APRIL 24, 1997

        A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Thursday, April 24, 1997, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, third
   Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to
   consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law.

        PRESENT:       Mayor Philip Owen
                       Councillor Don Bellamy
                       Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                       Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                       Councillor Alan Herbert
                       Councillor Daniel Lee
                       Councillor Don Lee
                       Councillor Gordon Price
                       Councillor George Puil

        ABSENT:        Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Civic Business)
                       Councillor Sam Sullivan

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:       Gail L. Johnson


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Puil,
   THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen
   in the Chair, to consider proposed amendments to the Zoning and
   Development By-law.

   1.   Text Amendment: 1201 West Hastings Street

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        Summary:  The proposed amendment would, in the short term, extend
        the Coal Harbour Official Development Plan boundary to include the
        Central Waterfront District-zoned (CWD) portion of the site.  The
        present CWD rezoning specifies  uses permitted on the site, but has
        no regulations.  In the long term, the Planning Department intends
        to enter into a cooperative process with the property owner to
        develop an appropriate zoning for this site.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   the application.

   Staff Opening Comments

        Ian Smith, Planner, reviewed the application, explaining that as a
   result of the enactment of Marathon's "Harbour Green Neighbourhood" (501
   Bute Street), a private development site on the north-eastern end of the
   1200 Block West Hastings has been created, with a split "Downtown
   District" and "Central Waterfront District" (CWD) zoning. 
   Unfortunately, the majority of this site is not regulated by the
   existing Official Development Plan.  As a temporary measure to correct
   this situation, staff was recommending the Coal Harbour ODP boundary be
   extended to include the CWD portion of this site.  In the long term,
   discussions will be held with the property owner to develop an
   appropriate zoning for this split-zoned site.  Mr. Smith noted the
   owners of the land affected by the proposed rezoning opposed the
   application as they claim to have no interest in developing the property
   in an unreasonable and inappropriate manner for the area.  Planning's
   response is that the property may be sold to new owners at any time, and
   the problem may then surface.  Hence, the Director was recommending
   approval of the application.

        In response to a question from Council concerning the covenant
   required by Planning against the subject site, Mr. Smith pointed out
   this was in relation to the pending study of soils in the area.  If the
   owners wished to speed up the process, they could proceed with an
   independent study and if the soil is not found to be contaminated, the
   covenant could be lifted.

   Summary of Correspondence

        A review of the correspondence indicated one letter opposed to the


   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application and
   one speaker came forward.

        Jonas Lehrman, area resident, explained he was not against this
   particular development, but was generally opposed to over-development of
   the south side of Burrard Inlet.  As new high rise towers in the area
   are higher than ever before and views are being obscured, he urged
   Council to place limitations on development of this area and end the
   wall of high rise development encircling the West End.

   Staff Closing Comments

        Mr. Smith responded to the speaker's comments by noting that
   Planning is putting forward this application in recognition of the
   possibility of an inappropriate development occurring without the
   amendment.  Further, the height and scale of any new building will be
   determined by the public process.

   Council Discussion

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the application be approved.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   Text Amendment:  Downtown Official Development Plan - Residential

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        Summary: The proposed amendments to the DODP would:

            delete residential as a permitted use in the core of the
             Central Business District;

            delete the housing bonus in areas of the Central Business
             District immediately adjacent to the core; and


   Clause No. 2 (cont'd)

            introduce "choice of use" zoning in the Triangle West area and
             for sites on the south side of Alberni Street between Bute and
             Burrard Streets and along Burrard Street, generally south of
             Smithe Street.

        The Director of Central Area Planning recommended approval of the

   Staff Opening Comments

        Michael Gordon, Planner, reviewed the reasons for staff's
   recommendation of approval of this application which proposed to update
   residential zoning, and refine policies for residential rezoning in an
   around the Central Business District.  The changes would carry out
   Council's wishes approved in 1991 as part of the Central Area Plan.

        Discussions have been held between City staff and Downtown business
   groups, property owners and tenants, and staff have facilitated a
   process to reconcile differences and frame updated policies.  This has
   resulted in a plan that emphasizes the regional importance of the CBD
   and provides for its continued growth, while still maintaining some
   flexibility for a limited amount of CBD housing.  An inventory of office
   development potential is currently being prepared, which ultimately will
   be maintained by the private sector, in liaison with City staff. 
   Projections indicate there will be a significant shortfall of office
   space in the Downtown core in the next 20 years.  The new "choice of
   use" zoning allows an owner to choose between residential and
   non-residential uses in certain areas.  The overall effect of these
   zoning and policy changes will be more efficient handling of development
   proposals with fewer rezonings and faster processing of applications
   based upon updated policies.

        Mr. Gordon also circulated a memo dated April 23, 1997 from the
   Corporation Counsel, (on file City Clerk's Office), which addressed a
   recommendation being presented by staff for Council's consideration,
   concerning proposed covenants on the titles of dwelling units on Howe
   Street between Robson and Nelson Streets.  The covenant was intended to
   notify owners that their unit is near an entertainment district on
   Granville Street and may be impacted by noise.  Mr. Gordon pointed out
   that in view of Mr. Bland's advice that it is not possible to have an
   effective and legal covenant registered against the title of dwelling
   units as described, the Director of Development and Land Use could be
   directed to apply as a condition of development, a requirement that
   developers include a notice with the disclosure statement advising that
   the development is adjacent to an entertainment district.

   Summary of Correspondence

        There was no correspondence received on this application.


   Clause No. 2 (cont'd)


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application and 
   two speakers spoke in favour of the application.

        Gerald Hamilton, Hamilton Doyle and Associates, explained he was
   speaking as composite Chair of the DVA, UDI, BOMA and Board of Trade and
   after working with planning staff over the past 18 months, the group
   believes the proposed changes represent the best results that can be
   achieved.  The one issue that was not supported was related to the
   development cost levy bylaw to be drafted for the Triangle West district
   and along Alberni Street where increased demands for capital projects
   are anticipated.  In this instance, the amenities are already in place
   and the four organizations believed the DCL's should be only applied
   when starting from scratch.

        Blake Hudema, Harris Hudema Consulting, explained the inventory of
   potential  office development space which his firm is developing will
   provide the public and private sectors with an effective tool to measure
   development changes in the Downtown.  This will be especially helpful in
   addressing the increasing demand and diminishing supply.  He expressed
   support for the changes being recommended by staff.

   Staff Closing Comments

        Responding to comments by Council that it has a duty to warn owners
   about the existence of entertainment districts, Mr. Larry Beasley,
   Director of Central Area Planning,  recalled this problem has arisen at
   other times and agreed that solutions to deal with it should be explored
   further.  Consideration could be given to including notification as part
   of the general description of the area in the Official Development Plan
   or in the Guidelines.  With respect to the office inventory, Mr. 
   Beasley commented that staff will be able to make detailed judgements,
   rather than assumptions, which will have a positive effect on the office
   development sector by increasing capacity before scarcity exists.

   Council Discussion

        While some Council members expressed concern over the projected
   scarcity of office space and were pleased to see measures to address
   this, one member commented this vision is not alarming as it fits in
   with the intent of the regional town centre plan to move office space
   out of the core of the Downtown.  Staff were requested to report back
   further on the matters of notification to owners in the entertainment
   district and on development cost levies for this area.


   Clause No. 2 (cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,

        A.   THAT the application be approved.

        B.   THAT covenants not be required as a condition of development
             permit approval on the title of dwelling units where they are
             located on development sites on the east side of the 800 and
             900 Blocks of Howe Street, on the understanding that staff
             report back on the issue of notification with regard to the
             entertainment district designation.

        C.   THAT staff report back on the requirement for development cost
             levies for Triangle West and adjacent Alberni Street sites
             prior to enactment of the Bylaw.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   Text Amendment:  Downtown Official Development Plan - Downtown

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        Summary: The proposed amendments to the DODP would:

            give the Development Permit Board discretion to relax the
             height limit of 70 feet to a maximum of 120 feet on small
             sites to accommodate increased density for low-cost and social
             housing; and

            add references to emphasize the importance of the public realm
             in the Downtown generally.

        The Directors of Land Use and Development and Central Area Planning
   recommended approval of the application.

   Staff Opening Comments

        Larry Beasley, Director of Central Area Planning, explained this
   application proposed adjustments to the Downtown Official Development
   Plan and the Downtown South Guidelines which became evident following a
   review of development applications processed and developments built
   since the community plan was approved.   The changes to the DODP


   Clause No. 3 (cont'd)

   would permit live/work uses in the low-rise portion of developments;
   give the Development Permit Board discretion to relax the height limit
   of 70 feet on small sites to accommodate increased density for low-cost
   and social housing; and add a section to emphasize the importance of the 
   public realm in the Downtown.

        The development community and staff have come to a conclusion about
   the issue of massing and the proposed changes to the Downtown South
   Guidelines deal with the issues of building bulk generated by double
   height or loft units which staff believe compromise overall livability. 
   The changes also address the issues of shadowing, safety and security
   and provide future developments with more clarity and precision while
   still allowing considerable design and site planning flexibility. An
   additional amendment to the Guidelines being recommended for Council's
   consideration would provide a 10-foot average floor-to-floor height or a
   12-foot average floor-to-floor height when determining the maximum
   height of developments.  Mr. Beasley noted the urban designers favour
   the 10-foot average restriction while area planners prefer the 12-foot

   Summary of Correspondence

        There was no correspondence received on this application.


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application and
   none were present.

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,

        A.   THAT the application be approved as set out in this minute of
             Public Hearing.        B.   THAT the existing "Downtown South Guidelines (excluding
             Granville Street)" be amended by Council to incorporate the
             changes noted in Appendix B of the Policy Report dated October
             25, 1996.

        C.   THAT the Downtown South Guidelines (excluding Granville
             Street) be further amended to incorporate the changes noted in
             Appendix C of the Policy Report dated October 25, 1996,
             calling for an average floor-to-floor height in residential
             developments not exceeding 10 ft.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
   4.   Rezoning:  1410 Granville Street (Dance Centre)

        An application by Architectura Waisman Dewar Grout Carter Inc., in
   association with Arthur Erickson, was considered as follows:

        Summary: The proposed rezoning from BCPED (FCN) B.C. Place/Expo
        (False Creek North) to CD-1 Comprehensive Development District
        would permit development of a two-storey centre for the principal
        dance companies of Vancouver.  The centre would include six
        rehearsal studios, administration, support facilities, a coffee
        shop, and a retail unit. Occasional public performances are

        The Director of Central Area Planning recommended approval of the
   application, subject to the following conditions as proposed for
   adoption by resolution of Council:


   (a)  THAT the proposed  form  of  development be approved by Council in
        principle, generally as prepared by Architectura Waisman Dewar
        Grout Carter Inc. in association with Arthur Erickson and stamped
         Received, City of Vancouver Planning Department, August 16, 1996 ,
        providing that the Development Permit Board may allow alterations
        to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of
        development as outlined in (b) and (c) below;


   (b)  THAT, prior to the final approval by Council of the form of
        development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development
        application by the Director of Planning who shall have particular
        regard to the following:


        (i)  provision for a fully detailed landscape plan.

        (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design ([CPTED])

        (ii) design development to improve surveillance of the surrounding
             streets and reduce opportunities for graffiti on blank exposed
             walls by encouraging increased window area and articulated
             surfaces carried down to the sidewalk level.


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)


        (iii)     provision of a minimum of 1 parking stall per 100 m2
                  gross floor area, except that a minimum of 32 parking
                  stalls must be provided to the satisfaction of the City

        (iv) dedication as road, a 3.0 m wide strip along the north side of
             lot 2, and dedication of the portions of lot 4 north of the
             continuation of this line into lot 4;

        (v)  dedication as road lot 1 and lot 3 to the satisfaction of the
             City Engineer;

        (vi) form of development not to encroach onto the sewer ROW at the
             northwest corner of the site, except for non-structural
             overhead architectural elements to the satisfaction of the
             City Engineer;

        (vii)     provision of on-site garbage and recycling facilities to
                  the satisfaction of the City Engineer;

        (viii)    design development to make allowance for the future stair
                  link to the Granville Bridge, the location to be
                  determined by the City Engineer;

        (ix) the stairs on Lot 3 (below the Seymour Street off-ramp) are to
             be deleted;

        (x)  entry stairs adjacent Granville Street are not to encroach
             over the property line;

        (xi) the private lane on Lot 3 is to be configured with two-way
             traffic, with the north end to meet Pacific Street at 75

        (xii)     provision of street trees and concrete sidewalks around
                  the perimeter of the site to the satisfaction of the City
                  Engineer; and

        (xiii)    all new utility services are to be underground within the
                  site from the closest suitable point at the applicant s


   (c)  THAT, prior to the enactment of the CD-1 By-law, the registered
        owner shall, at no cost to the City:


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        (i)  execute a Bridge Nuisance covenant, satisfactory to the City
             Engineer and the Director of Legal Services, to ensure that
             the City is not responsible for any noise, falling objects or
             other disturbances associated with the proximity of the
             building to the bridge;

        (ii) the applicant will cause lot 1 and 3 to be established as
             street.  Arrangements to be made to the satisfaction of the
             City Engineer and Director of Legal Services to close, stop
             up, and lease back lot 1 and lot 3 to the Dance Centre;

        (iii)     execute an agreement satisfactory to the City Engineer,
                  Director of Legal Services, Manager of Real Estate
                  Services, to provide for vehicular manoeuvring area on
                  lot 4, adjacent to lot 3, concurrently with a development
                  of the rezoned lands; and

        (iv) execute an agreement satisfactory to the City Engineer and the
             Director of Legal Services to provide for the upgrading of the
             sidewalks adjacent to the site concurrent with any

   Where the Director of Legal Services deems appropriate, the preceding
   agreements are to be drawn, not only as personal covenants of the
   property owner, but also as Covenants pursuant to Section 215 of the
   Land Title Act.

   The preceding agreements are to be registered in the appropriate Land
   Title Office, with priority over such other liens, charges and
   encumbrances affecting the subject site as is considered advisable by
   the Director of Legal Services, and otherwise to the satisfaction of the
   Director of Legal Services prior to enactment of the by-law; provided
   however the Director of Legal Services may, in her sole discretion and
   on terms she considers advisable, accept tendering of the preceding
   agreements for registration in the appropriate Land Title Office, to the
   satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, prior to enactment of
   the by-law.

   The preceding agreements shall provide security to the City including
   indemnities, warrantees, equitable charges, letters of credit and
   withholding of permits, as deemed necessary by and in a form
   satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

   Staff Opening Comments

        Jonathan Barrett, Planner, reviewed the application explaining the
   proposed rezoning would permit construction of a dance centre offering
   collective rehearsal and administrative space  for Vancouver's  dance 
   companies.   Occasional  public  performances  were  also


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

   proposed.  Staff was recommending approval of the application as the
   location provides good access to the site which is at a major crossroads
   in the downtown peninsula (Granville Street and Pacific Street); the
   site has both a major street frontage on Pacific Street and lower
   Granville Street as well as high visibility from the Granville Bridge;
   and the proposed use complements the adjacent land use included in the
   Granville Slopes Neighbourhood Concept Plan. 

        Mr. Barrett provided further information on two issues related to
   the application. First,  the disposition of City-owned land to the east
   of the proposed CD-1 site (lot 4), which the Dance Foundation was
   proposing to use as open space in the short term and for future building
   expansion in the long term.  Staff do not believe that this lot is
   necessary to ensure the success of the Dance Centre and in view of other
   conceptual plans for the neighbourhood, did not support the request that
   Lot 4 be leased to the Dance Centre. 

        Secondly, the City Engineer had required the stairs on Lot 3 (below
   the Seymour Street off-ramp) to be deleted from the design as this area
   is considered critical to the on-going maintenance of the off-ramp.   A
   memo dated April 24, 1997 from Mr. Barrett (on file) was circulated to
   Council indicating that as the applicant considers this requirement to
   be detrimental on the internal design of the proposed building, staff
   have reconsidered the condition and reached agreement with the applicant
   that a new replacement condition be recommended to Council as follows:

        "(ix)     the applicant will enter into an agreement to the
                  satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Legal
                  Services to permit the encroachment of the main entry
                  stairs within the bridge ramp maintenance area;"

        In response to a question, Mr. Barrett agreed that staff will
   explore the possibility of the Dance Centre obtaining a Pacific Street
   address due to the obscurity of the 1400 Block Granville Street.

   Applicant Opening Comments

        The applicants did not offer any additional comments.

   Summary of Correspondence

        A review of the correspondence indicated one letter in support of
   the application.


   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application and
   none were present.

   Council Discussion

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the application be approved, subject to the conditions as set
   out in this minute of the Public Hearing, with the exception of Clause
   (b)(ix) which is amended to:

        "(ix)     the applicant will enter into an agreement to the
                  satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Legal
                  Services to permit the encroachment of the main entry
                  stairs within the bridge ramp maintenance area;"

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   5.   Area Rezoning:  8400 - 8500 Blocks Adera Street (Both Sides)
        and 8418 - 8428 East Boulevard

        An application by the Director of Land Use and Development was
   considered as follows:

        Summary: The proposed rezoning from RS-1 to RS-6 would permit
        development under this district schedule.  RS-6 provides standards
        for selected design elements and landscaping.

        The application was initiated by Council in association with a
        privately-initiated application to amend the Subdivision By-law to
        change the subject properties from Subdivision Category "C" to
        Category "A".  That application was approved on November 28, 1996,
        with the understanding that enactment of the by-law to reclassify
        the properties would be withheld until after the Public Hearing on
        the pending rezoning application.

        The Director of Land Use and Development recommended approval of
   the application.


   Clause No. 5 (cont'd)

   Staff Opening Comments

        Robert McGilvray, Planner, reviewed the circumstances leading to
   this rezoning application which arose when Council approved an
   application to reclassify the properties on the east side of the 8400 -
   8500 Blocks Adera Street from Category"'C" to Category "A".  Staff
   believe the RS-6 zoning will result in new houses being designed with a
   higher degree of care than under RS-1 zoning and generally lessen
   flooding potential, given the impermeability provisions of the zoning.

        A public information initiative and survey provided mixed results,
   with property owners on the east side of Adera Street and 8418 - 8428
   East Boulevard being clearly in support of the subdivision/rezoning
   application while most of the property owners on the west side of Adera
   street objected to both initiatives.  In view of the mixed results,
   staff was forwarding the application for Council's consideration. 
   However, Mr. McGilvray pointed out that a recent letter received from a
   property owner on the west side of Adera Street, and previously
   circulated to Council, included signatures from a majority of property
   owners on the west side who are now in favour of the rezoning as they
   have been given a clearer understanding of the RS-6 zoning implications. 
   It was also pointed out the RS-1 lots to the north of the subject site
   may also seek rezoning the future.

   Summary of Correspondence

        A review of the correspondence indicated one  letter and petition
   containing seven names in support of the application.


        Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application. 
   There were three speakers in favour of the application and one speaker

        Hardwin Von Hahn, area resident, expressed his support of the
   rezoning application to RS-6.  He provided Council with a letter dated
   April 19, 1997 (on file City Clerk's Office) containing signatures of
   nine residents of the subject area who also expressed support for the


   Clause No. 5 (cont'd)

        Ann Lunghamer, area resident, explained she was not opposed to
   development in the neighbourhood, but if houses are to be demolished and
   more landfill created, she would prefer development of a seniors home or
   multi-family housing rather than single family housing.  She was
   concerned that staff has never offered a choice beyond rezoning to RS-6
   and a poll of her neighbours indicated they were surprised that another
   option exists. An aging and growing population creates land use
   challenges and people should be able to stay in their own
   neighbourhoods.  The problem needs to be addressed now.  People do not
   feel this kind of development is wrong for the neighbourhood, but is too
   difficult a process to endure.  She urged Council to defer the
   application and look at development of multi-family housing.

        John Friesen, area resident, indicated his support for the
   application and provided an updated petition of property owners on the   west side indicating that 70% are now in support.  He also referred to a
   letter dated March 13, 1997 from Mr. McGilvray which explained that upon
   rezoning of this block to RS-6, any future rezoning proposals for higher
   density development for residential or other uses could still be

        Larry Meyer, area resident, advised Council of his support for
   rezoning both sides of Adera Street, believing it will help control
   housing design problems associated with RS-1 zoning.  

   Council Discussion

        Council members received clarification from staff that other
   applications for higher density development can indeed be considered in
   the future, and pointed out that multi-family housing is supported by
   Council, however there are many issues involved that affect residents
   within a one mile radius of the subject site.  If multi-family housing
   is desired, proponents should closely follow the events related to other
   such developments before considering this option.

    MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the application be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr Clarke,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                            - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and the
   Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare and bring forward
   the necessary by-law amendments.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                                 *  *  *  *  *

                  The Special Council adjourned at 9:05 p.m.