
                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: March 26, 1997
                                           Dept. File No:
                                           C.C. File No. 2152-2 

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director, Community Services, Social Planning Department

   SUBJECT:  1997 Community Services Grants Allocations


        A.   THAT Council approve 91 grants totalling $2,741,922, as listed
             in  Appendix A, including conditions on the grants, where
             noted in Appendix C;

        B.   THAT Council approve the following reserves (listed in
             Appendix A as No. 204 - 208) to be reported on, with specific
             allocation recommendations, at a later date:

             1) United Way - 
                   Partners in Organizational Dev.       $15,000
             2) Emergencies, unforeseen circumstances    $24,538
             3) Cross-Cultural Expertise                 $20,000
             4) Support to Multicultural Families        $25,000

        C.   THAT Council approve a rent subsidy grant of $22,610 to the
             B.C. Coalition of People with Disabilities, and that the
             Community Services Grants budget be increased accordingly.

        D.   THAT Council approve a rent subsidy grant of $8,220 to Central
             City Mission for the Dugout, and that the Community Services
             Grants budget be increased accordingly.

        E.   THAT Council approve a rent subsidy grant of $5,205 to End
             Legislated Poverty and that the Community Services Grants
             budget be increased accordingly.

        F.   THAT Council approve a rent subsidy grant of $4,500 to the
             Downtown Eastside Women s Centre and that the Community
             Services Grants budget be increased accordingly.


   The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B,
   C, D, E and F.


   On September 30, 1993 Council adopted, as policy, the criteria and
   priorities which are used in assessing Community Services Grants
   applications.  These were amended by Council on October 24, 1995.

   On June 8, 1993 City Council decided that rent subsidies to social
   service or cultural organizations occupying City-owned property will be
   funded from the Community Services or Cultural Grants budgets, and that
   these budgets will be adjusted to accommodate the subsidies approved by
   Council.  Applications for rent subsidy grants are to be assessed for
   eligibility on the same basis as applications for Community Services or
   Cultural Grants.

   Approval of grant recommendations requires eight affirmative votes.


   With this report, Social Planning staff are recommending approval of 91
   Community Services Grants, at a total cost of $2,741,922.  We are also
   recommending continuation of three reserves: the Partners in
   Organizational Development reserve ($15,000), the Multi-cultural Family
   reserve, and the Cross-cultural reserve.  There is a difference of
   $24,538 between the total value of the recommended allocations
   (including the reserves) and the grants budget established by Council on
   March 13, 1997 - we are recommending that this balance be kept aside for
   emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.

   Five applicants have advised us that they disagree with our
   recommendations, and have requested reconsideration.  Consequently,
   these five applications have been removed from the list of
   recommendations contained in this report, and will be dealt with at the
   completion of the reconsideration process.


   This report recommends the 1997 Community Services Grants allocations
   for all applications which have not been referred to the reconsideration
   process.  It also provides an overview of this year s grants program.


   The 1997 Community Services Grants budget was set by Council on March
   13, 1997 at $2,854,000.  Not included in this budget are any rent
   subsidy grants, as Council has directed that the budget be adjusted
   after the fact by an amount equal to any rent subsidy grants which get

   Social Planning received 113 regular grant applications and 4 rent
   subsidy grant applications.  Staff have reviewed and assessed these
   applications on the basis of the criteria and priorities which have been
   established by Council.

   All applicants have been informed, in writing, of Social Planning's
   recommendations, and were given the opportunity to request
   reconsideration if they disagreed with the recommendation.  Five
   organizations, listed in Appendix B, have requested further review of
   their applications and the proposed recommendations.


   Social Planning staff made preliminary recommendations for approval of
   92 Community Services grants and 4 rent subsidy grants.  The five
   applications which have been referred to the reconsideration process
   will not be dealt with at this point.  Note, however that staff
   recommended a grant to only one of these requesting reconsideration, so
   the list of recommended grants is reduced by just one.

   Following is a summary of the preliminary recommendations, with
   comparative figures from previous years:

                                       1997     1996    1995

   Recommended at the same level        75       28      17
   Recommended increase:
        - inflation adjustment           0       46      39
        - other increase                 5        7      21
   Recommended new grants                4        5       5
   Recommended decrease                  7        2       9
   Recommended terminating grant         2        0       1
   No grant recommended                 20        7      20
                                       113       95     112

   Appendix A lists the grants which are being recommended at this time. 
   Applications which are in dispute (i.e. requests for reconsideration
   have been received) are not included in this list.

   Appendix B lists the applications for which requests for reconsideration
   have been received - these will be considered by Council on May 8th.

   Appendix C lists all applications for 1997 grants, and provides
   information on last year's grants (if any), the initial staff
   recommendations for this year's grants, and any conditions and/or
   comments related to each application.

   Appendix D lists all applications, sorted by the target group which they
   primarily serve.  Most organizations serve more than one group, so a
   completely accurate picture of the allocation of City funds to each
   target group cannot be given when organizations are shown only within a
   single category.  However, this table does give an indication of funding
   changes within sectors.

   Finally, Appendix E lists all grant applications in separate tables that
   show how the 1997 recommendations compare to last year's.

   A copy of the front pages of all applications has already been
   distributed to Council.  These contain more detailed information on the
   applicants and the programs or services for which they are seeking City


   Overall Situation

   The City s 1997 budget shortfall and the ensuing process to deal with it
   resulted in a more difficult grant review process this year.  The timing
   of the grant review and approval process is quite critical for most
   applicants.  Grants are paid on a quarterly basis, so applicants need to
   know if funding will be forthcoming by the end of the first quarter
   (i.e. the end of March).  If the grants process gets delayed past the
   end of March, then they either have to find interim funding to continue
   the service, or they have to stop delivering the service until such time
   as  a decision is made on the grants. 

   Consequently, staff decided to proceed with the grant review and
   interview process throughout January, into February, even though it was
   not known if there would even be a grants program.  Applicants were
   advised of these issues as the review process continued, although most
   of them were fully aware of the situation and were understanding of the
   plight facing Council.  Fortunately, Council was able to approve a
   Community Services Grants budget without reducing it, and staff were
   able to get their recommendations out to the applicants and Council
   within a time frame that will allow for final decisions that are only
   one week later than last year s.

   One of the key features of City Community Services Grants is that we re
   prepared to provide on-going, stable funding to organizations that are
   providing social services that reflect City priorities.  Most of the
   groups we fund are used to dealing with Federal and Provincial funding
   programs that can shift with the changing political winds.  The City s
   budget shortfall introduced a similar degree of uncertainty to City
   funding, which was quite a shock to some organizations.  However, this
   was not necessarily a bad thing, as it forced both staff and applicants
   to take a hard look at the priorities to ensure that whatever funding
   was finally available was used in the best ways possible.

   For the most part, applicants have not yet faced major cut-backs from
   other funders.  However, the senior levels of government do not announce
   changes in their funding programs until the beginning of their fiscal
   years (in April), or even later; there is a great deal of apprehension
   about potential losses of funding later this year.  If such reductions
   do occur, staff will be watching closely to ensure that City grants do
   not continue to get paid to organizations which may be going under when
   faced with major cuts from other funders or to programs that are
   cost-shared, and the other funding has been cut.

   One significant difference in the recommendations submitted this year is
   that no inflationary increases are proposed for any of the application. 
   Although the grants budget included a 1% inflationary increase over last
   year s budget, we are recommending that this increase be used to fund
   several new grants and to provide funding increases only where there are
   demonstrated increases in service or improvements to service.

   One of the non-monetary aspects of the CSG program that is beginning to
   show positive results is the application of our "Guiding Principles". 
   All grant applicants are required to demonstrate how they are working
   within the principles of inclusion, working together and participation. 
   There are numerous examples of significant improvements in these areas
   over the past year or two.  Many of the applicants have commented to
   staff that operating within these principles has enabled them to become
   more effective and responsive to the community.

   Specific Issues

   1)   Youth Workers: In 1996, the City began funding a Youth Services
        Coordinator position, working out of Sunset Community Centre. 
        Staff are recommending continued funding for this position in 1997. 
        This coordinator works with the Coalition of First Line Service
        Providers to Children and Youth to analyze information from an
        inventory and mapping of existing services to provide
        recommendations ranging from service to funding provisions.  Until
        this work is completed, staff are

        not recommending significant changes to the funding of youth worker
        positions.  One of the possible outcomes of this work is that
        funding will need to be re-directed to other locations of higher

   2)   Health-related Services - The Community Services Grants criteria
        clearly state that services that fall within the legislated
        mandates of other levels of government will not be funded by the
        City.  Certainly in areas where a direct health service is being
        provided, this criteria is applied, and no grant is recommended. 
        However, we continue to recommend funding which is used to provide
        support services to the family and care givers of the  patient , or
        to meet the needs of the community affected by the medical
        condition of people in that community (e.g. people with

        It could be argued that the health care system should deal with
        these situations, but, at this point, it does not.  One of the very
        effective uses of Community Services Grants, over the years, has
        been to assist and support community groups to become strong,
        viable organizations that are then able to successfully advocate
        for the government support that they need and deserve.  A good
        example of this was our early support for Adult Daycares.  The
        Provincial Government eventually agreed that Continuing Care should
        fund them, at which point the City ceased funding them. 

        The City has been funding the Vancouver Mental Patients Association
        since 1971.  When it was first formed as a self-help advocacy group
        of ex-mental patients, the Province would have nothing to do with
        them as they did not fit the then current standards for
        professional treatment and supports.  The City was one its few
        regular supporters.  Over the years, this group has grown, both in
        size and abilities and now provides housing, vocational programs,
        legal advocacy, a drop-in and many other services.  Most of their
        funding comes from the Provincial government.  In 1996, the City
        stopped funding the drop-in as the drop-in was receiving funding
        from elsewhere. But we did start to partially fund an outreach
        worker.  Staff are now recommending that the funding for the
        outreach worker be terminated in 6 months as the Province is
        accepting an increasing role in funding these types of positions.

        Similarly, there are indications that the Province may take on more
        funding responsibility for two other groups that we fund - Pacific
        Post Partum and the Women s Health Collective.  If this happens, we
        will re-assess the City's role in funding these groups.


   In addition to the usual reserve for "Partners in Organizational
   Development" and a modest hold-back for emergencies or unforeseen
   circumstances, we are recommending that funds also be set aside in two
   other reserves.  Following is a brief explanation of the reserves:

   1.   Partners in Organizational Development - this program was initiated
        in 1989 as a jointly funded partnership of the Vancouver
        Foundation, United Way, Secretary of State and the City to help
        non-profit organizations deal with common organizational problems. 
        In 1994, additional Federal and Provincial partners agreed to also
        provide funding to this program.

        Staff are recommending that $15,000 be reserved for P.O.D. - this
        is the same amount that has been approved each year since the
        program's inception.  A report seeking Council's approval of
        specific P.O.D. grants will be submitted later in the year.

   2.   Cross-Cultural Expertise - This will be the third year of a program
        which supports short-term partnership projects to share expertise
        among community service agencies and to increase their ability to
        serve Vancouver's culturally diverse population.  The reserve of
        $20,000 recommended in this year's Community Services Grants budget
        is consistent with the level of grants approved for the past two
        years. In both years, we have been successful in obtaining federal
        cost-sharing for some of the approved projects.

        Projects have included  a neighbourhood house - community centre
        partnership to increase the participation of First Nations families
        in programs and program development; development of a new model of
        parenting program which is more accessible to Chinese families; and
        a three-agency partnership aimed at increasing access for bi-,                                     - 2 -

        lesbian and gay youth.

   3.   Support to Multi-Cultural Families - Over the past two years, staff
        have identified service gaps and inequities in the area of family
        support, and have been working with other funders to address some
        of the gaps.  A reserve of $25,000 is recommended in this year's
        Community Services Grants budget to provide some ability to respond
        to initiatives currently being discussed with the Ministry of
        Children and Families and other provincial funders, which would
        result in a more equitable support for multicultural families.


   There is a great deal of concern and fear in the social services
   community about the affects of the anticipated cuts in supports to the
   social security system.  However, most groups are preparing themselves
   by devising ways of working smarter, working together and by ensuring
   that they are delivering relevant, needed services.  The ability of the
   City to continue to support these groups is extremely valuable in these
   tough times.

   The Community Services Grants program's Guiding Principles of working
   together, being inclusive and operating on a participatory model have
   proven to be a solid framework for these efforts.

                             *   *   *   *   *    

    1  ALDA - Adult Learning Disab. Assoc.            15,000      25,000      17,500
    2  ANH - Camping & Outdoor Unit                   15,400      15,708      15,400
    3  B.C. Coalition of People w/Disab. - Sal.       22,990      24,139      22,990
    4  B.C. Pets & Friends                            10,400      12,000      10,400
    5  Battered Women's Support Services              33,790      47,123      33,790
    6  Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC               0       5,251
    7  Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver              37,435      37,435      37,435
    8  Big Sisters of B.C. Lower Mainland             43,620      51,500      43,620
    9  Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Greater Van.         56,000      56,000      56,000
   10  Britannia CSC - Latin Am. Youth Worker         37,740      40,400      37,740
   11  Britannia CSC - Vietnamese Srs Outreach        37,740      47,000      37,740
   12  Canadian Hispanic Congress                          0      15,000
   13  Canadian Paraplegic Association                35,000      35,000      35,000
   14  Cedar Cottage Nbhd House (ANH)                 51,000      52,020      51,000
   15  Cedar Cottage Nbhd House - C&Y Worker               0      17,472
   16  Chinese Community Library Serv. Assoc.         23,640      24,920      23,640
   17  Collingwood Nbhd Hse Soc.                      51,000      70,000      51,000
   18  Crisis Interven. & Suicide Prev. Ctr.          15,000      15,000      15,000
   19  DERA - Organizer                               27,540      52,000      27,540
   20  DERA - Seniors Coordinator                     25,500      47,654      25,500
   21  Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Assoc.        49,150      60,000      49,150
   22  Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Soc.        47,237      47,237      47,237
   23  Dugout - Central City Mission                  22,440      23,000      22,440
   24  Eagles In The Sky Assoc.                            0      24,300
   25  Eastside Family Place                          44,110      56,850      44,110
   26  End Legislated Poverty - Organizer             33,660      37,341      33,660
   27  Family Services - Family Therapy               47,920      48,878      47,920
   28  Family Services - Street Youth                 33,660      34,333      33,660
   29  Family Services - VISAC                        18,430      18,835      18,430
   30  Four Eleven Seniors' Centre Soc.               43,860      45,000      43,860
   31  Frog Hollow Nbhd House (ANH)                   51,000      52,020      51,000
   32  G.V. Law Students' Legal Advice Soc.           42,000      44,002      39,930
   33  Gordon Nbhd House (ANH)                        51,000      52,020      51,000
   34  Gordon Nbhd House - Youth Worker               10,000      10,200      10,000
   35  Hastings Comm. Assoc - Fam. Enrich. Ctr        31,620      33,000      31,620
   36  Headlines Theatre Company Soc.                 15,300      15,300      15,300
   38  Hispanic Commu. Ctr Soc. of B.C. - Youth            0      12,000
   39  Hispano-American Seniors of B.C.               12,240      12,500      12,240
   40  Information Services Vancouver Soc.            15,600      15,900      15,600
   41  Inland Refugee Society of B.C.                 39,000      47,500      39,000
   42  ISS - African Commu. Dev. Worker                    0      14,962
   43  ISS - Vietnamese Commu. Dev. Worker                 0      15,687
   44  ISS - Youth Worker                             37,000      39,257      37,000
   45  Japanese Comm Vol Assoc - Tonari Gumi          24,480      27,000      24,480
   46  Jewish Family Service Agency                   10,400      32,824      10,400
   47  Kettle Friendship Society                      40,800      77,000      40,800
   48  Kitsilano Nbhd House (ANH)                     51,000      52,020      51,000
   49  Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc                        51,000      60,000      51,000
   50  Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Family Place              0      29,485           0
   51  Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Youth Wkr            20,000      42,000      17,000
   52  La Boussole, Centre Communautaire Societe           0      27,300
   53  Learning Disabilities Assoc. of B.C.           20,000      25,000      27,500
   54  Little Mountain Nbhd House Soc.                51,000      65,000      51,000
   55  Lower Mainland Tenants' Rights Coalition       36,860      40,000      36,860
   56  Marpole Oakridge Area Council - Seniors        20,000      30,000
   57  Marpole Oakridge Family Place Soc.             19,200      19,500      19,200
   58  MOSAIC                                         86,700      89,939      86,700
   59  MOSAIC - Polish Family Counsellor                   0      23,471
   60  MOSAIC/Strathcona - Vietnamese Family          39,000      42,097      29,100
   61  Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Cambodian Wkr.           24,000      24,408      37,000
   62  Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Youth Worker             20,000      29,750      20,000
   63  Mt. Pleasant Family Centre Soc.                59,160      62,118      59,160
   64  Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House (ANH) - Core           51,000      52,020      51,000
   65  Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House - Vietnamese                0      19,200
         Family Wkr
   66  N. Shore Counselling Ctr Soc.                  20,000      30,000      20,000
   68  Pacific Post Partum Support Society            17,000      17,000      17,000
   69  PFAME - GAB Youth Services                     20,000      20,000
   70  PFAME - Gay & Lesbian Services                 20,000      22,000      20,000
   71  PIRS - LEAD Program                            12,500      13,100      12,500
   72  PIRS - Outreach Workers                        35,070      39,000      35,070
   73  REACH - Multicultural Family Centre                 0      45,660
   74  Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors' Society           16,000      16,000      16,000
   75  Soc. For Programs In Retirement Years               0      40,656
   77  South Van. Family Place                        42,660      50,000      42,660
   78  South Van. Nbhd House (ANH)                    51,000      52,020      51,000
   79  South Van. Seniors Network Society             20,400      21,500      20,400
   80  Strathcona Community Centre - CD Worker        22,500      28,000      25,500
   81  Strathcona Community Centre - S.O.S.           37,740      42,900      37,740
   83  SUCCESS - Bridging the Gap Family Serv         24,000      26,645
   84  SUCCESS - Dunbar-SUCCESS Nbhd Project               0      34,927
   85  SUCCESS - Seniors' QOL Prog.                   35,000      37,326      35,000
   86  SUCCESS - Youth At Risk Program                37,000      42,904      37,000
   87  Sunset C.C.A. - Youth Service Coordinator      20,000      48,398      20,000
   88  Thunderbird Nbhd Assoc.                        26,770      26,770      26,770
   89  Urban Native Indian Education Society          22,990      22,990      24,990
   90  Van. & Dist. Public Hsg. Tenants Assoc.             0      32,505
   91  Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DT S. Nbhd Helpers        20,000      37,500      20,000
   92  Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DTES Srs Ctr              28,870      30,000      28,870
   93  Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - Nbhd. Helpers             40,800      40,800      40,800
   94  Van. Area Human Rights Coalition Soc.          20,000      20,000      20,000
   95  Van. Assoc. for Survivors of Torture           12,440      12,500      12,440
   96  Van. Community Network                              0      30,000
   97  Van. Mental Patients' Assoc. Soc.              20,000      55,108      20,000
   98  Van. Neurological Association                  26,760      35,000      26,760
   99  Van. Recovery Club                             17,500      30,000      12,750
  100  Van. Status of Women                           31,620      40,000      31,620
  101  Van. Volunteer Centre                          25,000      40,000      35,700
  102  Van. Women's Health Collective Society         15,090      23,680      15,090
  103  Van. Youth Voices                               8,000       8,000
  104  Variety Learning Centre                             0      44,340
  105  Volunteer Grandparents Soc. of B.C.            11,000      11,000      11,000
  106  West End Seniors' Network Soc.                 13,500      15,000      13,500
  107  West Side Family Place Soc.                    36,410      43,000      36,410
  109  Western Institute for Deaf                     10,000      10,000      10,000
  110  WISH Drop-In Centre Society                     8,200      10,000       8,200
  111  Women Against Violence Against Women           33,170      36,345      33,170
  112  YWCA - Crabtree Corner                         54,670      57,890      54,670
  113  YWCA - Single Mothers Support Services         19,640      19,640      18,370
  ===  ========================================    =========   =========   =========
  T                                                2,741,922   3,680,980   2,687,632
  C  108
  204   United Way - Partners in Org. Dev. Prog.      15,000                  15,000

  205   Emergency Reserve                             24,538           0      44,928

  206   Multi-Cult. Families Reserve                  25,000           0      30,000

  207   Cross-Cultural Reserve                        20,000           0      25,000

  208   Youth Work Coordination Reserve                    0           0      20,000

  301   B.C. Coalition of People w/Disab. - Rent      22,610      23,740      22,610

  302   Downtown Eastside Women's Ctr Assoc - Rent     4,500       7,860

  303   Dugout - Central City Mission - Rent           8,220       8,000       7,980

  304   End Legislated Poverty - Rent                  5,205       5,490       5,205

  ===   ========================================    ========   =========   =========
  T                                                  125,073      45,090     170,723
  C     9
   37   High Risk Project Society                          0      34,300

   67   Neil Squire Foundation                             0      20,000      10,000

   76   South Granv. Seniors Friendship Ctr.          27,540      35,000      27,540

   82   Stroke Recovery Assoc. of B.C. (6 clubs)           0      26,000           0

  108   Westcoast Youth Net Soc.                           0      83,450           0

  ===   ========================================   =========   =========   =========
  T                                                   27,540     198,750      37,540
  C                                            5
  1   ALDA - Adult Learning Disab. Assoc.           15,000      17,500    -2,500 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                        This                                                                                  organization                                                                                          was                                                                                         funded                                                                                           in                                                                                         1996                                                                                         through                                                                                            a                                                                                         joint
                                                                                 application                                                                                        with                                                                                         LDAV.                                                                                                                                                                                 ALDA                                                                                       has                                                                                      since                                                                                        decided                                                                                           that                                                                                            its                                                                                           work                                                                                            is                                                                                          more
                                                                                 appropriately                                                                                       coordinated                                                                                           with                                                                                        other                                                                                      organizations,                                                                                             and                                                                                         has                                                                                     therefore
                                                                                 removed                                                                                   itself                                                                                     from                                                                                    the                                                                                   partnership                                                                                         with                                                                                         LDAV.

  2   ANH - Camping & Outdoor Unit                  15,400      15,400         0

  3   B.C. Coalition of People w/Disab. - Sal.      22,990      22,990         0

  4   B.C. Pets & Friends                           10,400      10,400         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                    Organization                                                                                      needs                                                                                     to                                                                                  explore                                                                                    fundraising                                                                                         options                                                                                           and
                                                                                 partnerships                                                                                       with                                                                                    similar                                                                                     services.

  5   Battered Women's Support Services             33,790      33,790         0

  6   Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC              0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                     Duplication                                                                                      and                                                                                    distribution                                                                                           of                                                                                        crime                                                                                       prevention                                                                                            video                                                                                            to
                                                                                 seniors                                                                                   is                                                                                 not                                                                                a                                                                             priority                                                                                of                                                                              the                                                                             community                                                                                 services                                                                                     grant                                                                                      program.

  7   Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver             37,435      37,435         0

  8   Big Sisters of B.C. Lower Mainland            43,620      43,620         0 CONDITIONS:                                                                                                                                                                              THAT                                                                                      THE                                                                                      BOARD                                                                                       PROVIDE                                                                                           THE                                                                                           CITY                                                                                           WITH                                                                                            A                                                                                          COPY                                                                                          OF                                                                                         THEIR
                                                                                 STRATEGIC                                                                                    PLAN                                                                                   AND                                                                                 SEMI-ANNUAL                                                                                       REPORTS                                                                                         ON                                                                                      ITS                                                                                    IMPLEMENTATION.                                                                                                                                                                                       GRANT
                                                                                 MONIES                                                                                   ARE                                                                                  TO                                                                               BE                                                                             DIRECTED                                                                                 TO                                                                              THE                                                                             EXECUTIVE                                                                                  DIRECTOR'S                                                                                       SALARY.

  9   Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Greater Van.        56,000      56,000         0

 10   Britannia CSC - Latin Am. Youth Worker        37,740      37,740         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                  Quarterly                                                                                 progress                                                                                   reports                                                                                    requested.

 11   Britannia CSC - Vietnamese Srs Outreach       37,740      37,740         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                  Quarterly                                                                                 progress                                                                                   reports                                                                                    requested.

 12   Canadian Hispanic Congress                         0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                              Proposed                                                                                            program                                                                                                 is                                                                                                 not                                                                                                  a                                                                                                 priority                                                                                                       of                                                                                                       the                                                                                                        Community                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                 Services                                                                                  grant.                                                                                                                                                             Non-profit                                                                              organizations'                                                                                      training                                                                                       and                                                                                   development
                                                                                 needs                                                                                 are                                                                               being                                                                              addressed                                                                                  by                                                                               the                                                                             Partners                                                                               In                                                                            Organization                                                                                   Development

 13   Canadian Paraplegic Association               35,000      35,000         0

 14   Cedar Cottage Nbhd House (ANH)                51,000      51,000         0

 15   Cedar Cottage Nbhd House - C&Y Worker              0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                        The                                                                                 City                                                                                 is                                                                               currently                                                                                   funding                                                                                      a                                                                                   Vietnamese                                                                                         youth                                                                                          worker                                                                                            at
                                                                                 Trout                                                                                   Lake                                                                                   C.C.                                                                                                                                                                    No                                                                              further                                                                                  funding                                                                                     will                                                                                      be                                                                                    recommended                                                                                           in                                                                                          this                                                                                          area
                                                                                 until                                                                                service                                                                                 priorities                                                                                     are                                                                                  established.

 16   Chinese Community Library Serv. Assoc.        23,640      23,640         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                    Quarterly                                                                                   progress                                                                                      reports                                                                                        requested                                                                                            on                                                                                        staff                                                                                        liaison                                                                                          with
                                                                                 other                                                                                  senior                                                                                    service                                                                                       providers                                                                                           in                                                                                         area.

 17   Collingwood Nbhd Hse Soc.                     51,000      51,000         0

 18   Crisis Interven. & Suicide Prev. Ctr.         15,000      15,000         0

 19   DERA - Organizer                              27,540      27,540         0 CONDITIONS:                                                                                                                                                                             THIS                                                                                     GRANT                                                                                       IS                                                                                     TO                                                                                    BE                                                                                  USED                                                                                   TO                                                                                 PARTIALLY                                                                                       FUND                                                                                       A                                                                                     FULL-TIME
                                                                                 COMMUNITY                                                                                     ORGANIZER                                                                                         POSITION;                                                                                              DERA                                                                                             IS                                                                                           TO                                                                                        PROVIDE                                                                                          THE                                                                                         REMAINDER                                                                                             OF                                                                                           THE
                                                                                 FUNDING.                                                                                                                                                                       PAYMENT                                                                                     OF                                                                                    THE                                                                                    2ND                                                                                   INSTALMENT                                                                                          OF                                                                                        THE                                                                                        GRANT                                                                                         IS                                                                                        CONTINGENT                                                                                              ON                                                                                             A
                                                                                 WORKPLAN                                                                                    BEING                                                                                    DEVELOPED                                                                                         TO                                                                                      THE                                                                                     SATISFACTION                                                                                            OF                                                                                         SOCIAL                                                                                           PLANNING.                                                                                                                                                                                          3RD
                                                                                 AND                                                                               4TH                                                                             PAYMENTS                                                                                ARE                                                                              CONTINGENT                                                                                   ON                                                                                RECEIPT                                                                                  OF                                                                               SATISFACTORY                                                                                      PROGRESS

 20   DERA - Seniors Coordinator                    25,500      25,500         0

 21   Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Assoc.       49,150      49,150         0

 22   Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Soc.       47,237      47,237         0

 23   Dugout - Central City Mission                 22,440      22,440         0

 24   Eagles In The Sky Assoc.                           0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                        The                                                                                service                                                                                   provided                                                                                      falls                                                                                       primarily                                                                                            with                                                                                           the                                                                                          Province's                                                                                              
                                                                                 jurisdiction,                                                                                         and                                                                                       is                                                                                    therefore                                                                                        not                                                                                      eligible                                                                                         for                                                                                       City                                                                                      funding.

 25   Eastside Family Place                         44,110      44,110         0

 26   End Legislated Poverty - Organizer            33,660      33,660         0

 27   Family Services - Family Therapy              47,920      47,920         0 CONDITIONS:                                                                                                                                                                          2ND                                                                                 QUARTERLY                                                                                      PAYMENT                                                                                        CONTINGENT                                                                                              ON                                                                                           RECEIPT                                                                                              OF                                                                                           A                                                                                        REPORT
                                                                                 OUTLINING                                                                                   SPECIFIC                                                                                    STRATEGIES                                                                                       (AND                                                                                    TIMEFRAMES)                                                                                        FOR                                                                                    IMPROVED                                                                                     OUTREACH,
                                                                                 INCREASED                                                                                     AGENCY                                                                                       AND                                                                                     SERVICE                                                                                       PROFILE,                                                                                          AND                                                                                        IMPROVED                                                                                           SERVICE                                                                                             ACCESS                                                                                              FOR                                                                                            AT
                                                                                 LEAST                                                                                ONE                                                                            ETHNO-CULTURAL                                                                                    COMMUNITY.

 28   Family Services - Street Youth                33,660      33,660         0

 29   Family Services - VISAC                       18,430      18,430         0

 30   Four Eleven Seniors' Centre Soc.              43,860      43,860         0

 31   Frog Hollow Nbhd House (ANH)                  51,000      51,000         0

 32   G.V. Law Students' Legal Advice Soc.          42,000      39,930     2,070

 33   Gordon Nbhd House (ANH)                       51,000      51,000         0

 34   Gordon Nbhd House - Youth Worker              10,000      10,000         0 CONDITIONS:                                                                                                                                                                            THIS                                                                                    IS                                                                                  A                                                                               TERMINATING                                                                                      GRANT.                                                                                                                                                                            SECOND                                                                                      INSTALMENT                                                                                            IS
                                                                                 CONTINGENT                                                                                      UPON                                                                                     SUBMISSION                                                                                           OF                                                                                        A                                                                                     WORK                                                                                    PLAN                                                                                   PREPARED                                                                                       TOGETHER                                                                                          WITH                                                                                          WEST
                                                                                 END                                                                               COMMUNITY                                                                                   CENTRE,                                                                                     ADDRESSING                                                                                          THE                                                                                        OPERATION                                                                                           OF                                                                                        THE                                                                                      YOUTH                                                                                      RESOURCE

 35   Hastings Comm. Assoc - Fam. Enrich. Ctr       31,620      31,620         0

 36   Headlines Theatre Company Soc.                15,300      15,300         0 CONDITIONS:                                                                                                                                                                          CITY                                                                                  FUNDS                                                                                  TO                                                                               BE                                                                            USED                                                                           TO                                                                        SUBSIDIZE                                                                            COMMUNITY-BASED                                                                                      "THEATRE
                                                                                 OF                                                                               THE                                                                             LIVING"                                                                                PROJECTS                                                                                    AND                                                                                  PUBLICIZING                                                                                         THE                                                                                        AVAILABILITY                                                                                               OF                                                                                             THE                                                                                            SUBSIDY.                                                                                              
                                                                                 REPORTS                                                                                    TO                                                                                  BE                                                                                PROVIDED                                                                                    FOR                                                                                   PAYMENT                                                                                      OF                                                                                     THE                                                                                    2ND                                                                                   AND                                                                                  4TH                                                                                 GRANT                                                                                  INSTALMENTS.

 37   High Risk Project Society                          0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                     The                                                                              focus                                                                               of                                                                            this                                                                           organization                                                                                  is                                                                               addressing                                                                                     the                                                                                   health-care
                                                                                 needs                                                                                  of                                                                                trans-gendered                                                                                          street                                                                                            people                                                                                              and,                                                                                              as                                                                                            such,                                                                                             comes                                                                                              within                                                                                                the                                                                                              
                                                                                 mandate                                                                                   of                                                                                 other                                                                                  levels                                                                                    of                                                                                  government.                                                                                                                                                                              Also,                                                                                      there                                                                                       is                                                                                     potential
                                                                                 overlapping                                                                                      of                                                                                  services                                                                                    (which                                                                                    are                                                                                 not                                                                              primarily                                                                                 health-related)                                                                                          with
                                                                                 other                                                                                 service                                                                                    providers.

 38   Hispanic Commu. Ctr Soc. of B.C. - Youth           0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                     Proposed                                                                                    arts                                                                                   and                                                                                  cultural                                                                                     activities                                                                                          are                                                                                         not                                                                                       eligible                                                                                           for
                                                                                 Community                                                                                     Services                                                                                        grant                                                                                        funding                                                                                         and                                                                                       there                                                                                       is                                                                                    considerable                                                                                           overlap                                                                                            of
                                                                                 settlement/immigration                                                                                              mandates                                                                                              with                                                                                         this                                                                                     proposal.

 39   Hispano-American Seniors of B.C.              12,240      12,240         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                  Quarterly                                                                                 progress                                                                                   reports                                                                                    requested.

 40   Information Services Vancouver Soc.           15,600      15,600         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                  Organization                                                                                    is                                                                                encouraged                                                                                    to                                                                                provide                                                                                 continuing                                                                                     workshops
                                                                                 with                                                                                Vancouver's                                                                                       diverse                                                                                         ethnic                                                                                          communities                                                                                                on                                                                                             what                                                                                            is                                                                                         available                                                                                             and                                                                                           how
                                                                                 to access it.

 41   Inland Refugee Society of B.C.                39,000      39,000         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                     Board                                                                                needs                                                                                 to                                                                              develop                                                                                financial                                                                                    strategy                                                                                       and                                                                                      expand                                                                                       funding

 42   ISS - African Commu. Dev. Worker                   0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                     Application                                                                                      is                                                                                   for                                                                                 service                                                                                   delivery,                                                                                       not                                                                                     community
                                                                                 development.                                                                                                                                                                           Services                                                                                      to                                                                                   youth                                                                                   should                                                                                    be                                                                                 provided                                                                                    through                                                                                      existing
                                                                                 youth                                                                                 workers.                                                                                                                                                                     Objectives                                                                                     and                                                                                   outcomes                                                                                      of                                                                                   proposed                                                                                      men's                                                                                      group                                                                                      unclear.

 43   ISS - Vietnamese Commu. Dev. Worker                0                     0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                      Application                                                                                       is                                                                                    for                                                                                   service                                                                                     not                                                                                   community                                                                                        development.                                                                                                                                                                                         City
                                                                                 is                                                                               currently                                                                                    funding                                                                                       MOSAIC                                                                                        for                                                                                       a                                                                                    service                                                                                       development                                                                                              plan                                                                                             in                                                                                           the
                                                                                 Vietnamese                                                                                     community                                                                                        and                                                                                      will                                                                                    not                                                                                 recommend                                                                                    additional                                                                                         grants                                                                                         until
                                                                                 service                                                                                  priorities                                                                                      are                                                                                   established                                                                                        for                                                                                     this                                                                                    community.

 44   ISS - Youth Worker                            37,000      37,000         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                  Quarterly                                                                                 progress                                                                                   reports                                                                                    requested.

 45   Japanese Comm Vol Assoc - Tonari Gumi         24,480      24,480         0

 46   Jewish Family Service Agency                  10,400      10,400         0

 47   Kettle Friendship Society                     40,800      40,800         0

 48   Kitsilano Nbhd House (ANH)                    51,000      51,000         0

 49   Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc                       51,000      51,000         0

 50   Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Family Place             0           0         0 Comments:                                                                                                                                                                        Family                                                                                     Place                                                                                      activities                                                                                            are                                                                                            considered                                                                                                  to                                                                                                be                                                                                              a                                                                                            part                                                                                            of
                                                                                 Neighbourhood                                                                                       House                                                                                      core                                                                                   operations.

 51   Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Youth Wkr           20,000      17,000     3,000 CONDITIONS:                                                                                                                                                                         QUARTERLY                                                                                      PAYMENTS                                                                                         ARE                                                                                        CONTINGENT                                                                                             ON                                                                                          RECEIPT                                                                                            OF
                                                                                 SATISFACTORY                                                                                     PROGRESS                                                                                      REPORTS.       52   La Boussole, Centre Communautaire                  0                     0   Comments:  Key service providers in the DTES have Francophone staff and
               Societe                                                                   are providing services.  There is no demonstrated need to expand or
                                                                                         duplicate these services.

       53   Learning Disabilities Assoc. of B.C.          20,000      27,500    -7,500   Comments:  This organization was funded in 1996 through a joint
                                                                                         application with ALDA.  The grant included $10,000 to assist with the
                                                                                         formation of the partnership; ALDA no longer wants to be involved, so
                                                                                         the overall grant to both is reduced by $10,000.

       54   Little Mountain Nbhd House Soc.               51,000      51,000         0

       55   Lower Mainland Tenants' Rights Coalition      36,860      36,860         0

       56   Marpole Oakridge Area Council - Seniors       20,000                20,000   CONDITIONS:  $13,000 IS TOWARD FULL-TIME SALARY OF FOREVER LEARNING
                                                                                         COORDINATOR; $7,000 IS TOWARD SALARIES TO PROVIDE PEER COUNSELLING.
                                                                                         Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       57   Marpole Oakridge Family Place Soc.            19,200      19,200         0   Comments:  Organization should explore the feasibility of expanding
                                                                                         current hours of operation.

       58   MOSAIC                                        86,700      86,700         0   Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       59   MOSAIC - Polish Family Counsellor                  0                     0   Comments:  Community has needs, but there is not sufficient
                                                                                         demonstration of numbers or severity to warrant separate funding.  
                                                                                         Suggest that MOSAIC liaise with the Ministry for Children and Families
                                                                                         re: this community.

       60   MOSAIC/Strathcona - Vietnamese Family         39,000      29,100     9,900   Comments:  Six-month progress reports requested.

       61   Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Cambodian Wkr.          24,000      37,000   -13,000   Comments:  Funding reduced because Community Development project
                                                                                         completed; other funding expected to assist with this family support
                                                                                         program.  Request 3 quarterly progress reports on the objective of
                                                                                         developing community resources and capability, plus a year-end
                                                                                         evaluation report.

       62   Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Youth Worker            20,000      20,000         0   CONDITIONS:  2ND QUARTERLY PAYMENT CONTINGENT ON CLARIFICATION OF
                                                                                         SERVICE OBJECTIVES, GOALS/OBJECTIVES FOR THIS YEAR.
                                                                                         Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       63   Mt. Pleasant Family Centre Soc.               59,160      59,160         0

       64   Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House (ANH) - Core          51,000      51,000         0

       65   Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House - Vietnamese               0                     0   Comments:  City is already funding other workers for the Vietnamese 
               Family Wkr                                                                community, and we will not recommend additional grants until service
                                                                                         priorities for this community are established.

       66   N. Shore Counselling Ctr Soc.                 20,000      20,000         0

       67   Neil Squire Foundation                             0      10,000   -10,000   Comments:  Reduced to NO grant.  A small grant was approved last year                                                                                         for advocacy work.  However, most of this work was done at the national 
                                                                                         level, not locally.  Also, there is very little coordination with others
                                                                                         doing the same advocacy work.

       68   Pacific Post Partum Support Society           17,000      17,000         0

       69   PFAME - GAB Youth Services                    20,000                20,000   CONDITIONS:  MATCHING FUNDING REQUIRED.  THE PROGRAM SHOULD ACT AS A
                                                                                         RESOURCE TO OTHER AGENCIES.
                                                                                         Comments:  Request 3 quarterly progress reports and a year end
                                                                                         evaluation report.  Liaison and coordination with other service 
                                                                                         providers should be a key component in developing programs or services.

       70   PFAME - Gay & Lesbian Services                20,000      20,000         0

       71   PIRS - LEAD Program                           12,500      12,500         0

       72   PIRS - Outreach Workers                       35,070      35,070         0

       73   REACH - Multicultural Family Centre                0                     0   Comments:  Low priority in relation to other groups.  Numbers are small
                                                                                         and language is not a significant barrier.

       74   Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors' Society          16,000      16,000         0   Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       75   Soc. For Programs In Retirement Years              0                     0   Comments:  Transportation costs are not eligible for Community Services
                                                                                         grant funding.  Other aspects of the program come with Provincial

       76   South Granv. Seniors Friendship Ctr.          27,540      27,540         0

       77   South Van. Family Place                       42,660      42,660         0

       78   South Van. Nbhd House (ANH)                   51,000      51,000         0

       79   South Van. Seniors Network Society            20,400      20,400         0   Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       80   Strathcona Community Centre - CD Worker       22,500      25,500    -3,000   CONDITIONS:  DEVELOP A CLEAR PLAN OF ACTION.  SUBMIT QUARTERLY REPORTS
                                                                                         ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTION PLAN.
                                                                                         Comments:  Funding reduced as more community support, in the form of
                                                                                         matching funding, is expected to be provided.

       81   Strathcona Community Centre - S.O.S.          37,740      37,740         0

       82   Stroke Recovery Assoc. of B.C. (6 clubs)           0           0         0   Comments:  Organization has funding from Ministry of Health.  Requested 
                                                                                         grant would not increase or improve services in Vancouver.

       83   SUCCESS - Bridging the Gap Family Serv        24,000                24,000   Comments:  To improve services in a high-need area.  Quarterly progress 
               Advocacy                                                                  reports requested.

       84   SUCCESS - Dunbar-SUCCESS Nbhd Project              0                     0   Comments:  Proposed partners need to work together to jointly identify
                                                                                         problems and strategies.  Preliminary work could be done via Dunbar
                                                                                         CityPlan visioning; more appropriately funded as a project, e.g.                                                                                         Barriers to Bridges.

       85   SUCCESS - Seniors' QOL Prog.                  35,000      35,000         0   Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       86   SUCCESS - Youth At Risk Program               37,000      37,000         0   Comments:  Quarterly progress reports requested.

       87   Sunset C.C.A. - Youth Service                 20,000      20,000         0   CONDITIONS:  THE CITY'S GRANT IS CONTINGENT ON SUNSET CCA SECURING
               Coordinator                                                               MATCHING FUNDS FOR THE COORDINATOR'S POSITION.
                                                                                         Comments:  Quarterly reports are required.

       88   Thunderbird Nbhd Assoc.                       26,770      26,770         0

       89   Urban Native Indian Education Society         22,990      24,990    -2,000   Comments:  Agency requested $22,990.

       90   Van. & Dist. Public Hsg. Tenants Assoc.            0                     0   Comments:  Organization's activities fall within provincial
                                                                                         jurisdiction.  Organization needs to seek funding from B.C. Housing.

       91   Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DT S. Nbhd Helpers       20,000      20,000         0

       92   Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DTES Srs Ctr             28,870      28,870         0

       93   Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - Nbhd. Helpers            40,800      40,800         0

       94   Van. Area Human Rights Coalition Soc.         20,000      20,000         0

       95   Van. Assoc. for Survivors of Torture          12,440      12,440         0   CONDITIONS:  CITY GRANT IS TO BE DIRECTED TO INTEGRATION/ADVOCACY, NOT

       96   Van. Community Network                             0                     0   Comments:  Public access to the Internet is already provided by
                                                                                         Vancouver Public Library, and the City has plans for expanding its own 
                                                                                         information networks.  Also this type of service is not one of the
                                                                                         specified priorities for Community Services grant funding.

       97   Van. Mental Patients' Assoc. Soc.             20,000      20,000         0   CONDITIONS:  6 MONTH TERMINATING GRANT.
                                                                                         Comments:  Provincial Mental Health services fund other outreach 
                                                                                         workers and have accepted that such services are within their mandate.

       98   Van. Neurological Association                 26,760      26,760         0

       99   Van. Recovery Club                            17,500      12,750     4,750   CONDITIONS:  GRANT TO BE USED FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE DROP-IN FUNCTION.

      100   Van. Status of Women                          31,620      31,620         0   CONDITIONS:  SEMI-ANNUAL REPORTS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF VSW'S STRATEGIC
                                                                                         PLAN ARE REQUIRED.

      101   Van. Volunteer Centre                         25,000      35,700   -10,700   Comments:  City support to volunteer activities and volunteer needs is
                                                                                         also done directly with local community organizations.  The Vancouver 
                                                                                         Volunteer Centre is encouraged to develop strategies for better
                                                                                         coordination of pool of volunteers in an increasingly diverse and
                                                                                         multicultural Vancouver.      102   Van. Women's Health Collective Society        15,090      15,090         0

      103   Van. Youth Voices                              8,000                 8,000   CONDITIONS:  QUARTERLY PAYMENTS ARE CONTINGENT ON RECEIPT OF
                                                                                         SATISFACTORY PROGRESS REPORTS.

      104   Variety Learning Centre                            0                     0   Comments:  Grants cannot be given for work which is primarily education
                                                                                         related, which this organization's work is.  There is some community and
                                                                                         family support provided, but much more to be done in terms of
                                                                                         collaboration with other agencies to be eligible for a grant.

      105   Volunteer Grandparents Soc. of B.C.           11,000      11,000         0   Comments:  Request progress report by July 1 on financial and program

      106   West End Seniors' Network Soc.                13,500      13,500         0   Comments:  Request 6-month progress report (July 1) on fundraising plans
                                                                                         and plans/objectives for work with other organizations.

      107   West Side Family Place Soc.                   36,410      36,410         0

      108   Westcoast Youth Net Soc.                           0           0         0   Comments:  Other funding sources and community links and supports have
                                                                                         not been adequately established.  While the program activities proposed
                                                                                         are somewhat unique, the goals and target populations are the same as or
                                                                                         similar to those of other youth programs.

      109   Western Institute for Deaf                    10,000      10,000         0   CONDITIONS:  THAT WIDHH PUBLICIZE THE AVAILABILITY OF INTERPRETATION
                                                                                         SERVICES FUNDED BY THE CITY GRANT.

      110   WISH Drop-In Centre Society                    8,200       8,200         0

      111   Women Against Violence Against Women          33,170      33,170         0

      112   YWCA - Crabtree Corner                        54,670      54,670         0

      113   YWCA - Single Mothers Support Services        19,640      18,370     1,270   Comments:  Increase in grant is to enable operation of additional
                                                       ---------   ---------   -------
            SUB-TOTAL                                  2,769,462   2,725,172    44,290

      204   United Way - Partners in Org. Dev. Prog.      15,000      15,000         0

      205   Emergency Reserve                             24,538      44,928   -20,390

      206   Multi-Cult. Families Reserve                  25,000      30,000    -5,000

      207   Cross-Cultural Reserve                        20,000      25,000    -5,000

      208   Youth Work Coordination Reserve                    0      20,000   -20,000
                                                       ---------   ---------   -------
            SUB-TOTAL                                     84,538     134,928   -50,390
      301   B.C. Coalition of People w/Disab. - Rent      22,610      22,610         0

      302   Downtown Eastside Women's Ctr Assoc -          4,500                 4,500

      303   Dugout - Central City Mission - Rent           8,220       7,980       240

      304   End Legislated Poverty - Rent                  5,205       5,205         0
                                                       ---------   ---------   -------
            SUB-TOTAL                                     40,535      35,795     4,740

                                                       =========   =========   =======
            TOTAL                                      2,894,535   2,895,895    -1,360
                                                       =========   =========   =======

          Children & Youth               ANH - Camping & Outdoor Unit                   15,400       15,708       15,400
                                         Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver              37,435       37,435       37,435
                                         Big Sisters of B.C. Lower Mainland             43,620       51,500       43,620
                                         Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Greater Van.         56,000       56,000       56,000
                                         Britannia CSC - Latin Am. Youth Worker         37,740       40,400       37,740
                                         Cedar Cottage Nbhd House - C&Y Worker               0       17,472
                                         Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Soc.        47,237       47,237       47,237
                                         Family Services - Street Youth                 33,660       34,333       33,660
                                         Gordon Nbhd House - Youth Worker               10,000       10,200       10,000
                                         Hispanic Commu. Ctr Soc. of B.C. - Youth            0       12,000
                                         ISS - Youth Worker                             37,000       39,257       37,000
                                         Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Youth Wkr            20,000       42,000       17,000
                                         Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Youth Worker             20,000       29,750       20,000
                                         SUCCESS - Youth At Risk Program                37,000       42,904       37,000
                                         Sunset C.C.A. - Youth Service Coordinator      20,000       48,398       20,000
                                         Van. Youth Voices                               8,000        8,000
                                         Variety Learning Centre                             0       44,340
                                         Westcoast Youth Net Soc.                            0       83,450            0
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       423,092      660,384      412,092
          Count:                                                               18

          Families                       Eagles In The Sky Assoc.                            0       24,300
                                         Eastside Family Place                          44,110       56,850       44,110
                                         Family Services - Family Therapy               47,920       48,878       47,920
                                         Hastings Comm. Assoc - Fam. Enrich. Ctr        31,620       33,000       31,620
                                         Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Family Place              0       29,485            0
                                         Marpole Oakridge Family Place Soc.             19,200       19,500       19,200
                                         MOSAIC - Polish Family Counsellor                   0       23,471
                                         MOSAIC/Strathcona - Vietnamese Family Worker   39,000       42,097       29,100
                                         Mt. Pleasant Family Centre Soc.                59,160       62,118       59,160
                                         Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House - Vietnamese                0       19,200                                           Family Wkr
                                         N. Shore Counselling Ctr Soc.                  20,000       30,000       20,000
                                         REACH - Multicultural Family Centre                 0       45,660
                                         South Van. Family Place                        42,660       50,000       42,660
                                         SUCCESS - Bridging the Gap Family Serv         24,000       26,645
                                         Thunderbird Nbhd Assoc.                        26,770       26,770       26,770
                                         West Side Family Place Soc.                    36,410       43,000       36,410
                                         YWCA - Crabtree Corner                         54,670       57,890       54,670
                                         YWCA - Single Mothers Support Services         19,640       19,640       18,370
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       465,160      658,504      429,990
          Count:                                                               18

          Gays and Lesbians              PFAME - GAB Youth Services                     20,000       20,000
                                         PFAME - Gay & Lesbian Services                 20,000       22,000       20,000
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                        40,000       42,000       20,000
          Count:                                                                2

          Immigrants and Refugees        Inland Refugee Society of B.C.                 39,000       47,500       39,000
                                         ISS - African Commu. Dev. Worker                    0       14,962
                                         ISS - Vietnamese Commu. Dev. Worker                 0       15,687
                                         MOSAIC                                         86,700       89,939       86,700
                                         Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Cambodian Wkr.           24,000       24,408       37,000
                                         PIRS - Outreach Workers                        35,070       39,000       35,070
                                         Strathcona Community Centre - S.O.S.           37,740       42,900       37,740
                                         Van. Assoc. for Survivors of Torture           12,440       12,500       12,440
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       234,950      286,896      247,950
          Count:                                                                8

          Native Services                Urban Native Indian Education Society          22,990       22,990       24,990
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                        22,990       22,990       24,990
          Count:                                                                1

          People with Disabilities       ALDA - Adult Learning Disab. Assoc.            15,000       25,000       17,500
                                         B.C. Coalition of People w/Disab. - Sal.       22,990       24,139       22,990
                                         Canadian Paraplegic Association                35,000       35,000       35,000
                                         Learning Disabilities Assoc. of B.C.           20,000       25,000       27,500
                                         Neil Squire Foundation                              0       20,000       10,000
                                         Stroke Recovery Assoc. of B.C. (6 clubs)            0       26,000            0
                                         Van. Mental Patients' Assoc. Soc.              20,000       55,108       20,000
                                         Van. Neurological Association                  26,760       35,000       26,760
                                         Western Institute for Deaf                     10,000       10,000       10,000
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       149,750      255,247      169,750          Count:                                                                9

          Poverty                        End Legislated Poverty - Organizer             33,660       37,341       33,660
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                        33,660       37,341       33,660
          Count:                                                                1

          Seniors                        B.C. Pets & Friends                            10,400       12,000       10,400
                                         Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC               0        5,251
                                         Britannia CSC - Vietnamese Srs Outreach        37,740       47,000       37,740
                                         Chinese Community Library Serv. Assoc.         23,640       24,920       23,640
                                         DERA - Seniors Coordinator                     25,500       47,654       25,500
                                         Four Eleven Seniors' Centre Soc.               43,860       45,000       43,860
                                         Hispano-American Seniors of B.C.               12,240       12,500       12,240
                                         Japanese Comm Vol Assoc - Tonari Gumi          24,480       27,000       24,480
                                         Jewish Family Service Agency                   10,400       32,824       10,400
                                         Marpole Oakridge Area Council - Seniors        20,000       30,000
                                         Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors' Society           16,000       16,000       16,000
                                         Soc. For Programs In Retirement Years               0       40,656
                                         South Granv. Seniors Friendship Ctr.           27,540       35,000       27,540
                                         South Van. Seniors Network Society             20,400       21,500       20,400
                                         SUCCESS - Seniors' QOL Prog.                   35,000       37,326       35,000
                                         Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DT S. Nbhd Helpers        20,000       37,500       20,000
                                         Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DTES Srs Ctr              28,870       30,000       28,870
                                         Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - Nbhd. Helpers             40,800       40,800       40,800
                                         Volunteer Grandparents Soc. of B.C.            11,000       11,000       11,000
                                         West End Seniors' Network Soc.                 13,500       15,000       13,500
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       421,370      568,931      401,370
          Count:                                                               20

          Support to Non-profits         Canadian Hispanic Congress                          0       15,000
                                         Information Services Vancouver Soc.            15,600       15,900       15,600
                                         Van. Community Network                              0       30,000
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                        15,600       60,900       15,600
          Count:                                                                3

          Support to Volunteers          Van. Volunteer Centre                          25,000       40,000       35,700
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                        25,000       40,000       35,700
          Count:                                                                1

          Women                          Battered Women's Support Services              33,790       47,123       33,790
                                         Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Assoc.        49,150       60,000       49,150                                         Pacific Post Partum Support Society            17,000       17,000       17,000
                                         PIRS - LEAD Program                            12,500       13,100       12,500
                                         Van. Status of Women                           31,620       40,000       31,620
                                         Van. Women's Health Collective Society         15,090       23,680       15,090
          Women                          WISH Drop-In Centre Society                     8,200       10,000        8,200
                                         Women Against Violence Against Women           33,170       36,345       33,170
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       200,520      247,248      200,520
          Count:                                                                8

          Other (non-priority target)    Crisis Interven. & Suicide Prev. Ctr.          15,000       15,000       15,000
                                         DERA - Organizer                               27,540       52,000       27,540
                                         Dugout - Central City Mission                  22,440       23,000       22,440
                                         Family Services - VISAC                        18,430       18,835       18,430
                                         G.V. Law Students' Legal Advice Soc.           42,000       44,002       39,930
                                         Headlines Theatre Company Soc.                 15,300       15,300       15,300
                                         High Risk Project Society                           0       34,300
                                         Kettle Friendship Society                      40,800       77,000       40,800
                                         La Boussole, Centre Communautaire Societe           0       27,300
                                         Lower Mainland Tenants' Rights Coalition       36,860       40,000       36,860
                                         Strathcona Community Centre - CD Worker        22,500       28,000       25,500
                                         SUCCESS - Dunbar-SUCCESS Nbhd Project               0       34,927
                                         Van. & Dist. Public Hsg. Tenants Assoc.             0       32,505
                                         Van. Area Human Rights Coalition Soc.          20,000       20,000       20,000
                                         Van. Recovery Club                             17,500       30,000       12,750
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       278,370      492,169      274,550
          Count:                                                               15

          Neighbourhood General          Cedar Cottage Nbhd House (ANH)                 51,000       52,020       51,000
            Services                     Collingwood Nbhd Hse Soc.                      51,000       70,000       51,000
                                         Frog Hollow Nbhd House (ANH)                   51,000       52,020       51,000
                                         Gordon Nbhd House (ANH)                        51,000       52,020       51,000
                                         Kitsilano Nbhd House (ANH)                     51,000       52,020       51,000
                                         Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc                        51,000       60,000       51,000
                                         Little Mountain Nbhd House Soc.                51,000       65,000       51,000
                                         Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House (ANH) - Core           51,000       52,020       51,000
                                         South Van. Nbhd House (ANH)                    51,000       52,020       51,000
                                         ----------------------------------------   ----------   ----------   ----------
          Total:                                                                       459,000      507,120      459,000
          Count:                                                                9

          ===========================    ========================================   ==========   ==========   ==========
          Total:                                                                     2,769,462    3,879,730    2,725,172
          Count:                                                              113
                    2     ANH - Camping & Outdoor Unit                         15,400
                    3     B.C. Coalition of People w/Disab. - Sal.             22,990
                    4     B.C. Pets & Friends                                  10,400
                    5     Battered Women's Support Services                    33,790                    7     Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver                    37,435
                    8     Big Sisters of B.C. Lower Mainland                   43,620
                    9     Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Greater Van.               56,000
                   10     Britannia CSC - Latin Am. Youth Worker               37,740
                   11     Britannia CSC - Vietnamese Srs Outreach              37,740
                   13     Canadian Paraplegic Association                      35,000
                   14     Cedar Cottage Nbhd House (ANH)                       51,000
                   16     Chinese Community Library Serv. Assoc.               23,640
                   17     Collingwood Nbhd Hse Soc.                            51,000
                   18     Crisis Interven. & Suicide Prev. Ctr.                15,000
                   19     DERA - Organizer                                     27,540
                   20     DERA - Seniors Coordinator                           25,500
                   21     Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Assoc.              49,150
                   22     Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Soc.              47,237
                   23     Dugout - Central City Mission                        22,440
                   25     Eastside Family Place                                44,110
                   26     End Legislated Poverty - Organizer                   33,660
                   27     Family Services - Family Therapy                     47,920
                   28     Family Services - Street Youth                       33,660
                   29     Family Services - VISAC                              18,430
                   30     Four Eleven Seniors' Centre Soc.                     43,860
                   31     Frog Hollow Nbhd House (ANH)                         51,000
                   33     Gordon Nbhd House (ANH)                              51,000
                   35     Hastings Comm. Assoc - Fam. Enrich. Ctr              31,620
                   36     Headlines Theatre Company Soc.                       15,300
                   39     Hispano-American Seniors of B.C.                     12,240
                   40     Information Services Vancouver Soc.                  15,600
                   41     Inland Refugee Society of B.C.                       39,000
                   44     ISS - Youth Worker                                   37,000
                   45     Japanese Comm Vol Assoc - Tonari Gumi                24,480
                   46     Jewish Family Service Agency                         10,400
                   47     Kettle Friendship Society                            40,800
                   48     Kitsilano Nbhd House (ANH)                           51,000
                   49     Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc                              51,000
                   54     Little Mountain Nbhd House Soc.                      51,000
                   55     Lower Mainland Tenants' Rights Coalition             36,860
                   57     Marpole Oakridge Family Place Soc.                   19,200
                   58     MOSAIC                                               86,700
                   62     Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Youth Worker                   20,000
                   63     Mt. Pleasant Family Centre Soc.                      59,160
                   64     Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House (ANH) - Core                 51,000
                   66     N. Shore Counselling Ctr Soc.                        20,000
                   68     Pacific Post Partum Support Society                  17,000
                   70     PFAME - Gay & Lesbian Services                       20,000
                   71     PIRS - LEAD Program                                  12,500
                   72     PIRS - Outreach Workers                              35,070
                   74     Renfrew-Collingwood Seniors' Society                 16,000
                   76     South Granv. Seniors Friendship Ctr.                 27,540
                   77     South Van. Family Place                              42,660
                   78     South Van. Nbhd House (ANH)                          51,000
                   79     South Van. Seniors Network Society                   20,400
                   81     Strathcona Community Centre - S.O.S.                 37,740
                   85     SUCCESS - Seniors' QOL Prog.                         35,000
                   86     SUCCESS - Youth At Risk Program                      37,000
                   87     Sunset C.C.A. - Youth Service Coordinator            20,000
                   88     Thunderbird Nbhd Assoc.                              26,770
                   91     Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DT S. Nbhd Helpers              20,000
                   92     Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - DTES Srs Ctr                    28,870

                   93     Van. 2nd Mile Soc. - Nbhd. Helpers                   40,800
                   94     Van. Area Human Rights Coalition Soc.                20,000
                   95     Van. Assoc. for Survivors of Torture                 12,440
                   98     Van. Neurological Association                        26,760
                  100     Van. Status of Women                                 31,620
                  102     Van. Women's Health Collective Society               15,090
                  105     Volunteer Grandparents Soc. of B.C.                  11,000                  106     West End Seniors' Network Soc.                       13,500
                  107     West Side Family Place Soc.                          36,410
                  109     Western Institute for Deaf                           10,000
                  110     WISH Drop-In Centre Society                           8,200
                  111     Women Against Violence Against Women                 33,170
                  112     YWCA - Crabtree Corner                               54,670

                  ===     ========================================     ==============
                  T:                                                        2,399,832
                  C:                                            75
          2.      Recommended INCREASED Grants                               APPENDIX E2

                                                                       Previous       %
           #                  Organization                  Recomm.      Grant     Change
          ---   ----------------------------------------   ---------   ---------   ------
           32   G.V. Law Students' Legal Advice Soc.          42,000      39,930      5.2

           51   Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Youth Wkr           20,000      17,000     17.6

           60   MOSAIC/Strathcona - Vietnamese Family         39,000      29,100     34.0

           99   Van. Recovery Club                            17,500      12,750     37.3

          113   YWCA - Single Mothers Support Services        19,640      18,370      6.9

          ===   ========================================   =========   =========   ======
          T:                                                 138,140    117,150
          C:                                           5

            3.    Recommended NEW Grants                                 APPENDIX E3

             #                      Organization                      Recommendation
            ---    -----------------------------------------------    --------------
             56    Marpole Oakridge Area Council - Seniors                    20,000

             69    PFAME - GAB Youth Services                                 20,000

             83    SUCCESS - Bridging the Gap Family Serv Advocacy            24,000

            103    Van. Youth Voices                                           8,000

            ===    ===============================================    ==============
            T:                                                                72,000
            C:                                                   4
            4.    Recommended DECREASED Grants                         APPENDIX E4
                  (not including terminated grants)

                                                                  Previous     %
             #               Organization               Recomm.    Grant    Change
            ---  -------------------------------------  --------  --------  ------
              1  ALDA - Adult Learning Disab. Assoc.      15,000    17,500   -14.3

             53  Learning Disabilities Assoc. of B.C.     20,000    27,500   -27.3

             61  Mt. Pleasant C.C.A. - Cambodian Wkr.     24,000    37,000   -35.1

             67  Neil Squire Foundation                        0    10,000  -100.0

             80  Strathcona Community Centre - CD         22,500    25,500   -11.8

             89  Urban Native Indian Education Society    22,990    24,990    -8.0

            101  Van. Volunteer Centre                    25,000    35,700   -30.0            ===  =====================================  ========  ========  ======
            T:                                           129,490   178,190
            C:                                       7
            5.      Recommended TERMINATED Grants                   APPENDIX E5

             #                Organization                Recomm.       Grant
            ---     ---------------------------------     --------     --------
             34     Gordon Nbhd House - Youth Worker        10,000       10,000

             97     Van. Mental Patients' Assoc. Soc.       20,000       20,000

            ===     =================================     ========     ========
            T:                                              30,000       30,000
            C:                                      2
            6.      NO GRANT Recommended                             APPENDIX E6

             #                       Organization                        Request
            ---     -----------------------------------------------      -------

              6     Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC                  5,251

             12     Canadian Hispanic Congress                            15,000

             15     Cedar Cottage Nbhd House - C&Y Worker                 17,472

             24     Eagles In The Sky Assoc.                              24,300

             37     High Risk Project Society                             34,300

             38     Hispanic Commu. Ctr Soc. of B.C. - Youth              12,000

             42     ISS - African Commu. Dev. Worker                      14,962

             43     ISS - Vietnamese Commu. Dev. Worker                   15,687

             50     Kiwassa Nbhd Serv Assoc - Family Place                29,485

             52     La Boussole, Centre Communautaire Societe             27,300

             59     MOSAIC - Polish Family Counsellor                     23,471

             65     Mt. Pleasant Nbhd House - Vietnamese Family Wkr       19,200

             73     REACH - Multicultural Family Centre                   45,660

             75     Soc. For Programs In Retirement Years                 40,656

             82     Stroke Recovery Assoc. of B.C. (6 clubs)              26,000

             84     SUCCESS - Dunbar-SUCCESS Nbhd Project                 34,927

             90     Van. & Dist. Public Hsg. Tenants Assoc.               32,505

             96     Van. Community Network                                30,000

            104     Variety Learning Centre                               44,340

            108     Westcoast Youth Net Soc.                              83,450

            ===     ===============================================     ========
            T:                                                           575,966
            C:                                                   20