Date:  April 14, 1997
                                               CC File: 2701-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     The City Building Inspector

   SUBJECT:  Warning to Prospective Purchasers of 449 East 17th
             Lot 18, Block 94, DL 301, Plan 187


        THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice
        against the Certificate of Title to the property at 449 East
        17th Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that
        there is a contravention of the Zoning and Development and
        Vancouver Building By-laws related to this building.


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS
        approval of the foregoing.


   The Vancouver Charter, Section 336D, provides a mechanism whereby
   the City of Vancouver can warn prospective purchasers of
   contravention of City By-laws relating to land or a building or


   (a)  to be a contravention of a By-law or regulation relating to 
             the construction or safety of buildings or structures;

   (b)  as a result of that condition, a building or structure is
        unsafe or is unlikely to be useable for its expected purpose
        during its normal lifetime; or

   (c)  the contravention is of a nature that a purchaser, unaware
        of the contravention, would suffer a significant loss of
        expense if the By-laws were enforced against him;

   he may recommend to City Council that a resolution be considered,
   pursuant to Section 336D (2), directing the City Clerk to file a
   notice against the title to the property in the Land Title

                                 - 2 -


   In  September of 1991,  the District Building  Inspector observed
   construction of an approximately  20 ft. x 20 ft. addition to the
   rear sundeck  in progress without permit.  The inspector posted a
   STOP WORK order at that time and the owner was directed to obtain
   a Development Permit and Building Permit for the work.

   Although the stop work order  was in effect, the owner  continued
   to work on the addition until it was completed.

   An application for Development Permit was refused by the Director
   of  Planning because the addition  exceeded the floor space ratio
   requirements and did not meet the external design requirements.

   In June  of 1992,  an appeal  to the  Board of  Variance on  this
   matter was refused.   Subsequent appeals to the Board  in July of

   1994 and August 1995 were struck from the record as they were the
   same as previous appeals.

   Charges  have  been laid  against  the owner  twice  and on  each
   appearance in  Provincial Court  the owner  has plead guilty  and
   been fined.

   Because the owner  has not removed the unauthorized addition, the
   Law  Department  is  commencing  injunction  proceedings  and has
   recommended the filing of a 336D Notice.

   The 336D Notice will ensure that in the event the building is put
   up for sale, any prospective  purchaser is made aware that  there
   is a  contravention of the by-laws  related to this  building and
   that the  purchaser may suffer a  significant loss or  expense if
   the by-laws were enforced against him.

                           *   *   *   *   *