lo, Architect (letter and materials on file))
             Peter Kwok, Architect (letter on file).

        The main points made by the foregoing speakers follow:

            contrary to the history and vitality of this city, the RS-5
             guidelines will promote conformity and a cookie-cutter
             approach to design;

            many significant houses in the history of architecture
             originally met with extreme neighbourhood opposition, but are
             now recognized as landmarks of design;

            what is most important to the neighbours is not the houses,
             but the streets and landscaping;

            the RS-5 guidelines are very complex, confusing to the layman
             and stifling to architects' creativity, and will lead to bad

            although there is much opposition to large houses, they permit
             property owners to realize the full value of their property;

            large houses which are well-designed by architects fit well
             into their neighbourhoods, so excessive design regulation is
             not required to ensure a good fit;

            instead of more regulation, the City should simply require
             that houses be designed by professional architects, as
             requested by the Vancouver Property Owners' Association;

            under RS-5, any home-owner wishing a large house will be
             penalized by a restrictive design process;

            the guidelines will encourage planners to play it safe, and
             approve designs based on their similarity to adjacent houses,
             and not to allow more creative design;

            Planning Department policies are not spelled out in the
             guidelines, but should be published to ensure everyone is
             aware of all applicable rules.

        The Mayor ascertained that there were no further speakers who
   wished to be heard on this item.

   Staff Closing Comments

        Mr. McGilvray responded to various issues  raised by the

            although RS-5 permits a slightly larger footprint than RS-1,
             the amount of impermeable area is limited to  a total of 60%; 
             RS-5 and RS-6 are the only zones which control permeability;

            the differences between RS-5 and RS-6 are not so great that it
             will appear the community is  split down the middle;

            for a larger house, RS-5 requires a design review process; 
             above-basement floor area will actually be smaller than under
             RS-1 unless the applicant goes through the design review
             process, which mitigates bulk;

            too many houses are not designed with sensitivity to their
             site, and neighbourhoods have asked for zoning which will
             bring about more neighbourhood-sensitive design;

            calculation of height is made from the property line;

            some cutting edge designs may be lost in the design review
             process, but staff believe there will still be a reasonable
             evolution of architectural styles over time;

            the guidelines attempt to strike a balance between many
             factors and conflicting desires, for example, architects'
             desire for creative freedom versus neighbourhoods' desire that
             new development should fit well into the neighbourhood;

            the City does not have the legal authority to require
             architect-built houses;

            the question of whether to publish Planning Department
             policies is being considered in the context of the development
             and building process review currently underway.

   Council Discussion

        Some members felt the application should be approved.  The RS-1
   review was undertaken because of numerous complaints from neighbourhoods
   which felt new development was too often unneighbourly and did not fit
   well into their communities. The RS-5 zoning applied for was chosen in
   consultation with the community, and survey results indicate support for
   the application in West Southlands Sub-Area 1.

        Other members were concerned about the application, noting the
   concerns expressed by area residents that the rezoning of West
   Southlands as two separate sub-areas would divide their small and
   cohesive community.  Some speakers' concerns about loss of creativity
   were also shared.  It was felt a deferral was in order to consider this
   matter further.

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the application be deferred to permit time for further

                                           - LOST (Tie Vote)

          (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Price and the Mayor opposed)

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the application by the Director of Land Use and Development to
   rezone West Southlands Sub-Area 1 from RS-1 to RS-5, as set out in this
   minute of the Public Hearing,  be approved.

                                           - LOST (Tie Vote)

        (Councillors Herbert, Kennedy, Daniel Lee and Don Lee opposed)

     Due to time constraints, the Special Council adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
    Mayor Owen announced the Public Hearing would be reconvened on June 3,

                                   *   *   *

        The Special Council reconvened at 7:30 p.m.on Tuesday, June 3,
   1997, in the Council Chamber, with the following members present:

        PRESENT:            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario 
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Gordon Price
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Jennifer Clarke (Leave of Absence
                            Councillor George Puil (Leave of Absence)

                                   *   *   *


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                            - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   1. (a)    Area Rezoning:  West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 1 (Cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the application by the Director of Land Use and Development to
   rezone West Southlands Sub-Area 1 from RS-1 to RS-5, as set out in this
   minute of the Public Hearing,  be approved; and should staff bring
   forward for Council approval a modified or simplified zoning, in advance
   of the CityPlan Process for this area, that this area be reviewed.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

         (Councillors Chiavario and Sullivan were excused from voting)


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair, to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and
   Development By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   1. (b)    Area Rezoning:  West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 2

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 2

        Summary:  The proposed rezoning of West Southlands RS-1, Sub-Area 2
        from RS-1 to RS-6 would establish a minimum standard of design
        quality for new development.

   Staff Comments

        Bob McGilvray, Planner, presented a slide show on the history of
   RS-5 and RS-6  zoning and the review thereof, with attention to various
   design features, impermeability requirements, building heights,
   landscaping and design control.  The Planning Department's experiences
   with previous rezonings of this nature were discussed.  Mr. McGilvray
   also reviewed the consultation process and noted that 56% of survey
   respondents in Sub-Area 2 who wished to adopt new zoning preferred RS-6.

   Summary of Correspondence

        Council received five letters in favour of RS-6, one letter in
   favour of RS-6 with some changes, five individual letters opposed, five
   similar letters opposed, and sixty similar letters opposed.

        Council also received 3 letters and 146 form letters generally
   opposed to the RS-5 and RS-6 guidelines.

        Responding to a query raised by Council on the evening of May 29th,
   Mr. McGilvray advised staff have now reviewed the 146 form letters
   generally opposed to RS-5 and RS-6  guidelines.  Only eight came from
   addresses within the current study area, thirteen were duplicates or
   triplicates, seven bore addresses which could not be verified, and
   twenty-four came from non-RS-zoned areas.


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application, and
   sixteen speakers came forward.

                                 *     *     *

        June Binkert, Southlands resident, queried how a motion which was
   lost could be raised again [in reference to item 1 (a)].

        It was clarified that during consideration of this application on
   May 29th, two motions were put and both were lost.  Therefore, no action
   had yet been taken on this application, and Council members were at
   liberty to move further motions.

                                 *     *     *

        The following speakers opposed the application based on
   neighbourhood concerns:

             Joan Holme, 6300 block Alma Street
             Beverley Green, 3500 block West 49th
             Mary Meredith, Southlands resident
             Wendy Turner, former Southlands resident
             Mike McCarthy, 3700 block West 50th.

        The foregoing speakers opposed the application on one or more of
   the following grounds:

            the small community of West Southlands should not be split
             down the middle by being rezoned into two different sub-areas
             with different zoning; it would be preferable to retain RS-1
             until the neighbourhood is able to proceed with CityPlan and
             arrive at a definitive solution;

            across the entire West Southlands RS-1 area, there were more
             people in favour of retaining RS-1 than either option of RS-5
             or RS-6, and this should have been offered as an option in the
             final survey;

            the survey phrasing was slanted, and not enough information
             was provided;

            the proposed zoning will not prevent monster houses because it
             permits greater fsr.

        The following speakers opposed the application based on concerns
   about design guidelines:

             Bryce Rositch, Architectural Institute of BC
             Kingsley Lo. Architect (materials filed)
             Peter Kwok, Architect (Mr. Kwok withdrew his opposition on
             being advised       the proposed zoning was RS-6 rather than

        The foregoing speakers opposed the application on one or more of
   the following grounds:

            although greater neighbourliness and improved design are
             worthy objectives, they should be achieved by means which do
             not increase regulations at greater expense to the City and to

            more regulations and increased discretionary powers for the
             City will lead to planners, rather than architects, doing the
             designing, resulting in homogenization of the street scape and
             loss of design integrity;

            over-regulation is incompatible with democracy, and may stifle
             efforts to incorporate cultural values into residential

            residents' interest is not in regulatory details, but in
             properly designed buildings;

            if the City is unable to require that buildings be designed by
             architects, it should at least exempt architects' designs from
             these regulations, then attempt to change the law to permit
             such a requirement;

            the speakers conceded that RS-6 is at least an improvement
             over RS-5.

        Mr. Rositch offered the Institute's assistance to work out a
   solution to over-regulatory guidelines.

        Hal Kalman, Vancouver Heritage Commission, expressed concern that
   the RS-5 and RS-6 guidelines are intended to preserve neighbourhood
   character, rather than heritage buildings, and are likely to result in
   more demolitions of heritage houses which will be replaced by
   second-generation copies.  The Commission would prefer to see a balance,
   with more emphasis on the retention of existing heritage buildings which
   created a neighbourhood's character in the first place.  Mr. Kalman
   expressed the Commission's desire to work with City staff to this end. 
   To a query how this might be achieved, Mr. Kalman suggested infill is
   often a good compromise.  Use of the Heritage Inventory was also

        The following speakers supported the application:

             Ken Teskey, area property owner
             Bill Jones, 3600 block West 49th (petition filed)
             Tom Lutzke, 3600 block West 40th
             Doug Wark, 3700 block West 50th
             Rob McKay, 3500 block West 48th.

        The foregoing speakers supported the application on one or more of
   the following grounds:

            the RS-6 requirements are reasonable and superior to RS-1, and
             will lead to long-term benefits such as a more cohesive and
             neighbourhood-compatible street scape;

            the present RS-1 zoning will not prevent development which
             doesn't fit into the neighbourhood;

            a variety of design benefits were cited;

            the survey carried out by the City indicated clear majority
             support for RS-6; this was voted for by residents and should,
             therefore, be approved;

            a survey carried out door-to-door in Sub-Area 2 by interested
             area residents found that over 85% of those contacted
             supported the proposed rezoning;

            the different results in Sub-Area 1 and Sub-Area 2 probably
             occurred because the majority of Sub-Area 1 homes are not
             located in the flood plain, whereas the majority of Sub-Area 2
             homes are located in the flood plain;

            the proposed new regulations will benefit the neighbourhood
             rather than the developers.

        Bill Higgins, 6300 block Durbar, expressed concern that the choice
   between RS-5 and RS-6 appears to be a choice between two evils, but
   understood the need to take some action as an interim measure.  Mr.
   Higgins hoped that a satisfactory solution covering the entire West
   Southlands neighbourhood will be reached through the CityPlan process.

        The Mayor ascertained there were no further speakers to be heard on
   this item.

   Staff Closing Comments

        Mr. McGilvray responded to various issues  raised by the

            many of the concerns cited by the architects apply to RS-5
             rather than the RS-6 zoning proposed in this application;  
   the RS-6 guidelines are relatively simple compared to RS-5, and do not
   reference adjacent buildings;

            while many buildings complained about as unneighbourly were
             built from stock plans, there are also many complaints about
             architect-designed buildings;

            the Law Department has advised it is not possible to exempt
             architect-designed buildings, and even if it were possible,
             Council would have to carefully consider whether it wished to
             make an exemption purely on grounds of professional standing;

            with respect to the issue of dividing the neighbourhood, staff
             do not expect any major disruption to the area:  many
             neighbourhoods have more than one type of zoning, which has
             not made them any less cohesive; in addition, the division has
             been made largely in lanes with few facing houses affected;

            this rezoning and that approved for Sub-Area 1 should not
             affect the CityPlan process or close off the option of a
             single area zoning.

        Jacquie Forbes-Roberts, Director of Community Planning, responded
   to a query concerning the nominations process for the Heritage
   Inventory.  Ms. Forbes-Roberts also commented on the incorporation of
   cultural values into design features.  While the guidelines must be
   consistently interpreted, staff would certainly endeavour to work with
   applicants on matters important to their cultural values.

   Council Discussion

        Council noted concerns that increased regulation may not be
   philosophically desirable, but noted that no other workable mechanism to
   prevent unneighbourly development has yet been arrived at.  Council
   acknowledged the offers of assistance from the Architectural Institute
   and Heritage Commission, and indicated they would be welcome to
   participate in any future discussion.  However, at this juncture of the
   planning program, it would be inappropriate and unfair to the
   neighbourhoods involved to defer.  The area residents have participated
   in the interim rezoning program and indicated their choices, which will
   not preclude future options.  

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the application by the Director of Land Use and Development to
   rezone West Southlands Sub-Area 2 from RS-1 to RS-6, as set out in this
   minute of the Public Hearing,  be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          (Councillor Bellamy was not present for the foregoing vote)


   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                            - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and the
   Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare and bring forward
   the necessary by-law amendments.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                  The Special Council adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
    Mayor Owen announced the Public Hearing would be reconvened on July 8,

                                   *   *   *