STANDING COMMITTEE ON
                           PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT

                                MARCH 27, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Thursday, March 27, 1997, at approximately 6:10 p.m. in the Council
   Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on
   Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of the

        PRESENT:       Mayor Philip Owen
                       Councillor Don Bellamy
                       Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                       Councillor Alan Herbert
                       Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                       Councillor Daniel Lee 
                       Councillor Don Lee 
                       Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:        Councillor Jennifer Clarke (Leave of Absence)
                       Councillor Gordon Price (Sick Leave)
                       Councillor George Puil

        OFFICE:        Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:       Nancy Largent


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy
   SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                            CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS

   1.   Administrative Report
        March 11, 1997

   Proposed Renovations to the second storey, East Wing

        This report was withdrawn by the City Manager and will be
   resubmitted to the City Council meeting on April 8, 1997.

   1.   Policy Report
        March 18, 1997

   Contaminated Sites Legislation

        This report was withdrawn by the City Manager and will be
   resubmitted to the City Council meeting on April 8, 1997.

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

   Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
   March 27, 1997

        Council considered the recommendations of the Committee as
   contained in the following clause of the attached report:

        Cl. 1:    Hastings Park Relocation
        Cl. 2:    Significant Rezoning Application
        Cl. 3:    Khalsa Diwan Parade
        Cl. 4:    Broadband RFI - Selection of a Business Partner
                          COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont'd)

   Report of Standing Committee on Planning and Environment
   March 27, 1997 (cont'd)

   Clauses 1, 2 and 3

   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the recommendations of the  Committee, as contained in Clauses
   1, 2 and 3 of the attached report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   Broadband RF-1 - Selection of a Business Partner 
   (Clause 4)

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT this  item be deferred for  report back on how  the City would
   proceed with a dual partnership trial.

                                           - LOST

                    (Councillors Bellamy, Herbert, Kennedy,
                  Daniel Lee, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)

   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan.
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clause 4
   of the attached report, be approved.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

   1.   UBCM Actions on Grant Cuts                  File No.:3252-1/2001-1 

        Councillor Kennedy advised of upcoming actions by UBCM  in response
   to cuts to 
   municipal grants.  The Mayor was requested to hold a press conference in
   the  coming week,  and all  interested Council  members were  invited to
   attend activities in Victoria.

        The Mayor agreed to follow up on this.

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT  staff  brief the  Mayor  on  the  impact  of  these  cuts  in

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The City Manager undertook to arrange a timely briefing.

   2.   Staff Truck "Roadeo"                                File No.:1301-1

        Councillor Chiavario advised that  this year's staff Truck "Roadeo"
   will  take  place on  Saturday,  May  10,1997 at  Manitoba  Yards.   The
   Councillor  invited Council members to  participate in the  dunk tank to
   benefit the Burn Unit.

                      The Council adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

                                   *   *   *

                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                          ON PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT

                                MARCH 27, 1997

        A Regular  Meeting  of  the  Standing  Committee  on  Planning  and
   Environment  was held  on  Thursday,  March 27,  1997  at  2:00 p.m.  in
   Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall.

        PRESENT:       Councillor Sam Sullivan, Vice-Chair
                       Mayor Philip Owen
                       Councillor Don Bellamy
                       Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                       Councillor Alan Herbert
                       Councillor Lynne Kennedy
                       Councillor Daniel Lee
                       Councillor Don Lee
                       Councillor Gordon Price (item 1)
                       Councillor George Puil (items 1-3)

        ABSENT:        Councillor Jennifer Clarke, Chair
                        (Leave of Absence)

        OFFICE:        Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COMMITTEE:     Nancy Largent


        The minutes of the meetings of  January 30, February 6 and February
   27, 1997 were adopted as circulated.


   1.   Hastings Park - Approval of Restoration Plan       File No.: 8015-1

        The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated February 27, 1997
   (on  file), in  which  the  General  Manager  of  Parks  and  Recreation
   recommended approval of a proposed 
   Restoration  Plan for  the "greening"  of Hastings  Park.  The  plan was
   based on the restoration program approved  in 1996, and was supported by
   the Hastings Park Working Committee.  The recommendations of the General
   Manager are reflected in Recommendations A through D of this report.

        Also before  the Committee was a  letter from the  Park Board dated
   March  19,  1997  (on  file),  advising  that  the  Board  approved  the
   Restoration  Plan for  Hastings Park  as set  out in  the aforementioned
   Policy Report at its meeting on March 10, 1997. 

        Duncan  Wilson, Park Board  Chair, encouraged Council  to adopt the
   Restoration Plan  as proposed.   It is  the culmination of  a successful
   planning initiative which has enjoyed strong community participation and
   support.  When implemented,  it will create the second largest  and most
   diverse and interesting park in the city.

        Piet  Rutgers, Park Board Planning Manager, reviewed the history of
   the  site, and  noted approval is  being sought  to restore  the site to
   park.    Mr. Rutgers  also  reviewed  the public  consultation  process,
   composition of the Hastings Park  Working Committee, history of  Council
   approvals related  to the  restoration, possible scenarios  for adaptive
   reuse  of buildings  on  the  site  (still  under  review),  budget  and
   projected costs.  Issues around parking and crime were also discussed.

        Christopher Phillips, Consultant, reviewed  design details for  the
   proposed  restoration with  the  use of  visual aids.   The  Greening of
   Hastings Park  dated February  1996, and  Hastings Park The  Restoration
   Plan  dated March  1997 (both  on file)  were distributed  as background
   information. The plan is intended to provide a broad range of activities
   and experiences  suitable for all  types and  ages of people.   Features
   reviewed included:

       a central green  sanctuary with  a restored Hastings  Creek at  its
       a viewing area from "Windermere Hill", the high point on the site;
       connections to New Brighton Park, the Eastside Crosscut and Harbour
        Route Greenways, and surrounding neighbourhoods;
       restoration of the Empire Stadium site as sports fields;
   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

       a world class  biofiltration system which will  reduce pollution of
        Burrard Inlet;
       an active  promenade and gathering  point for the  community called
        the AllÇe of the Rain Gardens;
       inclusion and integration  of the Hastings Park Racecourse into the

        The following speakers supported the proposed Restoration Plan:

             Alan Stales, Hastings Park Working Committee
             Bryant McAfee, Hastings Park Working Committee
             Alex Vera, Templeton Mini-School
             Doug Paterson, Hastings Park Working Committee

        The foregoing  supported the  proposed Restoration  Plan on  one or
   more of the following grounds:

       the restoration of Hastings  Park is a historic project,  returning
        to year-round green spaces from ashphalt and parking lots;

       much-needed  park land will be provided for the northeast sector of
        the city;

       the park will  provide environmental benefits such  as the proposed
        biofiltration  system and possibly  the return of  salmon, and will
        also  provide   a  valuable  opportunity  to   establish  a  stream
        stewardship for Templeton Mini-School students;

       the plan is the consensus of a comprehensive community consultation
        program  including broad  and varied  participation by  people from
        across the city and from all walks of life;

       the race track has been  successfully incorporated into the design,
        offering new and exciting opportunities for observers in the park:

       the park is  so designed  that it will  be active  365 days of  the
        year, with intensive multiple uses;

       the plan is sensible and pragmatic, yet visionary and inclusive.

   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        Jo  Scott-B, Heritage  Vancouver,  expressed full  support for  the
   greening of  the park, but urged  Council not to demolish  the buildings
   too  quickly,  particularly   the  Heritage  Inventory   B-listed  foods
   building.  Needs  change, and uses  may be identified  which they  could

        The following speakers urged Council to retain as many buildings as
   possible  and otherwise  provide employment  alternatives for  CUPE 1004
   workers on the site:

             Ken Davidson, CUPE 1004
             Steve Varti, PNE member
             Greg Antonson, PNE member

        The foregoing speakers made one or more of the following points:

       Council should feel  an obligation to provide  employment for those
        whose jobs will be displaced along with the PNE, it was pointed out
        area young people have few such opportunities to earn money;

       budget figures for  the renovations  are very low,  and labour  and
        actual reconstruction will  be far more  costly than estimated,  so
        the City  should take advantage of  any way to make  revenue on the

       if there were  more certainty that  buildings on the site  would be
        available, there would be  more large and lucrative events  to fill
        them, such as the APEC conference;
       CUPE  1004 members should receive  a guarantee that  they will fill
        jobs created on the site;

       PNE jobs are in jeopardy since the PNE has been unable to locate an
        alternate site;

       the extended  period of  uncertainty has  been  very stressful  for
        those employed on the site.

        Rae  Ackerman, Director  of  Civic Theatres,  responded to  queries
   regarding rental of buildings on the site.

   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        Donalda Viaud, CUPE  Local 15,  endorsed restoration  of the  park,
   which  has been a community goal for  many years, but expressed concerns
   about  successorship.  Finalization is needed so workers will not wonder
   what  will happen.  Council  was asked to commit the  park to Park Board
   stewardship, and  to establish a local hiring  policy for the benefit of
   neighbourhood youth.

        The  following speakers urged Council to make provision for the PNE
   to remain on the site:

             Mary Jewell, Friends of the PNE (brief filed)
             Beatrice Parton (brief filed)

        The foregoing speakers felt the PNE is part of the City's heritage,
   a  valuable cultural icon which  brings pleasure and  employment to many
   people.  They expressed dismay over possible loss of the  fair, and felt
   it  can continue to be accommodated on the site even with an increase in
   green  space.   Council  was  urged  to turn  down  or  modify the  plan
   accordingly, or to hold a referendum on the topic.

        Ian  Paton,  former  Chair  of the  Agricultural  Land  Commission,
   recalled the origin of  the  agricultural  fair on the site,  originally
   called  the Vancouver  Exhibition,  distinguishable from  the   carnival
   elements which were a later addition and led to much of the ashphalt and
   concrete  site  coverage.   Mr. Paton  requested  Council to  consider a
   yearly  agricultural  fair  on the  site,  which  could  be accommodated
   without  a year-round amusement park. Rural young people look forward to
   such an event as a highlight of their year, and many city children would
   not otherwise ever have an opportunity to see livestock or horticultural

        The  following speakers urged Council to utilize the North Forum as
   an indoor lawn bowling facility:

             Mike Christ, Pacific Indoor Lawn Bowling Club
             Norm Broomhall, Pacific Indoor Lawn Bowling Club (brief filed)
             Robert Kay, Greening of Grimmett Park Committee (brief filed)
   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        The foregoing speakers supported an indoor lawn bowling facility on
   one or more of the following grounds:

       the North Forum is the only building in the  City's inventory which
        can  accommodate an  indoor lawn  bowling green, and  could readily
        handle a membership of five hundred;

       the lawn bowlers are  currently located in a structure  at Grimmett
        Park, which almost  completely covers the park, precluding  its use
        as a neighbourhood green space, and there are too many busy streets
        between the  Grimmett Park immediate neighbourhood  and other parks
        for children to cross safely;

       the proposed  restoration plan has a very strong youth orientation,
        ignoring  the needs of seniors  and ethnic residents,  both of whom
        would be better served by an indoor bowling facility;

       the public process was  not inclusive of the indoor lawn bowlers or
        ethnic groups within the city.

        Mr. Rutgers responded to queries concerning public participation in
   the planning process, and advised an indoor lawn bowling facility is one
   option which will be considered in the next phase of planning.

        The  following  motions  by  Mayor  Owen   were  put  and  carried.
   Therefore, the Committee


        A.   THAT the Restoration Plan for  Hastings Park, as described  in
             the  Policy  Report  dated  February 27,  1997  and  generally
             depicted  in Appendix  A, be  approved as  the basis  for more
             detailed design, phasing and  budgeting for the restoration of
             Hastings Park

        B.   THAT staff  report  back by October 1, 1997, on  amendments to
             the lease with the Pacific Racing Association required for the
             relocation of horse barns.

   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        C.   THAT staff report  back by October 1, 1997 on a building reuse
             strategy and potential management structures for the Agrodome,
             the Garden Auditorium, the Forum and Rollerland.

        D.   THAT staff    report back  prior  to October  1,  1997 with  a
             detailed  development  plan  including phasing  and  budgeting
             recommendations for the  whole site, including  building reuse
             capital  and operating  requirements  and  detailed  landscape
             plans  and budget  requirements  for the  first phase  of park

        E.   THAT Council  express its sincere appreciation  to the members
             of  Hastings Park  Working Committee  for their  diligent work
             over the last two years.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The following motions  by Councillor Herbert were put  and carried.
   Therefore, the Committee


        F.   THAT the reuse strategy, as noted in Recommendation C, address
             the range  of recreational and active  sports opportunities to
             be made available to all age groups.

        G.   THAT the  issue of  relocating indoor lawn  bowling facilities
             into  Hastings  Park be  addressed,  including  the impact  on
             flexibility  of  uses  which  could  be  accommodated  in  any
             building focused on lawn bowling.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
   Clause No. 1 (cont'd)

        The following motion  by Councillor  Don Lee was  put and  carried.
   Therefore, the Committee


        H.   THAT  the next phase of the plan include facilities to reflect
             the ethno-cultures of the neighbouring areas.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                  (Councillor Price not present for the vote)


        The order of agenda was varied to deal with item 2 last.

   3.   Khalsa Diwan Parade                                File No.: 4201-1

        On  February 29, 1996, City  Council directed staff  to undertake a
   major review of the Khalsa Diwan Parade.  Accordingly, the Committee now
   had before it an Administrative Report dated March 5, 1997 (on file), in
   which the  General Manager  of Engineering Services  recommended Council
   reaffirm the route and program for the Khalsa Diwan Parade as set out in
   the Administrative Report.   It was also recommended that  staff monitor
   this year's parade and report back with recommendations for 1998.

        Sheri Plewes,  Projects and  Community Liaison Engineer,  noted the
   Khalsa  Diwan Society wishes to  keep the traditional  date and route of
   the parade.   Staff  have some  concerns, and  Ms.  Plewes outlined  the
   conditions  staff have  set out  to meet  those concerns,  to which  the
   Society has agreed.   The parade will be monitored  again this year, and
   staff will report back on any unresolved issues.

        Jarnal Singh  Bhandal, Khalsa Diwan  Society, thanked the  City for
   its cooperation since the first  parade in 1979.  The Society  takes the
   City's concerns  very seriously and will  abide by the conditions.   Mr.
   Bhandal reviewed steps which will be taken to ensure the 

   Clause No. 3 (cont'd)

   parade flows smoothly, including measures to reduce delay at the Punjabi
   Market  and additional portable washrooms.   In response  to a question,
   Mr.  Bhandal  indicated  that  about thirty  thousand  participants  are

        In response to questions, Ms. Plewes advised the parade takes about
   six hours  to fully negotiate its route.  There have been concerns about
   emergency access, and in  response, the Khalsa Diwan Society  has agreed
   to keep emergency routes open and to bear any additional cost to do so.

        The following motions by Councillor Chiavario were put and carried.
   Therefore, the Committee 


        A.   THAT Council reaffirm the Khalsa Diwan Parade routing as shown
             in   Figure   1  with   the   program   detailed  within   the
             Administrative Report dated March 5, 1997.

        B.   THAT Council instruct  staff to monitor  this year s event  to
             ensure  the conditions set out  by the FEST  Committee and the
             Khalsa Diwan Society are adhered to and report back to Council
             with recommendations for 1998.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

            (Councillors Bellamy and Puil not present for the vote)

   4.   Broadband RFI - Selection of a Business Partner    File No.: 5806-1

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February
   27,  1997 (on  file), in  which the  General Managers  of Corporate  and
   Engineering  Services reported  on the results  of the  City's Broadband
   Network   Partnership  Request   for  Information   (RFI)   process  and
   recommended  proceeding  to  the  next stage  of  implementation  around
   selecting a business partner.   Based on the quality of  the proponents'
   submissions,  the General  Managers  recommended that  the City  advance
   directly to the negotiation stage with Rogers Communications, and should
   that fail, subsequently negotiate  with B.C. Telephone.  The  report was
   withdrawn from  the Council agenda  of March 11,  1997 in response  to a
   delegation request from B.C. Telephone.

   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        The General Managers also  advised that the School Board  wishes to
   participate in development of  the public/private partnership model, and
   establish a  communications link to  one of  its schools as  one of  the
   pilot projects.  The School Board has also committed  to have all of its
   schools connected to the network by June 1998.

        Ken  Stoke, General  Manager  of Corporate  Services, reviewed  the
   circumstances of the RFI  and responses received, and rationale  for the
   recommended  course  of  action.   Staff  are  confident  Rogers is  the
   appropriate  choice based  on the  company's superior  broadband service
   department  and innovative approach.  Staff  considered whether it would
   be  preferable to  proceed in  parallel with  two firms  or go  with the
   preferred vendor.   However, given the time line,  it was thought better
   to go  ahead with Rogers rather  than delay the process  another five or
   six months.

        Brian Canfield,  B.C. Telephone, requested that  B.C. Telephone, as
   well as Rogers, be included in the trial.  The City wants to deliver the
   best  possible service  in  the most  efficient  way.   In  this rapidly
   developing high technology area, the City could learn much from parallel
   trials.  In addition, B.C.  Telephone would be happy to assist  staff in
   the  development of  objectives and  criteria.   Mr. Canfield  noted the
   company is the "home team", with full-time B.C.-based personnel, and has
   a  proven track  record  in partnering.    The company's  equipment  and
   technological achievements were also described.  

        Queried  how B.C.  Telephone  would compare  to  Rogers at  various
   levels, Mr. Canfield explained there is not yet  a basis for comparison,
   since  telephone and cable companies have only recently come into direct
   competition in this area.   The lack of comparative  data so far is  one
   more  reason why a  joint trial  would be beneficial  to the  City,  and
   would  provide the best information  available.  In  response to further
   queries,  Mr. Canfield assured the Committee the company already has the
   necessary equipment in place to serve the City.  

        Glenn Wong,  Rogers Communications,  described services  offered by
   the  company.  The company has the  necessary technology in place and is
   wired  into Vancouver homes today.   The proposed  partnership will give
   Rogers an opportunity to showcase its achievements in the field, and the
   company's commitment to  the project is  total.  Mr. Wong  also endorsed
   the  integrity of  the selection  process and  gave examples  of Rogers'
   innovativeness.  Council was asked to approve  the staff recommendation.
   Mr.  Wong also  responded  to  queries  about Rogers'  community  access
   channel and explained the advantages of coaxial cable.  

   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        Mr. Canfield note B.C.  Telephone does not yet provide  a community
   access channel since its license has  not yet been approved, but will be
   required to do so by the CRTC once a license is  granted, in common with
   other cable companies.

        Ken Dobell, City  Manager, commented  that Rogers had  a very  well
   developed  proposal  on  how to  develop  a  partnership.    It will  be
   important to develop a working relationship quickly.

        Mr. Stoke advised the City does not have the staff resources to run
   two  trials  in  parallel.   To  work  with both  companies  would cause
   undesirable delay, since the project is a key element of the Better City
   Government initiative.  However, if the partnership with Rogers does not
   work out, it would then be tried with B.C. Telephone.

        Some members felt  it would be worthwhile to run parallel trials in
   this high technology area in order to obtain more information.  However,
   the majority felt the process had been fair and staff's judgement should
   be followed.  There was also concern about the potential for delay.

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and lost.

        THAT this  item be deferred for  report back on how  the City would
        proceed with a dual partnership trial.

                                           - LOST

                    (Councillors Bellamy, Herbert, Kennedy,
                  Daniel Lee, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)
   Clause No. 4 (cont'd)

        The following motions by  Councillor Kennedy were put and  carried.
   Therefore, the Committee 


        A.   THAT   Rogers  Communications   be   invited   to  develop   a
             public/private  partnership model in conjunction with City and
             School  Board staff  as  the  next  step  in  the  process  of
             selecting  a   Broadband  Network  partner,  along  the  lines
             discussed in  the  Administrative Report  dated  February  27,
             1997, and should  that process fail for  whatever reason, that
             BC  Telephone  be invited  to  participate on  the  same basis
             immediately thereafter;

             FURTHER  THAT  the  other  firms who  submitted  proposals  in
             response  to  the  City s  Request for  Information  (RFI)  be
             immediately  notified of this  decision through an appropriate
             de-briefing letter from the City;
             AND FURTHER THAT staff be instructed to report back to Council
             at the conclusion  of a Memorandum of Understanding  (MOU) for
             approval of the 
             agreement,   along   with   appropriate  recommendations   and
             estimated  costs  to  proceed  into  the   Partnership  Trial.
             Similar approvals  will be  sought  from the  School Board  as

        B.   THAT Teleconsult be engaged as the City s consultant to assist
             staff with  the development  of a public/  private partnership
             model  at   an  estimated   cost  of  $100,000   inclusive  of
             out-of-pocket expenses  and GST, with funds  provided from the
             Strategic Initiatives account in  the Operating Budget, noting
             that  this cost  will be  shareable between  the participating
             parties under a sharing agreement documented in the MOU.

         C.  THAT  the City  Manager  be authorized  to approve  additional
             staff costs associated with the development of a Memorandum of
             Understanding at a total estimated cost of $15,000, with funds
             provided from the Information Technology  Replacement accounts
             in the Operating Budget.

                                           - CARRIED

                  (Councillors Chiavario and Don Lee opposed)

   2.   Significant Rezoning Application                   File No.: 5301-1

        Lynda Challis, Planner, reviewed a significant rezoning application
   for 4900  Heather and 4925  Cambie Streets,  to amend the  existing CD-1
   Bylaw for the purposes of allowing a two-storey addition to the existing
   Youville  Residence, and adding a five-storey building on the portion of
   the  site occupied by Holy  Name Catholic Church.   Ms. Challis reviewed
   the proposed uses and issues, indicating the most significant issues are
   the proposed five-storey  building and  concerns about  traffic and  the
   potential of additional uses.

        The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried.  Therefore,
   the Committee


        THAT  the presentation on 4900  Heather and 4925  Cambie Streets be
        received for information.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                     The Committee adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

                         *   *   *