P& E COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                            APRIL 10, 1997

                                 POLICY REPORT
                                URBAN STRUCTURE

                                         Date: March 21, 1997Dept. File No. 
                                         C.C. File No.:5751-1/8007-1

   TO:       Standing Committee of Planning and Environment

   FROM:     Director of Central Area Planning

   SUBJECT:  The Downtown Vancouver Bridgeheads Study - Conclusions


        A.   THAT the  objectives and policies for  development adjacent to
             the north  and south Burrard Bridgeheads,  the north Granville
             Bridgehead, the  south Cambie  Bridgehead (east side)  and the
             east  end of the Georgia Viaduct, as detailed in Appendix  A ,
             be adopted  to guide  the massing  and  siting of  development
             adjacent to  downtown bridges and  the viaduct to  achieve the
             -  protecting key public views from the bridges;
             -  respecting  and enhancing  the  experience of  crossing  the
             -  encouraging,    where    possible,    improved    pedestrian
                connections; and
             -  reconciling   public   objectives  with   adjacent   private
                development rights and expectations.

        B.   THAT staff  report back with design  guidelines reflecting the
             approved objectives and policies.


        The General  Manager of  Community Services recommends  approval of
        the foregoing.


   There are  currently  no  Council  policies addressing  the  siting  and
   location of  buildings  adjacent to  downtown  Bridgeheads.  Engineering
   staff negotiate  setbacks  for  development adjacent  to  bridges  on  a
   site-by-site basis.


   Council initiated the Downtown Vancouver Bridgeheads Study because there
   are  no  overall  policies for  the  siting  and  location of  buildings
   adjacent  to the  downtown  bridgeheads that  address  public views  and
   livability of adjacent housing. Staff recommend the adoption of policies
   (see Appendix  A ) which protect views from bridges, respect and enhance
   the  experience of  crossing  the  bridges  and  address  the  issue  of
   residential livability. 

   The  policies state  that  for the  north  Granville and  north  Burrard
   bridgeheads,  buildings higher than the  bridge deck must  be setback at
   least  30 m (100 ft.)  from the bridge  deck (with the  exception of the
   Seymour ramp) (see Appendix B for  details).Setbacks are reduced to 20 m
   (66 ft.)  for sites adjacent to  the Seymour bridge ramp.  In this area,
   buildings  up to 18.2 m (60 ft.)  are suggested between Beach Avenue and
   Pacific  Street.  For the  site west  of  the north  Burrard bridgehead,
   guidelines  for  the  siting and  massing  of  a  residential tower  are
   proposed  to reasonably  preserve southwesterly  views from  the bridge,
   avoid  a  sense of  crowding a  building up  against the  bridge, ensure
   residential livability  and provide a reasonable  balance between public
   views and the private views of upland residents.

   For  the south Cambie and south Burrard bridgeheads, larger setbacks are
   suggested due to the more open character and lower density  of the areas
   south of False Creek and the  desire to preserve existing views. For the
   east Georgia viaduct, a transition from higher building heights south of
   the  viaduct to  lower  building  elements  north  of  the  viaduct  are
   recommended. (see Appendix  A  and  B  for details)


   This report recommends the adoption of objectives and policies regarding
   the siting  and form  of buildings  adjacent to five  bridgeheads -  the
   north and south Burrard bridgeheads, the north Granville bridgehead, the
   south Cambie  bridgehead (east  side) and  the east  end of  the Georgia

   At  a public hearing considering  the approval of  a rezoning that would
   permit  the  development of  a residential  tower  on a  City-owned site
   immediately  west  of the  north  Burrard  bridgehead, Council  deferred
   approval of the rezoning pending completion of the Bridgehead Study. 

   The objectives of the study, as approved by Council, were:

       Analyse five major Downtown/False  Creek bridgehead areas that have
        significant development  potential not  yet covered by  policy with
        respect to:

            public views;
            potential and likely tower and mid-rise buildings; and
            visual perception, identity and image of the bridge.

       Examine with  the aide of computer-generated  modelling techniques,
        the visual experience for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

       Recommend policies and guidelines  for the siting and form  of tall
        buildings adjacent to bridges with particular priority and emphasis
        placed on the  key Burrard  and Granville bridgehead  areas in  the
        downtown peninsula.

   The study was initiated in September 1996, and public review occurred in
   October.  Completion of the report  was delayed to  allow for discussion
   with  property  owners adjacent  to  various  bridgeheads and  undertake
   further analysis to address their concerns. The bridgeheads addressed in
   the study are illustrated in Appendix  B .


   In summary, the  Bridgeheads Study recommends the adoption of objectives
   and policies to:

       maintain key public views from the bridges;
       reinforce and enhance the experience of crossing the bridges;
       reinforce and enhance existing urban form patterns;
       establish optimum setbacks of towers from the bridge decks;
       limit  building height  immediately  to the  bridges  to below  the
        bridge deck;
       minimize views of unsightly roofs from bridges;
       encourage, where possible, improved pedestrian connections;
       reconcile  public  objectives  with  adjacent  private  development
        rights and expectations.

   The conclusions of the report are summarized in more detail below.

   North Burrard Bridgehead - West Side

   The consultant and staff analysed options for the massing of  a tower on
   the  city-owned site  adjacent to  the west  side  of the  north Burrard
   Bridgehead. The following issues guided the preparation of 
       the retention of key views out to Georgia Strait and English Bay;
       the retention of a reasonable array of views for upland owners;
       livability for residents in adjacent buildings;
       marketing and development economics;
       the potential for  a pedestrian  pathway on  the west  side of  the
        bridge linking  Burrard and Pacific  Streets with Beach  Avenue and
        the Seawall.

   It was concluded that:

       the proposed tower should  be sited so that it is setback 30 m (100
        ft.) from the bridge deck (i.e.  moved approximately 10 m (33  ft.)
        further west than  originally proposed  to open up  views from  the
        bridge out to  the water  and reduce  the sense  of the  building s
        adjacency to the bridge);
       a limited portion of the building face opposite the bridge (no more
        than one-third of the depth of the building) may extend up to 3.1 m
        (10  ft.) into  this setback  area to  articulate the  face  of the
        building, reduce  the sense of the  scale of the building  from the
        bridge and contribute to a more efficient floorplate;
       between 10 m  (33 ft.) and  30 m (100 ft.),  the building can  be a
        maximum of 4 storeys (except as noted above); and
       no buildings should be within 10 m (33 ft.) of the bridge deck.

   A 10 m (33 ft.) setback on the west side of the bridge can accommodate a
   footpath  along the westerly edge  of the bridge.  (see illustrations in
   Appendix  B )

   Planning staff  recommend that these  directions for adjustments  to the
   massing and  siting of the proposed  tower form the basis  for a revised
   rezoning application. These have been established to balance  public and
   private objectives,  including the developer s (City  Real Estate staff)
   objectives for the site.

   North Burrard Bridgehead - East Side

   Staff  recommend similar setbacks for development east of the bridge: 10
   m (33  ft.)  for buildings  below the  bridge deck  and 30  m (100  ft.)
   setback  for  towers.  These setbacks  have  no  significant impacts  on
   development, as the development site is very large.

   South Burrard Bridgehead - East and West Side

   Views from  the  bridgeheads  on the  south  side of  False  Creek  have
   typically been more  open and adjacent development has not been as dense
   as that on the north side of False Creek. Key aspects for those crossing
   this bridge have been the sense of  openness and the sense of a gain  in
   elevation as one crosses the bridge and the spatial containment provided
   by Molson s Brewery.

   Staff recommend that:

       between the bridge drip line and 10 m (33 ft.) - no buildings;
       east  of the bridge, generally between 10 m  (33 ft.) and 60 m (200
        ft.)  -   maximum  3   storeys,  with  higher   buildings  possible
        immediately  adjacent to  Molsons   Brewery (see  Appendix  C   for
       higher  buildings permitted beyond the  60 m (200  ft.) setback but
        their  exact height to be  subject to a  comprehensive urban design
        study of the area and further community consultation;
       maximum of  3 storeys west of  the bridge to  minimize shadowing of
        Vanier Park.

   Granville Bridgehead - West Side

   No major issues emerged  for this bridgehead. Similar setbacks  as those
   suggested for the North Burrard bridgehead are proposed:

       a tower at the corner of Beach and Howe Streets be shifted slightly
        to the  southwest to ensure that it  is set back a  minimum of 30 m
        (100 ft.) from the bridge deck.

   Granville Bridgehead - East Side

   For this bridgehead the study was concerned with retaining southeasterly
   views  towards Fairview Slopes, West Broadway  and False Creek. Ensuring
   that  the City s  social  housing objectives  could  be met  was  also a
   concern. It was important to achieve  a reasonable amount of density  on
   the social housing  sites adjacent to the bridge. This  ensures that the
   proposed policy  is  consistent with  the planning  framework for  False
   Creek North and the Concord Pacific lands.

   For the North Granville bridgehead, it is recommended that:

       between the bridge drip line and 10 m (33 ft.) - no buildings;
       between 10  m (33 ft.)  and 30  m (100 ft.),  the building  must be
        below the bridge  deck (except  for sites adjacent  to the  Seymour
       for sites east of the Seymour ramp, buildings up to 18.2 m (60 ft.)
        in height may be considered between Pacific Street and Beach Avenue
        provided that:
            a 20 m (66 ft.) minimum setback is maintained;
            the roofs are articulated  (eg. sloping roofs, gables, dormers
             etc.); and
            livability issues are addressed.

   A  distinction is made  between the  bridge and  the ramp  because staff
   concluded  that there are no  significant public views  from the Seymour
   ramp in contrast to the views available from the Granville Bridge, south
   of the ramp.  When one  is moving along  the ramp, there  is a sense  of
   descending into the  city and moving from wide views  to street oriented

   South Cambie Bridgehead - East Side

   Similar to the  south Burrard  bridgehead, it is  important to retain  a
   sense of openness and wide views to False Creek and the downtown.

   Much of this site will be subject to the Southeast False Creek  planning
   process. In general, the recommendations are to:

       retain the  openness of this area  and views out to  False Creek by
        limiting buildings 3 and  4 storeys within 200 m (656  ft. or a bit
        more than one city block) of the bridge, south of 1st Avenue;
       permit no buildings  between the  bridge and a  boundary formed  by
        extending the eastern property line of Cambie St. to the water;
       establish  the following  setbacks -  7.6 m  (25 ft.)  from  a line
        extending  from Cambie St, limit  buildings to 3  storeys within an
        additional setback area of 7.6  m (25 ft.) and a four  storey limit
        beyond this  setback. These  setbacks reflect those  established by
        current  Council policy for Cambie Street and extend the street end
        views to the water;
       for the site south of 1st Avenue, the current Cambie St. guidelines
        would continue to apply  establishing setbacks for lower (7.6  m or
        25 ft.) and higher building  elements (a further 7.6 m or  25 ft.),
        resulting in  an approximately  15.1 m  (50 ft.)  setback from  the

   These  setbacks  reinforce Cambie  Streets role  and  image as  a formal
   boulevard. Buildings below and east of the bridge will be visible upland
   on Cambie Street as far north as 12th Avenue.

   Staff and  the consultant  undertook further  analysis of  the privately
   owned site south of First Avenue  immediately adjacent to the Bridge and
   concluded  that  the owner  will be  able to  pursue the  development he
   proposed in a recent inquiry and also meet these guidelines.

   East Georgia Viaduct 

   The  recommended policies seek to create a height transition between the
   higher Citygate developments and lower Chinatown/Strathcona development.
   In summary, the policies propose:

   -    a maximum building height of 55 m (180 ft.) for  the Greyhound site
        west  of Main  Street,  in line  with  previous City  urban  design
        studies;   -    a  maximum building  height of  23 m (75  ft.) on  the site  at the
        south-east corner of Prior and Station;
   -    the location  of a higher  building element  (30 m or  100 ft.)  on
        Prior Street one block east of the terminus of the viaduct to serve
        as a visual terminus for the Main Street off-ramp;
   -    a  maximum building  height of  23 m  (75 ft.)  on all  other sites
        immediately adjacent to the viaduct and off-ramps to Main Street.

   These  policies are consistent with  those emerging for  the planning of
   this area and the Trillium site, to the extent known at this time.

   Public Comment

   Staff conducted an open house and an evening public meeting. Staff  were
   also invited to  a meeting at the Harbour Cove  development organized by
   the  Strata  Council. The  comments submitted  at  these 3  sessions are
   outlined in Appendix   C . Staff  also met with  most adjacent  property
   owners on an individual basis.

   In  summary,  at  the open  house  and  the evening  public  meeting the
   following comments (see Appendix   C  for details) were received  in the
   comment sheets (61 received):

       75%  noted that retaining  views of the  water, mountains, landmark
        buildings and other features from the bridges was very important;

       64% noted that there should be no view blockage;
       58% said that taller buildings should be set back 30 m (100 ft.) or
        45 m (150 ft.) from the bridge deck and an additional 11% suggested
        a greater distance than 45 m (150 ft.);

   At the public  events, a number of the  public urged a reduction  in the
   number of towers permitted in the city.

   At the  Harbour Cove meeting, residents were particularly concerned with
   the  prospect of more high rise development adjacent to their buildings.
   There was general agreement with the  need to protect views from bridges
   and the desire to keep buildings adjacent to the bridges low.

   Next Steps

   Following Council s approval of the objectives and  policies, staff will
   draft design guidelines reflecting the approved direction.


   The adoption of  objectives and policies for  the siting and  massing of
   buildings adjacent to bridgeheads in downtown Vancouver will ensure that
   public views  from bridges  are retained.  The recommended policies  and
   building setbacks will ensure that buildings are in a form that reflects
   the existing context, and that  public view preferences and  residential
   livability   are  balanced  with  existing  development  allowances  and
   expectations.  Generally,  building  setbacks  are   greater  for  sites
   adjacent to southern bridgeheads due to  the lower density and more open
   character of the south side of False Creek.

                                   * * * * *
     Policies for the Siting and Massing of Buildings adjacent to Downtown
                             Vancouver Bridgeheads


       maintain key public views from the bridges;
       reinforce and enhance the experience of crossing the bridges;
       reinforce and enhance existing urban form patterns;
       establish optimum setbacks of towers from the bridge decks;
       limit building height immediately adjacent to the  bridges to below
        the bridge deck;
       minimize views of unsightly roofs from bridges;
       encourage, where possible, improved pedestrian connections;
       reconcile  public  objectives  with  adjacent  private  development
        rights and expectations.


   North Burrard Bridgehead - West Side

       no buildings should be within 10 m of the bridge deck;
       between 10 m and 30  m, the building can be a maximum  of 4 storeys
        (except as noted below).
       buildings exceeding the height of the bridgedeck should  be setback
        a minimum of 30 m from the drip line of the bridge;
       a limited portion of the building face opposite the bridge (no more
        than one-third of the depth of the building) may extend up to 3.1 m
        (10 ft.) back into the setback area to provide articulation, reduce
        the sense of scale of  the building from the bridge and  contribute
        to a more efficient floorplate;
       consideration should be give  to the provision of a  footpath along
        the westerly edge of the bridge.

   North Burrard Bridgehead - East Side

       no buildings should be within 10 m of the bridge deck;
       between 10  m and 30 m,  buildings should not exceed  the height of
        the bridgedeck (including elevator penthouses);
       buildings exceeding  the height of the bridgedeck should be setback
        a minimum of 30 m from the drip line of the bridge.

   South Burrard Bridgehead - West Side

       between the bridge drip line and 10 metres - no buildings;
       east of the  bridge, generally between  10 metres  and 60 metres  -
        maximum  3  storeys  with  higher  buildings  possible  immediately
        adjacent to Molsons  Brewery;
       higher buildings  permitted beyond the  60 metre setback  but their
        exact height to be subject to a comprehensive urban design study of
        the area and further community consultation;
       maximum  of 3 storeys  west of the bridge  to minimize shadowing of
        Vanier Park.

   Granville Bridgehead - West Side

       no buildings should be within 10 m of the bridge deck;
       between 10  m and 30 m,  buildings should not exceed  the height of
        the bridgedeck (including elevator penthouses);
       buildings exceeding the height of the bridgedeck should  be setback
        a minimum of 30 m from the drip line of the bridge.

   Granville Bridgehead - East Side

       no buildings should be within 10 m of the bridge deck; 
       between 10 m and 30 m, building should not exceed the height of the
        bridgedeck (except for sites adjacent to the Seymour ramp);
       for  sites east  of the  Seymour ramp,  buildings up  to 18.2  m in
        height may  be considered between  Pacific Street and  Beach Avenue
        provided that:

            a 20 m minimum setback is maintained;
            the roof is positively  articulated as a visible elevation(eg.
             sloping roofs,  gables, dormers, bay windows,  cupolas, etc.);
            livability issues are satisfactorily addressed.

   South Cambie Bridgehead - East Side

       retain  the openness of this area by  limiting buildings to 3 and 4
        storeys within 200 m of the bridge, south of 1st Avenue
       permit  no buildings between the  bridge and a  line extending from
        the eastern property line of Cambie St. to the water;
       establish the following setbacks - 7.6 m from a line extending from
        Cambie  St,  limit buildings  to  3  storeys within  an  additional
        setback  area of  7.6 metres  and a four  storey limit  beyond this
        setback.  These  setbacks  reflect  those  established  by  current
        Council policy for Cambie Street.
       for the site south of 1st Avenue, the current Cambie St. guidelines
        as noted above will continue to apply allowing for lower and higher
        building   elements  within   the  prescribed  setbacks   (with  an
        approximately 15.1 m setback from the bridge).

   Georgia Viaducts East

       a maximum building height of 55 m permitted for the  Greyhound site
        west of Main Street, subject to detailed planning review;
       a maximum building  height of 23 m be permitted on  the site at the
        southeast corner of Prior  and Station, with an increase  in height
        of up to 30 m  permitted at the corner forming the  visual terminus
        of the view  down the  Main Street off-ramp,  provided this  corner
        element is treated as an appropriate feature;
       a maximum building height of  23 m be permitted on all  other sites
        immediately adjacent to the viaduct and off-ramps to Main Street.

                        Results from the Public Process

    The themes and  results (61  comment sheets) from  the Bridgehead  Study
   Open House and  Public Meeting are summarized  below. An Open House  was
   conducted during the day at Library Square followed by a Public Meeting.
   Staff  also  attended a  meeting organized  by  the Harbour  Cove Strata
   Council that attracted neighbouring residents.

   Do you live or own property within two blocks of one of  the bridgeheads
   under study?

   Yes  50%
   No   50%

   How  important do  you  consider  retaining  views  of  the  water,  the
   mountains, landmark buildings and other features from the bridges?

   Very important      75%
   Important           18%
   Somewhat important   7%

   How much blockage of these specific views do you think is acceptable?

   no view blockage (0% of view blocked)   64%
   some blockage (50% of view blocked)     34%
   significant blockage                     2%

   What do you think is  a minimal setback of a high rise or tower building
   from a bridge?

   45 metres    38%         (suggestions were: 10  city blocks;  one
   30 metres    20%         block  to 500  feet; 150  m; 100  metres
   20 metres    11%         (2);  60 metres;  5 metres; same  as the
   8 metres      5%         south end of  the Burrard Bridge on  the
   other        27%         north end; nothing above the bridge deck
                            between  the north ends of the Granville
                            and Burrard bridge decks)
   What do you think  is the minimal setback for a building  that is one or
   two storeys above the bridge deck?

   30 metres    32%         (suggestions were: two  blocks; 150 m; a
   20 metres    19%         city  block;  100  m;  60  metres(2); 50
   8 metres      9%         metres(2);  30-50  m;  200-300 ft.;  200
   other        40%         ft.;  45  m;  150  ft.;  depends  on the
                            bridge   deck,    safety   the   primary

   Themes and Messages

   1.   Maintain  the views from the bridges, particularly of the water and
        mountains (most repeated comment)

   2.   Towers should be setback  from the bridge to ensure  the livability
        of residents.

   3.   Keep the  bridgeheads  as open  as  possible; high  rise  buildings
        should  not be  allowed  to  dominate  the bridge  entrances;  some
        setback  of buildings  is necessary  to allow  for the  widening of

   4.   The view from the centre of  the bridge is most important not those
        from the bridgeheads

   5.   Tall slender buildings are preferable to short  bulky  ones; delete
        the height restriction, but maintain the limit on density

   6.   Keep towers  away from the  waterfront, only lower  scale buildings
        should be permitted

   7.   Tests should be done  to ensure that wind problems are  not created
        by towers for pedestrians and cyclists on the bridge 

   8.   Develop a low rise on  the site at the northwest end of the Burrard
        Bridge; this site  does not  automatically obtain the  height of  a
        tower under the existing zoning

   9.   The  taxpayers of Granville Slopes  should pay for  the park rather
        than adding additional density to the 1005 Beach site

   10.  Use the area under the bridges for community uses, do not make it a
        dead zone

   11.  Continue  making use  of the  staircases  at the  north end  of the
        Burrard Bridge;  There is a need for a pedestrian crossing at Beach
        under the Burrard Bridge to encourage use of the stairs.

   12.  The traffic and parking impacts created by the towers is a concern.

   13.  Development should not be  allowed to block the views  of residents
        in the Harbour Cove development at the southeast end of the bridge.

   14.  The CPR lands  south of the  Harbour Cove  development should be  a


   FORMAT: (Autocad)   DXF ___________     (VISION*) GINA  __________

   AREA DESIRED:  ___________________ Street, to ____________________Street
                  ___________________ Ave., to ____________________Avenue


                  Expansion by 20 m _______ or _______ m


             ______________ lot/block lines   ______________ road names
             ______________ existing buildings

             ______________ proposed buildings

   This  is not  legal  information, and  is  provided for  convenience  of
   information only. I agree that this information will not be sold, loaned
   or given to  any other party                        without  the express
   written consent of the City of Vancouver.

   I understand that:

        1)   the data provided is compiled from various sources, and is not
             warranted as to its accuracy by the City.
        2)   lot  sizes should be confirmed at the Legal Survey office, 5th
             floor, City Hall, Vancouver,  or at the Land Titles  Office in
             New Westminster.

   FIRM: _______________________________   SIGNATURE:____________________

   CONTACT PERSON ______________________   DATE: ________________________

   PHONE NUMBER ________________________