STANDING COMMITEE OF COUNCIL ON
                           CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                  MAY 8, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Thursday, May 8, 1997 at 11:10 a.m , in Committee Room No. 1, Third
   Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and
   Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee.

        PRESENT:            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Gordon Price
                            Councillor George Puil
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        OFFICE:             Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:            Tarja Tuominen


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the chair.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets
   May 8, 1997

        Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
   contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl.1:     Reconsideration of 1997 Cultural Grant Recommendations
        Cl.2:     Reconsideration of Community Services Grants Applications
        Cl.3:     Retention of Revenues
        Cl.4:     1997 Basic Capital Budget 

   Reconsideration of 1997 Cultural Grant Recommendations
   (Clause 1)
   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 1
   of  this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
                                             AND BY THE REQUIRED

   Reconsideration of Community Services Grants Applications
   (Clause 2)
   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 2
   of this report, be approved.

                                           -    CARRIED BY THE
                                                REQUIRED MAJORITY

               (Councillor Sullivan and the Mayor opposed to B)

   Retention of Revenues
   (Clause 3)
   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 3
   of this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED

           (Councillors Chiavario, Kennedy and Don Lee opposed to D)

   1997 Basic Capital Budget
   (Clause 4)
   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendation of the Committee as contained in Clause 4
   of this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

   1.   Use of Unusual Names by Candidates in Civic Elections
                                                               File: 3252-2

        Councillor Kennedy advised the UBCM has been asked to place the
   topic of the use of unusual names by candidates in civic elections on
   the agenda for discussion at the next UBCM meeting.  She will undertake
   some research on this topic and asked further input from Council.

        It was also suggested staff would be able to do some analysis of
   the impact on the last general local elections by candidates using fake
   or unusual names and to prepare a report which could be taken forward to
   the UBCM.  It was also suggested the report include the sections of the
   Charter and Municipal Act to be amended to prevent the use of unusual
   names in future civic elections.

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT staff be requested to provide a report on the impact on the
   last general local elections by candidates using unusual names and to
   include the sections of the Charter and Municipal Act to be amended to
   prevent the use of unusual names in future elections.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   Lower Mainland Municipal Association                      File: 123
        Annual General Meeting

        Councillor Kennedy encouraged Council to attend the Lower Mainland
   Municipal Association's Annual General meeting, to be held May 14 at
   4:15 p.m., with Mayor Gillian Trumper, Mayor Halsey-Brandt and
   Councillor Puil as guest speakers.

                      The Council adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *

                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                         ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS

                                  MAY 8, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City
   Services and Budgets  was held on Thursday, May 8, 1997, at 9:30 a.m.,
   in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:            Councillor George Puil, Chair
                            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Gordon Price
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        OFFICE:             Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COMMITTEE:          Tarja Tuominen

   Vary Order of Agenda

        Noting all members of  the Committee were not present to consider
   the agenda items dealing with grants, the Chair advised the agenda would
   be varied to consider Agenda Item 3 first.


   3.   Retention of Revenues                                  File: 4004-1

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated March
   27, 1997 (on file) in which the Director of the Vancouver Public Library 
   sought clarification on how revenues generated by the Library will be
   handled in the future.  The Director recommended revenues from fines and
   photocopying continue to be included in the annual budget estimates for
   the Library to offset the annual operating costs.  In addition, the
   Director recommended the Library be allowed to retain 100% of all net
   revenues, other than those from fines, photocopying, etc., to be used at
   the discretion of the Library, and to retain 100% of the net revenues
   received by fundraising in various forms for expenditure at its

        The City  Manager recommended approval of an alternate set of
   recommendations, noting that incremental revenue generation, for example
   through sponsorship agreements,  may become a moderately significant
   source of revenue for the City.  However, the City Manager supported the
   Library retaining 100% of funds received through  unconditional
   donations or donations requiring only limited donor recognition.  He
   pointed out donors are usually not enthusiastic about donating funds to
   cover operating costs to maintain existing levels of operation.

        Judy Taylor, Chair, Vancouver Public Library Board, stated 
   retention of revenues is an important issue for the Library. It is
   important everything possible is done to increase revenues for the
   Library from sources other than government.  The City Manager's
   recommendations treat donations to the Library in a similar way to 
   funds raised by the Park Board - that the Library retains two-thirds of
   the funds.  The Park Board's potential for raising revenues is much
   greater.  Sponsorship is not something the public likes to see the
   Library doing.  However, the public may consider sponsorship more
   favourably if they know all of the money is retained by the Library.

        In response to questions, Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager,
   clarified the City Manager's comments on sponsorship revenues, advising
   some departments have the ability to generate sponsorship revenues more
   than others, but those revenues should be equally shared by all.  Ms.
   Rogers agreed staff will report back on defining "minimal" sponsor

        Ken Bayne, Comptroller of Budgets and Research, clarified the
   two-thirds agreement between Park Board and the City, advising it was
   felt the retention of two-thirds provided enough incentive for the Park
   Board to generate on-going revenues.

        During discussion, some Committee members felt there was a huge
   difference between the Library's and Park Board's budgets, and donators
   of  funds to the Library would expect that 100% of the funds remained
   with the Library.

        The following motion by the Mayor was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT revenues from fines and photocopying, etc. continue to be
             included in the annual budget estimates for the Vancouver
             Public Library in order to offset the City s support of annual
             operating costs. 

        B.   THAT the Vancouver Public Library apply net revenues earned
             from City funded operations to the base operations of the
             Library, reducing the cost of those operations.

        C.   THAT the Vancouver Public Library be allowed to retain two
             thirds of net revenues earned from operations which are fully
             funded by revenues.

        D.   THAT the Vancouver Public Library be allowed to retain two
             thirds of sponsorship funds arranged by the Library (those
             contributions established on a multi-year basis involving
             identification of a commercial supplier as a sponsor) to be
             used at the discretion of the Library but within the
             Guidelines regarding service increases and new positions.

        E.   THAT sponsorship funds arranged by the City on a global basis
             be directed to general revenue.

        F.   THAT the Vancouver Public Library retain 100% of donations
             from individuals and unconditional donations or donations
             requiring minimal sponsor identification from commercial

                                           - CARRIED

             (Cllrs. Chiavario, Kennedy and Don Lee opposed to D)

   1.   Reconsideration of 1997 Cultural Grant Recommendations
                                                               File: 2052-2

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April
   21, 1997 (on file) in which the Director, Office of Cultural Affairs,
   recommended approval of changes in the original  grant recommendations
   to two organizations - the Association of Neighbourhood Houses for the
   Intertribal Pow Wow and the Japanese Canadian Studies Society - and no
   grants to another two organizations - MTW Musical Theatreworks of Canada
   and Word on the Street.

        The General Manager of Community Services submitted the
   recommendations for consideration.

        Burke Taylor, Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs, was
   present to answer questions.

        The following appeared as a delegation to appeal the recommendation
   of the Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs regarding their grant:

        Jan Carley and Diane Stapley, Executive Directors, Musical
        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy  was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT Council not approve Project Grants to the following two
             organizations that have requested reconsideration:

             MTW Musical Theatreworks of Canada
             Word on the Street.

        B.   THAT Council approve a $1,500 Project Grant to the Association
             of Neighbourhood Houses for the Intertribal Pow Wow.

             The source of funds for this grant would be the $1,500
             remaining in the Project Grants category of the Cultural
             Grants budget.

        C.   THAT Council approve a $2,500 Project Grant to the Japanese
             Canadian Studies Society, SUBJECT TO confirmation of the
             participation of experienced professional musical theatre
             consultants, as well as sufficient financial resources to
             undertake full production workshops of the musical theatre
             version of "Rosie's Cafe", to the satisfaction of the
             Director, Office of Cultural Affairs.

        The source of funds for this grant would be $2,500 transferred from
        the Operating to the Project Grants category of the Cultural Grants
        budget, leaving an unallocated balance of $34,960 in Operating

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   Reconsideration of Community Services Grants Applications
                                                               File: 2152-2

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April
   22, 1997 (on file) in which the Director of Community Services, Social
   Planning  recommended approval of the Director's original
   recommendations of  a $ 27,540 Community Services grant to the South
   Granville Seniors Friendship Centre and no grants to the High Risk
   Project Society, Neil Squire Foundation, Stroke Recovery Association of
   B.C. and the Westcoast Youth Net Society.

        The General Manager of Community Services submitted the
   recommendations for consideration.

        Rick Gates, Social Planner, advised staff were present to answer
   any questions.

        The following appeared as delegations to appeal the recommendation
   of the Director of Community Services, Social Planning regarding their
   grant applications:

        Gary Birch, Executive Director, Neil Squire Foundation
        Colleen Goodrich, Executive Director, and
          Cyril Harrod, President,  South Granville Seniors Centre
        Christine Boyd, Provincial Coordinator,
          Stroke Recovery Association
        Deborah Brady, President of the Board,
          High Risk Project Society

        The delegations responded to questions of the Committee.

        A member of the Committee asked staff to provide a report on the
   impact of gaming revenue decreases on all affected organizations.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT Council not approve a grant to High Risk Project Society,
             in accordance with Social Planning s original recommendation.

        B.   THAT Council not approve a grant to the Neil Squire
             Foundation, in accordance with Social Planning s original

        C.   THAT Council approve Social Planning s original recommendation
             for a Community Services Grant of $27,540 to the South
             Granville Seniors Friendship Centre.

        D.   THAT Council not approve a grant to the Stroke Recovery
             Association of B.C., in accordance with Social Planning s
             original recommendation.

        E.   THAT Council not approve a grant to the Westcoast Youth Net
             Society, in accordance with Social Planning s original

                                           - CARRIED

                  (Cllr. Sullivan and the Mayor opposed to B)

   4.   1997 Basic Capital Budget                              File: 1602-1

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated May 1,
   1997 (on file) in which the Director of Finance summarized the 1997
   Capital Budget and sought approval for the allocation of Capital from
   Revenue funding and for debenture authority necessary to complete the
   funding of the 1997 Capital Program.

        The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT the 1997-1999 Capital Plan provision for Downtown South
             Park Acquisition be reduced by $1,531,600 to provide for new
             revenue transition funding in the 1997 Operating Budget.

        B.   THAT the allocation of the 1996 Capital from Revenue funding
             of $9,068,400  to the 1997 Capital Budget be as follows:

             Public Works                  $ 3,000,000
             Police Protection                 700,000
             Social and Cultural Facilities  2,036,400
             Other                           1,732,000
             Supplementary Capital           1,600,000
                  Total                    $ 9,068,400

        C.   THAT the 1997 Park Board Basic Capital Budget totalling
             $11,273,900, as summarized in the Administrative Report dated
             May 1, 1997 and detailed in Appendix 2 of the report,  be
             approved, with the funding to be provided from borrowing
             authority as approved as part of the 1997-1999 Capital Plan.

        D.   THAT the allocations to the Protection, Social & Cultural
             Facilities and Other components of the 1997 Basic Capital
             Budget as summarized in the Administrative Report and detailed
             in Appendix 3 of the report be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                      The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

                               *   *   *   *   *