Date: April 3, 1997
                                                CC File No. 5802-1 

    TO:       Vancouver City Council

    FROM:     General Manager of Engineering Services

    SUBJECT:  Local Improvements by Initiative - June 17,1997
              First and Second Step Report


         A.   THAT the projects listed in Appendix I be advanced as
              Local Improvements on the Initiative and brought
              before a Court of Revision on June 17, 1997.

         B.   THAT the reports of the City Engineer and Director of
              Finance be adopted together with details of the
              Second Step Report as summarized in Appendix II, and
              Council declare it is desirable that the projects set
              out in Appendix I of this report be undertaken and
              deems that each will specially benefit the real
              property abutting it. (Requires two-thirds approval
              of those present).

         C.   THAT sidewalk projects Numbered 10-21, 24-27, 29-38
              inclusive, as described in Appendix I, be designated
              as  "pedestrian collector routes" so that the
              abutting residential property owners' rates are
              reduced by the required 25%.

         D.   THAT the City-owned parcels on the list attached to
              the Detailed Second Step Report be declared
              "assessable for the local improvements projects".

         E.   THAT should any of the sidewalk projects noted in 
              Recommendation  C  be defeated that they be forwarded
              to the Court of Revision for consideration to proceed
              on Special Grounds.

                                  - 2 -


    Policies governing the Local Improvement process are set out in
    the Vancouver Charter and Local Improvements Procedure by-law. 

    Many initiative projects included in this report have been
    chosen based on Council Policy with respect to particular local
    area plans as detailed in Appendix I.


    A Court of Revision is scheduled for June 17,1997, at 7:30 p.m.
    to  review a number of petition and initiative projects.  The
    report for petition projects will be advanced to Council
    separately at a later date to allow as much time as possible
    for residents to circulate their petitions.  The purpose of
    this report is to begin the formal Local Improvement process by
    advancing the initiative projects to the Court of Revision and
    reporting on the financial arrangements for the projects. 
    Approval of this report does not commit Council to undertake
    the projects.

    First Step

    As required by the Local Improvement Procedure By-law, projects

         Court #580
         I.   Pavement and Curbs, Local Residential
         II.  Lane Pavement, Local Residential
         III. Pedestrian Collector Sidewalks
         IV.  Sidewalk Reconstruction

    shown on the attached schedule (Appendix I), are advanced to
    Council by Initiative for review at a Court of Revision, which
    will be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 17,1997.

    Drainage Prior to Paving

    In addition to construction of the initiative paving projects,
    advanced drainage work involving installation of catch basins
    and storm drains must first be carried out.  Based on past
    experience, the estimated cost of this work is in the order of

    This drainage work is not necessarily related to the street and
    lane construction.  However, it should be done now in order not
    to delay the construction and so that the newly paved streets
    and lanes will not have to be dug up to accommodate the
    drainage works in the future.  The work involves installation
    of permanent facilities to replace temporary drains and should
    be done whether or not the paving proceeds.

                                 - 3 -

    The location and individual costs of this work will be reported
    in a subsequent Manager's Minute upon completion of the
    necessary design work.


    Council has identified pedestrian access and transit as first
    and third priorities in Transportation planning. Therefore,
    sidewalk construction initiatives on Arterial bus routes have
    always been a high priority in our project selection program.
    This portion of the sidewalk system is almost complete. An
    inventory of the sidewalks to be completed has identified only
    26 local improvement projects remaining that involve adjacent
    property owners. It is now proposed that these projects be
    Initiated  in order that this important part of the pedestrian
    system be completed. It is also being proposed that should any
    of these projects be defeated by the property owners, that the
    projects be forwarded to the Council at the Court of Revision
    for consideration to proceed on Special Grounds (Recommendation

    The projects being Initiated either contain bus stops or
    provide connections to bus stops. They are currently  graveled
    or unimproved surfaces which are difficult for wheelchair
    users, pedestrians with strollers, or pedestrians who require a
    smooth flat surface to travel safely. The existing surfaces are
    also less desirable in wet weather.  Their completion will
    result in a continuous hard surfaced pedestrian system to serve
    the Arterial bus network.

    This proposal was reviewed at the April 3, 1997 meeting of the
    Special Advisory Committee on Disability Issues which passed
    the following resolution:


         THAT the Special Advisory Committee on Disability
         Issues supports the Engineering Department s proposal
         to initiate the completion of sidewalks on arterial
         bus routes in principle, provided that accessible bus
         pads are placed at every new stop;

         AND FURTHERMORE THAT the Special Advisory Committee
         on Disability Issues believes that the completion of
         the sidewalks in question is a matter of such
         importance to the overall community, that it would
         fully support the Vancouver City Council if that body
         chose to use the  Special Grounds  procedure to
         overcome objections raised by abutting property

                                 - 4 -

    Council is being asked to consider Special Grounds in this
    report in order to have sufficient time to prepare motions for
    defeated projects for the Court of Revision.  At the Court,
    there will be the opportunity to hear from the property owners
    affected before deciding if Special Grounds is appropriate.

    Should Council approve consideration of Special Grounds for
    these projects affected property owners will be notified of
    this possibility in order that they may comment at the Court of

    Project #26 - Collector Sidewalk on Arterial Bus Route on the
    south side of Marine Drive from Kerr Street to approximately
    570 feet east of Elliot Street.

    On October 22, 1996, Council instructed staff to report back on
    the design and budget for the installation of  sidewalk along
    the S.E. Marine Drive from Kerr Street to Elliott Street for
    approval including the source of funding.  This section of
    sidewalk is on an Arterial bus route and has been included in
    the projects to be initiated and is funded as a local

    The sidewalk design proposed consists of a 1.5 metre wide
    concrete sidewalk with a 1.2 metre front boulevard along the
    western two-thirds of the project. The east portion of the
    project is next to a steep embankment down to the development
    sites below. In order to avoid disruption to the developed
    vegetation along this embankment, which was a concern, the
    sidewalk will be placed at the curb but will be constructed 1.8
    metres wide. Some short sections of wall will be required to
    provide adequate width in a few locations.

    Capital Funds

    Funds for the City's share of the projects are available from
    existing Engineering Department Basic Capital Accounts.

    Second Step

    The Director of Finance reports as follows:

    In accordance with the Local Improvements Procedure By-law, I
    am submitting the attached City Engineer's report.  The
    estimated cost of these projects is $1,093,304.  The property
    owners  share of the projects is $603,615. The City s share is
    $489,689.  I have to report that the necessary financial
    arrangements can be made to carry out this work.

                         *   *   *   *   *    

                                                          APPENDIX  I
                                                                      Page 1 of 3

                       COURT OF REVISION - JUNE 17, 1997 



           The following residential streets are being initiated due to the
           condition of the street.   In addition some of these projects are
           initiated for other specific reasons which are noted below where

           5.    Laurel Street - W/S - from 57th Avenue to 58th Avenue

           The above street is being initiated as part of an overall improvement
           to Laurel Street from 57th Avenue to 59th Avenue.   On the east side
           of Laurel St. from 57th Ave. to 59th Ave. is an elementary school
           which is a non-assessable property and any improvements would be at
           City cost.  The west side of Laurel Street from 58th Avenue to 59th
           Avenue is being curbed by the developer as part of the development
           bounded by 58th Avenue, 59th Avenue, Oak St. and Laurel St.

           8.    Ontario Street - 51st Avenue to 52nd Avenue

           The above Ontario Street projects is being initiated to provide
           improved streets as a means to encourage cycling along the Ontario
           Street Bicycle Corridor.  The adjacent owners are also provided with
           a 25% reduction in local improvement charges as an incentive to
           support the proposed improvement.


           9.   L/E Alma Street from S.W. Marine Drive
                to the L/N 48th Avenue

           This project is being initiated at the request of our District
           Foreman in order to deal with a flooding situation affecting several
           properties at the lower end of the lane.


           On February 9, 1982, Council reaffirmed its policy objectives of
           providing sidewalks:

                -      on both sides of arterial streets;
                -      on both sides (as needed) of pedestrian
                       collector routes;
                -      on both sides of higher-zoned streets; and
                -      on local residential streets, where property
                       owners petitioned for them.

                                                                      Appendix I 
                                                                      Page 2 of 3


     The construction of new pedestrian collector sidewalks responds to
     Council's top two priorities for transportation improvements; pedestrians
     and transit.  The following projects are all on Arterial Bus Routes and are
     being initiated to complete the sidewalk system adjacent Arterial Bus
     Routes as discussed in the body of this report.

                  *    ON LIFT-EQUIPPED BUS ROUTES

     10.   E/S     Angus Street from 61st Avenue to 64th Avenue
     11.   W/S     Angus Street from 61st Avenue to 62nd Avenue
     12.   W/S     Angus Street from 62nd Avenue to 63rd Avenue
     13.   E/S     Arbutus Street from Valley Dr. to Nanton Ave. except 
                   53 ft. fronting Parcel A, Blk 88, Dl 526, Pln Lmp 30481
     14.   W/S*    Boundary Road from Normandy Dr. to 25th Avenue &
           S/S     22nd Avenue from Boundary Road to the lane west of Boundary
                   Road     15.   W/S*    Boundary Road from 11th Avenue to 190 ft. North
     16.   E/S      Cambie Street 33rd Avenue to 35th Avenue
     17.   N/S*     King Edward Street from Quesnel Drive to Puget Drive 
           except Lot 2, AMD of A,Blk U, DL 139, Pln 5702, and except 20 ft.
           Frnt Lot A of 3 of A, Blk U, DL 139 & 2027, PLN 113311
     18.   S/S      Lougheed Hwy from Rupert Street to Boundary Road. 
           except 12.8m frnt Lot B,PL 21250, 9.1m frnt Lot 2 of A, PL 13621, 21m
           frnt Lot 3 of A, PL13621         23.1m frnt PCL B, PL 100,13m frnt Lot
           1, 9.5m frnt Pcl 1
     19.   N/S      Lougheed Hwy from Skeena Street . to Boundary Road 
           except 19.4m frnt. Lot C & except 12.3 frnt Lot 1 of B & except 20m
           frnt Lot F & excluding Lo        t E
     20.   N/S*     S.E. Marine Drive from Argyle Street to 25 ft west 
           pf EPL of Lot 22, Blk 1, Pln              9955, DL 200
     21.   N/S*     S.E. Marine Drive from Argyle Street to Victoria 
           Drive except 20 ft. frnt Lot 22, 
                    Blk 22  Plan 1771, excluding Lot 28-37 & except 42.9 ft. frnt
                    Lot 41,   Blk 22, Pln 8363
     24.   S/S*     S.E. Marine Drive from Argyle Street to Beatrice 
     25.   S/S*     S.E. Marine Drive from Elliott Street to WPL of  PLAN VAS
                    2874, DL 258 (570.13 ft. east of Elliott St.)
     26.   S/S*     S.E. Marine Drive from WPL of PLN VAS 2874, DL 258 (570.13
     ft. east of Elliott                    Street) to Kerr Street,
                                            except 40 ft. frnt Lot F, Blk 67, DL
                                            258, PLN LMP 16205, EXP PLN 16207
     27.   S/S*     S.E. Marine Drive from Victoria Street to Duff Street
     29.   W/S      Oak Street from  43rd Avenue to 45th Avenue

                                                                      Appendix I 
                                                                      Page 3 of 3


     30.   E/S*     Rupert Street from Broadway to 820 ft. south except 60 ft
                    frnt Lot C, Sec 38
                    SW QTR & NW QTR THSL & except 64 ft. frnt Lot A & B,
                    PL 21343 DL THSL SEC 38 south Hlf & excluding BNR ROW
     31.   W/S      West Boulevard from 53rd Avenue to  54th Avenue
     32.   N/S*     4th Avenue from Blanca Street to Tolmie Street
     33.   N/S*     4th Avenue from Tolmie Street to Sasamat Street excluding Lot
     1 of 3 & Lot 2 of                      3 &Lot 3 of Pcl A & C, All
                                            of Blk 137, DL 540
     34.   N/S*     29th Avenue from Slocan Street to ALRT
     35.   N/S*     41st Avenue from College Street to Killarney Street
     36.   N/S*     41st Avenue from Rupert Street to College Street
     37.   S/S*     41st Avenue from MacKenzie Street to MacDonald Street
     38.   N/S*     54th Avenue from Doman Street to Brooks Street


           The Sidewalk Reconstruction Program is directed toward poor condition
           sidewalks in commercial areas which involve high pedestrian usage and
           are on transit routes.  In this report there are 2  projects
           recommended for initiative.  Sidewalks rating reconstruction are
           often badly cracked and sloped and may be patched in many places by
           asphalt fillets.  In spite of inspection and regular maintenance by
           City staff, sidewalks in this condition are more prone to trips,
           water ponding and liability concerns for the City.  Sidewalks in poor
           condition also provide obstacles for the disabled and seniors.

           The sidewalk reconstruction projects are shared 50/50 with the
           abutting commercial owners, and the program has been very well
           received since it began about 10 years ago.

     43.   W/S      Oak Street from 12th Avenue to 13th Avenue
     44.   E/S      Seymour Street from Nelson Street to Helmcken Street

                               *     *     *     *     *

                                                                                                     APPENDIX                                                                                            II

                                                  CITY OF VANCOUVER

          Summary ofEstimated Costs andCertificates to theAttached Local Improvement Estimates
          Advanced on the Initiative Principle for a Court of Revision June 17, 1997

    Court #580

    CATE-G    ITEM                                   P.O.       CITY'S        TOTAL         EXISTING                                                                                              
    ORY        NO.          TYPE OF PROJECT          SHARE       SHARE        COST            FUNDS

       I       5,8    Pavement & Curbs,           $  5,902    $109,461    $  115,363    $109,461                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13/32/9803/999
                       Local Residential
      II        9     Lane Pavement,              $ 32,504    $ 30,757    $   63,261    $                                                                                     30,757                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            13/32/9805/999
                       Local Residential

      III    10-21,   Pedestrian Collector                    $293,003    $  832,157    $293,003                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12/31/6901/999
             24-27,   Sidewalks                   $539,154

      IV      43,44   Sidewalk Construction       $ 26,055    $ 56,468    $   82,523    $                                                                                     56,468                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12/31/6902/999
                      TOTAL                       $603,615    $489,689    $1,093,304    $489,689

    Theestimatedcostsprovidefornecessaryincidentalwork. Thecostofthepropertyowner sshareof the
    above noted projects, and interest, is repayable over 15 years.

    Certified correct as to measurements.

    Collector of Taxes                      Director of Finance                                    City                                                                                      Engineer

    Certified adopted by the City Council on __________________
                                            City Clerk