ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: April 18, 1997 File No. CREP063.wpd CC File No. 1153 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Finance SUBJECT: Disposal of Surplus Computer Equipment RECOMMENDATION A. THAT the Manager of Purchasing Services be authorized to dispose of the City's surplus personal computers and related software resulting from the City's recent introduction of its information technology replace-ment program, along the following lines: the surplus equipment first be offered as-is, where-is to the Vancouver School Board and the City's not-for-profit community organizations, on the basis of a proportional allocation of 90% and 10% respectively, and the transfer of the equipment be under a grant/purchase program managed by Purchasing Services and Social Planning to accord with the provisions of the Vancouver Charter. Eligible agencies would be invited to submit a request to Purchasing Services outlining their requirements for the surplus equipment. The source of funds for the grant would be the proceeds from the gifting program, noting that the equipment disposal revenues are not currently included in the City s operating budget. the remaining surplus equipment not taken up by any of the eligible agencies be sold by auction and/or through the solicitation of offers in the normal manner, on the basis that the community organizations first have their proportional allocation adjusted by any residual computer equipment that is not required by the School Board. - 2 - B. THAT Council approve an initial $10,000 grant to the Vancouver School Board for its acquisition of surplus personal computers and related software from the City of Vancouver, at the net price of $100 per system, as outlined in this report; and FURTHER THAT staff be instructed to report back to Council at the appropriate times around the gifting of additional surplus computer equipment to the Vancouver School Board. (Approval of this grant requires eight affirmative votes of Council.) C. THAT staff be instructed to periodically report back to Council for approvals around the gifting of surplus computer equipment to individual not-for-profit community organizations based on the allocation slice recommended above. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Corporate Services notes that the City has been approached by not-for-profit community agencies, and the Vancouver School Board, to consider gifting surplus computer equipment for use in their operations and/or educational programs, recognizing that the normal budgets of these organizations are unable to accommodate the acquisition of computer technology in the open market. Up until recently, the City did not have surplus equipment in the numbers which would justify the creation of a formal program for this purpose, but the recent introduction of a planned information technology replacement program in-house will generate a steady supply of surplus equipment over the next several years for routine disposal. The options available to the City with respect to the disposal of this surplus equipment are: (a) to auction/sell it off to the highest bidder, or (b) to gift/donate it to community services and/or educational organizations. Although the equipment may be obsolete in terms of the City's requirements, it does have residual value and could effectively be put to use for training purposes (e.g., learning keyboarding skills, introducing computer technology, learning the fundamentals of various software tools, etc.) and for other ancillary purposes by the eligible community agencies. - 3 - Given the leveraged benefit flowing from the gifting of the City's surplus computer technology to community organizations and the Vancouver School Board, I RECOMMEND approval of A, B and C. COUNCIL POLICY Council policy is to dispose of surplus equipment through public auction or the solicitation of offers. Approval of grants requires eight affirmative votes of Council. PURPOSE This report recommends the gifting of the City's surplus computer equipment to the Vancouver School Board and eligible not-for-profit community agencies subject to the approval of Council. BACKGROUND During the next 12 months, the City's information technology replacement program is expected to require the disposal of up to 400 obsolete computers that are in operating condition, but without the computing power and/or capacity to support the City's client-server technology direction. The replacement program will also continue to generate surplus computer equipment beyond the one-year timeline in smaller numbers. At recent auctions the City has obtained an average price of $63 and $147 respectively, for "286" and "386" computer systems that were in operating condition and had colour monitors. The respective net prices (after auction and transportation fees) were $45 and $120. We estimate that the potential recovery to the City from the sale of 400 surplus computer systems in operating condition would be about $40,000, or $100 per system. On the other hand, the Vancouver School Board has registered an interest in obtaining (through a gifting mechanism) surplus computer equipment from the City, preferably of the "386" variety. Many not-for-profit community agencies would be interested in participating in a gifting program as well. - 4 - DISCUSSION The alternative to disposal by auction and/or sale (the City's current policy) is to establish a gifting program to eligible community organizations as discussed below. The cost to the City of a gifting program would nominally be about $40,000 in terms of the first 400 surplus computers, using a net proceeds value of $100 per system available from auction/sale. Arguably, that $40,000 sum could be levered into a more sizable benefit to the community at large if the same computer systems were gifted to "eligible" organizations as determined by Council. Based on the interest expressed to date from the Vancouver School Board, and other not-for-profit community organizations, your staff have put together a grant/purchase program for the disposal of surplus computer technology to those same organizations. The program is based on a recommended target allocation to the two groups who have contacted the City, as follows: 90% to the Vancouver School Board on the basis that children are our future and this program would put certain students in touch with technology sooner than it otherwise would be available in the school system; and 10% to not-for-profit Community Organizations on the basis that computer technology, however basic, would improve the administration around the delivery of their services to the community. Obviously, Council has the option of adjusting the allocation slice available to each organization group during the course of the gifting program. Since the City is technically precluded from "granting" equip-ment to outside organizations under the Vancouver Charter, the gifting program would be enabled by a money grant to the receiving organizations, which, in turn, would be returned to the City as payment for the surplus computer systems. In other words, the cost of the program is revenue/expenditure neutral and has the benefit of being recorded in the City's financial records and annual reports for information purposes. Additionally, Council would be obliged to approve these grants in the normal manner (eight affirmative votes) and would therefore have appropriate oversight on the program. The Manager of Purchasing Services would also continue to monitor potential auction values of the surplus computer equipment to maintain a handle on the opportunity cost of the gifting program for periodic reporting to Council. - 5 - CONCLUSION Over the next several years, the City will be disposing of a large number of surplus computer systems. Following normal practice, the City would sell these systems at auction or through a solicitation of offers. The alternative to disposition in that manner is to gift these systems to the Vancouver School Board and other not-for-profit community organizations for use in their own programs. Staff consider a gifting program would have a leveraged benefit in the community and recommend the establishment of such a program at a nominal cost to the City's taxpayers. * * * * *