Date:   April 8, 1997
                                           CC File: 5527-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     City Clerk, as Chair of Street Naming Committee

   SUBJECT:  Renaming 603-625 East 15th Avenue to 603-625 Kingsway


        A.   THAT the portion of East 15th Avenue containing addresses from
             603 to 625 be renamed as 603 to 625 Kingsway, and

        B.   THAT the Director of Legal services be instructed to bring
             forward the appropriate amendments to the Street Name By-Law.


        The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of A and B.


   Council uses the Street Name By-Law, No. 4954, to name and regulate
   public roads in the City of Vancouver.  The Street Naming Committee is a
   staff team, chaired by the City Clerk, comprised of the City Surveyor,
   representatives of the Planning, Legal Services, Permits & Licenses, and
   Fire & Rescue Services Departments.  The Committee is responsible for
   the management of a consistent, integrated and duplication-free street
   name system.


   This report seeks Council approval for a change in name for a portion of
   the 600-block of East 15th Avenue to 603-625 Kingsway, the name by which
   it is commonly known.  


   A portion of the 600 Block of East 15th Avenue is so situated that it is
   commonly and consistently perceived by its inhabitants and by the
   general public as being part of Kingsway.  Three buildings are located
   in this portion of the block.  The ambiguity of their addresses  extends
   to public directories and to the business license and tax rolls:

        -    The building numbered 603-611, and called 603-611 Kingsway, is
             listed on Kingsway in the tax roll.
        -    The building numbered 615, is listed on East 15th Avenue in
             the tax roll, has a business license issued to East 15th
             Avenue and appears as 615 Kingsway in the BC Tel telephone
        -    The building numbered 617-625, is listed on East 15th Avenue
             in the tax roll and has a business license issued to 623

   City staff has attempted to determine the effect of the proposed change
   on the property owners and tenants.  The tenants of 603-611first brought
   the discrepancy between common usage and official name to the attention
   of City staff and advocated this change. The owner of  the building
   numbered 617-625 has advocated just this change in the past.  The one
   current business license is issued to 623 Kingsway.  The remainder of
   the first storey of the building is vacant.  The four dwelling units on
   the second storey are not licensed.  Staff is aware of no opposition to
   the change from residents or owners.

   To bring uniformity between the official name and the most commonly used
   name, to remove inconsistencies from public license and tax rolls and to
   eliminate the possibility of confusion in the dispatch of emergency
   services,  the Street Naming Committee recommends  that 603-625 East
   15th Avenue be renamed 603-625 Kingsway. 

                               *   *   *   *   *