FOR COUNCIL,  APRIL 8, 1997
                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: March 25, 1997
                                           C.C. File No. 1254

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     City Manager

   SUBJECT:  Council's Participation at 10th International Conference on
             Gambling in Montreal


        THAT Council authorize a Councillor to be selected by the Mayor, to
        attend and participate in the 10th International Conference on
        Gambling and Risk-Taking in Montreal, at a cost of $1,555 (Cdn).


        The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.


   Council's travel policy, approved July 31, 1992, requires Council
   approval for travel within North America.


   This report requests approval for a Councillor to attend the 10th
   International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking from May 31 through
   June 4, 1997 in Montreal, Quebec.


   The International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking is an annual
   event organized by the Institute for the Study of Gambling and
   Commercial Gaming, University of Nevada, Reno.  The Conference objective
   is to stimulate research and facilitate discussion and debate about
   gambling and commercial gaming in modern societies.  The Conference
   brings together a broad array of experts; researchers, academics,
   industry representatives, government officials, care givers and
   professional gamblers from throughout the world.

   The 10th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking will
   address the issues of:

        Economic Impacts, Social Impacts, Public Policies, Regulatory
        Structures,Marketing and Finances, Psychology of Risk Behaviour,
        Addiction Theory,Problem Gambling and Treatment, Wagering

   Conference organizers have extended an invitation to the City of
   Vancouver to participate in and contribute to these symposiums through a
   panel discussion entitled: "Gambling Expansion - The Municipal Role: The
   City of Vancouver Experience".  The City's leadership role in responding
   to issues related to Gambling Expansion has been well established and
   documented ever since the 1994 Casino Review.  The City s initiatives
   and perspective in this area will provide the basis of the panel

   A representative from Social Planning has been confirmed as a panel
   member and it is hoped that a representative from the Police will also
   participate.  Participation from a member of Council is significant to
   this discussion in presenting the issues in a complete and comprehensive
   manner (political, social, economic, and policing impacts for local
   government).  Council's leadership role in responding to Gambling
   Expansion is at the heart of the panel discussion.

   A copy of the outline for the symposium is on file in the Social
   Planning Department.

   The cost of attendance at the Conference is estimated at $1,555.00
   (Cdn), broken down as follows:

        Registration                                 $370.00
        Airfare, round trip                           484.00
        Airport fees, ground transportation            75.00
        Hotel - 3 nights (incl. taxes)                426.00
        Per Diem (4 x $50)                            200.00

   The funds are available in Council's travel account.

                                 *  *  *  *  *