A1 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: March 6, 1997 File No: 375Termi CC File No.: 2609-1 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: City Building Inspector SUBJECT: Extension of Building Permit No. BU401770 375 - 377 Terminal Avenue RECOMMENDATION THAT City Council approve an extension of Building Permit No. BU401770 until August 28, 1997. GENERAL MANAGER'S COMMENTS The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY Article of the Building By-law prohibits the City Building Inspector from granting more than one extension to a Building Permit. Any further extensions can only be approved by City Council. DISCUSSION The proposed construction is for the completion of a nine-storey commercial building with one level of below grade parking. The above permit was previously extended and expired on February 28, 1997, however, because the request for extension was submitted prior to expiry, I am prepared to process this request. The Planning Department advises that related Development Permit Nos. DP210316, DP213021 and DP215375 have been extended previously and are valid as long as this Building Permit is active. A new Development Permit will be required if this Building Permit expires. * * * * *