A5 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: March 7, 1997 Dept. File No. F587-50.01 C.C. File: 1602-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: General Manager, Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services SUBJECT: Fire Department 1997 Capital Funding Request RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve the 1997 Fire Protection Capital Budget totalling $1.27 million with funding allocated as follows: (1) Reconstruction of Firehall No. 3 (design) $500,000 (2) Phase II of the Fire Training Facility $770,000 source of funding to be from borrowing authority as provided in the 1997-1999 Capital Plan. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY The 1997 Capital Plan plebiscite provided authority to borrow up to $6.70 million to complete a number of Fire Protection Capital projects. SUMMARY Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services has a long-term plan for upgrading and improving its capital and training systems in order to maintain an effective fire protection and emergency response system. The following projects have been prioritized for the next three years: Reconstruction of Firehall No. 3 and Firehall No. 18. Completion of the Fire Training facility to provide live fire training, and provision of additional training props. PURPOSE This report outlines the projects proposed in the Fire Protection portion of the 1997-1999 Capital Plan and seeks funding to commence planning, design and implementation as outlined herein. BACKGROUND The 1994-1996 Capital Plan provided funding of $1.26 million for Phase I of the Training Facilities including class room, first-aid, and a drill tower, and $500,000 for the planning and design phases of Firehall No. 18. The Training Facilities are under construction and are nearing completion. Design of Firehall No. 18 was deferred subject to an assessment of the amalgamation of the University Fire Department with Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, and planning requirements for the Emergency Operations and Communications Centre. The 1997 plebiscite provided authority for the City to borrow funds in the amount of $6,670,000 for the following projects: 1. Reconstruction of Firehall No. 18 $3.200million 2. Reconstruction of Firehall No. 3 2.700million 3. Phase II of the Training Facility .770million $6.700million Total DISCUSSION The 1997 portion of the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services capital funding will be utilized for the following projects: 1. Firehall No. 3 (1997 Capital Funding - $500,000) Funding will be used for consultants to prepare a functional program, working drawings and apply for a development permit. It is estimated that the planning and design phases of the work will take approximately one year to complete. Construction is expected to commence in 1998. Planning and design of Firehall No. 18 will be funded from existing Capital Plan funding. 2. Phase II Fire Training Facility (1997 Capital Funding - $770,000) Phase I of the Fire Training Facility was constructed as part of the 1994-1996 Capital Plan, and included construction of a classroom, offices and drill tower. Phase II of the Training Facility will consist of the construction of additional props to complete a simulated streetscape and the provision of live fire training capability in the drill tower. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Fire Protection portion of the 1997-1999 Capital Plan is $6,670,000 with funding provided from debenture authority. Operating costs for the facilities will be funded from the department's current operating budget. * * * * *