                                                        POLICY REPORT
                           BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT

                                           Date: March 14, 1997
                                           Dept. File No. PEM-97003
                                           C.C. File: 5307-1

   TO:       Vancouver City Council

   FROM:     Director of Land Use and Development

   SUBJECT:  CD-1 Text Amendment: 505-595 West Pender Street
             (Conference Plaza, 526-528 West Hastings Street)


        THAT the application by Malcolm Elliot, to amend CD-1 By-law No.
        7209 (Lots 1 and 2, Plan LMP 28567, and LMS 2371, all of Block 24,
        DL 541) to add Service Uses to the list of uses permitted on the
        site, be referred to a Public Hearing, together with:

        (i)  draft CD-1 amending by-law, generally as contained in Appendix
             A; and

        (ii) the recommendation of the Director of Land Use and Development
             to approve the application.

        FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to
        prepare the necessary by-law for consideration at the  Public


        The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of
        the foregoing.


   Central Area Plan, adopted December 3, 1991.


   This report assesses an application to amend the text of CD-1 By-law No.
   7209 to add Service Uses to the list of uses permitted on the site.  No
   additional floor space is planned.  As these uses are permitted in the
   surrounding zoning districts and encouraged in grade-level space on
   adjoining streets, staff recommend that this application be approved.


   Existing Development:  This large site is being developed with a mix of
   uses, as follows:

       14 770 m2 (159,000 sq. ft.) residential tower,
       5 763 m2 (62,000 sq. ft.) office and retail uses,
       2 735 m2 (31,600 sq. ft.) retention and interior conversion of the
        heritage Toronto-Dominion Bank building as a conference centre, and
       14 770 m2 (159,000 sq. ft.) hotel.

   The residential tower and podium of commercial uses, south of the lane,
   are completed and occupied.  The hotel and conference centre north of
   the lane are still under construction and restoration/ renovation.

   The rezoning of the site from DD (Downtown District) area  B  to CD-1 to
   accommodate this development was approved at Public Hearing in June
   1993, increasing the maximum floor space ratio from 7.0 to 7.3 through a
   heritage bonus.  After the former Toronto-Dominion Bank building at
   560-580 West Hastings Street obtained a heritage designation under
   Schedule A of the Heritage By-law, CD-1 By-law No. 7209 was enacted in
   September 1995.

   Permitted Uses:  The uses permitted in this CD-1 District are limited

        Dwelling Units;
        School - University or College; and
        Accessory Uses.

   This list is more restrictive than the uses permitted in the adjoining
    B  and  C  areas of the DD, which include:

        Office Commercial;
        Retail Commercial;
        Other Commercial;
        Light Industrial;
        Public and Institutional;
        Social, Recreational and Cultural;
        Parks and Open Space; and
        Parking Area and Parking Garage.

   The "Other Commercial" Uses include the Service Uses listed and defined
   in Section 2 of the Zoning and Development By-law.

   The DD zoning regulations also have a requirement in the surrounding
   area for "continuous ground floor retail, retail-commercial and service
   uses" on Hastings, Seymour, Pender and Richards Streets.

   Only two Service Uses are presently permitted on the site: Hotel and
   School - University or College.  A wider range of Service Uses which
   might be appropriate, particularly in the grade-level commercial floor
   space, was not considered in the assessment of the original rezoning

   Proposed Additional Uses:  The application proposes that Service Uses be
   added to the list of uses permitted on the site.  Staff support this
   request given that these uses are permitted in the surrounding district,
   and given the requirement for continuous ground floor retail and service
   uses fronting on the streets abutting the site.

   The category of Service Uses includes 30 separate use terms (see
   Appendix A).  Eight of these uses are service-industrial uses which
   might be incompatible in a commercial district, but since they are
   allowed in the surrounding zoning districts in the category "Light
   Industrial", and since these uses would be conditional approval uses in
   a CD-1 District, staff recommend that all 30 Service Uses be permitted
   on this CD-1 site (see Appendix A).

   Parking:  Provision of adequate parking is an issue which frequently
   arises when changes of use or additional uses are proposed on a site,
   particularly if the new uses have a higher parking requirement and if
   there is no surplus parking on the site. 
   The CD-1 By-law for the site requires parking for all non-residential
   uses, except hotel, to be in accordance with Parking By-law requirements
   for the DD (Area I).  As the Parking By-law does not have different
   parking requirements for office, retail or service uses, changes of use
   in existing floor space can be approved without concern for parking


   The Director of Land Use and Development recommends that this
   application be referred to a Public Hearing and approved.

                                 *   *   *   *
                                                                     APPENDIX A

                                               DRAFT CD-1 BY-LAW AMENDMENT PROVISIONS
                                                     505-595 West Pender Street

     Uses Presently Permitted:

              Dwelling Units;
              School - University or College; and
              Accessory Uses customarily ancillary to the above uses.

     Proposed Additional Uses:

              Service Uses (which include):

                      Animal Clinic,
                      Auction Hall,
                      Barber Shop or Beauty Salon,
                      Bed and Breakfast Accommodation,
                      Body-rub Parlour,
                      Catering Establishment,
                      Drive-through Service,
                      Funeral Home,
                      Laundromat or Dry Cleaning Establishment,
                      Laundry or Cleaning Plant,
                      Motor Vehicle Repair Shop,
                      Motor Vehicle Wash,
                      Neighbourhood Public House,
                      Photofinishing or Photography Laboratory,
                      Photofinishing or Photography Studio,
                      Print Shop,
                      Production or Rehearsal Studio,
                      Repair Shop - Class A,
                      Repair Shop - Class B,
                      Restaurant - Class 1,
                      Restaurant - Class 2,
                      Restaurant - Drive-in,
                      School - Arts or Self-Improvement,
                      School - Business,
                      School - Vocational or Grade,
                      Sign-Painting Shop, and
                      Work Shop.

                                                                                                                     APPENDIX B


     Engineering Services:   The  General Manager  of Engineering  Services advises  that Engineering  has no objection  to the
     proposed rezoning and no recommended conditions of approval to be addressed prior to CD-1 By-law enactment.

     Fire Department:    The  Fire Prevention  Engineer  advises that  there  are  no Building  By-law issues  raised  by  this

     Public Input:   An  application information sign was  installed on the site  on March 12, 1997.   Staff have not  mailed a
     notification letter to  surrounding property owners  for the reason that  the application requests  that the same  Service
     Uses be permitted on this  site as are permitted and encouraged  in grade level space on  abutting streets and surrounding
     area.  However,  the applicant was requested to,  and has notified by  letter all the individual strata lot owners  on the
     site of the proposed rezoning.

     Environmental Implications:   The proposed rezoning  will neither detract from  nor contribute to  the City s objective of
     reducing atmospheric pollution.

     Social Implications:   The proposed  rezoning has no  implications with  respect to the  City s Children s Policy and  the
     Statement of Children s Rights.

     Applicant s Comments: The applicant has been provided with a copy of this report and agrees with its recommendation.

                                                            *   *   *   *
                                                                                                                     APPENDIX C


       APPLICANT                  Malcolm Elliot, Architectura

       PROPERTY OWNER             several

       DEVELOPER                  n/a


       STREET ADDRESS             505-595 West Pender Street (also 526-528 West Hastings Street,
                                  550-580 West Hastings Street, 438 & 468 Seymour Street, and
                                  469, 479 & 489 Richards Street)
       LEGAL DESCRIPTION          Lots 1 & 2, Plan LMP 28567,and LMS 2371,all of Block 24, DL 541


                                  USES PERMITTED IN          USES PERMITTED IN            PROPOSED
                                  DD (Area  C )              CD-1 BY-LAW                  ADDITIONAL USES

       LAND USES                  Office Commercial;         Dwelling Units;              Service Uses
                                  Retail Commercial;         Retail;
                                  Other Commercial;          Office:
                                  Residential;               Hotel:
                                  Hotel;                     Hall;
                                  Light Industrial;          School - University or
                                  Public and                 College;
                                  Institutional;             Accessory Uses.
                                  Social, Recreational
                                  and Cultural;
                                  Parks and Open Space;
                                  Parking Area and
                                  Parking Garage.