REPORT TO COUNCIL VANCOUVER LIQUOR LICENSING COMMISSION March 13, 1997 A regular meeting of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission was held on Thursday, March 13, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room No. 1, third floor, City Hall. PRESENT: Councillor Lynne Kennedy, Chair Councillor Don Bellamy, Vice-Chair Councillor Nancy Chiavario Councillor Daniel Lee ALSO PRESENT: Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector Councillor Alan Herbert Nathan Edelson, Central Area Planner Inspector Dave Jones, i/c District 1, Police Department CLERK: Rae T. Wylson NOTE FROM THE CLERK: To accommodate the large number of people present the Commission relocated to Committee Room No. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES The minutes of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission meeting of February 6, 1997, were adopted after amendment as follows: In the recommendation for Clause No. 2 the name Rick Erdman was replaced with the name Dennis Coates . RECOMMENDATIONS 1. 15 Water Street - Purple Onion Cabaret Inc. Increase in Seating Capacity - Class 'C' Cabaret File No: 2613-1 The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated October 2, 1996 (on file), in which the Chief License Inspector advised of a request from the Purple Onion Cabaret to increase seating capacity by 38 seats, for a total of 350, in the Class 'C' Cabaret at 15 Water Street. In addition, the Commission had before it a previously circulated brief from the applicant entitled Purple Onion Cabaret Inc. (on file) providing a written request for a change of seating, petitions in support of the application, a sample menu and sample advertisements. Mr. Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, noted staff do not support this application due to the number of seats already in the area, the existing impacts on residential housing and the anticipated impacts on new residential housing moving into the neighbourhood. It was noted this application contravenes existing Council policy to not increase seating capacity in the Gastown area. Mr. Rick Erdman, Host Consulting, representing the applicant, provided details of the Cabaret s license. The Cabaret had 337 seats prior to renovations in 1995 which lowered its seats to 312. Due to the Cabaret s success there is a 30-40 person line-up nightly which the applicant feels could be reduced or prevented by an increase in seating. Mr. Erdman advised, concerning noise complaints of one year prior, the Cabaret has sealed its windows and installed air conditioning ventilation equipment to prevent noise. As well the Cabaret employs door and line-up monitors to ensure an orderly line. Since implementation of these actions the applicant has not been made aware of any further noise complaints. Mr. Erdman expressed concerns regarding Police comments noting a conflict between opposition expressed in the staff report and a letter in the applicant s brief expressing support (refer to Appendix C of the brief). With regard to staff concerns of setting a precedent, Mr. Erdman noted most cabarets in the area are already operating with the maximum number of seats allowable per square foot. As such they would have no grounds for applying for an increase in seating. Mr. John Pineau, applicant, noted the Cabaret has and will continue to support the local community. The petitions and correspondence of support appended to the brief demonstrate strong community support for this application. Mr. Pineau circulated for information additional supporting correspondence, a petition and a brochure on the Cabaret (on file). In response to questions from the Commission, Inspector Dave Jones noted the correspondence in support of the application was an officer s personal opinion and did not represent the department. Departmental policy and the Commissioner s comments advising an increase in licensed seats in the downtown eastside is not desirous to the Police, prevail. In the ensuing discussion, members requested clarification concerning the Cabaret s reduction in seats in 1995. Staff advised the Cabaret s renovations occurred prior to approval from Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) and included installation of partitions. These partitions did not leave sufficient floor space for the then existing seating and as a result, through LCLB s process, the seating was reduced. In response to questions from the Commission, staff provided information concerning approval of the Steamworks Brew Pub application in 1996. The Commission approved the Brew Pub s application based on its operating history, license class and its location on the border of the moratorium area. In conclusion, staff reiterated concerns regarding setting a seating precedent for other cabarets and pubs in the area and the possibility of increased negative impacts on the residential neighbourhood. Members of the Commission commented on the applicant s favourable operating history but advised due to the concerns outlined by staff it did not support the application presently. The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. Therefore the Commission RECOMMENDED THAT Vancouver City Council advise the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch it does not endorse the application by the Purple Onion Cabaret Inc., to increase seating capacity by 38 seats in the 'C' Cabaret at 15 Water Street at this time. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Chair, noting there were individuals present wishing to speak, invited comments from the audience relative to this application. Mr. Michael McCoy, Gastown resident, noted new owners of the Purple Onion Cabaret are not as responsive to the community s concerns as were the previous owners. Mr. McCoy expressed disappointment regarding the City s process for handling complaints. In addition, Mr. McCoy expressed concern that notice of the application and information on the meeting was not received by several residential buildings on Powell and Alexander streets. Mr. Harold Gershuny, Rainwalker Management Limited, noted the issue already identified by staff concerning the application is concentration in an area undergoing transition to residential. Mr. Gershuny is also not in support of the application at this time. 2. Pacific Racing Association, Hastings Park Racecourse Class 'E' Stadium Liquor License File No: 2615-1 The Commission had before it an Administrative Report dated February 20, 1997 (on file), in which the Chief License Inspector advised of a request for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license at Hastings Park Racecourse. Mr. Paul Teichroeb, Chief License Inspector, reviewed the details of the application. The applicant holds a number of existing licenses dating back 30 years, which don t conform to current LCLB policies in several areas. Approval of a Class E license would not result in any significant changes to the facility and as such, staff have no particular concerns presently. Mr. Teichroeb noted the conditions of approval the applicant has agreed to ensure licensed and betting areas are separated. Finally, it was noted the Commission has recently approved several similar applications at local stadiums. Mr. Bert Hick, W.A.E. Hick and Associates, representing the applicant, submitted an item of correspondence dated March 13, 1997 regarding Application for a Class E liquor license at: Hastings Park Racecourse PNE Grounds Applicant: Pacific Racing Association (on file). Mr. Hick advised the applicant is in support of Recommendation (A) of the staff report. Further to the conditions of the staff recommendation, the applicant offered additional conditions, as noted on page three of Mr. Hick s correspondence. Mr. Bill Taylor, General Manager, Hastings Park Racecourse, advised of problems with the existing licenses. In addition to not conforming to current LCLB regulations, the existing licenses do not allow families with children to use the restaurant. A Class E license will assist the Racecourse in attracting younger fans thereby aiding in equalizing the Racecourse amidst its competition. With regard to gaming, Mr. Taylor advised Racecourse management will remain independently focussed on racing and does not support mixed-gaming practices. Having considered the applicant s offer of additional conditions to the staff recommendation, the following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. Therefore the Commission RECOMMENDED THAT Vancouver City Council endorse the request by Pacific Racing Association, for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license at Hastings Park Racecourse, subject to the following conditions: (i) the betting area be excluded from the licensed area; (ii) no other forms of gaming be permitted; (iii)approximately 50% of the seats and public area be designated non-drinking; (iv) the licensed areas be clearly marked and supervised by trained staff, and further; (v) endorsement of this application be subject to the following conditions concerning the sale of liquor in general public areas, as suggested by the applicant: - no hawking alcoholic beverages in the stands; - additional security costs will be paid for by the license which has its own security personnel; - liquor service in the general public areas will cease at some point prior to end of the last race or end of event; - hours in Table Terrace will end three or four hours after the last race to permit dinner service; - erect a picket fence or other fencing across the apron between grandstand and fence around the track with security checkpoint at entry to ensure no beer is carried out; - beer would be served in the general public areas in single use containers with plastic lids; - size of beer would be approximately 12 oz. of beer in 14 oz. cup; - beer containers would be distinguishable from other containers; and - food and non-alcoholic drinks will be available and hawked in the stands. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. Provincial Liquor Policy Review File No: 2610-1 The Commission had before it on-table correspondence dated February 20, 1997 from the Chair, VLLC, to the UBCM, supplying the Commission s responses to the UBCM s survey on the Provincial Liquor Policy Review (on file). In addition, the Commission had before it articles from the Vancouver Sun dated March 13, 1997 (on file), and news releases and a report titled Report to the Attorney General of BC Addressing Various Matters of Liquor Control Licensing and Distribution prepared by Tex Enemark (on file). It was noted the Attorney General will consider Mr. Enemark s Report and from it extract recommendations for the consideration of the Legislative Assembly. In the ensuing discussion it was raised that several recommendations in the Report disagree with the Commission s viewpoint as communicated by its response to the UBCM survey. As such, the Commission agreed to write the Attorney General requesting the opportunity to consult on recommendations to the legislature. The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. Therefore the Commission RECOMMENDED THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information the report from Tex Enemark titled Report to the Attorney General of BC Addressing Various Matters of Liquor Control Licensing and Distribution ; THAT the report be referred to staff for recommendations and report back to the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission at its April 10, 1997 meeting; and THAT the Chair of the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission forward the Commission s position in writing to the Attorney General and requesting a meeting prior to the Attorney General s presentation to the legislature. - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. Dropping the Moratorium on New Licensed Seats on Theatre Row File No: 2610-1 The Commission had before it an on-table memorandum dated March 13, 1997 from the Central Area Planner regarding Dropping the Moratorium on New Licensed Seats on Theatre Row (on file). Mr. Nathan Edelson, Central Area Planner, reviewed the memorandum noting the implications of dropping the moratorium and LCLB regulations which would require pending applications to be considered in the order in which they were received. Mr. Edelson briefed the Commission on the four pending applications, noting none conform to the proposed policing strategy for Theatre Row as noted on page two of the memorandum. In the ensuing discussion it was agreed a consultation process between staff, the applicants and owners of existing premises in the area concerning provincial regulations would be beneficial. In response to a question from the gallery, staff clarified the LCLB is no way obligated to act according to recommendations of the Commission. Historically, however, LCLB has conceded with the Commission s recommendations. Staff advised a report pertaining to dropping the moratorium will go to the Planning and Environment Committee of Council in April 1997. The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. Therefore the Commission RECOMMENDED THAT Vancouver City Council receive for information the memorandum dated March 13, 1997 from the Central Area Planner, Community Services Group of the City of Vancouver regarding "Dropping the Moratorium on New Licensed Seats on Theatre Row". - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. Other Business (i) Ivanhoe The Commission was provided with copies of an article from the Station to Station newsletter titled "Ivanhoe Shutdown" (on file). In addition the Commission was provided with correspondence dated February 28, 1997 from the Mayor responding to concerns raised with regard to statements made by a member of the VLLC at its February 6, 1997 meeting (on file). It was noted the Chair of VLLC has been requested and will respond directly to the concerns raised. (ii) Public Enquiries and Complaints It was noted staff have responded to public enquiries pertaining to a recently approved application for a 30-seat pub at 1150 Station Street and to complaints regarding the Side Door Cabaret. (iii) Media Luna Staff advised the Neighbourhood Integrated Service Team (NIST) working in conjunction with the liquor inspector have succeeded in closing this premise. 6. Next Meeting The next regular VLLC meeting will take place on April 10, 1997. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. * * * * *