POLICY REPORT DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING Date: April 21, 1997 Dept. File No. RWW C.C. File No.: 5303-1/5308-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Land Use and Development SUBJECT: CD-1 Text Amendments for 2135 West 12th Avenue and 2725 Arbutus Street RECOMMENDATION A. THAT the application by Maurice Pez of Greystone Properties to amend CD-1 By-law (326) No. 7317 for 2135 West 12th Avenue (Lot 1, Block 384, Plan LMP25014, D.L. 526) be referred to Public Hearing, as follows: (1) amend Section 4(c) to allow 29 percent one bedroom and bachelor units; and (2) amend Section 7 to allow for a maximum height of 13.7 m (45 ft.). B. THAT the Director of Land Use and Development make application to amend CD-1 By-law (357) No. 7654 for 2725 Arbutus Street (Lots A and E, Block 384, D.L. 526, Plan 2300), and that this application also be referred to Public Hearing as follows: Amend Section 4(c) to require 40 dwelling units, or if more than 135 dwelling units, 30 percent of the total number of dwelling units will be developed as two bedrooms or more. C. THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws for consideration at the Public Hearing GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C. COUNCIL POLICY - Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan, adopted by Council on November 19, 1992; - CD-1 By-law (326) By-law No. 7317, enacted on June 21, 1994; and - CD-1 By-law (357) By-law No. 7654, enacted on November 5, 1996. PURPOSE AND SUMMARY This report assesses an application by Maurice Pez of Greystone Properties, proposing minor amendments to the height and unit-type requirements of an existing CD-1 By-law for a major Arbutus Industrial Lands site on the north side of West 12th Avenue between Arbutus and Yew Streets. Staff have reviewed these proposed changes in the context of other CD-1 rezonings in the area, and believe them to be consistent with the area. It is recommended that the proposed changes be referred to Public Hearing and approved along with a consequential application by the Director of Land Use and Development to amend the required unit mix on an adjacent site also zoned CD-1 and owned by Greystone. DISCUSSION Background The subject site is part of the former Carling O Keefe brewery site, subsequently owned by Molson s Ltd. In 1992, Council adopted the Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan, which provided policies and direction for the rezoning of industrial lands in the area. Since that time, Council has considered and rezoned almost all lands within the area. The only rezoning enactment still pending is for the Bastion-Intracorp site, and this is anticipated in 1997. Height The site at 2135 West 12th Avenue was the first site for which rezoning was enacted in the Arbutus Industrial Area. The existing 12.2 m (40 ft.) height limit is the lowest of all the sites. Remaining sites have 13.7-15.3 m (45-50 ft.) specified for buildings with a four storey height limit, to provide for moderate increases in floor to floor heights and to take into account minor changes in elevations which sometimes occur even over a single site. On the subject site, the Arbutus Street frontage has been separated from the remaining portion of the site along West 12th Avenue, and linked to the adjoining Twinpak frontage, which creates problems for the applicant because of elevational changes. The moderate requested increase in height to 13.1 m (43 ft.) is to account for this situation. Staff recommend setting the height limit at 13.7 m (45 ft.) to provide for a small amount of additional flexibility. The permitted height of the adjoining site at 2725 Arbutus Street is 15.3 m (50 ft.). Unit Mix The Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan requires that 25% of all units be designed to accommodate families. In discussions leading to the CD-1s for the two Molson sites, it was agreed that the West 12th Avenue site would not be appropriate for families because of its narrow depth and its location along two busy streets. However, the applicant (then the IBI Group on behalf of Molson s) still proposed unit limitations of a maximum of 25 percent one-bedroom and bachelor units, and a minimum of 35 percent two or more bedrooms. These parameters were supported and written into the draft by-law. Furthermore, Housing Centre staff did not want an over-concentration of smaller units, and the general aim of the rezoning of the major sites was to create family housing. The moderate proposed increase in bachelor and one-bedroom units from 25 to 29 percent is considered to be acceptable, and Greystone has indicated they are prepared to transfer the resulting shortfall of six two-bedroom or more units to their adjacent site at 2725 Arbutus Street (formerly the Twinpak Site - CD-1[357] By-law No. 7654). Staff therefore recommend a consequential application by the Director of Land Use and Development to add the extra two bedroom requirement to the adjoining site. Housing Centre staff are prepared to support the proposed development if the transfer is included. Community Opinion Representatives of the Kitsilano-Arbutus Residents Association have been advised of the proposed changes and are satisfied that the overall development would not be adversely affected. CONCLUSION Staff recommend that the proposed changes to the CD-1 By-laws for both 2135 West 12th Avenue and 2725 Arbutus Street be referred to Public Hearing and approved. * * * * * PROPOSED CD-1 CHANGES - 2135 WEST 12TH AVENUE (CD-1 By-law No. 7317) Section 4 (Uses) (c) Dwelling Units (a maximum of 25 percent 29 percent shall consist of 1 bedroom and bachelor units, and a minimum of 35 percent shall consist of 2 or more bedrooms); The percentages outlined are to be applied to the entire site and not on a parcel by parcel basis. Further, the term 1 bedroom shall not include 1 bedroom plus a den; Section 7 (Height) The maximum building height, measured above the base surface, is 12.2 m 13.7 m, subject to the relaxation of limitations on building heights set out in Section 10.11.1 of the Zoning and Development By-law. PROPOSED CD-1 CHANGES - 2725 ARBUTUS STREET (CD-1 By-law No. 7654) Section 4 (Uses) (c) Dwelling Units, with a minimum of 34 40 dwelling units, or if more than 135 dwelling units are developed, twenty-five percent (25%) thirty (30) percent of the total number of dwelling units will be developed as two bedrooms or more and generally designed in accordance with the Council - adopted "High-Density Housing for Families with Children Guidelines". APPLICANT'S COMMENT The applicant has reviewed this report and commented as follows: Report consistant with our previous discussions and written requests. Please forward to Council as early as possible to insure our DP schedule is maintained . APPENDIX C Page 1 of 1 APPLICANT, PROPERTY INFORMATION AND PROPOSED CHANGES APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION Street Address 2135 West 12th Avenue and 2725 Arbutus Street Legal Description (1) Lot 1, Block 384, Plan LMP25014, D.L. 526; (2) Lots A & E, Block 384, D.L. 526, Plan 2300 Applicant Maurice Pez, Greystone Properties Architect Derek Neale, Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams Architects Property Owner 485510 British Columbia Ltd. Developer Greystone Properties PROPOSED CHANGES PARAMETER EXISTING CD-1S PROPOSED CHANGE Zoning CD-1 Same Uses residential with Same commercial on Arbutus at grade Dwelling Units (2135 West max. of 25% shall consist max. of 29% shall consist 12th Avenue) of 1 bedroom and bachelor of 1 bedroom and bachelor units and a minimum of units and a minimum of 35% shall consist of 2 or 35% shall consist of 2 or more bedrooms more bedrooms Dwelling Units (2725 minimum of 34 dwelling minimum of 40 dwelling Arbutus Street) units, or if more than units, or if more than 135 dwelling units are 135 dwelling units are developed, 25% of the developed, 30% of the total number of dwelling total number of dwelling units will be developed units will be developed as two bedrooms or more as two bedrooms or more Height (2135 West 12th 12.2 m 13.7 m Avenue) Height (2725 Arbutus 15.3 m unchanged Street)