LATE DISTRIBUTION FOR COUNCIL, MARCH 25, 1997 P3 POLICY REPORT DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING Date: March 10, 1997 Dept. File No. JOB C.C. File: 5304-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Director of Central Area Planning SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning of 1410 Granville Street RECOMMENDATION THAT the application by Architectura Waisman Dewar Grout Carter Inc., in association with Arthur Erickson, to rezone 1410 Granville Street (Lot 2, Blk 123, DL 541) from BC Place/Expo District (BCPED) to CD-1 Comprehensive Development District be referred to a Public Hearing, together with: (i) plans received August 16, 1996; (ii) draft CD-1 by-law provisions generally as contained in Appendix A; and (iii) the recommendation of the Director of Central Area Planning to approve the application, subject to conditions of approval contained in Appendix B; and FURTHER THAT the application by the Director of Land Use and Development to amend the Sign By-law to establish regulations for this CD-1 in accordance with Schedule "B" (DD) also be referred to Public Hearing along with the recommendation of the Director of Planning to approve the application; AND FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-laws for consideration at Public Hearing including consequential amendments to the False Creek North Official Development Plan (FCN ODP), generally as presented in Appendix C. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY In March 1996 Council approved the following: "THAT a City-owned site at the corner of Pacific and Granville Streets be withheld from disposal or alternate use for a period of up to three years, and subject to the Dance Foundation (Vancouver Dance Centre) fulfilling the conditions outlined in the Administrative Report dated March 21, 1996, to the satisfaction of the City Manager, Council approve in principle a lease of the subject site to the Dance Foundation and recommend to the Council of the day that this lease be provided for a term of 60 years at a nominal rate ($1)." PURPOSE AND SUMMARY This report assesses a rezoning application by Architectura Waisman Dewar Grout Carter Inc., in association with Arthur Erickson, for 1410 Granville Street to rezone the site from BCPED (BC Place/Expo District) to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development District). The proposed rezoning would permit construction of a dance centre offering collective rehearsal and administrative space for Vancouver s dance companies. The proposed three-storey building includes six rehearsal studios, administration, support facilities, coffee shop and retail store. Occasional public performances are also proposed. Staff support this rezoning because the proposed uses and form of development are considered appropriate for this site, and recommend that the application be referred to Public Hearing, with a recommendation that it be approved subject to conditions. MAP DISCUSSION Land Use There are three principal factors that make the proposed land uses (production or rehearsal studio, theatre, retail store, restaurant-class 1) appropriate for this site. Access: The Centre will have a wide variety of people (employees, dancers, choreographers, visitors, etc.) needing good quality access. The site is at a major crossroads in the downtown peninsula; Granville Street and Pacific Street. This location has good existing transit access for bus routes along Granville Street and the future should provide additional routes along Pacific Street. In addition to the normal street/sidewalk system, the site is also served by access for pedestrians and bicycles along the False Creek shoreline routes and ferry systems. Visibility: Cultural facilities need high visibility to help generate the support in the wider community. This site has both a major street frontage on Pacific Street and lower Granville Street as well as the potential for high visibility from pedestrian, bicyclists and motorists using Granville Bridge if the proposed form of development is approved. Adjacent Land Use: In November 1989, Council approved the Granville Slopes Neighbourhood Concept Plan that addressed the future of the area immediately west of the subject site. For the site under the Granville Bridge on-ramp, which is across from and equivalent in size and shape to the subject site, the Plan recommended, among other things, a density of 1.50 FSR and commercial, auto and marine oriented service uses. The undeveloped Concord lands to the south and east will be a fully integrated high density residential neighbourhood. While the proposed uses are not the same as the adjacent uses, they are complementary. The minor noise concerns that may be generated by the proposed dance activities can be remediated in the building design. The complementary characteristics are highlighted by the smaller proposed uses such as retail and coffee shop which will add to the vitality and variety in the neighbourhood. The existing site environment limits the use of the site to non-residential and makes the proposed overall cultural use appropriate. Form of Development The proposed form of development is generally 2-3 storeys in height with two higher elements and site coverage is almost 100%. The proposed building projects above the Granville Street Bridge in two places. First, the overall roof form is angled so that the northerly corner projects approximately 3.0 m (10 ft.) above the Bridge deck. Second, there is a centrally located skylight that projects approximately 7.0 m (23 ft.) above the Bridge deck. These two building elements are consistent with an urban design theme emerging from the Bridgehead study which would limit the height of buildings which are adjacent to bridge structures to below bridge deck height but allow projection adjacent to bridges on and off ramps. The building can be designed so that neither of these building components project above the Bridge deck. However, the applicant believes that these two components provide a strong identity for the Dance Centre in the larger cityscape and also enhance the visual experience of moving across the Bridge. They are very modest additions and designed to be viewed as positive elements. The Urban Design Panel unanimously supported the form of development and indeed, recommended a height increase. Staff consider the building an appropriate response to the context and site configuration and strongly support the form of development. (refer to Plans: Appendix E) Traffic and Parking One-way vehicular access is proposed from Granville Street and egress via Pacific Street. Staff recommended access be made two-way. The application proposed 25 surface parking spaces under the Seymour Street off-ramp. Staff requested a parking demand study which indicated that during larger public events at the Dance Centre, there will be a shortfall of parking, and impact to adjacent streets. Therefore, staff recommend that parking be provided at a minimum rate of 1 stall per 100 m2 gross floor area, which generates 32 stalls. Also, that even if the density decreases during development a minimum of 32 stalls must be provided. The additional 7 stalls can be accommodated at the southerly end of the site. Lot 4 To the east of the proposed CD-1 site is another City-owned lot, Lot 4. In preliminary discussions with Cultural Affairs staff the applicant proposed a building program of 38,000 sq. ft. which they subsequently revised to 33,000 sq. ft. (January 1995). The current proposal has achieved their full program requirements of 34,5000 sq. ft. on Lot 2. The Dance Foundation are proposing to use Lot 4 in the short term for open space and in the long term for future building expansion. Staff believe that this lot is not necessary to the success of the Dance Centre and have two concerns. First, the cost of providing Lot 4 from the City s social service and cultural capital budget for the Dance Centre s future needs must be weighed against the current needs of other funding requests. Second, there are conceptual plans developed in conjunction with Concord s future Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A rezoning that would use most, if not all, of this lot for non-market residential. Therefore staff do not support the request that Lot 4 be leased to the Dance Centre. Main Entry Stairs The Dance Centre is designed with the main entry stairs located immediately adjacent to the Seymour off-ramp. This location is within a required ramp. This location is within a required 3 m setback that is considered critical to the on-going maintenance of the off-ramp. The applicant submits that it would be difficult to redesign the stairs. Staff acknowledge a redesign would not be easy but believe the long term maintenance integrity of the off-ramp has a higher priority. CONCLUSION Staff support the proposed rezoning of 1410 Granville Street from BCPED to CD-1 to permit the Dance Centre because the land use and density is appropriate in this developing neighbourhood, the built form enhances the existing physical context and it introduces and makes accessible an important cultural facility in the downtown peninsula. Staff recommend that the application be referred to a Public Hearing with a recommendation from the Director of Central Area Planning that it be approved, subject to draft CD-1 By-law provisions generally as shown in Appendix A and to proposed conditions of approval presented in Appendix B. * * * * * APPENDIX A DRAFT CD-1 BY-LAW Uses: Production or Rehearsal Studio Theatre Retail Uses limited to Retail Store Service Uses limited to Restaurant-Class 1 Accessory Uses customarily ancillary to the above uses Floor Space Ratio: 1.60, subject to the following: (a) floor area in retail and service uses combined shall not exceed 800 m2 (8,611 sq. ft.). Height: 20.0 m (66 ft.) Parking: Off-street parking requirement of a minimum of 1 stall per 100 m2 must be provided except that a minimum of 32 parking spaces must be provided. Loading: Based on Parking By-law requirements except that a minimum of 1 loading space must be provided. PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FORM OF (a) THAT the proposed form of development be DEVELOPMENT approved by Council in principle, generally as prepared by Architectura Waisman Dewar Grout Carter Inc. in association with Arthur Erickson and stamped Received, City of Vancouver Planning Department, August 16, 1996 , providing that the Development Permit Board may allow alterations to this form of development when approving the detailed scheme of development as outlined in (b) and (c) below; DEVELOPMENT (b) THAT, prior to the final approval by Council APPLICATIONS of the form of development, the applicant shall obtain approval of a development application by the Director of Planning who shall have particular regard to the following: (Planning) (i) provision for a fully detailed landscape plan. (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design ([CPTED]) (ii) design development to improve surveillance of the surrounding streets and reduce opportunities for graffiti on blank exposed walls by encouraging increased window area and articulated surfaces carried down to the sidewalk level. (Engineering) (iii) provision of a minimum of 1 parking stall per 100 m2 gross floor area, except that a minimum of 32 parking stalls must be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; (iv) dedication as road, a 3.0 m wide strip along the north side of lot 2, and dedication of the portions of lot 4 north of the continuation of this line into lot 4; (v) dedication as road lot 1 and lot 3 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; (vi) form of development not to encroach onto the sewer ROW at the northwest corner of the site, except for non-structural overhead architectural elements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; (vii) provision of on-site garbage and recycling facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; (viii) design development to make allowance for the future stair link to the Granville Bridge, the location to be determined by the City Engineer; (ix) the stairs on Lot 3 (below the Seymour Street off-ramp) are to be deleted; (x) entry stairs adjacent Granville Street are not to encroach over the property line; (xi) the private lane on Lot 3 is to be configured with two-way traffic, with the north end to meet Pacific Street at 75 degrees; (xii) provision of street trees and concrete sidewalks around the perimeter of the site to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; (xiii) all new utility services are to be underground within the site from the closest suitable point at the applicant s expense. AGREEMENTS (d) THAT, prior to the enactment of the CD-1 By-law, the registered owner shall, at no cost to the City: (i) execute a Bridge Nuisance covenant, satisfactory to the City Engineer and the Director of Legal Services, to ensure that the City is not responsible for any noise, falling objects or other disturbances associated with the proximity of the building to the bridge; (ii) the applicant will cause lot 1 and 3 to be established as street. Arrangements to be made to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Director of Legal Services to close, stop up, and lease back lot 1 and lot 3 to the Dance Centre; (iii) execute an agreement satisfactory to the City Engineer, Director of Legal Services, Manager of Real Estate Services, to provide for vehicular manoeuvring area on lot 4, adjacent to lot 3, concurrently with a development of the rezoned lands; (iv) execute an agreement satisfactory to the City Engineer and the Director of Legal Services to provide for the upgrading of the sidewalks adjacent to the site concurrent with any development; Where the Directors of Legal Services deems appropriate, the preceding agreements are to be drawn, not only as personal covenants of the property owner, but also as Covenants pursuant to Section 215 of the Land Title Act. The preceding agreements are to be registered in the appropriate Land Title Office, with priority over such other liens, charges and encumbrances affecting the subject site as is considered advisable by the Director of Legal Services, and otherwise to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services prior to enactment of the by-law; provided however the Director of Legal Services may, in her sole discretion and on terms she considers advisable, accept tendering of the preceding agreements for registration in the appropriate Land Title Office, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, prior to enactment of the by-law. The preceding agreements shall provide security to the City including indemnities, warrantees, equitable charges, letters of credit and withholding of permits, as deemed necessary by and in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services. APPENDIX C Proposed FCN ODP Amendments: Schedule A to By-law No. 6650 would be amended by adjusting the diagrams below to reflect this amendment: Figure 1, ODP Boundary Figure 3, Land Use (Boundary) Figure 4, Residential (Boundary) Figure 7, Phasing of Parks and Community Facilities (Boundary) Figure 11, Sub-Areas (Boundary) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SITE There are 4 lots and one portion of road that are relevant to the overall Dance Centre rezoning application. Lot 1: This lot serves as exclusive access to the Cominco site to the east and is zoned BCPED. The application requires this for access. This lot will be dedicated as street. Lot 2: The application proposes that this lot which is bounded by Pacific Street, Granville Street and the west edge of the Seymour Street off-ramp from Granville Bridge be rezoned from BCPED to CD-1. The lot is approximately 2 090 m2 (22,500 sq. ft.) in area and currently leased to Unitow for use as an impound lot. Lot 3: The application proposes this lot be used primarily as surface parking. It is currently zoned BCPED and will be dedicated as street. Lot 4: To the east of the Seymour Street off-ramp site is a City-owned lot of approximately 1 276 m2 (13,735 sq. ft.) zoned BCPED. The application requests that this be leased to the Dance Centre as open space and future expansion. There are two concerns. First, it is an additional and unnecessary cost to the social service and cultural capital grants budget. Second, there are conceptual plans developed in conjunction with Concord s future Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A rezoning that would use most, if not all, of this lot for non-market residential. Therefore staff do not support the request that this entire lot be leased to the Dance Centre. However, a small westerly portion (approximately 240 m2 or 2,590 sq. ft.) of Lot 4 is required to allow fire fighting vehicular access from Pacific Street. Street: In addition, there is a small portion of existing street south of Lot 1 which will be closed and stopped up for the purpose of parking. Surrounding Development Across Pacific Street to the north is the City-owned Continental Hotel. Across Granville Street immediately to the west is a variety of uses - automotive, storage and workshops - on both City-owned and private property. The long term planning concept for this block includes commercial, auto and marine-oriented service uses and residential uses. Further south and west is the high density residential area of Southeast Granville Slopes. All the lands to the south of Pacific Street and east of Granville Street are presently undeveloped. Future development of these lands is guided by the False Creek North Official Development Plan which recommends residential uses and will be the subject of the next Concord rezoning, namely Beach Neighbourhood Area 1A. Background The following Council decisions guided the review of this application. On March 28, 1996 Council approved the following recommendations by Real Estate Services in support of a request by the Dance Foundation (Vancouver Dance Centre): THAT a City-owned site at the corner of Pacific and Granville Streets be withheld from disposal or alternate use for a period of up to three years, and subject to the Dance Foundation (Vancouver Dance Centre) fulfilling the conditions outlined in the Administrative Report dated March 21, 1996, to the satisfaction of the City Manager, Council approve in principle a lease of the subject site to the Dance Foundation and recommend to the Council of the day that this lease be provided for a term of 60 years at a nominal rate ($1). THAT staff be directed to report back outlining the terms of the lease as soon as the conditions outlined in the Administrative Report dated March 21, 1996, have been met to the satisfaction of the City Manager. THAT staff be directed to reserve $900,000 from the 1994-1996 Capital Plan for a 60-year prepaid lease to the Property Endowment Fund for the subject site as outlined in the Administrative Report dated March 21, 1996; with the payment to occur at the time the lease is approved by Council. In May 1996 Council approved the following: THAT the draft terms of reference for a consultant study on the Central Area Bridgeheads, attached as Appendix A , be approved in principle, subject to refinements made during the consultant selection process. In November 1989 Council approved the following: THAT Council endorse the Granville Slopes Neighbourhood Concept Plan, including the ramp, park, recommended built form and principle of differentiated density, as described in the Manager s Report dated November 8, 1989, including a mid-rise approach for the Howe ramp site. Proposed Development The new Dance Centre facility would be a collective rehearsal and administrative space for the principal professional dance companies of Vancouver. The building also would include office space for the Dance Centre itself: the umbrella organization that represents the interests of these companies and the broader dance community. The proposal calls for 3 200 m2 (34,446 sq. ft.)of space. This includes six rehearsal studios. The largest at 15.2 x 19.8 m (50 x 65 ft.), which is the size of the Queen Elizabeth stage, will also be used for video production and occasional public showings with an audience of up to 120 people. Administrative office space would total 470 m2 (5,060 sq. ft.). The building would also include a small retail component and a coffee shop, and the various support facilities such as change rooms, technical booths and storage. There is also an additional studio complete with its own offices and change rooms for non-professional groups. Density The current BCPED zoning and FCN Official Development Plan do not specify density or floor area for this site. The adjacent westerly area is zoned FCCDD (False Creek Comprehensive Development District) and has no specified density although the Granville Slopes Policies, which Council adopted in 1989, recommended densities of 1.50 to 4.00 FSR. Adjacent southerly and easterly sites which have not been rezoned to date are anticipated to support densities of approximately 1.50 to 3.00 FSR. With this context in mind staff support the proposed density of 1.60 FSR. Soils In the Council Report of March 21, 1996, the Manager of Real Estate Services estimated the market value of the subject site based on a density of 1.00 FSR as proposed by Planning, to be $1.2 million, or $900,000 for a 60 year prepaid lease, less the cost of soils remediation. The Manager of Real Estate Services noted that the site had not been tested for soils contamination and the cost of remediation would reduce the market value accordingly. The Phase I historical study indicated the potential for soil contamination on the subject site. The Phase II study confirmed a limited amount of contaminated soil above level B, however, the ground water meets current criteria. Total cost of soil remediation is estimated to be less than $100,000. The owner (Property Endowment Fund) is responsible for removing the contaminated soils. This will be done in a timely manner and should not hold up the construction schedule of the Dance Centre. Social and Environmental Implication At the local scale a discrete cultural facility such as the Dance Centre further enhances the existing mixture of uses, expands the amenities available and meets the desire of building a diverse and varied neighbourhood. In the larger downtown peninsula context the Dance Centre is an important artistic focus which will enrich and expand the cultural life of Vancouver. The proximity of the Dance Centre to the existing and future high density residential neighbourhoods of the West End, Downtown South, Concord Lands and Southeast Granville Slopes will reduce the potential need of building users and visitors to drive to this facility. Also being on a significant transit route such as Granville Street will encourage transit use with future routes along Pacific Street enhancing that aspect. Noise The proposed dance uses require the support of amplified music. There were some concerns from staff and neighbours that this facility would impact existing and future residential uses. An acoustic consultant prepared a noise impact statement that determined acoustic criteria for the Dance Centre which will meet the quantitative and qualitative standards of the Vancouver Noise Control By-law. Bridge Stair The application included the concept for a public stair that linked Granville Bridge down to Granville Street. This will be addressed in a separate City process as it will be constructed on City property and at City cost. This concept has been previously embraced by Planning and Engineering and will be pursued later in 1997. Engineering will be performing a pedestrian study to determine the best location for the stair. Impound Lot The site is currently used by Engineering as an impound lot for by-law infractions. This important function requires that the impound lot be in a central location within the downtown peninsula. It is required from an operational standpoint to effectively deal with the majority of the infractions and to minimize public inconvenience when they are retrieving vehicles. A companion report will outline alternate sites for the relocation of the Impound Lot, and request approval of funds for the relocation costs. Sign By-Law As of February 25, 1997, Sign By-law amendments require a Sign By-law application form to be completed by the rezoning applicant and the relevant application fee paid as set out in Section 13.6 of the Sign By-law. However, as this application was in process prior to this new policy being established, staff consider it would be inappropriate to retroactively charge fees and consequently the application will be made by the Director of Land Use and Development. Form of Development - 1410 Granville Street COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC, REVIEWING AGENCIES AND THE APPLICANT Public Input Signs erected on site: October 22, 1996 Approximately 700 notification letters mailed in October 1996 No letters were received and 5 telephone calls were received regarding more information or expressing concern about the Black Top taxi function located on Beach Avenue to the west of Granville Bridge. A public information meeting was held in the neighbourhood on November 26, 1996. It was advertised in the local newspaper. Approximately, 16 people attended. The following quote summarizes the majority of public comments: I think the proposal puts the site in good use. It serves its function - dance, the arts, very well. Some retail space adds to community amenity. The design is unobtrusive and blends in with the bridge and ramp situation. There was one concern regarding the adequacy of parking on the site and in the area. Office of Cultural Affairs Comments Since Council s direction in 1991, staff has worked with Vancouver s professional dance community to identify a suitable site for a dance centre facility. In March, 1996, Council approved in principle a 60-year lease of the City-owned site at Granville and Pacific to the Dance Foundation at a nominal rate, subject to the Dance Foundation having: - secured the funds necessary to complete the construction and fit-out of the facility; - demonstrated reasonable expectation of sufficient funds through leasing commitments, grants and/or an endowment fund satisfactory to operate the facility without debt; - developed a five-year governance and long range operating plan to the satisfaction of the Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs; and - secured the necessary development approvals and permits. While this Council report deals only with the site s rezoning, staff note for Council s information that the Dance Foundation has not yet met all of these conditions. We have been advised that they have achieved considerable success with their capital fund raising campaign. However, they have not yet secured the balance of the funds required to complete the capital or operating endowment campaigns. Once these conditions have been met, staff will report to Council in more detail with the terms of a proposed lease. Approval of this rezoning does not imply Council s acceptance that the conditions have been met or approval of the lease. Police Department Comments This site is located in a medium to high crime impact environment. Environmental design should reduce opportunities for theft from auto, bicycle theft, break and enter and mischief such as graffiti and skateboarding. Design that makes places feel safer should also be considered. Generally, the issue is the lack of active uses on the street and the abundance of blank walls at the lower levels, and the Police are also concerned about lighting on the surface parking area to ensure good visibility at night. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Conditions to be satisfied prior to approve of a development application are included in Appendix B. Urban Design Panel On October 23, 1996, the Urban Design Panel reviewed the application. The Panel commented as follows: The Panel unanimously supported this application. There was strong support for the use and the material selection. The proposal is a very appropriate in this location and will be an asset to the neighbourhood and the city. There were some comments about the resolution of the corner and the projection above the level of the bridge deck. It is not high enough to look like a deliberate statement. It might be better to either make it higher, or some other solution that does not destroy the overall roof concept which the Panel strongly supported. If at all possible, the Engineering Department should have this architect incorporate its stair into this proposal. The Panel hoped the quality of the landscape plan at the next stage will match the high standard of the architecture. Applicant s Comments The Dance Foundation is deeply grateful to Council for its support of the Dance Centre project, expressed by its Resolution of March 1996. That support has been crucial to the credibility of our fundraising effort, which has now raised our full construction budget and a further $500,000 toward the endowment fund that will subsidize user occupancy costs. With respect, the Policy report now purports to erode Council's Resolution, by its clawback of Lot 4 from the dedicated site, being the triangle immediately east of the Seymour off-ramp alignment. This reversal was first communicated to us when the Director of Cultural Affairs telephoned me January 31, 1997. While Lot 4 is not included within the present rezoning application, it has been consistently presented as a future expansion area of the Dance Centre, to be landscaped in the interim. This was also so in the presentation to the Urban Deign Panel, at the Public Information Meeting held November 26, 1996 (Appendix F) and at the numerous presentations to our potential donors and supporters. In its landscaped format Lot 4 is an important part of the amenity mentioned throughout the Report. The main building site is very tightly constrained, both laterally (by the bridge ramps) and vertically (by the height of the bridge deck). The competing functional demands of the dance community have challenged our architects. The opportunity of future expansion onto Lot 4 has been essential in satisfying our critics and has become a premise of the major financial support we have received. The Policy Report refers to Lot 4 (Appendix D) as "an additional and unnecessary cost to the Dance Centre" and refers to unspecified "conceptual plans" for a competing use of "some, if not all, of this lot for non-market residential". Reference is also made (Appendix D) to two staff concerns with the lease of Lot 4 as open space for the Dance Centre, but the text explaining those concerns has been omitted from the report, and we are unable to respond to these. Lot 4 is vital to the project, and its cost is therefore simply part of the budget we must fund. We do not believe Council means to renege upon its commitment of the full site. It should not be misled in doing so by unspecified collateral concerns raised late in the rezoning process. Council's commitment of our Ground Lease is subject to our completion of the endowment fund and a governance and long range operating plan satisfactory to the Directory of Cultural Affairs (Appendix F). The Dance Foundation remains fully challenged to satisfy these conditions. Our task will become much more difficult, even in respect to our donors already committed, if the Dance Centre is to be deprived of its expansion area. We urge Council to confirm its intended support and to direct amendment of the present Policy Report accordingly. The report proposes the removal of the main entry stairs as a condition of rezoning approval (Appendix B). As noted above, both the Dance Foundation and the design consultants have been proceeding on the premise that Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 were to be consolidated and that the building design need not be limited by the internal demarcation between the Lots. It should be evident from a review of the second floor plan that our building program can only be achieved by building to the exact site limits of Lot 2. There is a change of elevation of 1.6 metres or 5.5 feet between the parking lot and the main lobby. This transition is made via the main entry stair that is located on Lot 3, within the 10 feet limit of the bridge, that the City Report allocates for bridge maintenance (Appendix B). We do not believe the presence of the simple staircase precludes the use of this same area for occasional bridge maintenance. If this stair had to be moved within the lot line, the impact on the lobby, and the building planning and design in general, would be major - it if could be resolved at all. We therefore ask the City to reconsider this requested deletion. All of which is respectfully submitted. APPENDIX G APPLICANT, PROPERTY, AND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL INFORMATION Applicant and Property Information Street Address 1410 Granville Street Legal Description Lot 2, Block 123, DL 541 Applicant Architectura Consulting Architects Arthur Erickson Property Owner City of Vancouver Developer Dance Foundation Site Statistics Gross Dedications Net Site 2 090 m2 134 m2 1 956 m2 Area (22,497 sq. ft.) (1,442 sq. ft.) (21,054 sq. ft.) Development Statistics Development Proposed Recommended Permitted Under Development Development Existing Zoning (if different than proposed) Zoning BCPED (FCN ODP) CD-1 Uses Residential, Production or Institutional, Rehearsal Industrial, Studio, Theatre, Commercial, Retail, Service Commercial-Recr eation Maximum Floor Not defined 1.60 Space Ratio Maximum Not defined 20.0 m (66 ft.) Height Parking Not defined 25 32