A3 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: February 27, 1997 Dept. File No. C316-324 CC File No. 1801-1/5127-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Manager of Real Estate Services SUBJECT: Mountainview Cemetery Consultant RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve retaining Philips Wuori Long Inc in association with Harris Hudema Consulting Group Ltd and Pechet & Robb Design as the Mountainview Cemetery consultant team for a fee of $85,700 plus GST and disbursements estimated at $1,500 to $2,000, with funding provided from the Strategic Initiatives account in the Operating Budget. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Consultant contracts over $30,000 require the approval of Council. PURPOSE This report seeks authorization to enter into a contract with Philips Wuori Long Inc in association with Harris Hudema Consulting Group Ltd and Pechet & Robb Design to provide consulting services on various aspects of the City owned Mountainview Cemetery. The study will take approximately six months to complete. BACKGROUND On July 23, 1996 Council approved the following: THAT Council direct staff to prepare and issue a Request for Proposals for an experienced cemetery consultant to review the staff proposal and recommend on the following items, under the general terms and conditions outlined in this report. - new revenue sources - staffing levels - heritage preservation and opportunities - maintenance levels - management and organization reporting structure - site planning and development - public access and security - formation and role of a Citizens Advisory Group A Request for Proposals, titled Cemetery Consultant Mountainview Cemetery was prepared and advertised locally and nationally. DISCUSSION The following proposals were received: - Loewen Group - Eikos - Cornerstone Planning Group - Cascadia Columbarium Limited * - Peter J. Smith and Company * - Atchison McTavish Management Consultants Ltd. - 3304272 Canada Inc. * - Philips Wuori Long Inc. - Wendy Grandin Landscape Architect The fee quotes for the consultants ranged from $15,000 for the Loewen Group s proposal to manage the cemetery to $123,585 for the Eikos Group. Taking into consideration their ability to meet the City s requirements, three of the proponents (* - see above) met the basic criteria, with fees and expenses in the $75,000-$87,000 range. The selection team consisting of the General Manager of Corporate Services, Manager of Real Estate Services and Greenways Planner concluded that the proposal by Philips Wuori Long Inc in association with Harris Hudema Consulting Group Ltd and Pechet & Robb Design provided the best value to the City based on the terms of reference set out in the proposal call. Their proposal is therefore recommended. * * * * *