Date: May 13, 1997
                                           Dept. File No. 
                                           C.C. File No. 2401-1/4102-2

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Community Services, Social Planning

   SUBJECT:  Distribution of Flow Through Funding for the 
             Vancouver Childcare Regional Delivery Model Pilot 
             Project - Year Three


        THAT Council authorize the Director of Finance to disburse the Year
        Three flow-through funds received from the Ministry for Children
        and Families for the Vancouver Childcare Regional Delivery Model
        Pilot Project, as per Schedule B of the legal agreement between the
        City and the Province of British Columbia (see Appendix I).


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        the foregoing.


   The Civic Childcare Strategy, approved October 1990, commits the City to
   being an active partner with senior levels of government in the
   development and maintenance of a well managed, comprehensive childcare
   system in Vancouver.

   On March 9, 1995, Council approved City participation in the Vancouver
   Childcare Regional Delivery Model Pilot Project and instructed staff to
   negotiate the necessary agreements with the Province of British Columbia
   to receive funding.


   The purpose of this report is to report back to Council on the Year
   Three distribution of the flow-through funding for the Vancouver
   Childcare Regional Delivery Model Pilot Project.


   In March 1995, City Council approved City participation in a proposed
   Vancouver Regional Delivery Model Pilot Project, including the
   allocation of staff time and the receipt and distribution of
   flow-through provincial funds.  Staff were given authorization to
   negotiate the necessary agreements with the Province.  Legal agreements
   were signed between the City and the Province for Years One and Two of
   the four year project.  Negotiations for Year Three were successfully
   concluded in March 1997.


   As per the Pilot Project proposal approved by Council on March 7, 1995
   and confirmed in the legal agreement, the City receives funds from the
   Province of British Columbia and in turn flows these funds through to
   the community partners involved in the pilot project and to the
   contractors who will provide services to the project participants.  A
   first payment of $177,245.50 has been received and is awaiting
   disposition.  Prior to September 30, 1997, the City will receive a
   second payment for the remaining balance.  These funds are to be
   distributed as per Schedule B of the legal agreement (see Appendix I).


   It is recommended that Council authorize the Director of Finance to
   distribute the provincial flow-through funding as per Schedule B of the
   legal agreement with the Province.

                             *   *   *   *   *