SUPPORTS ITEM NO. 2 CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA MAY 15, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Dated: May 1, 1997 C.C. File No. 1602-1 TO: City Services and Budgets Committee FROM: Director of Finance SUBJECT: 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget RECOMMENDATIONS THAT the civic projects, identified as Recommended in Appendix 1 and totalling $1,200,000, be approved, with funding from the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget. GENERAL MANAGER COMMENT The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY On March 28, 1995, Council approved funding for the replacement of Police handguns at a cost of $1.3 million to funded in 1995, 1996 and 1997 from Supplementary Capital. The 1995 and 1996 allocations totalled $877,000. The balance necessary to complete the program in 1997 is $400,000. On May 8, 1997 Council allocated $1.6 million in funding from the Operating Budget (Capital from Revenue) to the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to review the requests for funding from the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget and to forward the recommended projects to Council for approval. BACKGROUND Capital Plans normally provide for two types of funding. -2- - Basic capital provides for those projects and on-going programs that can be planned in advance, - Supplementary Capital deals with expenditures of a capital nature that arise during the three year duration of a Capital Plan. Supplementary Capital has also been utilized as a source of funding for several on-going capital maintenance programs, including the roof replacement and asbestos control programs. The 1997-1999 Capital Plan includes $5,000,000 in funding from the Operating Budget for allocation to Supplementary Capital needs. The 1997 portion of that funding, totalling 1,600,000 is to be allocated as part of the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget. DISCUSSION The following table summarizes the approved funding level for Supplementary Capital, the funding from this allocation that Council has approved in advance, and the balance available for allocation to new funding requests in 1997: 1997 Supplementary Capital $1,600,000 Advance Approvals: Police Handgun Replacement $400,000 Balance Available $1,200,000 Appendix 1 summarizes the submissions to the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget which total $3,274,200. Details of these requests are included in Appendix 3 entitled Submissions to the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget (limited distribution). Appendix 1 also includes the recommendations of the Director of Finance regarding the Supplementary Capital Budget requests. These recommendation follow from a consultation with affected departments and reflect an attempt to allocate scarce resources among a longer list of requests. The recommendations also give consideration to priorities based on Council policy and previous decisions, and on a judgment of City needs. Appendix 2 includes the comments on several of the specific projects submitted to the Supplementary Capital Budget. Appendix 4 provides a five year history of Supplementary Capital Budget approvals. * * * * * Comments on the Submissions to the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget Details of the submissions to the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget are included in Appendix 3 (limited distribution). The following comments highlight the issues related to the recommended funding levels of several projects submitted to the 1997 Supplementary Capital Budget. Many of the submissions to the Supplementary Capital Budget were beyond the mandate of this budget, relating instead to the need for capital improvements to City facilities which are more appropriately funded elsewhere. These included the following items: A-1 Roof Replacements-Old Continental $0 A-14 Non Market Housing- Non Market Housing Upgrades $0 Staff have been asked to address the needs of the Old Continental and the Gresham Hotel, plus the issue of an appropriate funding source, in separate Council reports. A-5 City Hall - Fire Alarm Upgrade $0 This project was referred to the 1997-1999 Capital Plan as part of the 1996 Supplementary Capital Budget process. Funding was provided in the Capital Plan to undertake significant upgrading projects in the City Hall Precinct and it is recommended that this project be considered from that source. A-7 Central Stores - Seismic Bracing of Shelving $0 Fund from Central Store Operating Budget. A-8 Central Library - Safety Upgrades $0 There are funds remaining in the Library Square Capital Budget from which these projects are recommended to be funded. B-3 Fire Department - Information Management System $0 These funds would provide for the development and implementation of a management information system for the Fire Department. Staff recommend that the department request funding from the Strategic Initiatives Fund for this work. The following comments pertain to funding recommendations for other items in the Supplementary Capital Budget. Recommended Allocation Civic Use Buildings A-1 Civic Buildings-Roofing Program $275,000 In the mid-1980s, Council began a roof replacement program funded from Supplementary Capital. The recommended funding will continue that program by dealing with the highest priority replacements identified by Building Management. Two replacements are recommended from this year s list: Police Building - 312 Main Street $190,000 City Pound - Office / Kennel Buildings 85,000 A-2 Asbestos Program $140,000 Ongoing funding for the Asbestos Program is provided in both the Building Management and Park Board Operating Budgets. The 1997 program will provide for the highest priority abatement and removal projects in a variety of civic facilities and will supplement existing funding of approximately $25,000. A-3 City Hall - Exterior Painting $0 A-4 City Hall - Exterior Refurbishment $234,000 The exterior finishes on the City Hall main building are in need of refurbishment to correct spalling, cracking or blossoming due to water penetration. The project will involve construction of full scaffolding on the west and south faces of the building and a complete cleaning of all four faces of the building to prevent further deterioration. The funding recommended in A-4 includes the funding requested in A-3 so that the wooden finishes on the building will be painted as part of the project. A-6 Building Management - Consolidate Shops $0 This proposal would see the maintenance shops and some storage facilities consolidated at either 450 or 456 West Broadway. While there may be some advantages for this project and the department made the case for additional storage facilities, staff believe a lower cost option along with some alternative space within City Hall should be further investigated before a decision is made to proceed. A-9 Bloedel Conservatory - Refrigeration Plant $0 This project involves the installation of a refrigeration plant at the Park Board facility at Queen Elizabeth Park. This installation has a payback of approximately 5 years as a result of lower water costs and future savings in sewer utility fees. The department was requested to finalize the business case for this project and to submit a separate report to Council with a financing proposal similar to the PowerSmart loans provided for electricity cost savings. A-12 St. Roch Shelter - Endwall Glazing $0 Under a cost sharing arrangement with the federal government, Council provided $200,000 to upgrade the St. Roch Shelter. An additional $80,000 was provided in 1995 to provide physical integration of the shelter with the Maritime Museum. In the near future, Council will be asked to make decisions about the future operation of the St. Roch. While the work outlined in this request will have to be completed in the future, the need is not critical at this time and staff recommend that the proposed upgrading be delayed for reconsideration in 1998. Other: B-1 Fire - Computer Resources B-2 Fire - Building Renovation and Furniture Total $86,000 These requests deal with the expansion of computer technology to 17 fire halls located throughout the City, including purchase or upgrade of computer equipment, purchase of appropriate computer furniture and modest renovation to some fire halls. As the timing of the connection of the halls to the City s communications network is later this year, it is proposed to fund only a portion of these costs in 1997, with the Fire Department to determine how the funds are allocated to the proposed needs. A further funding request will be considered in 1998. B-4 Fire Department - Renovate Hall #1 $0 Staff were not convinced that the department had developed this proposal to the point where funding should be allocated when compared against higher competing priorities. B-5 Parking Meter Equipment $180,000 In 1996, the Engineering Department began an upgrade to electronic parking meters. These meters provide greater flexibility in rate setting, reduced maintenance and the possibility of using advanced technology (Smart Cards) to provide more convenient payment options. Of the funding necessary to continue the upgrading program, $60,000 can be provided from the Operating Budget provision for equipment replacement, leaving $180,000 as the requirement for this purpose. Staff note that, of the $550,000 request, approximately $180,000 represents meters in new areas. These installations have normally been funded from new revenues. The Engineer will report separately to Council on these areas. The final component of the request, which would see purchase of 150 meters, essentially for stores purposes, can be reported back to Council with the meter area expansion proposals. B-6 Museum Complex - Additional Storage Space $85,000 As part of the redevelopment of the Vanier Park Complex for the BC Space Centre and Vancouver Museum, there is the opportunity to provide an additional 3,000 square feet of storage space in the basement. Staff note that this space will benefit the organizations that occupy the complex rather than the City, and that both are currently in the midst of major capital refurbishing programs which should be utilized if this project is a priority.