                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date : May 21, 1997
                                           Dept. File No.
                                           C.C. File No. 5750-1/1601-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services,  in consultation with
             the  General Manager of Parks and Recreation, the Directors of
             Civic Theatres  and the  Office of  Cultural Affairs, and  the
             Manager of Corporate Services. 

   SUBJECT:  Canada-B.C. Infrastructure Works Program, Phase II -
             Soft Infrastructure Projects


        A.   THAT Council  endorse  the following  City-initiated  projects
             for submission to Phase II of the Canada - B.C. Infrastructure
             Works Program,  and authorize staff to  submit applications to
             the Provincial government:
                 A  project  to improve  Civic  Theatres  totalling either
                  $5,125,000 (Option 1.) or $3,500,000 (Option 2.); and
                 Park  Board projects to  improve the  Kitsilano Community
                  Centre  - $2,585,000,  the Killarney  Community Centre  -
                  $8,600,000  and  the  Kerrisdale  Community  Centre     -
                 Facilities  Development projects  to provide a  Wide Area
                  Radio System including Radio Systems - $13,000,000, Radio
                  User  Equipment  -  $10,000,000  and  CAD/RMS  Systems  -

        B.   THAT   Council   endorse  the   following  community-initiated
             projects  on   behalf  of   cultural  and   community  service
             organizations that will be making their own submissions to the
             Phase  II of the  Canada - B.C.  Infrastructure Works Program,
             noting  that  such endorsement  does  not commit  the  City to
             funding  the local  share of  capital costs  or any  increased
             operating costs, beyond those already approved by Council:
                 Vancouver   Museum  Revitalization  Program,  Phase  3  -
                  $4,400,000; and
                 Children s   Arts   Umbrella,   Facility    Expansion   -


   In  1994,   Council  approved  endorsing   soft  infrastructure  project
   submissions  to   the  original  Infrastructure  Works   Program.  These
   submissions  included   both  City-initiated   projects,   as  well   as
   initiatives  by  cultural  organizations  that applied  to  the  program
   directly.    Endorsement  of  the  cultural  organizations  was  on  the
   condition  that  such endorsement  did not  commit  the City  to funding
   related capital or operating costs.

   In 1995, Council  requested the Federal and Provincial governments place
   more emphasis  on municipal infrastructure, provide  more timely project
   approvals and  eliminate soft infrastructure projects  from the program.
   Council also endorsed an  extension of the Infrastructure Program  for a
   further two or three year period. 


   This report presents Council  with an overview of recent  information on
   the  soft  infrastructure component  of  Phase  II  of  the  Canada-B.C.
   Infrastructure Works Program, including changes  to the amount of senior
   government  funding.    It also  presents  Council  with  the option  of
   endorsing  City-initiated  and  community-initiated soft  infrastructure
   project submissions to the program.


   In  February  1994,  agreements   between  the  Provincial  and  Federal
   governments were signed to start the original Canada-B.C. Infrastructure
   Works Program.  Funding totalling  $675 million (including the one-third
   local  share)  was  made  available in  British  Columbian  with funding
   totalling  $36 million  (including  the  local  share) awarded  for  the
   following soft infrastructure projects in Vancouver:


        Firehall Arts Centre                         $   318,000
        Vancouver East Cultural Centre               $   210,000
        Collingwood Neighbourhood House              $ 4,422,000 
        Emergency Operations & Dispatch Centre       $10,000,000
             SUB-TOTAL                               $14,950,000
                   Community-initiated (Endorsed by Council)

        Arts Club Theatre Society (Stanley Theatre)  $ 3,900,000
        Vancouver Playhouse                          $   450,000
        Kiwassa Neighbourhood House                  $   466,000
        Pacific Space Centre                         $ 8,559,000
        Vancouver Dance Centre                       $ 5,500,000
             SUB-TOTAL                               $18,875,000

                 Community-initiated(Direct from Organization)

        New Play Centre                              $   495,000
        Carousel Theatre                             $   444,000
        Jewish Community Centre                      $   990,000
             SUB-TOTAL                               $ 1,929,000

   On June 13, 1996 Council approved proceeding with the replacement of the
   City's radio systems for  Police, Fire and Engineering at  an annualized
   cost of  approximately $3.75  million, equivalent  to  an investment  of
   $22.5 million.

   At  its meeting on  January 28, 1997, Council  passed several motions in
   support  of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities  efforts to extend
   the Infrastructure Program, including:

        THAT the Mayor s letter to  the Federal and Provincial  governments
        also reiterate the City s previous comments that there be municipal
        representation  on  the  Management  Committee  reviewing  projects
        submitted  under the  Infrastructure Works  Program, that  the only
        priority  be  for  projects  that  replace existing,  deteriorating
        municipal infrastructure, and that  soft infrastructure projects be

   On   April  18,  1997,  the  Mayor s  Office  received  a  News  Release
   announcing  that  an  agreement   between  the  Federal  and  Provincial
   governments  for Phase II of  the Infrastructure Works  Program had been

   Information contained in the News Release included the following:

       projects already earmarked  under the Province s  expenditure plans
        will be accelerated to meet the requirement for completion in their
        1997/98 fiscal year;
       this phase will focus primarily on road and transit improvements;
       projects will  be reviewed by a committee  with representation from
        both the Provincial and Federal governments;
       proposed projects must be approved not later than Dec. 31, 1997;
       there will be three components: 
             1.  Local  roads and cycling network
             2. Cultural (Community) 
             3. Telecommunications and Transit

   A list of  Local   roads projects, consisting of  about $5.9 million  in
   City  transportation  projects  and  a  $2.8  million  Park  Board  road
   resurfacing  project, was  endorsed by  Council on  April 22,  1997, for
   submission to Phase  II of  the Infrastructure Works  Program.   Council
   also endorsed $10.6  million in sewer  project submissions for  Hastings
   Park  (one City  project and  one  Park Board  project).   In  addition,
   Council  passed  a  motion to  express  to  both  levels of  government,
   reiteration of  the  City s  preference for  allocating  funds  to  hard
   infrastructure projects, and disappointment  that full consultation with
   municipalities did not take place.

   Staff from the Provincial  Government recently advised that two  cycling
   projects  that the City submitted to their 97-98 Cycling Network Program
   will   be  forwarded   automatically  for   evaluation  under   the  new
   infrastructure  program.   The two  projects were  the English  Bay Bike
   Route  and the Elliott/Slocan Bikeway.   If they  are approved under the
   Infrastructure  Works Program, the City s share of funding would be less
   than  under the  Cycling Network  Program, where  costs are  split 50/50
   between the City and the Province.

   Regarding the  Cultural component, a  Program Guide and  Application Kit
   for Community  Projects was  forwarded to  municipalities on  April 25th
   (copy  on  file with  the City  Clerk).   The  general  requirements for
   eligible  projects are  those that  construct, renovate  or rehabilitate
   libraries,  museums,  cultural  centres  or recreation  centres.    More
   specific requirements and  preferences are reviewed in the Program Guide
   and are  similar to those  for the previous  program.  However,  a major
   change   is  that  the   proportion  of   funding  available   for  soft
   infrastructure has been reduced significantly.  Compared to the previous
   program,  the overall  amount  of funding  for  soft projects  has  been
   reduced from 15% to 10%, and the Provincial and Federal Government share
   for individual projects has been reduced from two-thirds to one-third.  

   There  is not a  specific deadline for  soft infrastructure submissions,
   although applicants are advised  to submit their information as  soon as
   possible.  Similar to hard infrastructure projects, all projects must be
   complete by March 31, 1998.

   The  Telecommunications and  Transit  component of  the  new program  is
   limited to upgrading BC Telephone service in remote areas and BC Transit


   While  Council  expressed concern  with  the  continuation of  the  soft
   infrastructure  component in  an extension  of the  Infrastructure Works
   Program,  senior governments  have chosen  to include  10% of  the total
   funds  for Community  Projects.      Civic  Theatres,  the  Park  Board,
   Corporate   Services  (Facilities   Development)  and   Social  Planning
   (Cultural  Affairs)  have  expressed   interest  in  applying  for  soft
   infrastructure  projects  under Phase  II  of  the Infrastructure  Works

   Civic Theatres Project:

   In  consultation with  a  core group  of  theatre users,  consensus  was
   reached  that the  next  phase  of  capital  projects  should  focus  on
   improving the audience  experience in aging venues.   Further discussion
   resulted in  very strong support from the  management and Boards to make
   the redevelopment of the Queen Elizabeth Theatre auditorium  and lobbies
   the  highest priority, along with the expansion of the crowded Playhouse
   lobby and the  addition of  Salon/Meeting Rooms on  the Hamilton  Street
   side  of  the  complex,  and  including  miscellaneous  replacements  of
   obsolete stage equipment.  The Director of Civic Theatres refers to this
   as  Option 1. .

   Option 1. - QET Auditorium and Playhouse               $ 5,125,000

   The  auditorium redevelopment involves  removing the  existing Mezzanine
   seating area and installing  a new intermediate Balcony or  Dress Circle
   bringing those seats  closer to  the stage for  much better  sightlines.
   This  will result in a  much expanded Mezzanine  Lobby, reclaiming floor
   space lost in the 1986  renovation to control rooms and will  add needed
   washrooms.   The result will be much  closer to the original building as
   it was before the  1986 redecoration.  This project sets the stage for a
   second phase which will re-configure  the ceiling for improved acoustics
   and will also add  three tiers of boxes on the sides  of the auditorium,
   narrowing the  hall and  the stage to  the size of  the shows  which are

   This project  improves acoustics,  sightlines, intimacy and  stage space
   increasing the theatre s marketability  and competitiveness, and  making
   the theatre more attractive to audience and presenter alike.

   The Playhouse lobby expansion  will extend the main lobby out  under the
   existing canopy to the sidewalk, adding about  600 sq. ft.  There are no
   impacts to  the facade  above the line  of the  canopy.  In  addition to
   adding  floor space, this  will permit making  the wheelchair accessible
   washroom more accessible.

   The Salon/Meeting room addition on the Hamilton  St. involves renovating
   the  present  Ticketmaster outlet  and  adding space  under  the canopy.
   Addition of this space  supports the resident performing arts  companies
   fund raising  efforts by providing  a segregated space,  accessible from
   both the QET and Playhouse lobbies, for entertaining their sponsors.

   In the  event that this project cannot be approved for any reason, Civic
   Theatres is submitting an  Option 2.  at a lower cost.  

   Option 2. - QET Auditorium and Playhouse, and Orpheum  $ 3,500,000

   This  alternative lower cost option  is an assemblage  of 14 independent
   projects supportive  of the  same principle  of  improving  the audience
   experience  at the theatres .  All three theatres benefit. The expansion
   of the Playhouse  Lobby, the addition of the Salon/Meeting Room, and the
   replacement of obsolete stage equipment are included from Option  1. .  

   Also included are  Phase 1 of QET Lobby air  conditioning (there is none
   now);  exterior and  interior  signage upgrades;  exterior and  interior
   lighting upgrades; concessions stations upgrades to meet health code and
   for  efficiencies;  Parkade upgrades  to  improve  security and  perform
   structural upgrades; extension of the  Hamilton Street canopy to Georgia
   Street;  installation  of  security  systems;  addition  of  the  canopy
   designed for the Smithe Street entrance to the Orpheum in 1983 but never
   installed; upgrades to the Smithe Street entrance and lobby to eliminate
   the steps down to  the coat check (the scene of too  many accidents) and
   to improve audience flow into the theatre.

   A great  deal of the  preliminary design  and some  amount of  schematic
   design for all of these projects was done in the original development of
   the Civic Theatres Capital Plan.   The Director of Civic  Theatres notes
   that they are in a position to proceed immediately to final design.

   Park Board Projects:

   The Park Board has three community centre improvement projects that they
   would  like to submit.   These projects involve  either supplementing or
   expediting work approved in the Park Board s 1997-1999 Capital Budget.

   1. Kitsilano Community Centre                          $2,585,000

   A  soft  infrastructure  grant  would increase  the  existing  1997-1999
   Capital  Plan  funding of  $1,732,000 by  $853,000  to $2,585,000.   The
   additional funds would  permit an  addition of 4,200  sq.ft. of  program
   space beyond  what  can be  built with  the present  budget.   Presently
   expressed needs include a 3,000 sq.ft. multi-purpose/fitness/dance room,
   a 1,000 sq.ft. Youth Games Lounge, a 1,000 sq.ft. Seniors  Lounge, and a
   doubling in size of the present exercise equipment space.

   2. Killarney Community Centre                          $ 8,600,000

   A soft  infrastructure grant  would increase existing  1997-1999 Capital
   Plan  funding of  $5.9 million  by $2.7  million to  $8.6 million.   The
   estimated  cost  of  all the  improvements  for  the next  phase  of the
   redevelopment of the Centre is $4.0 million.  Phase 2, rebuilding of the
   ice rink, will require the removal and replacement of the existing walls
   and roof  structure with a new structure  that will meet today s seismic

   Although the funds would  fall short of the estimated  total requirement
   for Phase 2, the community  would be prepared to take the  initiative to
   raise  the remaining  funds needed  to carry  out this  important public
   safety improvement.

   3. Kerrisdale Community Centre                         $1,500,000

   A soft  infrastructure grant  would increase existing  1997-1999 Capital
   Plan funding of $1.0 million by $500,000 to $1.5 million.   The existing
   Capital  Plan funding  would  provide miscellaneous  renovations to  the
   existing  program spaces to improve efficiency and service in this aging
   building.   Additional  funding  from the  infrastructure program  would
   provide a potential 5,000  sq.ft. of renovated program space,  and would
   significantly increase the Centre s ability  to rejuvenate a large  part
   of  its outdated  and under-utilized space.     The total  cost for this
   project  has been estimated at $2,700,000, so the proposed funding still
   falls far short of the centre s needs.

   Facilities Development Projects:

   1. Wide Area Radio - Phase I                           $13,000,000

   Most  existing  radio  systems  do  not  have  the  modern  capabilities
   considered  basic requirements  for  emergency  communications  systems.
   Automatic vehicle  location, mobile  data capability, and  full function
   terminals in emergency vehicles are key elements in a modern system.

   Radio spectrum in the  region is limited, and the present utilization of
   this  critical resource is very inefficient, with most systems using old
   technology  that allows  some channels  to remain  under  utilized while
   others are  overloaded. The concept of a  shared, wide area radio system
   for voice and data  transmission arose through the joint  efforts of the
   City of  Vancouver and  the RCMP,  with the  support  from the  Attorney
   General's Ministry. By using current technology the system will maximize
   available channel capacity and  meet the current and future  radio needs   of municipal services within the GVRD, and police and ambulance services
   across the RCMP's Lower Mainland District.

   Coverage requirements for radio  systems in the GVRD overlap.  The RCMP,
   in its role as a federal and  provincial police force, requires coverage
   throughout  the entire  region, as  well as  the municipalities  that it
   polices  directly. A regional system  allows maximum use  of very scarce
   radio  spectrum. At  present,  most agencies  in  the region  are  using
   systems  which make very inefficient use of this scarce resource. Modern
   systems use computer technology to assign  conversations to channels, so
   that all channels are  fully utilized. Without this technology,  it will
   not be possible  to meet the needs  of all users within the  radio bands
   normally used for  emergency communications. Some  users will be  forced
   into  systems where  equipment  for emergency  services  is not  readily
   available,  and  where  full  intercommunication  between  agencies  and
   jurisdictions cannot be provided. 

   The  budget for the  Wide Area Radio  assumes the implementation  of the
   first phase of the wide area system, for the GVRD area only. The funding
   will  provide for  the Vancouver  share of  the voice  radio  system and
   mobile data system including a switch to accommodate the GVRD System.

   2. Radio User Equipment                                $10,000,000

   The user equipment  will provide radio  equipment for Vancouver  Police,
   Vancouver  Fire and  Vancouver Engineering.  It includes  mobile radios,
   portable radios,  mobile data  equipment, dispatch centre  equipment and
   logging, recording and ancillary equipment.

   3. CAD/RMS Systems                                     $ 5,000,000

   The consolidation of  the dispatch operations for  the Vancouver Police,
   Vancouver Fire and Rescue  Services, the RCMP and possibly  BC Ambulance
   Service into the new Emergency Operations and Communications Centre  has
   resulted  in a  need  to replace  the  current CAD/RMS  systems  with an
   integrated Computer Aided Dispatch  System and Records Management System
   (CAD/RMS)  to  Police, Fire  and  Ambulance agencies.  The  CAD/RMS will
   support   upgrades  to   the   existing  dispatch   operations  of   the
   participating   agencies,   support   integration   of   those  dispatch
   operations,  and  support  remote standalone  dispatch  operations where
   required.  The CAD  System will  be capable  of supporting  the dispatch
   needs  of all future  emergency services  radio system  users, including
   RCMP, municipal  fire agencies,  municipal  police agencies  and the  BC
   Ambulance Service.

   In addition to the  above City-initiated projects, staff  recommend that
   Council consider endorsing the following community-initiated submissions
   noted in Consideration item  B :

   Cultural Projects:

   1. Vancouver Museum Revitalization Program - Phase 3   $4,400,000

   Council  has approved a $3  million allocation in  the 1997-1999 Capital
   Plan for the Vancouver Museum Revitalization Project.  $1.34 million has
   been approved  from the 1997 Capital  Budget for Phase 1 and  Phase 2 of
   the Revitalization Program.   Seeking assistance from the Infrastructure
   Program  enables  the  Museum to  accelerate  the  next  phase of  their
   project, without  requiring any additional  funds from the  City, beyond
   what  Council  has already  approved.   The local  share will  be funded
   through the balance of funding in the existing Capital Plan 
   ($1.66  million) and  through  private  funds  donated  to  date  ($1.35
   million).  Infrastructure  Program assistance will enable  the Museum to
   move more quickly  to realize  their goal of  a revitalized museum  with
   much needed improvements to a City-owned building. 

   Phase 3  includes the infill of B-wing  to create additional gallery and
   dedicated educational program areas as well as upgrades and improvements
   to the base building systems (sprinklers, mechanical, communications and

   2. Children s Arts Umbrella - Facility Expansion       $ 5,032,000

   Council  provided  a 1996  Capital grant  of  $72,000 to  Children s Art
   Umbrella.   This grant  has not been  released as it  was conditional on
   support  from other levels of  government.  Seeking  funding through the
   Infrastructure Program helps fulfill the condition for the City s grant,
   and  assists  this organization  with  expanding  their very  successful
   programs for children.  The balance of funding for the local share would
   be raised through a private sector donation campaign.

   The  expansion  program  adds  28,000  square   feet  of  classroom  and
   performance  space   and   wires    the  facility  to   accommodate  new
   technologies for on-site and distance learning.


   In general, guidelines for the program state that  funding for the local
   share must be in excess of current capital budgets or at least represent
   accelerated funding. 

   City-initiated projects would be funded as follows:   

   Civic Theatres Project

   The  Director of  Civic Theatres proposes  that the 2/3  local share for
   their  project submissions can be  funded from an  internal loan against
   revenue from Civic  Theatres ticket surcharges and parking fees,  up to 
   a maximum  of  $3.5 million,  on  terms acceptable  to the  Director  of
   Finance.   This would be sufficient to  cover the local share for either
   Option  1. or  Option 2.  in their  proposed submission.   There  are no
   increased operating costs associated with this submission. 

   Park Board Projects

   Funding for the Kitsilano, Killarney and Kerrisdale Park Board  projects
   would come from  existing authorities  in the 1997-1999  Capital Plan.  
   Once  the extent  of Park  Board project  awards are  known,  staff will
   report back on details of funding,  in consultation with the Director of
   Finance.   Any ongoing operating costs associated with these submissions
   would  be funded  from  added basic  budget  increases, which  would  be
   reported back on. 

   Facilities Development Projects

   Council has approved funding for the City's share of the financing costs
   for the  Wide Area Radio  System.   Details of the  financing for  these
   works will be reported later by the Director of Finance.  

   Cultural Projects

   Endorsing  community-initiated cultural projects does not commit Council
   to funding  beyond  what has  already  allocated through  the  1997-1999
   Capital Plan and outstanding Capital Grant assistance.  


   The  continuation  of  the   Canada-B.C.  Infrastructure  Works  Program
   provides  an opportunity  to improve  the  infrastructure of  the City s
   cultural  and community  facilities.   The share  of funding  that   the
   Provincial  and  Federal  governments  provide  has  been  reduced  from
   two-thirds to  one-third.   Notwithstanding  Council s earlier  concerns
   with  respect to  soft infrastructure funding,  staff believe  that this
   opportunity can  provide for needed  assistance and submit  projects for
   Council s consideration.

   Although staff attempted to provide as complete  a list as possible, the
   time  frame for  preparing  these  submissions  was  short.    This  was
   considered  necessary,  in  order  present  a  list  of  potential  City
   submissions  as  soon as possible , as per the instructions in the Guide
   for the Infrastructure Works Program.  If Council approves submission of
   soft  infrastructure projects, some further community-initiated projects
   may be submitted for Council endorsement. 

   Once any project awards are received, Engineering Services, would report
   back on  the details  of funding, in  consultation with the  Director of
   Finance and the appropriate department heads.

                              *   *   *   *   *