TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC

                                MARCH 11, 1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Tuesday, March 11, 1997, at approximately 12:10 p.m., in Committee
   Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on
   Transportation and Traffic meeting, to consider the recommendations of
   the Committee.

        PRESENT:            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Gordon Price

        ABSENT:             Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Civic Business)
                            Councillor George Puil (Civic Business)
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK TO THE
        COUNCIL:            Denise Salmon


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the chair.
                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                              COMMITTEE  REPORTS

   Report  of  Standing  Committee
   on  Transportation  and  Traffic
   March  11,  1997

        Council considered the recommendations of the Committee, as
   contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

        Cl. 1:    Transportation Demand Management - Policy Discussion
        Cl. 2:    City Hall Pay Parking Proposal to Reduce Auto Commuting
        Cl. 3:    Maximum Gross Weights and Fine Structure for Overweight
        Cl. 4:    1997/98 Annual Transit Service Plan
        Cl. 5:    Broadway Express Service - "#99 B-Line"

   MOVED by Mayor Owen,
        THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as contained in Clauses
   1, 3, 4 and 5 of this report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Herbert,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                        ENQUIRIES  AND  OTHER  MATTERS

   1.   37th  Avenue  Greenway                                  File: 5767 

        Councillor Price requested staff  report on timing details for the
   Official Opening of the 37th Avenue Greenway.

                      The Council adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

                         *      *      *      *      *

                              REPORT  TO  COUNCIL


   MARCH   11,   1997

        A Regular Meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on
   Transportation and Traffic was held on Tuesday, March 11, 1997, at
   approximately 9:30 a.m., in the No. 1 Committee Room, Third Floor, City

        PRESENT:            Councillor Price
                            Mayor Philip Owen
                            Councillor Don Bellamy
                            Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario
                            Councillor Jennifer Clarke
                            Councillor Alan Herbert
                            Councillor Daniel Lee
                            Councillor Don Lee
                            Councillor Sam Sullivan

        ABSENT:             Councillor Lynne Kennedy (Civic Business)
                            Councillor George Puil    (Civic Business)

        OFFICE:             Ken Dobell, City Manager

        CLERK  TO  THE
        COMMITTEE:          Denise Salmon


        The Minutes of the Standing Committee on Transportation and Traffic
   meeting of February 5, 1997,  were adopted.


   1.   Transportation  Demand  Management -
        Policy  Discussion                                     File: 5560-1

        The Committee had before it a Policy Report dated January 28, 1997
   (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services outlined
   the G.V.R.D s September 1996 report and provided an overview on its
   recommendations and the implementation of various Transportation Demand
   Management measures in the region.

        Mr. Clive Rock, Administrator, Transportation Planning, G.V.R.D.,
   with the aid of slides, provided Council with an overview on
   Transportation Demand Management, focusing primarily on:

                 Current Transportation Situation
                 Public Opinion
                 TDM Components

        He further advised Metro Vancouver has both the highest automobile
   ownership and lowest number of transit seats per capita in the country,
   although Vancouver residents demonstrate a willingness to use transit.  
   This lack of transit capacity is a major constraint to TDM.

        In answer to a question from Council, Mr. Rock clarified the target
   10% reduction in Transportation Demand Management by the year 2021 does
   not relate to a 10% decline in today s traffic volume, but rather that
   projected for 2021.

        Council members commented on the major issue of parking, and agreed
   many communities are not designed for pedestrians, but rather focus on
   automobile use.  It was also observed Park and Ride facilities further
   perpetuate auto dependency.   Parking standards which focus on simple
   solutions are needed, i.e., preferential parking for car pools, bicycle
   lockers, etc. Note was made of the punitive TDM measures recommended to
   accomplish single occupant vehicle (SOV) trip reductions before
   alternative travel modes are in place.

        Mr. Rock then proceeded to discuss the three main implementation

                 Short-Term (1-2 years)
                  -    Regional Trip Reduction Service

                 Medium-Term (3-5 years)
                  -    Comprehensive Parking Management
                  -    Conversion of Automobile Fixed Costs

                 Long-Term (6+ years)
                  -    Road Pricing/Tolling

        A Council member suggested the above time frames would not allow
   for sufficient flexibility during upcoming negotiations with the

        Ms. Jennie Moore, Employee Transportation Co-ordinator, G.V.R.D.,
   verbally presented a brief outline of the G.V.R.D. s own employee trip
   reduction initiatives.

        The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT the report on Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
             outlining a strategy that includes:

                   -   Regional Trip Reduction Service;
                   -   Comprehensive Parking Management
                       and Usage-Based automobile
                       insurance and licenses; and
                   -   Road pricing/tolling

             be endorsed; 

             FURTHER THAT road pricing and tolling be used as a
             financial mechanism to pay for transit and transportation
             improvements in the transportation system;

             AND FURTHER THAT the above be accompanied by a regional
             public involvement process.

        B.   THAT specific implementation plans for each of the TDM
             strategies be submitted to Council for review and

        C.   THAT the TDM Program be included in the soon to be
             initiated negotiations on regional transportation
             governance and funding.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried.  
   The Committee, therefore,


        D.   THAT staff be requested to report back on the design
             interface of parking lots as they relate to transit,
             pedestrians and cyclists.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The following motion by Councillor Clarke was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        E.   THAT staff be requested to report back on whether or not
             Park and Rides are appropriate in the city transportation
             system and experiences of other municipalities. 

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   2.   City  Hall  Pay  Parking  Proposal              File: 1307-1/5653-1
        to  Reduce  Auto  Commuting

        This item was deferred at the request of CUPE 15, pending
   discussions with Human Resources.

   3.   Maximum  Gross  Weights  and                              File: 113
        Fine  Structure  for  Overweight  Vehicles 

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February
   6, 1997 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   recommended Part II of the Street and Traffic Bylaw pertaining to
   commercial vehicle weights and fines be made consistent with the
   provincial guidelines to make it easier to understand and enforce. 
   Schedule A (weight categories and wheelbase) would be amended, Section
   103(4) revised, and Schedule C (current fine schedule) deleted.

        Elizabeth Ballard, Traffic Management Engineer, reviewed the main
   points of the report and Constables Sean Lane and Jim Rexin briefly
   discussed axel spacing and safety issues with Council members.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried.  
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT the Street and Traffic By-law No. 2849 be revised to
             make the axle spacing, weight limits and overweight fines
             of commercial vehicles consistent with the Commercial
             Transport Act.

        B.   THAT the Director of Legal Services be requested to
             prepare the necessary by-law amendments to the
             Street and Traffic By-law.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   4.   1997/98  Annual  Transit  Service  Plan                File: 5551-1

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February
   12, 1997 (on file), in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   discussed the Annual Service Plan and noted it is an improvement over
   past plans as it focuses improvements into the metropolitan growth   concentration area, including Vancouver, and therefore supports the
   GVRD s Livable Region Strategy.   However, it was noted the plan still
   lacks detail.

        Also before Council was a memorandum dated March 11, 1997 (on
   file), from the General Manager of Engineering Services, responding to
   Council s request for report back on Burnaby s proposal to terminate the
   new North Burnaby express services in the southern portion of the

        Wayne Pledger, Strategic Transportation Planning Engineer,
   summarized the above noted report and made reference to a memorandum
   dated February 27, 1997 (on file), from the General Manager of
   Engineering Services providing Council with an update on transit to the
   Fraser Lands/Riverside.

        Council discussed problems relative to finding a terminus in
   south-eastern downtown large enough to hold four of Burnaby s new
   express buses in peak periods.  Discussion followed on Vancouver s fleet
   of trolley buses, and the substitution of diesel buses along portions of
   routes, and especially into Stanley Park.   Mr.  Jim Prokop, Manager of 
   Service Review and Development, BC Transit, confirmed no new trolley
   buses had as yet been ordered, and the low floor/accessible trolleys are
   not readily available in North America.   The remaining life expectancy
   of trolleys currently on the road is from five to seven years.  
   Engineering staff advised a report is underway on maintaining trolley
   service in Vancouver, and commented on the advantages of trolleys,
   including their long life, and the fact Vancouver has the infrastructure
   for trolleys in place.   In reference to the Ballard fuel cell powered
   bus, the General Manager of Engineering Services advised this technology
   is not without risk.

        Mr. Prokop provided an overview of Transit s service plan and
   advised 50 new additional buses are already in use.   The summer break
   for school and universities will allow for extensive maintenance of
   Transit s bus fleet.

        A Council member requested figures on transit usage to UBC.   
   Engineering staff agreed to obtain these figures, and noted the OCP Plan
   for UBC will also be reported back to Council.

        Discussion continued on the downtown loop bus service.  Some
   members suggested this service be differentiated from BC Transit s
   regular bus routes through the use of new colours, maps and schedules at
   station stops, and the name  The Loop  for its terminus.

        Nathan Davidowicz, speaker, advised the maps appended to the
   previously noted North Burnaby Express Service memorandum were
   incorrect, and not approved by Burnaby.  The new routing will create
   problems for both Vancouver and Burnaby residents. Commencing April 14,
   diesel buses will replace trolleys along the Hastings route.  Routes
   have been split and riders will be required to transfer downtown.  Mr.
   Davidowicz noted the 1997/98 Annual Transit Service Plan is Transit s
   biggest in twenty years, and the City was not  involved in its planning. 
    He further noted any changes Transit makes to route structure and
   frequently should be forwarded to the Transportation and Traffic
   Committee.  It was also pointed out the much needed First Avenue bus is
   not mentioned in Transit s Plan.

        The General Manager of Engineering Services advised BC Transit
   officials would be present at the Committee s next meeting which would
   allow for discussion on Transit s consultation process.  Council
   requested Engineering staff  prepare a report of outstanding transit
   issues for presentation to the next meeting of the Committee.

        The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT the 1997/98 Annual Transit Service Plan be received
             for information and that staff  report back, where
             necessary, to implement specific proposals.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The following motion by Councillor Chiavario was put and carried. 
   The Committee, therefore,


        B.   THAT this report be forwarded to the Park Board for its
             review and comment in relation to the Park Board s
             Transportation Plan for Stanley Park.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   5.   Broadway  Express  Service  -   #99 B-Line             File: 5554-1

        The Committee had before it an Administrative Report dated February
   4, 1997 (on file),  in which the General Manager of Engineering Services
   provided an updated on the new  #99 B-Line express bus service.

        Wayne Pledger, Strategic Transportation Planning Engineer, advised
   the service runs along Broadway, between Lougheed Mall and UBC.   BC
   Transit plans to install additional #99 service bus stops in Vancouver,
   including Broadway at Clark Drive and on 10th Avenue potentially at
   Sasamat Street.  Mr. Pledger added a review of the westbound stop at
   Broadway station was initiated with BC Transit in consultation with
   local merchants which resulted in an improved stop location west of
   Commercial Drive.  He further noted two additional bus stops had
   inadvertently been left off Appendix A - those at Alma and Boundary

        Members of Council questioned the need for two separate stops for
   the #9 Broadway and the #99 express service and the resultant budget
   increase for emptying of added litter receptacles.    It was also noted
   signage for the express buses should be made larger.   Mr. Prokop,
   Manager of Service Review and Development, BC Transit, advised the use
   of two stops was partly a marketing issue, as well as a means to avoid
   slow downs when four or five buses are lined up for loading.

        Nathan Davidowicz, speaker, advised each bus stop needs to be
   examined individually depending on bus volume at each location. 
   Broadway and Macdonald would not be a problem as one stop;  however,
   express buses at Broadway and Granville would benefit from a separate

        The following motion by Mayor Owen was put and carried.  The
   Committee, therefore,


        A.   THAT the use of buses on 12th Avenue between Granville
             and Fir Streets, and Fir Street between 12th Avenue and
             10th Avenue, be approved.

        B.   THAT a bus stop on southbound Granville Street at 10th
             Avenue in the AM peak period only, be approved.

        C.   THAT the approval for recommendations A and B above, be
             reviewed once express buses can be routed on 10th Avenue
             after it is improved between Granville and Fir Streets.

        D.   THAT a bus stop on westbound Lougheed Highway at Boundary
             Road be approved.

        E.   THAT BC Transit be requested to provide additional
             express bus stops on Broadway at Renfrew Street and Clark
             Drive, and on 10th Avenue in the vicinity of Blanca

        F.   THAT BC Transit conduct appropriate consultation
             processes in future with affected communities along new
             transit routes or facilities (e.g., Richmond/Vancouver
             Rapid Bus and Broadway LRT).

        G.   THAT the Vancouver Regional Transit Commission not
             approve any reduction in the frequency of service of the
             #9 Broadway bus route until a comprehensive ridership
             review of both the #9 and #99 services is complete and
             overloads on the #9 are significantly reduced.

        H.   THAT further to recommendation G, the proposed
             discontinuation of the #9 service west of Alma Street
             this summer in the peak AM and PM travel periods be
             deferred until ridership information is available to
             assess the impacts of this proposal on transit riders.

        I.   THAT the 1997 Sanitation Operating Budget be increased by
             $5,300 in order to provide new litter receptacles at #99
             B-Line bus stops.

        J.   THAT the Sanitation Operating Budget be increased by
             $7,400 annually for the emptying of the added litter

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                      The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.

                         *      *      *      *      *