Date: April 25, 1997
                                              Dept. File No.  WB
                                              C.C. File No.: 2609-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Community Planning

   SUBJECT:  Form of Development - 5660 Yew Street
             D.E. 402094 - CD-1 By-law Number 5222
             Owner of Development - 530951 B.C. Ltd.


        THAT the approved form of development for the CD-1 zoned site known
        as  5660  Yew  Street  be  generally  approved  as  illustrated  in
        Development  Application Number  DE402094,  prepared  by  Formwerks
        Architectural Inc. and stamped "Received, City Planning Department,
        February 4,  1997",  provided that  the  Director of  Planning  may
        approve design changes which would not adversely affect either  the
        development character of this site or adjacent properties. 


        The General  Manager of  Community Services RECOMMENDS  approval of
        the foregoing.


   There  is no applicable Council  policy except that  Council did approve
   the rezoning of this site, following a Public Hearing.


   In  accordance with  Charter requirements,  this report  seeks Council's
   approval  for a  revised form  of development  for the  above-noted CD-1
   zoned site.


   At  a  Public Hearing  on  October  19, 1978,  City  Council  approved a
   rezoning  of  this site  from RM-3  Multiple  Dwelling District  to CD-1
   Comprehensive Development District.  CD-1 By-law Number 5222 was enacted
   on December 12, 1978.

   At the same time, Council approved a similar rezoning of the site to the
   immediate south  (5670  Yew Street  -  CD-1 By-law  Number 5224).    The
   Council-approved  form of  development  for this  site, consisting  of a
   small scale  office building, was approved  and subsequently constructed
   under Development Permit Number DE82512.

   The site and surrounding zoning are shown on the attached Appendix 'A'.

   Subsequent to Council's  approval of  the CD-1 rezoning  of the  subject
   site, the  Director of Planning approved  Development Application Number
   DE402094.  This  approval was subject  to various conditions,  including
   Council's approval of the form of  development.  The latter condition is
   one of the few outstanding prior to permit issuance.


   At the  time of the original  rezoning, this northerly site  contained a
   two-storey  residential  building  that  was  subsequently  converted to
   office use.   The proposal now is to demolish this existing building and
   to construct a new two-storey office building.

   The regulations contained in  the CD-1 By-law allow for  the opportunity
   to develop a new building on this site.

   As  part  of the  review process,  a  total of  forty-seven neighbouring
   property-owners  were advised  of  the  proposal.   No  objections  were

   Staff have reviewed the  proposed development and are satisfied  that it
   meets the intent of the original CD-1 By-law and provides an appropriate
   transition between the  existing office  building to the  south and  the
   multiple dwelling to the north.

   Simplified  plans, including a site plan, elevations of the proposal and
   a streetscape elevation have been included in Appendix 'B'.


   The  Director of  Planning has  approved Development  Application Number
   DE402094, subject to various conditions to be  met prior to the issuance
   of the development permit.  One of these conditions is  that the form of
   development first be approved by Council.

                         * * * * *