CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                MARCH 13, 1997

                             ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                      February 11, 1997
                                      CC File No. 1755-1

   TO:       City Services and Budgets Committee

   FROM:     Director of Finance

   SUBJECT:  Heather Civic Marina 1997 Moorage Rates and Other Fees


   A.   THAT the 1997 moorage rates and other fees at Heather Civic Marina
        be increased generally by 10.2%,  and that parking and facility
        surcharge fees for live-aboards be increased by 12.4%, all to be
        effective April 1, 1997.

   B.   THAT the rate differential between members and non-members for boat
        lift elevator fees be eliminated, and that the rates be increased
        as discussed in this report. 

   C.   THAT the proposed rate changes be posted at the Heather Civic


        The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of A,
        B and C, noting that Recommendation A follows Council s instruction
        to raise fees on City-run facilities to market levels in situations
        where market comparisons exist.

      Past City practice for pricing services at Heather Marina has
      been to keep moorage rates and fees at that facility below the
      prevailing rates at other marinas in close proximity.  That
      practice may have acted as a damper to restrain upward pricing
      in other marinas, but arguably supply, demand and location are
      the main factors that contribute to marina pricing in the False
      Creek Basin.


 Moorage rates at Heather Civic Marina have been adjusted annually to
 reflect cost increases and current market conditions. It has been
 City policy that the Heather Civic Marina moorage rates reflect but
 not lead the market.  On the other hand, Council has instructed staff
 to bring the City s fees and charges up to market levels, where those
 levels exist, and this report follows that instruction.  

 The City of Vancouver owns two marinas, Heather and Burrard, both
 situated in False Creek.  These marinas are managed by the Park Board
 and together account for over 50% of the moorage available in False

 Heather Civic Marina is an asset of the Property Endowment Fund
 (PEF).  Fees charged at the Heather Civic Marina are used to cover
 operating expenses with net income accruing to the PEF.  Moorage and
 other fees are set annually by Council.


 Moorage fees at the Heather Civic Marina account for 90% of the
 marina s revenue.  These fees reflect the marina s operating costs
 and the market for moorage in False Creek and the Lower Mainland
 generally.  Appendix I provides a comparison of rates.

 Based on a review of the budget expenditures, a review of the market,
 and previous pricing policy, the Director of Finance recommends that
 the moorage rates at the Heather Civic Marina be increased by 10.2%
 for 1997.  This increase will bring rates to $7.50 per foot per month
 (exclusive of GST) for recreational boaters, and $7.90 per foot per
 month (exclusive of GST) for boaters who live aboard.  Live-aboard
 rates are 5% above general moorage fees because they are paid on a
 monthly rather than an annual basis.

 The recommended increase is based on the following factors:

   The increase brings moorage rates at Heather Civic Marina up to
    market levels.

   Moorage market conditions have been positive, with low vacancy
    rates and waiting lists, especially for larger boats, at the False
    Creek marinas.  

 Moorage rate increases for the past few years are as follows:

                 1994         2.0%

                 1995         2.2%
                 1996         2.0%
                 1997       1 0 . 2 %

 As mentioned earlier, the proposed fee increase of 10.2% brings the
 fees at Heather up to those of the other False Creek marinas.  A
 moorage fee of $7.50 per foot per month would be $0.86 greater than
 Burrard s, $0.25 greater than Spruce Creek Marina s, and equivalent
 to rates for comparable moorage at the False Creek Yacht Club.

 A historical comparison of rates charged at both of the City s
 marinas is included in Appendix II, noting that the Park Board set a
 1997 rate increase of 1.5%-2.0% for moorage fees at the Burrard Civic
 Marina late in 1996.  The difference in the rates between Heather and
 Burrard reflect a generally superior facility at Heather.

 The full fee schedule for the 10.2% option is shown in Appendix III
 at the end of this report.


 Since major repairs to the boat lift are underway, the proposed rates
 for this service have been updated to better reflect rates of the
 private operator in False Creek offering a comparable service (False
 Creek Yacht Club).  The fee differential between members and
 non-members has also been removed.

 Table 1 shows a comparison between Heather s rates and the False
 Creek Yacht Club s rates for 1996 and the proposed rates for 1997.

  Table 1 - Comparison of Boat Lift Elevator Fees

     1996            False Creek        Heather

                                                    Member   Non-member
                   Flat        Per   Flat rate     Per hour  Per hour

    2 hour       $60.00   $30.00      $31.78 /      $31.78   $36.45      1 hour
    4 hours      $80.00   $20.00      $63.55 /      $12.71   $14.77      5 hours
    8 hours     $140.00   $17.50 
    overnight   $130.00               $63.55 /                           overnight

    *member / non-member rates

    1997            False Creek             Heather

                        Flat rate    Per hour            Flat rate      Per hour

                                                           $40.00         $40.00        1 hour
     2 hour                $60.00      $30.00              $56.00         $28.00        2 hour
     4 hours               $80.00      $20.00              $86.00         $17.20        5 hours
     8 hours              $140.00      $17.50             $116.00         $14.50        8 hours
     overnight            $130.00                         $105.00                       overnight

  Shorter-term fees (1-5 hours) are very close to market levels.  The 8 hour and overnight rates have increased
  substantially   by up to 65% for members for an overnight lift (previously the 5 hour rate was charged for this
  service).  Staff suggest that full market rates be phased in through further adjustments in 1998.


  Appendix III  shows updated  fees for  the marina  where fees  have generally  been
  increased  by  10.2%.   However,  the  fees  to live-aboards  for  parking  and the
  facility surcharge (for use  of facilities such as  a laundry room and  showers set
  up for live-aboards) have been increased by 12.4%   2.0% for  the 1996 increase and
  10.2% for the 1997 increase   since these fees were not adjusted in 1996.

                                *     *     *     *     *

                                     Appendix I

                      Survey of Greater Vancouver Marina Moorage Rates - 1997

                                                     1996                   1997           % change     Vacancies
                                                     $/ft                   $/ft

     False Creek:

     Burrard Civic Marina                   5.84 under 21            5.94 under 21           1.5%-     Few
     (481 berths)                                                                           2.0%                                            6.51 over 26             6.64 over 26 

     Heather Civic Marina                   6.81                     7.50 proposed          10.2%      No
     (251 berths)

     False Creek Yacht Club                 7.50 up to 36            7.50 up to 36         None        No -
     (85 berths)                                                                                       wait list                                            9.50 non-members         9.50 non-members
     Granville Island Maritime Market       9.25                     9.35                   1.1%       No
     (300 berths)
     Pelican Bay Marina                       6.00 (winter)          No change proposed                Few
     (33 berths)                                                     yet                                            10.00 (summer)

                                            boats up to 27 
     Spruce Harbour Marina                   7.25 - all sizes        7.25 - all sizes      None        No
     (75 berths)
     Outside False Creek:
     Bayshore West                           6.76 -                  No change proposed                Some
     (Coal Harbour) (200 berths)             8.48                    yet
     Mosquito Creek                          4.55 -                  4.58 -                0.7% -      Few
     (North Van) (523 berths)                6.05                    6.20                  2.5%
     Skyline Marina                          4.68                    No change proposed                Few
     (Richmond) (375 berths)                                         yet
     Vancouver Marina                        5.50                    Considering a raise   4.5%        Few
     (Richmond) (240 berths)                                         to 5.75
     Thunderbird Marina                      5.53 -                  5.66 -                2.9%        Wait list
     (West Van) (860 berths)                 9.05                    9.38                  avg.        above 26 

  Note: All prices exclude the GST
                                    Appendix II

                                  Historical Comparison of Moorage Rates
                     Heather Civic Marina vs. Burrard Civic Marina

                         Heather           Burrard                      Difference

  1984                     $4.62                     $3.24                                     $0.71

  1985                     $4.90                     $4.22                                     $0.68

  1986                     $5.05                     $4.52                                     $0.53

  1987                     $5.22                     $4.82                                     $0.40

  1988                     $5.45                     $5.11                                     $0.34

  1989                     $5.60                     $5.45                                     $0.15

  1990                     $5.85                     $5.72                                     $0.13

  1991                     $6.13                     $6.01                                     $0.12

  1992                     $6.13                     $6.01                                     $0.12

  1993                     $6.41                     $6.01                                     $0.40

  1994                     $6.54                     $6.13                                     $0.41

  1995                     $6.68                     $6.26                                     $0.42

  1996                     $6.81                     $5.84 - 21  and under                     $0.97
                                                     $6.51 - 26  and over                      $0.30

  1997 Proposed            $7.50                     $5.94 - 21  and under                     $1.56
                                                     $6.64 - 26  and over                      $0.86
                                                   Appendix III

                     Summary of Proposed 1997 Marina Fees


                                                  1996 Fee           1997 Fee
                                                  excluding         excluding
                      Service                 GST               GST

          Moorage Fees:
              General moorage                               $6.81/ft./mth                 $7.50/ft./mth

              Live-aboard moorage                           $7.15/ft./mth                 $7.90/ft./mth
              Transient moorage:

                               per day                      $0.84/ft./day                 $0.93/ft./day
                              per month                     $8.94/ft./mth                 $9.85/ft./mth

              Live-aboard Fees:
              Live-aboard surcharge                         $26.50 / mth                $29.80 / mth

              Live-aboard parking                           $35.00 / mth                $39.35 / mth
              Use of Electricity:

                             Live-aboards                   $0.057 / kW                 $0.063/ kW
                         Recreational Boaters               $13.47/mth                  $14.85/mth

              Elevator Fees:
              1 hour lift                                     $31.78 / $36.45           $40.00

              2 hour lift                                                               $56.00
              5 hour lift                                     $63.55 / $73.83           $86.00

              8 hour lift                                                              $116.00
              Overnight                                       $63.55 / $73.83          $105.00