                                                 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: March 11, 1997
                                           C.C. File: 5106

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     General Manager of Community Services

   SUBJECT:  Proposed Renovations to the Second Storey, East Wing


        A.   THAT Council approve the renovation of the second floor, East
             Wing (as per attached floor plan B) in order to optimise the
             available floor space to accommodate the changes resulting
             from the implementation of the new License Plus System, and to
             provide better customer service and provide a more productive
             work space for the Property Use Inspectors, Correspondence
             Branch, Data Resource Centre, Development Information
             Application Centre and Tree Review Branches, in keeping with
             the Better City Government Initiatives.

        B.   THAT Council approve the redirection of $100,000 of the
             funding already approved for the Backfile Conversion Project
             in the Data Resource Centre, to offset the shortfall in
             renovation costs estimated for optimising the use of the
             second floor.


        There is no applicable Council Policy.


   The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the
   proposed improvements to the second floor, East Wing as shown on Plan B
   attached, in order to achieve improved customer service, business
   efficiency and communication. It is also to confirm that there are no
   new funds needed for this initiative, merely a redirection (subject to
   Council approval) of a portion of the funding previously approved for
   the Backfile Conversion Project, that has fortuitously received bids
   that are much lower than anticipated. The funding for this project is
   entirely recoverable through the fees already in place.


   Since the Spring of 1996, Council has reviewed and approved several
   Better City Government initiatives for the Community Services Group.  

   Those initiatives include,

        March 28, 1996      -    PHASE 1
                                 Implementation of a Document   
   Management Information System
               STATUS       -    COMPLETE

        June 13, 1996       -    Implementation of a Licensing Review 
   and Redesign (LICENSE PLUS)

               STATUS       -    IN PROGRESS

        July 11, 1996       -    Expansion of the application of the
                                 existing Private Property Tree By-law
                                 (including the addition of four full time

               STATUS       -    ON GOING

     November 5, 1996       -    PHASE 2
                                 Document Imaging/Management System
                                 (Backfile Conversion) (including the
                                 addition of one full time employee)

                            -    The Backfile Project was financed 
                                 with a loan of $500,000 from the 
                                 Capital Financing Fund (Solid Waste
                                 Capital Reserve) to be repaid over a six
                                 year period.

                            -    Repayment of the loan will be by means of
                                 a new fee instituted on requests for
                                 information on the legal occupancy of
                                 properties anticipated to generate
                                 $145,000 in annual revenue. This fee was
                                 introduced in January of 1997.

               STATUS       -    IN PROGRESS

   Floor Plan A (attached) shows the current layout of the second floor
   that reflects an inefficient business environment and inadequate staff
   accommodations. It also will not accommodate the new vision of the
   License Office for a customer dialogue and waiting area and does not
   enable good customer service. It is also worthwhile mentioning that
   although this floor had already been considered to be "full", 15 regular
   full time plus 4 temporary full time staff have been added in the past
   year. (See Appendix C attached).

   The Backfile Conversion Project (previously approved by Council on
   November 5, 1996 and in progress) will release space currently used for
   storage of paper files in the Data Resource Centre. The process of
   preparing the files for scanning has begun in the Data Resource Centre
   and the vendor is expected to start the scanning process off site in a
   couple of weeks. It is expected that the paper files will be gone by
   July 1st of this year.

   With this in mind, the Facilities Development Division designed a more
   functional floor plan (Plan B attached) to address the needs of the
   various branches identified in this report.

   This proposed floor plan accommodates the movement of the Property Use
   Division, License Branch, Inspection Reception, Correspondence Branch
   and downsized Data Resource Centre. It provides an open floor plan that
   will encourage better communication and coordination of business
   processes between branches.


   Council has already approved funding of $188,000 for renovations to the
   License Branch, Development Information Application Centre and Tree
   Review Branch. However, renovations of these selected areas only would
   not achieve the overall advantages that Plan B offers.

   Facilities Development Division advises that the estimated cost of the
   work and furnishings outlined in Plan B will be roughly $280,000,
   resulting in a shortfall in our current renovation budget of
   approximately $100,000.

   Backfile Tender Process:

   The tendered costs for the Backfile Conversion Project are substantially
   lower than anticipated providing $100,000 for use in the renovations to
   the second floor.

   It is therefore requested that Council approve the redirection of the
   $100,000 for the Backfile Conversion Project to the Renovation Project.


   The redirection of the $100,000 identified above will enable the
   completion of the Better City Government Initiatives identified in this
   report and will help us to achieve our common goals of improved customer
   service, business efficiency and communication. 

                                 *  *  *  *  *