1997 Operating Budget
                                                Budget Review Adjustments

                                          1997          Budget Review           1997
                                        Request          Adjustments        Recommended

                                                                    $                         $                           $


          General Tax Levy                                  328,172,300                           0                328,172,300
              - New construction                              4,613,900                     254,200                  4,868,100

              - Tax Increase                                          0                  14,987,700                 14,987,700
          Total General Tax Levy                            332,786,200                  15,241,900                348,028,100

          Provision for Tax Adjustments                     (2,000,000)                           0                (2,000,000)
          Receipts in Lieu of Taxes                          18,758,800                   (106,100)                 18,652,700

          Local Improvement Taxes                             5,064,300                           0                  5,064,300
          Penalties and Interest                              3,400,000                     100,000                  3,500,000
                                                            358,009,300                  15,235,800                373,245,100


          Provincial Local Government Grants                  6,019,200                           0                  6,019,200
          Provincial Cost Sharing - Police                            0                           0                          0
          Interest on Temporary Investments                   9,052,000                           0                  9,052,000
          License Fees                                       10,830,000                     205,700                 11,035,700

          Parking Meter Revenue                               8,030,000                   1,250,000                  9,280,000
          Municipal By-Law Fines                              7,052,000                   1,573,200                  8,625,200
          Development & Building Regulation                  15,830,500                   3,265,300                 19,095,800
          Sundry Property Rentals                            13,445,900                    (18,000)                 13,427,900
          Civic Theatres Revenue                              4,937,400                     258,100                  5,195,500

          Park Board Revenues                                21,418,000                     134,700                 21,552,700
          Miscellaneous Fees and Receipts                     1,681,100                     145,500                  1,826,600
          Refuse Collection                                   2,810,000                           0                  2,810,000
          Refuse Disposal                                    10,200,000                           0                 10,200,000
          Waterworks                                         46,581,200                           0                 46,581,200

                                                            157,887,300                   6,814,500                164,701,800

          Total Revenues before Transfers                   515,896,600                  22,050,300                537,946,900


          Revenue Surplus                                             0                      87,500                     87,500
          Sinking Fund Prior Year Surplus                     7,263,200                           0                  7,263,200
          Property Endowment Fund                             7,000,000                           0                  7,000,000

          Miscellaneous Reserves                                765,000                     306,000                  1,071,000
          Art Gallery Reserve                                   232,300                    (38,700)                    193,600
                                                             15,260,500                     354,800                 15,615,300

     TOTAL REVENUES                                         531,157,100                  22,405,100                553,562,200


          Mayor and Councillors                               1,147,800                           0                  1,147,800

          General Administrative                             24,765,800                   (931,100)                 23,834,700
          Other General Government                            1,961,200                   2,448,700                  4,409,900
          Real Estate & Property Management                   5,335,600                    (80,400)                  5,255,200
          Housing Programs                                      587,900                     611,800                  1,199,700
          Community Services Administration                     245,400                     759,600                  1,005,000

          Planning                                           10,385,000                   (411,600)                  9,973,400
                                                             44,428,700                   2,397,000                 46,825,700


          Police                                            108,069,500                 (2,474,600)                105,594,900

          Fire                                               60,351,500                 (1,014,700)                 59,336,800
          Permits & Licenses                                 13,702,700                      55,300                 13,758,000
          Animal Control                                        716,000                      31,000                    747,000
          Emergency Management                                  163,000                      50,600                    213,600

                                                            183,002,700                 (3,352,400)                179,650,300


          Administration & General                            1,842,300                   (371,100)                  1,471,200
          Streets Division                                   19,440,500                      55,400                 19,495,900

          Transportation Division                             5,504,100                       4,400                  5,508,500
          Electrical Division                                 6,425,200                   (102,600)                  6,322,600
          Sewers Operations                                   5,430,100                    (30,000)                  5,400,100
          Sanitation Division                                22,247,300                      31,100                 22,278,400
          Parking Meter Operations                            1,772,700                           0                  1,772,700

          Other Parking Enforcement                           2,799,900                     348,700                  3,148,600
                                                             65,462,100                    (64,100)                 65,398,000

     SOCIAL PLANNING                                          1,505,300                     (6,100)                  1,499,000


          Parks & Recreation                                 58,346,900                     354,000                 58,700,900
          Britannia Service Centre                            2,357,000                    (66,300)                  2,290,700
          Downtown South Gathering Place                      1,384,200                       6,000                  1,390,200
          Carnegie Centre                                     1,981,300                       6,300                  1,987,600

          Vancouver Public Library                           27,424,600                 (1,091,600)                 26,333,000
          Civic Theatres                                      5,036,000                     115,000                  5,151,000
          Archives                                              671,900                     (5,700)                    666,200
          Cemetery                                              696,400                           0                    696,400
          Art Gallery/Museums                                 3,492,400                           0                  3,492,400

                                                            101,390,700                   (682,300)                100,708,400


        Operations                                          6,818,500                   (486,600)                  6,331,900
          Water Purchase                                     17,434,700                           0                 17,434,700

          Debt Charges                                       22,328,000                     486,600                 22,814,600
                                                             46,581,200                           0                 46,581,200

     GRANT PROGRAM                                            7,546,200                   (629,200)                  6,917,000

     CONTINGENCY RESERVE                                      4,661,500                 (2,348,300)                  2,313,200

     Total Before Debt Charges and

          Transfers to Other Funds                          454,578,400                 (4,685,400)                449,892,800


          General                                            36,472,100                           0                 36,472,100
          Sewer                                              27,770,400                   (259,400)                 27,511,000
          Solid Waste                                            44,900                           0                     44,900

          Local Improvements                                  5,064,300                           0                  5,064,300
                                                             69,351,700                   (259,400)                 69,092,300


          GVSDD Operating Requisition                        21,815,000                 (9,515,000)                 12,300,000
          Regional Dev Cost Levy                              1,325,000                 (1,325,000)                          0
          GVSDD Debt Charges Requisition                              0                   9,601,900                  9,601,900
                                                             23,140,000                 (1,238,100)                 21,901,900


          Capital Purposes                                   13,900,000                 (1,531,600)                 12,368,400
          Solid Waste Capital Reserve                         (716,400)                    (41,800)                  (758,200)
          Payment to PNE                                        765,000                           0                    765,000
          1999 Municipal Election                               300,000                           0                    300,000

          Demolition Fee Reserve                                500,000                   (500,000)                          0
                                                             14,748,600                 (2,073,400)                 12,675,200

     TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                     561,818,700                 (8,256,300)                553,562,200

                   Budget (Shortfall) / Surplus            (30,661,600)                                                      0


                                                                                                           APPENDIX 2

                                              1997 Operating Budget                                                                                 
                                                   Interim Estimates


                                      1997         1996 Final     Increase
                                   Recommended       Budget      (Decrease)   Change

                                                               $                     $                   $               %


          General Tax Levy                             328,172,300         328,180,671             (8,371)           0.0 

              - New construction                         4,868,100                   0           4,868,100           n.a.
              - Tax Increase                            14,987,700                n.a.          14,987,700           n.a.
          Total General Tax Levy                                                                                     6.0                                                        348,028,100         328,180,671          19,847,429

          Provision for Tax Adjustments                (2,000,000)         (2,000,000)                   0           n.a.

          Receipts in Lieu of Taxes                     18,652,700          18,658,500             (5,800)           0.0 
          Local Improvement Taxes                        5,064,300           5,211,000           (146,700)          -2.8 
          Penalties and Interest                         3,500,000           3,800,000           (300,000)          -7.9 
                                                                                                                     5.5                                                        373,245,100         353,850,171          19,394,929

     OTHER REVENUE                                                                                            

          Provincial Local Government Grants             6,019,200          20,508,300        (14,489,100)         -70.6 
          Provincial Cost Sharing - Police                       0             794,000           (794,000)        -100.0 
          Interest on Temporary Investments              9,052,000          13,141,400         (4,089,400)         -31.1 

          License Fees                                  11,035,700           9,915,000           1,120,700          11.3 
          Parking Meter Revenue                          9,280,000           6,648,500           2,631,500          39.6 
          Municipal By-Law Fines                         8,625,200           6,852,800           1,772,400          25.9 
          Development & Building Regulation             19,095,800          15,647,300           3,448,500          22.0 
          Sundry Property Rentals                       13,427,900          13,963,200           (535,300)          -3.8 

          Civic Theatres Revenue                         5,195,500           5,192,000               3,500           0.1 
          Park Board Revenues                           21,552,700          23,203,100         (1,650,400)          -7.1 
          Miscellaneous Fees and Receipts                1,826,600           2,570,200           (743,600)         -28.9 
          Refuse Collection                              2,810,000           2,840,000            (30,000)          -1.1 
          Refuse Disposal                               10,200,000          10,700,000           (500,000)          -4.7 

          Waterworks                                    46,581,200          41,079,200           5,502,000          13.4 
                                                                                                                    -4.8                                                        164,701,800         173,055,000         (8,353,200)

          Total Revenues before Transfers              537,946,900         526,905,171          11,041,729           2.1 
     TRANSFER FROM RESERVES / FUNDS                                                                           

          Revenue Surplus                                   87,500             141,700            (54,200)         -38.2 
          Sinking Fund Prior Year Surplus                7,263,200           7,462,600           (199,400)          -2.7 

          Property Endowment Fund                        7,000,000           7,000,000                   0           0.0 
          Miscellaneous Reserves                         1,071,000           1,500,000           (429,000)         -28.6 
          Art Gallery Reserve                              193,600             232,300            (38,700)         -16.7 
                                                                                                                    -4.4                                                         15,615,300          16,336,600           (721,300)

     TOTAL REVENUES                                    553,562,200         543,241,771          10,320,429           1.9 


          Mayor and Councillors                          1,147,800           1,168,500            (20,700)          -1.8 

          General Administrative                        23,834,700          24,240,200           (405,500)          -1.7 
          Other General Government                       4,409,900           2,102,700           2,307,200         109.7 
          Real Estate & Property Management              5,255,200           5,518,800           (263,600)          -4.8 
          Housing Programs                               1,199,700             344,200             855,500         248.5 
          Community Services Administration              1,005,000             390,500             614,500         157.4 

          Planning                                       9,973,400           9,695,700             277,700           2.9 
                                                        46,825,700          43,460,600           3,365,100           7.7 

          Police                                       105,594,900         106,798,700         (1,203,800)          -1.1 
          Fire                                          59,336,800          59,644,000           (307,200)          -0.5 
          Permits & Licenses                            13,758,000          12,141,000           1,617,000          13.3 
          Animal Control                                   747,000             696,600              50,400           7.2 
          Emergency Management                             213,600             211,300               2,300           1.1 

                                                       179,650,300         179,491,600             158,700           0.1 

     PUBLIC WORKS                                                                                             

          Administration & General                       1,471,200           2,288,100           (816,900)         -35.7 
          Streets Division                              19,495,900          18,906,000             589,900           3.1 

          Transportation Division                        5,508,500           5,717,000           (208,500)          -3.6 
          Electrical Division                            6,322,600           6,544,400           (221,800)          -3.4 
          Sewers Operations                              5,400,100           5,196,100             204,000           3.9 
          Sanitation Division                           22,278,400          19,869,300           2,409,100          12.1 
          Parking Meter Operations                       1,772,700           1,732,300              40,400           2.3 

          Other Parking Enforcement                      3,148,600           3,792,400           (643,800)         -17.0 
                                                                                                                     2.1                                                         65,398,000          64,045,600           1,352,400
     SOCIAL PLANNING                                     1,499,000           1,107,700             391,300          35.3 

     RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES                                                                          

          Parks & Recreation                            58,700,900          60,111,700         (1,410,800)          -2.3 
          Britannia Service Centre                       2,290,700           2,348,300            (57,600)          -2.5 
          Downtown South Gathering Place                 1,390,200           1,302,700              87,500           6.7 

          Carnegie Centre                                1,987,600           1,430,400             557,200          39.0 
          Vancouver Public Library                      26,333,000          26,444,200           (111,200)          -0.4 
          Civic Theatres                                 5,151,000           5,494,800           (343,800)          -6.3 
          Archives                                         666,200             700,800            (34,600)          -4.9 
          Cemetery                                         696,400             664,900              31,500           4.7 

          Art Gallery/Museums                            3,492,400           3,683,962           (191,562)          -5.2 
                                                       100,708,400         102,181,762         (1,473,362)          -1.4 

     WATERWORKS                                                                                                                                                                                                              13.4 

          Operations                                     6,331,900           6,438,800           (106,900)          -1.7 

          Water Purchase                                17,434,700          15,519,200           1,915,500          12.3 
          Debt Charges                                  22,814,600          19,121,200           3,693,400          19.3 
                                                        46,581,200          41,079,200           5,502,000          13.4 

     GRANT PROGRAM                                       6,917,000           6,888,690              28,310           0.4 
     CONTINGENCY RESERVE                                 2,313,200             523,419           1,789,781           n.a.

     Total Before Debt Charges and                                                                            

          Transfers to Other Funds                     449,892,800         438,778,571          11,114,229           2.5 


          General                                       36,472,100          60,681,800        (24,209,700)         -39.9 
          Sewer                                         27,511,000      included above          27,511,000

          Solid Waste                                       44,900      included above              44,900
          Local Improvements                             5,064,300           5,211,000           (146,700)          -2.8 
                                                        69,092,300          65,892,800           3,199,500           4.9 


          GVSDD Operating Requisition                   12,300,000           9,095,600           3,204,400           n.a.
          GVSDD Debt Charges Requisition                 9,601,900          11,475,300         (1,873,400)           n.a.
                                                        21,901,900          20,570,900           1,331,000           6.5 

     TRANSFER TO RESERVES / FUNDS                                                                             

          Capital Purposes                              12,368,400          14,200,000         (1,831,600)         -12.9 
          Solid Waste Capital Reserve                    (758,200)           1,666,200         (2,424,400)        -145.5 
          Payment to PNE                                   765,000           1,500,000           (735,000)           n.a.
          1999 Municipal Election                          300,000                   0             300,000           n.a.

          Demolition Fee Reserve                                 0             600,000           (600,000)           n.a.
          Provision for Salary Adjustments                       0              33,300            (33,300)           n.a.
                                                        12,675,200          17,999,500         (5,324,300)         -29.6 

     TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                553,562,200         543,241,771          10,320,429           1.9 


                 Budget (Shortfall) / Surplus                    0                   0