Date:  April 08, 1997
                                             CC File No.: 2701-1

 TO:       Vancouver City Council

 FROM:     City Building Inspector

 SUBJECT:  Demolition of Nuisance/Dangerous Building
           1063 Barclay Street
           Lot 11, Block 6, District Lot 185, Plan 92


      A.   THAT Council declare that the above building is a nuisance and
           dangerous to public safety, pursuant to Section 324A of the
           Vancouver Charter.

      B.   THAT Council approve the attached Resolution and order the
           Registered owner of the property to remove the building and all
           demolition debris from the site within 14 days of a copy of the
           resolution being served pursuant to Section 324A of the
           Vancouver Charter.

      C.   THAT in the event of the failure of the owner to comply with the
           order of Council as set forth in paragraph B, Council further
           orders and hereby authorizes the City Building Inspector to have
           the building removed and all demolition debris  removed at the
           expense of the owner.

      D.   THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against

           the Certificate of Title to the Property at 1063 Barclay Street
           in order to warn prospective purchasers that as a result of the
           condition of the building and Council's resolution, the
           purchaser could suffer a significant expense if the By-law were
           enforced against him.


      The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the

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 Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter enables Council by resolution or
 By-law to declare any building, in or upon any private or public lands a
 nuisance or dangerous to the public safety or health and by such By-law or
 resolution, to order that building to be removed by the owner, agent,
 lessee or occupier thereof.


 This site contains a single family dwelling that has been vacant since

 Since that time, this department has received complaints regarding the
 building being open and accessible to transients.

 The City has issued several orders to the property owner requiring that
 the building be boarded up.

 In addition to the above, the Vancouver Police Department reports they
 were called out on 23 occasions since December of 1996 with respect to
 transients gaining entry to the building.

 On March 7, 1997, a letter was sent to the property owners requesting that
 they obtain a demolition permit and demolish the building by March 24,
 1997. However, to date the owner has not responded to this request.

 A recent inspection by the Police on March 27th revealed that transients
 were again in the building. The Police cleared out the building and has it
 reboarded by the City.

 Because of the foregoing, it is recommended that Council declare the
 building at 1063 Barclay Street a nuisance or dangerous to public safety,
 or both, approve the attached Resolution and order the owner to remove the
 building and all demolition debris.

 It is also recommended that City Council approve the filing of a 336D
 Notice against the title of the property to warn any prospective purchaser

 of the Resolution of Council.

                             *   *   *   *   *

                   In the Matter of Section 324A of the 

                 Vancouver Charter and 1063 Barclay Street


 Be it resolved, by the Council of the City of Vancouver:

 1.   THAT the building and discarded materials situated on the property at
      1063 Barclay Street, Lot 11 E Half, Block 6, District Lot 185, Plan
      92 is declared to be a nuisance and to be dangerous to public safety.

 2.   THAT the owners are hereby ordered to pull down the building and
      remove the resulting debris and the discarded materials from the site
      within  14  days of the date from a copy of this Resolution being
      served pursuant to Section 324A of the Vancouver Charter.

 3.   THAT in the event that the owners do not comply with the order set
      forth in the preceding paragraph, the City Building Inspector is
      hereby ordered and authorized to pull down the building and remove
      the resulting debris and discarded material from the site at the cost
      of the owners and dispose of it by selling to the demolition
      contractor any material he may agree to purchase, and delivering the
      rest to a disposal site.