CITY OF VANCOUVER REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES STANDING COMMITEE OF COUNCIL ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS APRIL 24, 1997 A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Thursday, April 24, 1997 at 12:40 p.m., in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting, to consider the recommendations of the Committee. PRESENT: Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario, Deputy Mayor Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT: Mayor Phillip Owen (Civic Business) Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Civic Business) Councillor George Puil (Civic Business) CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager CLERK TO THE COUNCIL: Tarja Tuominen COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the chair. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY COMMITTEE REPORTS Report of Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets April 24, 1997 Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in the following clauses of the attached report: Cl.1: 1996 Financial Statements Cl.2: 1997 Final Operating Budget Cl.3: Additional Taxation Policy Considerations for 1997 Cl.4: GVRD's BOD/TSS Proposed Pricing Strategy for Permitted Industries Cl.5: Gastown Lighting Clauses 1, 2 and 4 MOVED by Cllr. Clarke , THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses 1, 2 and 4 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Additional Taxation Policy Considerations for 1997 (Clause 3) MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 3 of this report, be approved. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councillors Chiavario and Puil opposed to D) Gastown Lighting (Clause 5) Due to time constraints, decision on this item was deferred to the Council meeting on May 6, 1997. RISE FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPT REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOVED by Cllr. Clarke, SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy, THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Council adjourned at 12:45 p.m. * * * * * REPORT TO COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON CITY SERVICES AND BUDGETS APRIL 24, 1997 A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on City Services and Budgets was held on Thursday, April 24, 1997, at 9:30 a.m. in Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall. PRESENT: Councillor George Puil, Chair (Items 1 to 3) Mayor Philip Owen (Items 1 to 3) Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario (Items 3 to 5) Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Civic Business) CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: Ken Dobell, City Manager CLERK TO THE COMMITTEE: Tarja Tuominen ADOPTION OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets meeting of April 10, 1997, were adopted. RECOMMENDATION 1. 1996 Financial Statements File: 1605-1 The Committee had before it a memorandum, dated April 15, 1997 (on file) from the Director of Finance submitting the Financial Statements of the City of Vancouver for the year ended December 31, 1996, audited as of April 15, 1997, by KPMG Chartered Accountants, the City's external auditors. cont d Clause No. 1 (cont d) Hugh Creighton, Director of Finance, introduced Bob Shaw of KPMG Chartered Accountants, and Roberta Hui, Manager of Accounting Services. Mr. Shaw commented briefly on the conduct of the audit for 1996 and commended staff, particularly from Accounting Services, on their cooperation and assistance. A letter finalizing the 1996 audit will be distributed to Council for information within the next few weeks. The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED THAT the City External Auditor's Report and the Financial Statements of the City of Vancouver for the year ended December 31, 1996, be received for information. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. 1997 Final Operating Budget The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April 15, 1997 (on file) in which the Director of Finance sought approval of final adjustments to ensure all appropriate revenue and expenditure estimates are included in the 1997 Operating Budget. The General Manager of Corporate Services recommended approval. Ken Bayne, Comptroller of Budgets and Research, reviewed the recommendation. The following motion by the Mayor was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED A. THAT Council approve the final 1997 Operating Budget Revenue and Expenditure estimates as presented in the Administrative Report, dated April 15, 1997 and summarized in Appendix 1 of the report. B. THAT Council instruct the Director of Finance to bring the 1997 Budget Resolution and Rating By-laws to Council on May 13, 1997. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. Additional Taxation Policy Considerations for 1997 The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated April 8, 1997 (on file) in which the Director of Finance outlined additional taxation policy options for consideration before appropriate 1997 tax rates are struck to reflect a balanced operating budget. The Director recommends a 1997 Property Tax Limitation Program for Class 6 (business) properties, but continuing to phase out the tax cap in the business class. In addition, the Director submits for consideration a differential tax increase with a 6.6% increase applied to the residential class levies, and a 3.0% increase applied to non-residential class levies (Recommendation D). This will result in a 4.5% increase to the overall tax levy. At the request of the Citizens' Advisory Group on Property Taxation, the Director is submitting, for consideration, the Advisory Group's recommendations: to blend the tax rates for the light industrial and business classes to a single rate to be phased in over a period of up to five years; and, an across the board 4.5% tax increase combined with a one percent tax burden shift from non-residential to residential classes. The General Manager of Corporate Services recommended approval of the Property Tax Limitation Program for Class 6 properties, and submitted Recommendation D for consideration. Ken Stoke, General Manager of Corporate Services, and Karen Levitt, Financial Analyst, with the aid of a slide presentation, provided an overview of the report and the implications of several tax calculation options on the different classes of properties, and responded to questions. Grayden Hayward, Chair, Citizens' Advisory Group on Property Taxation, supported the recommendation of the Director of Finance and also supported Recommendation D - the differential tax increase. However, the Advisory Group preferred approval of an across-the-board 4.5% tax increase, combined with the one percent tax burden shift from the non-residential to the residential classes. The Advisory Group also supported a blended single tax rate to be applied to Class 5 (light industrial) and Class 6 (business properties) and to be phased in over a period of five years. Mr. Hayward strongly spoke against deferring action on blending the tax rates until the implementation of a sewer utility. Mr. Hayward also referred to a letter from the Advisory Group, which presented the minority view of some members of the Group (Appendix E of the report). cont d Clause No. 2 (cont d) Professor Robert Clarke, past member, Citizens' Advisory Group on Property Taxation, supported the position of the Advisory Group, and urged the City to reduce taxation discrimination between heavy industry and utilities. Professor Clarke expressed concern higher taxes may make Vancouver less desirable for non-residential classes of properties. In response to a question, Ken Stoke advised staff is recommending deferral of blending tax rates for business and light industrial until they can see what the impacts of the sewer utility and the proposed TSS/BOD charge on sewerage will be. His preference would be to eliminate some of the other measures, such as capping and differential tax increases, before implementing any more. During discussion, some members of the Committee strongly opposed increasing the residential property tax rate. Other members spoke in support of blending the light industrial and business properties' tax rates to a single tax rate. The following motion by Councillor Sullivan was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED A. THAT Council instruct the Director of Finance to implement a 1997 Property Tax Limitation Program for Class 6 (business) properties, along the lines and with the qualification criteria discussed in the Policy Report dated April 8, 1997. B. THAT Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to prepare a 1997 Property Tax Limitation by-law applicable to Class 6 (business) properties, containing the tax capping parameters outlined in the Policy Report dated April 8. 1997, for submission to Council for approval May 13, 1997. C. THAT 1997 be the final year of the tax capping program for Class 6 (business) properties, and that this be indicated on the tax bills. cont d Clause No. 3 (cont d) D. THAT Council approve a 3.0% increase to the tax levies of Class 2 (utilities), Class 4 (major industry), Class 5 (light industry) and Class 6 (business/other), and a 6.6% increase to the Class 1 (residential), Class 8 (seasonal/recreational) and Class 9 (farm) tax levies, representing an increase to the overall tax levy of 4.5%. - CARRIED (Councillors Chiavario and Puil opposed to D) The following motion by Councillor Sullivan was put and LOST. THAT Council approve a blended single tax rate to be applied to Class 5 (light industrial) and Class 6 (business) properties, and that this blended rate be phased in over a period of five years. (Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario, Herbert, Daniel Lee, Don Lee, Puil and the Mayor opposed) 4. GVRD's BOD/TSS Proposed Pricing Strategy for Permitted Industries The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated April 7, 1997 (on file) in which the General Managers of Engineering, Corporate and Community Services recommended approval of a Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District proposal for a Biological Oxygen Demand/Total Suspended Solids (BOD/TSS) pricing strategy for permitted industries. The BOD/TSS pricing strategy and respective charges will be based on user-pay principles and contingent upon the Charter amendments necessary for establishment of a Sewer Utility. Tom Timm, Assistant City Engineer, briefly reviewed the report and noted some industries will have a significant impact because of the BOD/TSS. The proposal endorses a user pay philosophy. Mr. Timm also noted there will be more discussion with industries during implementation and some of the charges may not be quite as high as projected. Mr. Timm reiterated endorsement of the BOD/TSS is subject to a Sewer Utility being in place; other municipalities with Sewer Utilities have gone ahead with the proposal. cont d Clause No. 4 (cont d) Hew McConnell, Manager, Sewerage and Drainage District Department, Greater Vancouver Regional District, with the aid of slides, presented an overview of the BOD/TSS pricing strategy. Industry is a major contributor of BOD and TSS and therefore a major driver of treatment plant capital and operating costs. Industry's cost of service for treatment has been subsidized by the residential and commercial sectors. Industry will be encouraged to invest in on-site treatment options which will reduce high strength BOD/TSS. The implications of subsidizing industries include: industry will make greater use of low cost regional sewage services; sewerage costs will go up more quickly as demand drives system expansion; residential and commercial sectors will continue to pay more than their fair share; the District will get into compliance issues and major industry is contributing to that situation. In response to questions, Mr. McConnell advised New Westminster and Surrey are concerned about the economic impacts of the pricing strategy. The following speakers expressed concerns with the BOD/TSS pricing strategy: Greg Whalley, Vice-President, Corporate Affairs, Fletchers Fine Foods Scott Ellis, Molsons' Breweries (brief filed) Don Scott, Superior Poultry The speakers points are summarized as follows: Would like to know the magnitude of the BOD/TSS charges and how they will be phased in; Want to be assured industries will be taxed only on what they put in the sewerage system; Any increase in costs greatly reduces the competitiveness of industries; Treatment costs should be extended to all industries, not just heavy users, at the same time; Support Council in undertaking a study to look at regional competitiveness issues to assist in decision-making, e.g. New Westminster has deferred a decision on fees pending a full economic impact assessment; Support a phase-in period as recommended by the GVRD; High costs can force some industries to move out of the region. cont d Clause No. 4 (cont d) (Mayor Owen left at this point in the proceedings due to civic business) * * * * * The Chair left the meeting at 12 noon, due to civic business; Councillor Chiavario, Vice-Chair, assumed the Chair. * * * * * In response to questions, Mr. Timm advised Council is being asked to endorse the pricing strategy approach. The cost will be passed on to industry, but the City has not decided when and how much. The cost will be determined by a number of variables, including property tax issues. The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried. The Committee, therefore, RECOMMENDED A. THAT Council advise the GVRD Board it endorses the Biological Oxygen Demand/Total Suspended Solids (BOD/TSS) pricing strategy proposal subject to the Charter amendments necessary for the Sewer Utility and the following four points: 1. That each municipality maintain control of the billing of the BOD/TSS pricing. 2. That full implementation of the BOD/TSS pricing be complete by 2001, with municipalities having the option to phase in the charges. 3. That the BOD/TSS capacity charge evolve into pricing options that provide off-peak incentives and real time pricing. 4. That the GVRD and municipalities ensure that municipal and regional sewerage and drainage costs are clearly delineated, there be no double-billing of industry, and that the charges reflect the user-pay philosophy. cont d Clause No. 4 (cont d) B. THAT the Citizen's Advisory Group on Property Taxation be directed to consider the issue of BOD/TSS pricing as it relates to implementation, billing, mitigation and coordination with the Sewer Utility and to report back with options following the Charter amendments for the Sewer Utility. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (Councillor Puil and the Mayor not present for the vote) 5. Gastown Lighting The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated March 12, 1997 (on file) in which the General Manager of Engineering Services, in consultation with the General Manager of Community Services, recommended staff proceed with implementing the 1994 Operating Budget Management cut of $41,000 per year by converting the Gastown Style Lighting to a fluorescent source. Susan Clift, Street Lighting & Broadband Communications Engineer, reviewed the report, noting the incandescent lighting also extends outside of the Gastown Historic area. Staff were asked to consult the property owners, and of a total of 259 surveys, 23% were returned, with 90% in favour of conversion to the fluorescent lighting. There have been no complaints from the public at large to the fluorescent light replacements in place on the 300 block of Water Street. Jeannette Hlavach, Heritage Planner, expressed concern about switching the Gastown lamp standards to fluorescent lighting. Gastown is the last location with incandescent lighting in the city. Replacing the incandescent lighting with fluorescent will make it difficult for staff to argue with private property owners of heritage buildings to keep to authentic materials. The following spoke in opposition to the change to fluorescent lighting in Gastown: Mary Jewell, Friends of Incandescence Ralf Kelman, Friends of Incandescence Michael McCoy John Ellis, Gastown Heritage Planning Advisory Committee Clause No. 5 (cont d) The speakers points are summarized as follows: the Community asks for time to look for a funding solution to retain the existing incandescent lighting; this is an opportunity to keep the last concentration of incandescent lighting in the city; preserving heritage carries a responsibility to use the appropriate material; preserving the incandescent lighting is about taste and ambience; incandescent lighting is a standard in the Gastown area; there is a noticeable difference between the incandescent and fluorescent lighting; fluorescent lighting is not an aesthetically appropriate choice; the private sector is expected to maintain heritage standards. The Chair advised due to time constraints, decision on this matter will be deferred to a future meeting. Note from Clerk: Please see the Minutes of the Meeting of City Council on May 6, 1997 for Council's decision on this matter. The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. * * * * *