VLLC AGENDA
                                                MARCH 13, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                           Date: February 20, 1997
                                           Dept. File No.2205IC.COV
                                           C.C. File: 2615-1

   TO:       Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission

   FROM:     Chief License Inspector

   SUBJECT:  Pacific Racing Association, Hastings Park Racecourse
             Class 'E' Stadium Liquor License


        A.   THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission endorse the
             request by the Pacific Racing Association, for a Class 'E'
             Stadium liquor license at Hastings Park Racecourse, subject to
             the following conditions:

             i)   the betting area be excluded from the licensed area;

             ii)  no other forms of gaming be permitted;

             iii) approximately 50% of the seats and public area be
                  designated non-drinking; and

             iv)  the licensed areas be clearly marked and supervised by
                  trained staff.


        B.   THAT the Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission advise the
             Liquor Control and Licensing Branch it does not endorse the
             request by the Pacific Racing Association for a Class 'E'
             Stadium liquor license at Hastings Park Racecourse.


        The General Manager of Community Services submits the choice
        between A and B for CONSIDERATION.


   City Council policy is to not require a referendum for a major complex
   provided it is illustrated that there is little or no community

   opposition as determined by the neighbourhood notification or if there
   is no residential within close proximity.

   City Council has opposed gaming in association with the serving of
   alcoholic beverages.


   The Pacific Racing Association is requesting a City Council resolution
   endorsing its request for a Class 'E' Stadium liquor license at Hastings
   Park Racecourse. 


   The existing liquor licenses at Hastings Park Racecourse date back to
   the 1960s and do not conform to several areas of Liquor Control and
   Licensing Branch (LCLB) policy or current regulation.

   In July 1995, the Liquor Control and Licensing Act was amended to permit
   the appropriate licensing of large conference and convention centres and

   stadia under a Class 'E' license.  The regulations permit sales between
   9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.  However, liquor service is restricted to sales
   at specific events.  

   The applicant wishes to convert the existing liquor licenses to a Class
   'E' Stadium license and expand the licensed area to include some areas
   not previously licensed.

   The racecourse is located at the north end of Exhibition Park in a CD-1
   (Comprehensive Development) zoning district (Appendix A).  The racetrack
   is separated from the residential area by McGill and Renfrew Streets,
   with the Pacific Coliseum also providing a buffer.  The only residences
   within 1,000 feet of the actual facility are located on the north side
   of McGill Street, between Renfrew and Nootka Streets, and along the west
   side of Renfrew Street.  New Brighton Park and storage warehouses are
   located north of the subject site.


   This application is for conversion of the existing multiple Class 'A'

   (Recreation Centre) and Class 'B' Dining Lounge licenses to   one Class
   'E' Stadium liquor license, except for the Pacific Rim Lounge, which
   will remain a Class 'A' Lounge. 
   In addition, this application proposes to license several areas not
   previously licensed, including:

   -    the licensing of a portion of the outdoor seating area in the
        grandstand, including general public areas, private boxes and group
        sales areas;

   -    The licensing of a portion of the apron area between the stadium
        building and the track;

   -    the licensing of the concourse inside the existing stadium;

   -    the permanent licensing of the Marquee Tent on the grassy knoll to
        the west of the grandstand;

   -    re-licensing of the existing Class 'A' and 'B' licensed areas to
        the new Class 'E' Stadium license;

   -    eventual conversion of some existing licensed areas into banquet or
        meeting room facilities.

   Some of these areas have been licensed in the past through regular
   temporary extensions of the existing licenses (particularly the Marquee
   Tent) and no difficulties or problems have been encountered. 

   The desire to license the outdoor areas is also to ensure consistency
   with the trend of non-smoking in buildings, which is a valid
   consideration at Hastings Park, given the smoking habits of the regular

   The Police Department has not had any enforcement problems and,
   therefore, has no objections. 

   The Planning Department and Housing Centre have no comment.

   The Vancouver Health Board advise that the current Class 'A' Lounges are
   allowed to have a smoking area up to 70% maximum.  The reclassification

   of the Class 'A' Lounges (Paddock Lounge, Table Terrace, Cafeteria
   Lounge, Clubhouse Lounge) to Class 'E' Stadium would require that these
   areas be 100% non-smoking, in accordance with the City's Smoking By-law.

   The outside Class 'E' licensed areas are not required to have
   non-smoking areas although, in practice, non-smoking areas are

   The Hastings Park Working Committee discussed this application, and a
   majority of the members gave it their support.  
   The Hastings Community Association comments that a non-licensed area
   should be provided.


   The change from the existing Class 'A' Recreation Centre and Class 'B'
   Dining Lounge to a Class 'E' Stadium would not result in significant
   changes to the current operation of the facility.  The expansion of
   liquor service to areas not previously licensed will allow the racetrack
   to operate in a manner similar to other Class 'E' facilities, such as

   G.M. Place and Nat Bailey Stadium.  Response to the notification will
   provide Council with feedback on any neighbourhood concerns with this

   Although the racecourse seems to be well run, Council has had concerns
   over the gambling association with liquor service.  Therefore, two
   alternate recommendations are submitted for Council's consideration. 

                                 *  *  *  *  *